Variety (December 1909)

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VAR TY 71 STILL DOING THREE-HIGH Featuring "THE BULLING WONDER." THE LEVELOS SENSATIONAL WIRE EQUILIBRISTS Bitf Success on PANT AGES' CIRCUIT Y Frank ORTH- Harry fern PLAYING UNITED TIME Booked by - MAX HART one of several men employed that gets anything at all out of the material at band, and be goea In for considerable of the broad comedy boalnesa to gain bis points. In this be Is ably seconded by Kitty Pembroke, the pslr drawing most all the laughs that were secured. The other com- edians contribute little. Harry Ererette misses an excellent chance to work In some comedy as a Ufe-saTer. Thomas Brown never gains promi- nence In bis German character. Willard Terre, In a military role, Is satisfactory and does a lot toward helping the show along in tbe musical line, as does Carlton. Tbe latter put a good nnkh to the first part, assisted by several of tbe men, as a mlsflt band, and there Is an ensemble number that won considerable favor. Tbe aliow Is no better supplied with women prin- cipals than men. May fjtrehl contributes at all times an attractive appearance and in both first part and burlesque bad a part In putting over tbe best-liked muslcsl numbers. She la not strong vocally, but does not try to force her voice. Amy Allyn Is vocally lit to do something real well In the singing line, but It appears to be an effort for Amy to smile, and she delivers lines and songs coldly. Yetta Peters has little to do In a Boubret role In either piece, but fig- ures In making tbe ensemble numbers well liked. Kitty Pembroke bandies comedy In both pieces, and she evidently does not mind how far she has to go to get laughs. A baseball number, In which a big rubber ball Is knocked Into tbe audience, gave some amusement. Lucia Bomanoa, wbo seemed anxious to show what she could do In a "cooch" line during the numbers, Is a principal In tbe burlesque and puts over a number with Antrim, which Is probably a fea- ture with the show where It Is allowed to run loose. The burlesque Is much better than the Brst part. Carlton again figuring prominently In tbe comedy line wltb tbe others nowhere. Carlton and Terre passed In tbe olio with their singing. The Five Brown Brothers grabbed the big honors of the show In a musical act. There Is Just a little comedy, and tbe music Is Just about good until the quintet take the saxo- phones. From here they just put a damp clotb on everything preceding and following them. Tbe comedian la one of the best playera on this Instrument ever heard here. He could well afford to drop that "nickel" filthy "gag." Tbe "Broad- way Gaiety Girls" la a good-looking show, strong vocally, and In several spots It Is bright and funny, but It could be helped a lot In the comedy line. The cborua will win no medals for beauty, but the girls are active and try hard. When all la said about tbe abow there still remains thst one number. CASINO (Ellas * Koenlg, mgrs.).—"Star and Garter" abow re-equlpped and re-wrltten with Bice and Cady, Murray Livingston and Co., Jack Conway, Robert E. Ellis and others In principal roles and tbe Tbree Renarda as extra feature opened well and appeared to please. BIJOU (O. M. Ballauf. mgr.).—"Follies of the Day." GAIETY (Eddie Shayne, mgr.).—Irwin's "Big Show." ST. LOUIS BY FRANK E, ANFENOEB. Y M COLUMBIA (Frank Tate, mgr.; agent, Or- rpheum Circuit).—Lillian Mortimer and CO. In "Eight Years After"; Bob Matthews and Her- bert Ashley In "Held Up"; Cur ion sisters, the Human Butterflies; Wilbur Mack and Nella Walker In "Tbe Girl and tbe Pearl"; Alfred Bertrund and Company In "Tbe Broken Urn"; Bandberg A Lee, comedians; Irene Romaln; and Stelllng and Rcvell, European gymnasts. For next week are announced tbe Gelnha Girls, Mme. Maurlcla Morlcbinl, Carmen Troupe, Barnes and Crawford, Carson and Willard, Charles Mason and Co., Brent Hays, Kroneman Brothers. GRAND (Charles Wallace, mgr.; agent, Or- pheum circuit) Martini and Maximilian, eccentric comedians; Cooke and Rothert, Apache and other dances; Florence Wilson, comedienne; "Senator" Frank Montrose, George Auger and Co. In "Jack the Giant Killer"; Mildred Grover and Dick Richards, songs and Maxim's Models. For next week: Qus Edwards "Country Kids'," Goldsmith end Hoppe, Barry and Halvers, tbe McGradys, Psynetta Munro, G. Herbert Mitchell and Marsh Craig. OLYMPIC (Pat Short, mgr.).—"The Merry Widow," third time Is wltb Francis Cameron as Soiula and Charles Meaklns as the Prince. STANDARD (Leo Relcbenbacb, mgr.).—Tbe Sara Devere Show with Matt Kennedy In "Justice McAdoo" and "Tbe Queen of the Harum" Is Pleasing. The olio Includes Wilbur Held, J. Grant Gibson snd Adele Ranney and "The Water Melon Trust." The rapport also Includes Lillian Steena, Bd. J. Morris, Fred Gulllard and Mabel Calvert. Next week the Big Review, tbe Oatter- pillar Dance and the Girl with the Purple Mask. GAYBTY (O. T. Orwaford, mgr.).—Gay Mas- queraders present fairly successfully "A Hot Old Time" In two acts. The east Includes Joe J. Sullivan, John McMabon. and In the olio are the Fauat Opera Trio; Mile. Anl. society gymnast; Flo Ousbman, comedienne; Murphy Msgee a: 00. In "His Colore Saved Him"; Melvln Brothers, acrobata. Next week: Rice and Barton's Gaiety Co. In "A Night at Brighton" and "The Tender- loin after Twelve," with Charles Barton. Jeanette Young and others. John Havlln In letters to Manager D. B. RuaseU of tbe Imperial Theatre denied that the bonse hsd been sold to a St. Louis vaudeville syndicate. Edith Singleton of St. Louie, who was a chorus girl st Delmsr Garden last summer, Is back In the "Merry Widow" playing a part Olga and un- destudylng Natalie. A site for a moving picture abow at MaflH and Vandeventer avenues. Northwest St. Louis, was secured last week for $0,760 and $20,000 house will be built at once. Mrs. Leslie Garter Payne was In St. Louis Sun- day consulting with her attorney In regard to a suit she baa pending against the Delmar Garden management. Payne accompanied her and they left for the South. Mildred Morton, St. Louis' youngest prima donna soprano scored a big Individual success at tbe Columbia Theatre last week on her first visit to her home town since she graduated as a vaude- ville star. Mlas Morton has an exceptionally clear and full voice and varied her selection by easily switching from "Molly Lee" to "The Last Rose of Summer" and other vocal leaps from tbe popular to the standard and ever tbe classical. She firmly established herself as a favorite. Miss Morton's parents live in St. Louis. rayonne, V. J. BIJOU (B. D. Howard, mgr.; agent, I. B. A. Kcbearaal 1).—Berkley Bros., musical comedians, heads, well liked; Virginia King, vocaliat, good; Mildred Force and Co., 'The Girl Ahead," pleased; Nice and Lovely, a and d., well re cei ved, and Mickey Feeley, English pantomlmlst. NA- TIONAL (J>. J. Force, mgr.; agent, Joe Leo).— Vaudeville and m. p. Larkep and Daly, a. and d.; H. K. Zeno, comedian; HU1 and HU1, colored comedians; B. B. Neaman, comedian; La Rue and Holmes, a. and d., and Baby Clarice. LB ROT 0. FARR. BUFFALO, V. T. SHEA'S (Michael Shea, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.). —"Peter." "educated" monkey, beads the bill this week and was tbe talk of the town. Von Belne la presenting hie playlet, "The Master Mu- slciau," for tbe first time here; Mr. and Mrs. Jlramle Barry are old favorltea and are going big; Tbe Robert Du Mont Trio In "Hotel Topsey Tor- vey" bsve the daintiest, beet dressed acrobatic comedy of the season; Fred Dupres with parodies and monolog la going big and all bis material Is new; Warrcu and Blancbard are going well and get plenty of lsugbs; Harold Forbes and Carrie Bowuian open tbe abow with a light alnging and dancing change act. Next week'a bill Includes Nat Wills, Murphy and Nichols, Mme. Herman, Rooney and Bent and Pederaen Brothers.. -GAR- DEN.—Weber and Rush's Bon Ton Bxtravagansa, beaded by Rawson snd Claire, opened big with well dresseu pleasing abow. The Rawson and Clair act. "Just Kids," goes bigger than ever. iJiFAYBTTE.—Sam T. Jack'a Own Sbow, wltb Battling Nelson, a spicy show. BUFFALO. cnrcnniATi. VARIETY'S Central Office, 107 BeU Block. BT HARRY HESS. COLUMBIA (M. C. Anderson, mgr.; sgsnt, 17. B. O.; Sundsy rehearsal 10).—Baptlste and Franconl, comedy acrobats, lively turn; Ruby Raymond and Co., nice dancing; Musical Johnstons- xylophone, went big; Jsmes Harrlgan, tramp Jug- gler, laughing hit of bill; Mr. Hymack, change act, fine; Maurlcla Morlcbinl, color a tore soprano, great bit; Cbarlse tbe First, well trained; Avery snd Hart, colored, good; "La Petite Review," sing- ing number, good. PEOPLE'S (J. E. Fennesay, mgr.).—Wat- son's "Beef Trust" opened to capacity. Billy EARL TAYLOR Writer is of My Southern Rose" Pub S hed "^SU™ at THE HAGUE. SANj FRANCISCO Loews Enterprises 126 University Place, New York City | JOS. SCHENK, General Manager ll !» 3 NIBLQandRFILLY /FTER SEVEN YEARS IN BURLESQUE. NOW IN VAUDEVILLE-BOOKED SOLID BE8T WI8HE8 TO OUR FRIENDS. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYBODY Coney Holmes NOW LOCATED AT ROOM 503 CRILLY BLDG., 167 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO Phone Randolph 2080. M GREAT STADIUM TRIO AERIAL POSING. The aot without an equal. Direction. ALF T. WILTON. AMERICAN THEATRE CLASS A. CENTRALLY LOCATED. MANAGERS ABE S. QOHN and ED HOMAN extend beat wiihei for a Merry Xmai and Happy New Year to all inquiring friendi. BUSINESS SPLENDID, THANK YOU. When answering advertisement* kindly mention Variety.