Variety (December 1909)

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VARIETY 69 V * I. MILLER. Manufacturer of Theatrical K.2I1STJ RS|!X and N.Y^J lAl Acrobatic Ihoea • apeclaltj. All work made at abort notlca. JAMES MADISON VAUDEVILLE AUTHOR Writes for Lew Fields. Joe Welch. Billy Van Pat lluonej, Al. Leech. Ben Welch. Howard and Howard. Wynn and I>ee. Al Carleton, etc., etc Also publisher MADISON'S BUDGET No. 12. that chiMpy book of newest comedy material. Price $1 1493 Irosdwsy. New Tart. Hears 11 to 1 Just completed and for tale: A Hilarious Tabloid Farce, "IN A GERMAN RATHSKELLAR" for two comedians, toubret and character woman. Funny, original foolery. HOLLAND HUDSON M M St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Write now for terms. THE ACT WITH A FINISH. 5i m i i) ssjaaa ai h t m t ^Bw MIT H B RO S h i /si t. msjr A « t i t % ^sRpv Performing Feats of Strength, using little fingers and teeth. Ask SMITH A ALBEE. Agents. To hear from a first-class MALE or FEMALE GYMNAST; one who can tumble into a trampolin. We are increasing the aot to 4 people for the coming season. Address ZBNO, JORDAN and ZENO care VARIETY, Mew York, PHOTOS, OABXHETS, 88.60 per 140. Claaa. Eat. 14 yre, Have aittinga or aen4 ir negativa. JOHNSON, 144 Wabaab At., Firsi VXntETY squau raw toes orr "Yi ADVERTISING RATE CARD SPACE OE TOO HATE* •V assmDV ••eeeeeeee»«eeeeeeeeeeeeeee«eee 9 aaasE* 1 Inch (14 Agate Unea) 1 tiate 4.40 1 In. 4 moatha (14 tlmea) ta advaaee.. 40.09 1 Id. 4 (40 time*) " .. 08.80 1 la. 1 year (64 tlmea) •• *' ..140.00 1 Page (473 Agate Unea) 144.00 4fc at^ffW ••eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeee SjsweNsW J^ STeagyv •eeeeeeeee*eeeeeeaeaeeeee**«eee SStOw froat Page (portrait! of women oaly)... 100.00 4000 Unea) I J4 10000 Iiaea VTo be need within oae year < .IT 40000 Unea | I .14 PREFERRED POSITIONS 1 la. aeroaa Paga 81840 4 In. " " STJ0 0 1a. M " 40LO0 1 Page 180.00 IN ROUTE SHEET 1 Line one time 4 -SO ^4 Inch one month •••.••••••••.•••••*•• 8 jOO l iaca .................... lexmj ARTISTS' RATE CARD Under "E spa seaata tiro Artfcta" (For Arttata Oaly) H lack alngle colnma 84.00 saoathly net 1 Inch •• " 7.00 •* •• % Inch doable " 040 •• M 1 Inch •• 11J0 •• •» 4 Inefaea alngle •• 14 JO ** 4 Inchee doable " 4SJ0 M 4fc Inch aeroaa page 14 JOO ** 1 Inch aeroaa peg* 80-00 " 4 Inchee aeroaa page 40.00 M I Iacbee aeroaa paga 78.00 M LARGER SPACE PRO RATA Discount 8 montba, caab In advance, 4% Dtecoont 4 montba, caab la adTance, 10% Dtacount 14 montba, caab la advaaee, 14% (Advertisements aader 'Tti pi saaatattre Artlsta" aot aooepted fer leaa than oae month.) Me Preferred Poettloae Glvea. CUTS Single Oolamn (1 time) 414.00 Doable Oolamn (1 time) 44.00 Advertleemente forwarded by mail mast be accompanied by remittance, made payable to Variety PobUehlng Oa. SHORT VAMP SHOES (Exclusively for Women). Far Stage, Street and Evening Wear. Great Variety. Exclusive Models. IN "AN ACT TO ORDER" J.M.WIEST Creator of Short Tamp Shoes. 407 Sixth Ave., Mew York. Bet. 40th and list Sta. Bead fer Hlaatrated Catalogue. Oae Flight Up. TeL 1444 Mndlaea 4q. HARRY AND KATERYNE MITCHELL MERRY ZMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. Agent Alf.T. WILTON H Easily Applied - Quickly Removed EPNEES MAKE-UP' - Guaranteed Hanxiloas Vaudeville Artlsta should use Hepner'a Grease Paints and Liners, because they are larger, coat leaa, do not "ran" from perspiration and give more complete satisfaction tban any other make. Grease Palnta (email) 20c., (large) 85c.. Liners (8 In.) 25c. On sale wherever make-up Is sold. Write or call for Circular F. HEPMER TOILETTE CO., 144 West 16th St., Mew York, or Chicago Opera House Block. Chicago, Dancing Girls; Malre Lamar. 8. A D Del Adel- phla. Magician; Gertrude Allen, Dancer. J. 8. Victor, stage manager and electrician for the National Theatre will never relations with the house after Sunday 8th. Victor baa held bla present poeltlon for a little over two years, during which time he baa never mlaeed a day. The Orpheum baa bad a monk and Pantagee also, bat Bob Burns baa nine of them. Prof. O. I. Rowe'a Baboons which be has booked Into the American week of Dec. 6. The Chutes closes next week to remain cloaed for at least a month during which time the theatre will be completed and vaat Improve m ents msde. A large Zoo will he Installed, which Is promised to be considerably larger than the old one. An aqnarlnm of at least 48 cases will also he Installed In conjunction with a large encloaed mdhkey house. W. Z. Tiffany this week Installed himself In his new quarters next to the Central theatre. Rid ftrauman. the weetern manager, and J. F. Clark, proprietor of the Hague, will give a banquet at the Rt. Francis neat week In honor of Geo. M. Cohan. rect: rehearsal Monday 8).—Nov. 20: Arturo Ber- nardl. beet protean act of season, scored heavily and deservedly: Ed F. Reynard, ventriloqnlal act. good Idea well worked; Henry Olive, assisted by Msl Sturgls Walker, burlesque magic and monolog, appealed In good style; Big City Quartet, well liked: The Carmen Troupe, strong wire act, went well: Walter Lewis and Co.. a clever skit, scored; Ferrell Brothers, bicycle act, appealed. PAN- TAGES (W. J. Timroons. mgr.; agent direct: re- hearsal Saturday 11).—Nov. 27: Yule and Simp- son, singing and Imitations, scored heavily: Luljrt- Plccaro Troupe. Rtsley acrobats, appealed: Still City Quartet, finish with special drop, made act score: Wm. B. Ramsdell and Bisters, s. and d., well liked: Cansris. held Interest. NOTES.—Consul. Jr.. is the feature at the Pan- tagee the coming week. This Is the first monkey act of the season and will get a pile of money. The heaviest bllllnjr for any theatre this season Is being done on Consul.—"The Too Many Wive*" Co. closes here Saturday nlaht. They are playing to very poor business at the Tabor Grand this week. Many of the principals are seeking vaudeville en- gagements. The former chorus girls are trying to figure a way to get back home. So far the man- agement has not provided the means, and. further, refused to allow Schnberts' "Witching Hour" Co.. at the Auditorium, to give them a benefit. Jtoe Morris, the star. Is well known In vaudeville. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS To be certain of changes in standing advertisements as ordered, all cor- rections should be in the New York office of VARIETY by Tuesday afternoon. Standing advertisements are subject to change in whole or in part weekly. J. Bernard Dyllyn left for Globe, Arls., Mon- day, playing Bert Levey's time. Thieves broke Into the Portola Theatre last week and stole a quantity of wardrobe. Among the heaviest loosen were Rose Stevens. 4250 gown, Mlaa La Vail. $50 and Franklin Ardell various articles of wardrol»o. Leeter and Shannon left for Nov* York Tues- day (30). They have placed a claim for $3. r >0 against Pantages in the hands of W. J. Hum- phries, J. Bernard Dyllyn, for the first time in 20 years, attended Lodge No. 3, B. I'. O. E. of San Francisco last Friday ivening (20) and was ac- corded a great ovation. Dyllyn originally was a member of No. 3, but was transferred to No. 1. New York. B. P. Shanley, formerly manager of the St. James Hotel, has transferred to the Hotel Con- tinental on Ella Street near Powell. Dan Lawler of the Sbepard King Co., Arthur A. Lotto of Shuberta "Gay Musician" and Philadelphia and All Nationals with T. C. Bancroft and Connie Mack are among the artl«ts registered this week. Sam Rourke, owner of "l^and of Nod Co.," Is stopping at the Continental with his family, where they will remain for some time. Through courteey of Sullivan and Consldlne and by arrangement with Zlck A brains and William Tomklne, the 8.-C. show from the north will play Intact for one ulght next week at Slsson Calif. The proceeds of the show will be help to buy purchasing a Ore engine for the town. Mr. Abrams has a large ranch within two miles of Slsson. DENVER By CHA8. D. JACOBS. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.; agent dl- BOSTON BY ERNEST L. WATTT. Room 215 Colonial Theatre lildg. AMERICAN (Lindsay Mori son, mgr.; agent. William Morris).—Julian El tinge, headlined, new "Cobra" dance Is beautiful; Joe Welch, with new NlufT; Rtnley and BIrbecks, old but still good; (ieorge W. Day. a fine line of talk, well done and |M>pular; Blake's Tony Circus is a continuous scream when the mule gets busy; the Kohler trio, excellent grand opera singing; Hallen and Fuller. great comedy; Devol trio, gymnasts with novel stunts; Cardownle Sisters, character dancers, flrat rate. Next week: Eltinge, Four Mortons, Tyler and Burton, Caron and Herbert, Allen Shaw, Hawkins, the Jumper. KBITn'S (Goo. Clark, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.) —Carter de Haven, headlined, with Hansl Hanke accompanist, and excellent song, dance and change act; Eleanor Gordon, big local favorite, In comedy sketch, drew big buslnesa; Cus Ed- wards "Graduation Day," good fun, good music; Bobby North, amusing; Village Cholr'a singing la fine;; "Silvers" and Artie Nelson are a riot from beginning to end; Nichols Sisters. Apdale's unlmals, fine; Gordon Eldrid and Co. In "Won by a Leg," funny. Next week: Lovenberg's opera festival; Howard and North, Eleanor Gordon and Co., Lulu Beeeon trio; Tom Barry & Co. HOWARD (Jay Hunt, mgr.; agent direct).— "Avenue Girls," featuring Will Cohan and Dick Black—good musical show—In house bill are Joe Flynn; Belle and Richards, good musical act; Wood and Lawson, s. and d.; Marsello and Wolfe, bar act; Burden and Reham; musical Stewart, Cunningham and Fowley, Coleman aud Merton, the Dun mores. OAIETY (Geo. H. Bachelor, mgr.).—"Lid Lifters," tbo Maude Elllston, Kltamura Japs featured. COLUMBIA (II. N. Farren. mgr.).—The Brigadiers, wllh olio of Orletta and Taylor, Brown and Everett, Lester and Moure, Billy ALIDELLA DANCINGCL08S NOTICE TO ARTISTS Artists desiring to purohase diamonds are now in a position to buy them of me on time at cash prioes. Write for terms and partioulars; business strictly confidential. Buffalo Representative, JULIUS BOASBCRG JMO. J. MALLOY. Formerly H. A J. B0ASBER0, Wo. 304 HAM STRUT. BUFFALO. N. T. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety, Ladies' or Men's Slios Price, all wood sole, Sate Leather shank, 10.00, delivered free. P a t a a t fastening neve* rlpa. SOB 00., Milwaukee, Wis 4-REAL HITS—4 "DEAR OLD MOONLIGHT" Onr Feature Hit, "Down Among the Sugar Cane" I The sweeteat of sweet songs, II ABRAHAM LINCOLN JONES" or "THE CHRISTENING" The now sensational 000a song. "LILAC and ROSE" Real Bong for Real Singers. aOTlAM-aTTUCKS MUSIC CI. 136 Weet 371 b Street, New Yerk K •107 MICHIGAN ATI., I UMER EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. Costumer for the Loading Stage 'Phone, Calumet 2402. SECOND HAND DRESSES AMO F"URS BARNKTT MS STATE STREET. CHICAGO, ILL. Scenery BILK0, DYE, OIL AJTD WATER COLORS. DANIEL'S SCENIC STUDIO, Ohioago Opera House Bleak. Ohioage IB. Sam Andrews FINE FURS and DIAMONDS ROOM SSS REPUBLIC BUILDING. ('Phon e Harrison 4440.) CHICAGO Tel. Mad. Square 7058. SHORT VAMP SHOES HOSIERY and SHOES For 8TAGE and STREET WEAR, Jacfo 4sianiAn.,sTOT«(litlettawl0»te.) VAUDEVILLE SCHOOL OF A WF ACTING taW Ssi DANCING make-up, drama, elocution, singing a All Toe, Fancy, Novelty, Wooden and ff Soft Shoe Dancing; Vaudeville Acta M and Sketches. ASCERTAIN roar mf\ talents. Better your condition. Trial ^ELr lessons given. Send for Illustrated rt*m booklet, "How My 4,000 Poplla Hare mA W Succeeded." The celebrated msH ALVIENE 8TAO « 8( ^ , I ? INO H I GRAND OPERA HOUSE BLDG., / 23D ST. AND 8TH AVE. V^ ENTRANCE 200 8th AYR. ffj ^^ Call, write or 'phone 2880 Chelsea. W ^p. Courses now forming. Failure lmpoa- M _T alble If we accept you aa a student. «*£ """^ Public student performancea. Arts are trial performancea given In our own theatre. We Instruct In person or by mall. En- gagements guaranteed. MONOLOGUES, Shetohes, Sidewalk Conversa- tions, etc, written to order for profession. Good Original Work at Low Prioes. Why not have an eaolnsive production! Order NOW. HENRY MONTEE, 24 8proat St., Detroit, Mich.