Variety (February 1910)

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VARIETY KIETY A Variety Paper for Variety People. PabUaeat evarr iatatday by THE VARIETY PUBLI8HINO CO. TlmM Square. Mew Tort City, lalapaoaa j }JJJ | Bryaot Entered — aeooad-olaaf atelier December 22, 1906, el the Poet Office et New YorM, If. 7., under the mot of Conor*— of March 8, 1879. ) GKXOAOO 01TIGE, 167 Daaitata 8t ('Psoas, Oaatral MM). JOHW J. O'OONYOft, BapraaaatatiYa. lovdov oma, 418 8tr*ad (Oasla, "Jaaafifa, Laaeoa") J. nWEMAM, la saaifa. 8AV rSAVOIBOO OITICB, fffi Sattar it LB8TXE J. FOUVTAIV, Baptaaaataslva, PARIS OPTICl, 66 Bia. Baa Balat Didlar, EDWARD O. KZVDRSW, Bapaaaaatalivs. BRRLXV 0F7I0X, Vatar daa liadaa 61, O. ADVRRTISKMXVTS. Rate card may ba foond la adrertlaliif aaetloa of tbia laaoa. AdT«rtlalof copy for carrant laaoa maat reach New York oflka by 6 p. m. Wadaaaday. ■UBBOBXPTXO* RATH. Annual 84 rorelga ft 81a and three moDtha la proportion. Single coplea 10 centa. YABIBTY will be mailed to a permanent ad- dreaa or aa per route, an deatrad. ▲dfertlaamenta forwarded by mall moat ba ac- companied by remittance, made payable to Variety Pabllahlng Oo. VoL XVII. FEBRUARY 8. No, P. Mildred Emerson and Fay Tunis have closed with "The Cherry Blossoms." Fannie Ward and Co. go to Cincinnati next week and the following week to Chicago. Murian Collins will open on the Morris time at the American, New York, next Monday. La Blanche, a singer and dancer, will introduce in her act her daughter, three years of age. The opening of the Liberty Theatre in Fast New York is now set for next Mon- day, Feb. 7. Hall and Pray have left the Bennett- Moultou Co. and are playing New Eng- land vaudevillo dates. Hugo Morris departed Wednesday for a fortnight's stay in Atlantic City, in the hope of recuperating his health. Annette Kellcrinanu will commence upon a run of three weeks at Keith's Phila- delphia about the end of February. The Morrissy Brothers and ISistcrs si art on the Orpheum time April 14 at Cin- cinnati, booked by M. S. Bentham. Linton and Lawrence did not play Co- lumbus this -week aa billed. They were called home by the illness of their son. Maxwell and Shaw, formerly of the Marine Comedy Trio, are playing the United time with a singing and talking act. The name of the Majestic, Kansas City, baa been changed to the Gayety. It con- tinues to play Eastern Wheel Burlesque Shows. Marian Murray and Co. have been booked for the Orpheum Circuit, opening at Evansville, Ind., April 3. Casey agency. Dr. Herman has been signed to open aa a feature of Hammerstein's Victoria Roof for an indefinite engagement this summer. The Nesbitt, Scranton, Pa., and the Armory. Binghamton, N. Y., now make up a "split" week, booked by Charles Hit x Pat rick. Otis Harlan has abandoned the sketch with which he opened recently. He is at the Majestic, Chicago, this week, working as a single act. Ritter and Foster, the American vaude- ville players, will come over here in July and have commissioned Alf. T. Wilton to seek dates for them. Riccardo St. Elia will leave the "Paris by Night" dumb sketch to rehearse a new dancing pantomime number with Mile. La Gai for vaudeville use. Frank E. Brown has obtained a license to marry Mrs. Georgia Kelly McAvoy, the widow of Dan McAvoy, and well known on the stage as Georgia Kelly. Carnett Raymond and Ray Smith opened ten weeks booking on the Fisher time, at Bismarck, N. D., Jan. 23. They will remain six months in the far west. The work of erecting a $25,000 moving picture and vaudeville theatre in Morris- town, N. J., began Monday. Antonio Esposito is at the head of the project. Bruno Baruch, of Hugo Baruch & Co., Paris, said to be one of the largest firms of theatrical costume makers in the world, is in New York. He may open an office here. Billy La Mclhe's Motoring Comiques. four in number, have begun a tour of the Interstate Circuit. The act includes the former La Mot he Trio. A full-sized taxi- cab is used. Josephine Jellison is seriously ill at the Southern Infirmary, Mobile, Ala. She is director of Fagg's Female Orchestra. The young woman is in straitened cir- riiinstances. Paly Sanders has imported Paul Lund berg, who was Adeline Genee's dancing partner during the lattcr's engagement at the Palace, London. Lund berg will open in the East Feb. 14. The National Vaudeville Association, of which John E. McCarthy, manager of Grand, Hamilton, O., is chairman of board of directors, will hold its annual meeting at Pittsburg, Feb. 9. W. J. Nixon, the magical producer, has in preparation a new illusion of which Valadon will be the leader. The feature is the apparent vanishing of a body while suspended in mid-air. W. L. Werden is playing his last weeks, closing Feb. 12, at the Majestic, La Crosse, Wis., a house which opened Jan. 3. Wer- den was in the opening bill and has been held over for six weeks. Al Linde, the "props" in Homer Land and Co., used to be the property man in the Novelty, Brooklyn. After that he ran the cigar stand at the American theatre before going on the stage. Lottie Williams and Co., left New York Tuesday for a jump to Spokane. They commence a tour of the Orpheum Circuit from that point next Monday, arranged through the Casey Agency. The Dunedin Troupe of bicyclists will be a "strengthencr" at the Columbia, New York, next week when H. S. Wood- hull's "High Rollers" come into New York for the first time this season. Owing to the illness of Fannie Van the dates for Chas. and Fannie Van at New Bedford and Boston were canceled. The couple expect to open on the Poli time at Hartford next Monday, Feb. 7. J. II. Purcell has been appointed treas- urer of the Orpheum, Cincinnati, succeed- ing Paul Hi 11 man who returns to the Lyric. Mr. Purcell was formerly con- nected with vaudeville in the East. Louis Powers, of the Powers Trio, was stricken with an attack of appendicitis while playing the Davidson Theatre, Monc- ton, N. B., Jan. 22. He has been removed to Boston, his home, for an operation.' Mrs. William Morris was the chief sponsor for the benefit given on the Amer- ican Roof yesterday afternoon (Thurs- day) in aid of the House of Rest for the Free Cure of Consumption, New York. Creatore's Band has been booked by Frank Gerth, his manager, for three weeks in vaudeville, starting Feb. 20. The Mary Anderson, Louisville; Grand, Indianapolis, and Columbia, Cincinnati, will be played. The Savoy, Syracuse, has arranged to eliminate vaudeville and substitute dra- matic stock as its style, of entertainment for a while. The house is of small ca pacity and stock is tried as an experi- ment. Harris and Robinson, with "A Bunch of Kids," have finished the S.-C. Circuit and are coining east. In Chicago Chas. Gren- ier and Bobby Jones were replaced. It was Chas. Grenier who stated the act had disbanded. Harry Mundorf has taken over the booking for the Orpheum, Lowell, Mas*. Selecting attractions for this house was in charge of the late J. Fred Lees, who came to New York once a week to handle the bills in the United. Sadie Bowman Metcalf is the author of "The Juniper Tree," a sketch recently re- viewed in Variety. Adelaide Fields is playing the leading role. The sketch will be given a showing at the Fifth Avenue, New York, Sunday, Feb. 13. Wells G. DeVeaux has just recovered from a sever attack of blood poisoning. It was at one time feared that the sur- geons would have to amputate one of his feet, but a cure was effected without recourse to so severe a measure. Katherine Miley commences Morris en- gagements next week at New Orleans booked through Barney Myers. Johnny Ford is another newcomer to the in- dependent circuit. He commences at Winnipeg, Monday, in a "single/ n The Salambos, now playing in the Drury Lane pantomime have written that they will come over here just after Easter "on spec." They are Americans, but have been abroad five years. Jenie Jacobs will handle their bookings. The leader of the Aerial Shews is just recovering from a severe illness, con- tracted while they were in Amsterdam, Holland. The act hoped at last reports to be in shape to reopen this month at the Friedfrichbau Theatre, Stuttgart, Germany. Maximilian Zipkes, an architect, has been commissioned to prepare plans for a theatre, to be devoted to vaudeville and pictures in East 135th Street, between Fifth and Madison Avenues. The Marion Amusement and Theatrical Co. is the promoter. Leander Richardson's sketch, "The Night of His Life," was produced last Monday at the Orpheum, Easton, Pa., by Edwin Fosberg. In the supporting com- pany were Theodore Babcock, Helen Court enay and Frank Bixby. The pre- miere was credited as a success. Violet Allen and Co. have been booked for ten weeks on the Morris time, opening in New Orleans next Monday, Feb. 7. The booking was made on the showing of the act at the Fifth Avenue Inst Sunday. Georgie O'Brien copped the act against the competition of the United "scouts." Contracts to the amount of $16,000 have been let for work on the theatre which is to be built in Union Hill, N. J. It is to be completed by Sept. 1, next. An elec- trical contract for $. r >,300 has also been awarded. The Phoenix Realty Co. is building the house for the use of traveling combinations. Kyle Fox. of the Two Foxes, writes from No. KM Collinsville Avenue, East St. Louis, HI., that his wife, Yetta Fox, is in (lie Henrietta Hospital where she was operated upon Jan. 15. Fox is in need of inmii-diale assistance, he says, to main- i.iin his wife under proper care. He may lu« addressed in care of Dr. Geo. A. Stew- art, one of the attending physicians, at the above address.