Variety (December 1909)

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VARIETY 167 REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS FRED KARNO'S Comedians WEEK DECEMBER 13, PLAZA, NEW YORK II • I Nifht ii 11 Eiglish Misic Hair Night ii Slim if Liidii" ALF REEVES. Manager WILLA HOLT WAKEFIELD WI IT. BESSIE WYNN IN VAUDEVILLE CLIFFE BERZAC Vamderffle'a AUnm B. «M, mm., Vow Yea* OHf. "LITTLE CHARLEY" ROADIE and PRESENTING IK VAUDEVILLE, "The Stable-boy and The Girlie" Booking representative announced Uter. Address oare VARIETY. AT LIBERTY The Talk of Burlesque For Season 1910-11 Edgar BIXLEY ™ FINK Henry We knee a I ant piece that we will etage, put on the numbera, fumlab eriglnal made, design aoenery e*d eootnmo■ aa4 guarantee yon a pronounced suooess. When yea get ma yon are aura of a good anew. Past t seasons with X. D. Ulnar. En mU "Amorisana " Addraaa WHITE BATE OF AMERICA. THE TWO NORRISES In a rapid fire musical novelty featuring The 12 x 2 Band New comedy plot written by Thomas J. Gray P. S. We do not play "Dixie" or other kind applause music. Minnie St. Glair DEO. t, ■HUBERT, TTTICA. DEO. II, CHASE'S, WASHINGTON. Mgant, PAT CASEY WOODS KILDUFF COMPANY. PLAYING WILLIAM MORRIS TIME. LOUISE DRESSER •THE OIRL FROM THE RATER.' HAYWARD«°HAYWARD Pros s nting their Bit Comedy Buooeaa, "HOI-DING OUT" DEC. It, FOLTfl, HARTTORD. SMITH a ALBEE. A«ents. Cf TOOTS PAKA In her Original HULA-HULA-DANCE" MKA'S MWalUI TIM AMI CO. WM, MORRIS OTROUTT. YULE «• SIMPSON Mlal. OttUf Cfl., n MVTAQIS' 01*0911. THE BIGGEST HIT OF ANY DOUBLE ACT ON THE COAST Featuring* "Tha Human Calliope" and also my own original Imitation of Musical Olai Aik B. A. MYERS. Played Casino Theatre. Brooklyn. Sunday. Dec. 5. Headlined the Bill, position next to closing, did 18 minutes in "one." and stopped the show. Ask WALTER PLIMMER CMA^UI THE COMEDY -I WV/I i MAN-FISH Kocpa tho people laughing throughout hla act, which rooi IS minutes. My tank can be wheeled on and off the atage, can work In (two) only one minute to place; everything; up-to-date. Enoch bolda the world'a record for ataylng under water—4 mlnutea 40 1-6 aeconda. funny Jokea and aaylnga; all new. The Greatest Act of lta kind on earth. Letters, care VARIETY, will always Bod me. Permanent addresa. 100 Madison Ave., Atlantic City. N. J. WANTING TO HEAR FROM REAL AGENTS. THE 3 CASADS FRANK ZOE SYLVAN HIGH ART PARISIAN NOVELTY VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS, Introducing SYLVAN CA8AD. The Boy Comedian with the Big Voice. In their own veralou of "EVERY DAY HAPPENINGS ON A RAILROAD." Permanent addreas. DARLINGTON, WIS. THE GREAT CAN DO THINGS NO OTHER MAN-KIN Now playing RETURN ENGAGEMENT on ORPHEUM CIRCUIT. Week of Deo. IS, ORPHEUM, MEMPHIS. ORPHEUM CIRCUIT — 1009-10 — BOOKED SOLID. SURAZAL* RAZALL Presenting their New Aot, " THE MUSiO PUBLISHER" *T »• *• LAZAR. WEEK DEC. 18, MAJESTIC, MILWAUKEE. N AL IsR-yine I ult BENEDICT KRAM EOOERTRtO MtRBERM AMD DAROERM Rooordo to Mmbol mnd Floyd Mmok, RIRy Momrn, Vmm Mown mnd Bmll Roy Trio When answering adveriitmenU kindly mention Variety.