Variety (Jul 1948)

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WedneiMlay, July 7, 194« ricnVKB fSMSSBS 11 'Wymmng'-Vai^ HieiUMii 60G in Chi Tliiffider-3 Stooges "Kimfii^s Chicago, July 6. ^ Chicago theatre is continuing to pace the rest of the Loop houses and is soaring toward sensational $60,080 for "Green Grass of Wyom- ing" and Peggj' Lee and Dave Bar- bour in person. Exploitation has been heavy on the price cut and stage show and is paying off very handsomely. While there are five other new issues, plus a double rC' release, none is outstanding. "Up in Central Pai-k," aided by the Louis-AValcott pic, should take in decent $20,000 at tlie Palace, while sister house. Grand, should do alright $14,000 with "Another Part of the Forest" and fight film. "B. F.'s Daughter" at United ArUsts looks lair ^8,000. but "Coroner's Creek" at the Roosevelt seems mere $15,000. "Thunder in the Vallev," with Tteee Stooges in vaude at "the Oriental, has been hit hard by Chicago price slash ana negative press notices, with poor $36,000 in view. Holdover ^section is strong with ''A<rch of Triumph" at the Woods winding uD final week (4th) with neat $14,000. Others, in second week, were also staunch. "Mr. Blandings" at the State-Lake should do excellent $23,000. "Four Faces West" at Apollo appears good with $8,000. Estimaftes for This Week Apollo (BScK) (1,400; 50-98) — "Four Faces West" (UA) (2nd wk). Neat $8,000. Last week, $10,000. Cliicago (B&K) (3,900; 50-98),— "Green Grass of Wyoming" (20th) With Peggy Lee t^d Dave Barbour in person. Sensational $60,000. Last woek (eight days). "FuUer Brush Man" (Col) with BUly De- Wolfe heading the vaud, boff $74,000. Garrick (B&K) (900; 50^8) — "Flowing Gold" (WB> and "God's Country" (WB) (reissues). Satis factory $8,000. Last week, "Big Punch" (WB) and "Whispering Citv" (EL). $8,000. Grand (RKO) (1,500; 50-98) "Another Part of Forest" (U)-wiai Louis-Walcott bout oke $14,000 Last week.. "Pigliting Fattier Dunne" (RKO) (2nd wk), $7,80U. Orienial (Essaness) (3,400; 98)! —"Thunder in Valley" (20th) plus | Three Stooges p.a. weak $36,000. Last week, "Gay Ranchero" (Rep) with TeJc Williams and George Givot on $31,000. Palace (RKO! (2,500; 50-98) — "Up in Central Park" (U) plus L-W fight film. Brisk $20,000. Last week, "All My Sons" (U), $14,000. Boasevelt (B&K) (1.500; 50-98) —"Coroner Creek" (Col). Ught $15,000. Last week, "Wallflower" (WB>, $10,000. Stale-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 50-98) —"Blandings" (SRO). Fine $23,- 000. Last week, $27,000. United Artists (B&K) (1,700; 5()- 88)—'B. F.'s Daughter" (M-G). Fair $18,000. Last vreek, "Gm- sades" (Par) (reissue) (2nd wk), $11,000. Woods (Esisaness (1.037; 98) — "Arch of Triumph" (UA) (4th wk). Final week tidy $14,000, Last week, $19,000. „ . World (Iiidie) (587; 77)—"Bill & Coo" (Kep) and "Cage NighUn- eales" (indie) (2nd wk). Excellent $4,200. week, $4,800. %ide Goes Well in Mont'l, 14G; lama' Mild $12,000 Montreal, July 6. Lon" weekend for Canadian fans plus trade from below-the-liorder is resulting hi good biz in only a few houses. Otherwise, the b.o. ''"Estimates for This Week . Locw's (C.T.) (2^855; ^frA^)- "I Remember Mama" <KKO). Poor $12,000. Last week. State of the Union" (M-G) (2d wk), sad "^Stol (C.T.) (2.412; 30Ml2-57)_ "Saigon " (Par) (2d wk). Sour $8,000 after sock opening week of *^PMaM (C.T.) (2,625; 30-42-57)— ' "The Bride Goes Wild" (M^G). esnlid $14,000. Last week, "The inator Was Indiscreet" (U-I), dull '^^Princess (C.T.) (2,205; 26-34-45) ' T miis-Walcott put and Secret iiySnd the Doo/' (U-I) (2d wk). Stow $6,000, after excellent $10,- ""Lnerial (C.T.) (1.839; 26-34-42) _"sK Pretty"'(20th) and "Ma- ■ d^nn "of the Desert-' «ep). Fair «fi^00 Last week, "Congonlla' Estimated Total Gras» This Week $699,000 (Based on 15 theatres) Last Year $667,500 (Based on 18 theatres) 22GinHotMpls. Minneapolis, July 6. Season's first heat wave, with temperatures close to 100, arrived simultaneously with the long week- end July 4 holiday to di'ain the town of thousands of potential the- atre customers who were lake-re^ sort bound. Result ha^ been a fur- ther damper , on sagging grosses. But nothing, apparently, can quench the boxoffiice fire of a powerful contender like - 'The Kinpearor Waltz." Other major newcomers, playing a minor fiddle, are "The iPirate," "Lady from Shanghai" juid "Silver River," which, however, aren't boxoffice weaklings by any means. It's tlie third week for "Fuller Brush Man" and "Give My Regards to Broadway," and second for "Arch of Triumph" and "Ro- mance on High Seas," all move- overs. . Estimates for This Week Century (Par) (1,600; 50-70)— 'Romance on High Seas" (WB) (m.o.). Here after disappointing initial Radio City stanza. Has been building, however, as result of fa- vorable word-of-mouth. Ligiit $4,- 500 indicated. Last week, "Give My Regards to Broadway" (20th), mild $5,500. , Gopher (Par) (1,000; 44)—"Druins of Congo" (Indie) and "Captive Wild Woman" (Indie), dual reissues. Weak $2,500 sighted. Last week, "Under California Stars" (Rep) and "Little Tough Guys" (Indie) (re- issue), fair $3,500. Lyceum (Schreiber) (1,900; 50-70) —"The Pirate" (M-G). Thiid and last of pictures bought on competi- tive bidding away from Minnesota Amus. Co., which 1ms had jiroduct exclusively. ' Opened Sunday (4). Mild ^,000. Last week, "Home- tContinued on page 14) Visttors Help St Loo; St. Louis, July 6. Exodus of natives over July 4 to nearby recreation resorts was par- tially offset by out-of-towners fiocking here for major league baseball, Muny opera, etc., but grosses at the main stem cinemas are none too robust. "On an Island" at Loew's is the b.o. front- runner, with "Fort Apache" close behind. The St. Louis has re- lighted after being shuttered due to a ruckus with the stagehands union. Estimates for This Week Amliassador (F&M) (3,000; 50-75) —"The Emperor Waltz" (Par) and "Shaggj'" (Par). Good $18,000 after a sock $25,000 for first stanza. Fox (F&M) (5,000; 50-75)—"Fort Apache" (RKO) and "French Leave'' (Mono). Solid $19,000. Last week, "Romance on High Seas" (WB) and "The Hunted" (Mono), $17,000. L«m:w's (Loew) (3,172; 50-75) — "On an Island With You" (M-G) and "Murder In Reverse" (Ind). Big $23,000. Last week. "Olie Pi- rate" (M-G) and "Here Comes Trouble" (U). $18,000. Missouri (F&M) (3,500; 50-75)— "Miracle of the Bells" (RKO) and "Give My Regards to Broadway" (20thy (m.o.). Okay $8,000 after neat $11,000. Orpheum (Loew) (2,000; 50-75)— "The Pirate" (M-G) and "Here Comes Trouble" (UA) (m.o.). Mod- erate $10,000. Last week, "All My Sons" (U-I) and "Are You With It" (U-I) (m.o.). $7,000. St. Louis (F&M) (4,000; 50-60)— "Gentleman's Agreement" (20th) and "Naked City" (U)- (2d run). $9,000. Shuttered last week. Sfanbest (Ind) (1,500; 50-60) — "Best Years of Our Lives" (RKO) (4th wkl Good. $7,000 Jqljlowing 'Waltz'R^yaUSG.hdpIs^* 'Island' Rosy %\^m Indianapolis, July 6. Firstrun film biz has perked up this stanza, due to holiday spirit and plenty of light summer fai-e. Both "Emperor Waltz" at Indiana and "On on Island With You" «t Loew's look good for holdovers. "River Lady" at Circle also is get- ting break in best week here for some time. ; Estimates for This Week Circle (Gamble-DoUe) (2,800; 44- 65)—"River Ladj'" (Ui and "Train to Alcatraz." Nice $11,000. Last week, ''Noose Hangs High" (U) and "Cobra Strikes" (EL), Modest $10,000. Indiana (Gamblc-Dollc) (3;300; 44-65)—"Emperor Waltz" (Par). Sock $18,000. Last week, "Fort Apache" (RKO). Oke $•12,000. Keith's' (Gamble-DoUe) (1,300; 44-65)—"Noose Hangs High". (U> and "Cobra Strikes" (EL) im.o.). Average $4,500. Last week, "Wall- flower" (WB) and "Valley of Giants" (WB) (reissue). Dull $3,500. Loew's (Loew'sl (2,450; 44-65) — "On an Island With You" (M-G) and "Fabulous Joe" (UA). Solid $16,000. Last week, "Bridge Goes Wild" (M-G) and "Woman from Tangier" (Col) (2d wk). Nice $9,000, for $26,000 two-week total. Lyric (Gamble-DoUe) (1,600; 44- 63)—"Fort Apache" (RKO) (m.o.). Slick $6,000. Last week, "Old Los Angeles" (Rep) and "Timber Trail" (Rep). Slow $5,000. HnttoD-l^e San Francisco, July 6. Betty Hutton and Ziggy Elman orch, as the stage mates iax "Stage Struek" at the Golden Gate, are making the big noise in Frisco this session. Another newcomer, "Street With No Name," is lifting the Fox into solid money, while "River Lady," at -the Orpheum and £s- quure, Is meeting a mixed b.o. re-, action. "Emperor Waltz," in its sec- ond week at the Paramount, is- holding up nicely but "The Pirate" is slipping at the Warfield. Estimates fer Tlais Week Golden Gate (RKO) (2,844; 65-95) —"Stage Struck" (RKO) plas vaude headed by Betty Hutton and Ziggy Elman orch. Boft' $46,500. I^st week, "Tarzan and the Mermaids" (RKO) and "So Long Remembered' plus fight pix, a nice $16,000. Fox (FWC) (4,651; 60-95)—"Street With No Name" (20th). Sock $32,- 500. last week, "Silver River' (WB) (2d wk). a fair $12,500. W^cfif^ ()FWC) (2,656; 60-85)— "The Pirate" (MrG) (2d wk). Fair $13,500. Last week, strong $21,000. Rirauitount (Par) (2,646; 60-85)— "Emperor Waltz" (Par) (2d wk). Good $22,000. Last week, a sock $33,.500. St. Francis (Par) (1.400; 60-85) "The Paradme Case" (SRO) (3d wk). Punchy $12,000. Last week, fine $14,500. Orpbewn (Blumenfeld) (2,448: 55-85)—"River Lady" (U). Mediocre $13,500. Last week, "Coroner Creek" Col), $12,500. United Artists (Biumenfeld) (1,- 207; 55-85)—"Letter from An Un- known Woman" (U) (2d wk). Fair $8,000. Last week, good $9,500. Stasedoor (Ackerman) (350; 60- 85)—"Corridor of Mirrors" (U). Strong $3,800. last week, "Private Life of Henry VIII" (SO (3d wk) and "Catherine the Great" (SO (3d wk), botli reissues, $2,600. Clay (Roesher) (400; 65-85)— Closed for repairs due to fire. Larkin (Roesner) (400; 65-85)— "L'Atlante" (Indie) and "Zero de Conduite" (Indie). Oke $2,800. Last week, "Jenny Lamour" (Indie) (3d' wk) held okay $2,400. United Nations (FWC) (1,149; 60- 85)—"The Lost One" (Indie) (2d wk). Only $3,500. Last week, a pleasing $3,500. Esquire (Biumenfeld) (95i^;: 55-85) —"River Lady" (U).. Big :J7.500. Last week, "Coroner Creek" (Col), $7 500 ' State (Par) (2.133; 60-^)—"Rose of Washington Square" (2bth) and "Slave Ship" (20tli) (reissues). F^kir $8,500. Last week, "I, 3sba Doe" (Rep) and "The GaUant I^egitm" (Rep), $6,000. -o— Tmperw' Waltzes to Sod[ $156,001 3d Wed; '^er' PanMb ^ ^,000; 'ApcW4ieDa 105G 3d, 'Ornsades' 30G Estimates Are Net FUm gross estimates as re- ported herewith from the vari' ous key cities, are net, i.e., without the 20% tax. Distribu- tors share on net take, when playing precentage, hence the estimated figures are net in- come. The parenthetic admission prices, however, as Indicated, .^4P*=!'Vde ^ U. S^,«l9l^pf;}n«l^, Long Independence Day week- end rode into New York on the crest of the hottest, muggiest weather of the new summer. As result, the number of tourists ar- riving in town hardly equalled tJie number of New Yorkers who par- ticipated in the mass exodus from, the city starting last Thursday (1). Broadway biz, consequently, while good for the most part, was still not up to expectations. Most of the Stem houses kept their weekend prices in effect throughout the weekend, which niight help explain some of the better grosses. Vaudfilm houses, with Uie exception of the Strand, fared best, indicating the out-of- towners want the live entertain- ment they don't get at home. Radio City Music Hall, always a showplace, pulled the tourists in off the swelteruig streets con- sistently to rack up a socko $156,- 000 for the third week of "Emperor Waltz" combined with tlie Hall's Independence Day stage presenta- tion. Capitol, with "Fort Apache?' coupled with Lena Horne, Skin- nay Enuis orch and Paul Winchell toppmg the stage layout, showed a neat $105,000, good but not up to the previous week's . total. Strand, with "Romance on High. S.oas" and Bob Crosby's orch on stage, dipped to mild $37,000. Roxy ran into bad luck when the Andrews Sisters, headlining the stagebill Avith Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, plus an ice show, were called to the Coa&t Saturday (3) by the death of their motlier. Theatre, with "Give Re- gards to Broadway" on screen, was forced to trim its admission prices, but still chalked up a fine $90.tM)0 for the second frame. State led the straight fllmeries, where "Easter Parade", inaugurat- mg a new deluxe first run policy foi- the house, teed oS to a rec- ord breaking $85,000, far and away the best the house has ever done. "Crusades," a Paramount reissue, opened surprisingly well at the Rivoli with a fine $30,000 for the first round. Estimates tor This Week Astor (Cily Inv.) (1300; 70-$1.50). —"Melody Time" (RKO).(Gth wk). Current stanza ending today (Wed.) passably good at $13,000 after fair $15,000 last week. CJontinues. Capitol (Loew's) (4,820; 70-$1.80). —"Fort Apache" (RKO) with Lena Horne. Skinnay Ennis orch, Paul Winchell. others on stage (2d wk). Holiday weekend was no help here, although the eistimated $105,000 for week ending today (Wed.) is good. SItunp was recorded. from last week's fine $117,000. Criterion (Loew's) (1,700; 70- $1.85). — "Lady from Shanghai" (Col) (4th-final wk). Apparently unable to withstand the hot ■feather pace, slumped- to under $10,000 for last frame ending today (Wednesday), after only slightly better $11,000 last week. "Canon City" (EL) opens tomorrow (Thurs- day). Globe (Brandt) (1,500; S0>-$1.80). —"Arab of Triumph" (UA) <12th- final wk). Closing after four days of the 12th week with an estimated $6,800, not good. Previous session, light $10,000. "Fury at Furnace Creek" (20th) opens Satuiday (10). Mayfair (Brandt) (1,736; 90-$1.80) —"Time of Life" (UA) (6th wk). Also hurt by the holiday, with the cuiTent session winding today (Wednesday) down to $15,000, after $20,000 for fifth frame. Continues. Palace (RKO) (1,700; 35-80)— "Flowing Gold" (WB) and "Back- ground to Danger" (WB) (reissues). (1st wk). About $9,000 sighted for frame ending Sunday (11), after fair $13,000 for previous frame with "Berlin Express" (RKO) and "Scudda Hoo" (20th) (2d runs), plus Louis-Walcott fight pix. "Mr. Blandings" (SRO) and "Panhandle" (Rep) (2d runs) open Monday (12). Parameimt (Par) (3,664; 55-$1.5(n -^"Foreign' Afifair" (Par) and Jo Stafford, Georgie Kaye, Sam Dona- hue orch, Lane Bros, on stage (2d wk). Very nice $87,0.'}0 for initial frame ending tonight (Tues.) but still not up to expectAtions based on rave reviews. Last week, sec- ond and final round of "Dream Girl" (Par) and Phil Spitalny orch heading stagebill, fahr $55,00!Di. ' Radio CVCt Music Hall (Rocke- fellers) (5,943; 80-S2.40) — "Em- peror Waltz" (Par) witli stageshow (3d wk) -- • - sues) (3d wk). Steady $10,000 for frame ending tonight (Wednesday), after $10,400 last we**. "Drums'* (FC) (reissue) in next but date not Klvoll (UAT-Par) (2,092; 60-$lJS5> "Crusades" (Par) <reissue) (Ist wk). Opened late Friday (2) after- noon, after "Lulu BeUe" (Gol) ,, puUed out, and doing good $30,000 for first round. Previous week, second and final for "Lulu" wa« poor $9,000. Rosy (2000 (5,fl86; BO^H.BO)— "Give Regards to Broadway" (20th), . with ice show, plus Andrews Sis- ters, Dean Martin & Jerry licwis on stage (3d wk). Andrews Sisters flew to Coast Saturday (3) for mother's •funeral, forcing Roxy to cut twp price to $1.50 for weekend, with no replacement. Biz still good $90,000 for second frame ending last (Tues- day) night, after fine $123,4)00 open- er. "Street wiOi No Name" (20ai) plus new ice, stageshows, opemi next Wednesday (14), State (Loew's) (3,450; 80-$1.80)— Easter Parade" (M-G) (2d wk). With t(«> prices in effect over long, weekraid, this world preem set new house record with boff $85,000 In first round of new deluxe showcase policy. Pic stays at least tiiree-four weeks more. ,Last week, four days of thivd stanza fsa. "Smnmer HioIi« day" (M-G), down to $7;900r «t 9S^ $1.25 scale. Strand (WB) (2,756; 75-$1.50)— "Romance on High Seas" (WB), plus Bob Crosby orch headinc stagebilM2d wk). Only vaud-flfaner not helped by weekend, with second frame ending tomorrow tThutsday) down lo mild $37,000, after disap- pointing $45,000 opening week. Victoria (aty Inv.) (720; 70-JKi:S0> —"Raw Deal" (UA) .opens bd«^ (Wed.). Last week, "Fi^tiae Father Dunne" (RKO) in second and final round, n. s. h. at $13,500 aft(»- mild $15,000 opening week. Winter Garden (UA) (1,312; 55- $1.50) — "Man-Eater, of Knmaott" (U)^ First wedc ending today (Wednesday) fairly good at $25,000; good front ballyhoo ^animateid tiger, - etc., atop marquee drawing more - attenti<Ht than film., Pic stays. Last week, house closed in prep- aration for "Han-Siiter" preem. 'Waltz'ytsOnak $12,00 Omaha, Jular 6. "The Emperor Waltz" lifted tho Paramount out of the midsummer doldrums and looked big from tho moment the picture opened. In Msm taee of hot, i&y weather the picturo opened solidly. jPreportionately strong in a small house, "Home- coming" is also doing okay. "Mickey," heavily ballyhoocd at the Orpheum was also responsible for a slight lift 'in busmese tb^m, "Fighting Father Dunne" l8 smasU at the Bramleis. Estbnaies for This Week Paramoont (Tristates) (2,800; 16- 6.5.)—^"Emperor Waltz" (Par) very good $12,000 and probable move- over. Last week, "Green Grass of Wyoming" (20th), thin $9,000 much below average here. State (Goldberg) (865; 16-65) — "Homecoming" (M-G) Big $4,500 and probable holdover. Last week, "Fury at Furnace Oeek" (20tb) (2d wk) good $3,000 with "Two Mugs From Brookb^" (Indie). Orpheum (Tristates) (3,000; 16- 65) —"Mickey (EL) and "Under the Tonto Rim" (RKO), ordinary $10,000. loastweek, "Mr. Reckless" (Par) and Bay McKlnley stage band-revue at 20-80, good but not overly big $18,000. Brandeis (RKO) (1,500; 16-65)— "Fighting Father Dunne" (RKO). "Arizona Ranger" (RKO) and Louis-Walcott fight (RKO), smash $8,000 and holdover indicated. Last week, "Silver River" (WB) and "Trapped by Boston ffiiadde" <C»U, fair $7,000. . Ouiaba (Tristates) (2,100; 16-65>' — "Green Grass of Wyoming" (20th) and "Half Past Midnight" (20th) fair $8,000. Last week, "Give My Regards to Broadway" (20th) (m.o) and "Blonde Savage** (EL) (1st run) Ught $7,800. Call the Cops : .''fldiadeiphk..'" Mel Kofi's suburban (Qlensfde theatre is now listed as a 28-day house. Change of clearance gives Most of tourists must have the Glenside an equal break with cooled off here, with biz up to sock $156,000, after fine $151,000 last week. Stays another two or three tres. weeks. Rialtft (Mage) (594; 44-98)— "Tower of London" (FO and "Man Who Reclaimed {Hf:)!^ its rivals in the York Road section, the Keswick and Yorktown thea- i J. Fox planning at 1,000* seater in nearby Mt. HoII^, N. J.,