Variety (December 1909)

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68 VARIETY taae The EDMONDS FURNISHED FLATS The Only Flats Catering Exclusively to Performers 754-756 8th AVENUE, Between 46th-47th STS. 776, 778, 780 8th AVENUE, Between 47th and 48th STS. HEADQUARTERS—776 8th AVENUE 'Phone 2411 Bryant RATES—$10.00 UPWARDS ONE BLOCK TO TIMES SQUARE NEW YORK CITY ALL BAGGAGE DELIVERED FREE BETWEEN BUILDING, RAILROAD STATIONS AMD BOAT LANDINGS ehanan).—6-0: Adams Brothers, Rlfner and Cook, Bd Dunkhorst and Co. ▼■EDI (George Theodore, mgr.; agent, W. K. Buchanan).—6-0: frank Dora 11, Prof. Frank atid Co., Raymond and Bajmond. 10-12: Adama Btotherf, Kalcratoa and Robinson, Margerte O'Boarke. Oeorge W. Day haa contracted to essay the role In "A Prince Of Tonight" (Mort Slnger'e), for- merly taken hy Bert Baker. ' flagllah Jack, O'Brien, who la playing vaudeville cngagemente, aaya be can't get any matchea; that Papae and Jim Flynn refused to meet him after be aaacked ont Montana Jack SaMn. Bept. 23. at WWOta, Kan. He' laid off here last week. BINy Walter*, formerly of Howe, Wall and Walters, la doing "The Funny Bailor" with Woods and Balton. Belle Btone, widow of the late Sol 8tone, began playing vaudeville engagementa last week. Hardle Langdoo left Chicago Snnday to open at Beat St. Loola for her out-of-town tour of the Morrla drcnlt. Harry L. Weber was given a Judgment of |37 against Sam Schiller. "A Winning atlas" takea to the rosd 17, open- ing at Muskegon, Mich. Boyle Woolfolk has the company. Jamea F. Fulton la atage manager and plays a character role. The T. M. A. benefit at the Chicago opera bouse proved a big success. The Victor, Chippewa Falls, Wis., baa re- opened. Earl and Bartlett will close with the "Fay Foater" company at Milwaukee, 18. Darwin B. Kerr, husband and personal repre- ratative of Florence Bindley, Is resting in Chi- cago until after the holidays. He la with "Way Down Bast," already enjoying Its Christmas va- catlon. Ollle Sherwood haa retired from the act of Billy Morrla and the Sherwood Sisters and baa been replaced by May Curtis, one of the original "A. B. C. D. Girls." No change haa been made In the name of the act. It opens at Calgary Jan. 10 for the Pantages' circuit. 0. M. Blancbard, who owna the "Chrlstmss at Hlgglns" act, la sending out two more vaudeville acta mblch will hare the names: "The Fiddle Told" and "Jake." Both are by Evelyn Weln- gardner Blancbard, author of "Chrlstmaa at Hig- gles." Felix S. Slimmer and P. A. Henry bare leased the Majestic theater In Rockford, 111., and It will be booked through the Earl Cox offlce. Slim- merly formerly bed the thirty-first street theater In thla city and Henry was a booking agent. Mrs. Leo Ortega, formerly a member of the Berry Troupe of acrobats, bss recovered from her recent Illness and has Joined her husband, who la a member of an acrobatic act now in vaudeville. Dolan and Lenbarr arrived In Chicago late laat week, having Juat completed a tour of tbe S.-C. Circuit. They opened on Association time this week* Clark and Verdi "tried out" their new act in one of the smaller theatres last week under a name Improvised for the occasion. Harry Short, who closed with "The Girl Ques- tion" recently, left for New York on Friday of last week. He Is contemplating a dip Into vaude- ville. Tbe "land show," given at the OoUaeom under the auspices of the Chicago Tribune, came to an end Saturday nlgbt laat. It proved a succesa. Charles Frobman, William Gillette and John D. Williams were here from New York thla week for the opening of "The Fires of Fate" at the IllluoltJ, 38th STREET, BETWEEN 7th AND 8th AVENUES, N. Y. CITY NEW FIRE-PROOF BUILDING A STONE'S THROW PROM BROADWAY ••NOTICE THE RATES." A room by the day, with use of bath, $1.00 and $1.25, single; $1.50 and $175, double. 'No higher. 9 A room by the day, with private bathroom attached, $1.50, single; $2.00, double. 'No higher. 9 Rooms, with use of bath, from $5.00 to $8.00 per week, single; and from $6.00 to $9.00, double. 'No higher. 9 Rooms, with pri- vate bath attached, from $8.50 to $10.00 per week, single; and from $9.50 to $11.00, double. 'No higher. 9 Every room has hot and cold running water, electric light and long distance telephone. Restaurant a la carte. Club Breakfasts. T. SINNOTT, Manager N1 W Y ORK C1 T Y ^N aeeoade frees Bfuaawap. TIE ST. KIL lit Wait 94th Itraal Vmtn nan jaoo IN aia JOE ADAMS TO West 44th Street ("M ■vacythjaar that* • ta eat aa4 arte*. FU 242 wT43ri ST- NEW TOM RUNYAN HOTEL ERIB, F»A. French St. Prof eaaloaaJ rataa. One bleak from theatres. THE RUDGGR 261 West 424 St., New York Opposite the Amerloaa aad Speelal rates far ] •a. We are at the eld ™ MILLER HOTEL WOOD, Mar. X. a miD, Prep. a X. Oar. lfth aad "txb AOToar so: Oaf a attaehed. Bathe aa4 PBOFIBUOBAL »» Heat ea all dearie, II WINCHESTER HOTEL "TBI AOTOa'l BOMB.'* SAN F1ANCISC0, CAL. ta tt.00 day. tt,M to f*.M m OeatraDy located, aear thami WALDORF HOTEL UMI B. MADHOB IT., OBZOAOO (Xerepeea), epptatto La telle Theatre, f team Beat FJerater. PJeetrle light Baaaaa with Private Bath aad Lavatorr, Itatleaary Water. Looal aad Leaf Dla> taaoe 'Pheaee la all room s. Spaaial rataa to the profoaatoa . . B. O. BB1H, Prep. DOTTORY'S FLOBBBTIBB TABLB D'HOTE. IS* W. ddta St. aaar Braadwar. Maw Yark Dinner Me., with reehly aeooaunedatloB for the pre* POST OLAM FT/BBDTBBD ROOMS. Al Cameron has reorganised bis act known as "Tbe Last of tbe Regiment" and has en gaged Lou Miller. Bid Bartlett, Matt Healy aad Bruce Logan to support blm In the offering. Keogh and Francis, who have been playing As- sociation time, open for William Morrla 13 at East 8t. Lonls, 111. Vlolinsky will open 27 for a ten weeks' tour of tbe Pantages' Circuit. Tbe Hrdllckaa lost a pocketbook containing I6S and a diamond ring while appearing at the Peo- ple's, and two daya later It waa returned to them, everything Intact, bnt without eiplana- tlon. Tbe Steele Slaters, Australians, who have been on tbe Sulllvan-Consldlne time since Aug. 12 had their first three days' "rest" In Chicago last week. Tbey left here for Teiaa to play air weeks for Psul Ooudron. Canfleld and Carleton. "Little Hip," Three Ernesto Sisters, Arthur Demlng and the Pantser Trio opened on the Walter Keefe time this week. Tbe "Pbantaatlc Phantoms" open 18. Coney Holmes, of Chicago, has landed the hook- ing of the Plasa, Norwood, O., a new $60,000 structure owned by The Norwood Amnaement Company. Holmes bas also arranged to look after the booking end of tbe Electric, Coshocton, O., and the Casino, Zanesvllle, both new houses. The Woods Kllduff Co. opened for William Mor- ris at Portsmouth, O. Jlmrale Lucas bas closed with "Tbe Golden Girl," in which be waa starred, and opens this week at Memphla for a tour of the Orpbeum Cir- cuit. Julaln aad Dyer arrived In Chicago from Cuba last week and opened at the Circle as soon as they struck town. "Tbe Kissing Girl," at the Cort, will go on the road Jan. 1 to the Pacific coast. Tbe report frequently published that a aecond company would be organised la without foundation. Hennlngs, Lewla and Hennlngs, booked for tbe Bash Temple last week, arranged to play Instead at tbe Castle, Bloomlngton. Tbe Associated Vaudeville Artists' ball will be held st the Coliseum 16. Members will appear In costume. Tbe committee In charge consists of T. P. Qulnn. Duke Dsrrow, S. B. Rlcsrdo and Jesse Bellgard. "The College Girls" lost Nov. 14-17 at Den Moines, owing to a delay In handling the baggage at Kansas City. There waa some tie-up In traffic and the tranafer team could not reach the rail road, although the train waited a long time. The date was called off altogether and the company went straight through to Minneapolis. Bert Lamb, formerly the "Morgan," of Mor gan ft McGarry, has Joined tbe Roberts. Hayes and Roberts act, taking tbe place of W. C. Hayes. The McGarry Brothers are now together. The Harry Sheldon character play referred to frequently In these columns, which will be pro- duced by George M. Cohan In New York, will have the title "A Husband, a Wife and a Friend." Lee Kohlmar, who was under contract to Martin ft Emery, will have a leading role, and Martin ft Emery will be associated with Cohan In the ownership of tbe production. Harland and Rolllson begin their second tour of the Pantages' Circuit at the Empire, Calgary, Canada, IS. John P. Reed "reated" at bis borne In Kendall vllle, Ind., last week. Steele end McMasters are In Chicago. J. H. Yeo baa returned to bis home at Mllwau kee, abandoning the Idea of putting ont a "girl act." Keene and Adams,who are touring the Pantagea' Circuit, expect to return to Chicago about Feb. l.V Hannaher Brothers and Co. arrived In Chi cago last week and began "working" Tuesday nlgbt, as a change was made In the program at Schlndler's. Madame Bedlnl opened at Bay City, Mich, rith her horse act called "Black'and White." SAIN rRANGISGO VARIETY'S Western Offlce. 2064 Sutter St. By LESTER FOT/HTAIV. NATIONAL (Zlck Abrams, mgr.; agent, 8.C.. W. P. Reese.).—Bill well balanced. Malvern Troupe, very clever, held down opening spot: Bradlee Mort In Co., "Jessie. Jsck and Jerrle." ordinary;; Billy Clark, good line of nonsense, landed solidly; Grlmmlms and Gore, well liked, character changes rapid and clever, closed strong; The Three Vagrants, playing return date given big reception and closed to a riot; Godlowsky Troupe, Russian Dancers well received. Under dressing of fluffy material for the women would be a decided Improvement and a necessary addi- tion to their otherwise splendid wardrobe. AMRRICAN (Abe Colin, mgr.; agent, 8.C.. per W. P. Reeae).—Imperial Mutdcal Comedv Co. growing in favor. This week's offering "McCain In Paris." scored nicely. Numbers all good, chorus work greatly Improved over last week. The Stelllng's Comedy Hst Throwers, very clever and well rewarded; Corby and May. "Ventriloquist nnd Dancing Doll," scored nicely; William* and Dale, character change artists; Bandy and Field. S. ft D.; La Velle and Orant; equilibria, com plete program. THALIA (W. S. Allln. mgr.; agent, direct). Sevlllo and Plpo, Jugglers; Welch and Eerie hiiU When Qnatcering odvertiaementt kindly mention Variety.