Variety (Oct 1948)

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FICTIJBES WcdneMlay, October 6, 1948 House Un-American Committee Scores Rumors of HoUywoo Washington, Oct. 5, •♦■ Heports o£ a "fix" to halt fur-, ther hearings on the HoUywood 1 Red issue by the House Un-Amen-^ can Activities Committee have got- ten under the committee's skin, although most members are not commenting. However, one of them, Rep. John ' Hollywood, Oct. 5. Spsntei' Tk-afry will |tar iii ,Tech*; n i coioir "Itobin'son 'Criis6e,": vthicli Sani Zimballst will jJt-patipt McDoweii Metro as one of studio's top eflforts Pa.) last week denounced the of the season. rumor.s that "the fix is in. "These stories, which have reached us from Hollywood, are completely phoney." said Mc- Dowell. "As a matter of fact, we have' decided to hold the next batch of hearings in HoUywood rather than in Washington as originally eicpected. W6 consid' •red conducting these in Decem- ber but I expect they will be held In Januarj', some time after Con- gress reconvenes. ■ "Representative Richard Nixon, of California, one of the commit- tee me mber s, has been arranging . for us to ■ Have otiices In'^Mch we, . can question witnesses in the Fed- »ral court building in Los Angeles. Last time we were on the Coast, we examined witnesses in our hotel suite,' which ■. was not satis- factory." First inkling the conunittee had Leasing starts early next year on Caribbean location. Lawson Asks Supme Court To Review Plea Washington. Oct. 5. Screenwriter John Howatd TLiaw- stin, yesterday (4) asked for :«i direct review l)y. the Supreme ttourt of his indibtinent: for conteihjit of Congress, for which he was sen- tenced lasi May to a jail and $1,000; fine, A petition for: a writ of ifceritiorarit filed by his at- „ , „„ „ : J. _ ^ tomeys, asks the higher court to J'"" Jtake over an appeal now pending McDowell came as a letter to Rep. 7before the U. "S. Court of Appeals F Edward Hebert (D La ), an-i j^^. ^j,e District of Columbia, other committee member from a , ^he peOtlon was filed by Robert picture industry figure The letter ^ ^enny, Bartley C. CrUm, Ben writer had cooperated vj-ith the ) jjiargolis, Charles J. Katz and Sam- committee in supplying infoma- ^gl Rosenwein. Whether the high tlon and had even testified. ■ "He told Hebert," said Mc- ^Dowell, "that the>storieS were all ^over Hollywood that plans for . ture hearings were going, to be <tuietly dropped and that the Hollywood angle of our work was 5«f^„r"n»'Iif^»f^'''^n^^?rii*l.Hlf 'Both writer. Were allowed to post «|al for. Pampai^ contributions. , ^ond pending appeal. This Man said he had gone out ^n i i^^^^^-^ p» tition asked that the • hnib to aid the committee. He 1 question of the Ihnits of the con- w ^n,?f f>,orf "^^ir^i^ii^iT: gressional power to investigate "be tag him out there. He said his • j^^^ ^y the Supreme Court future earning chances and oppor- (Continued on page 19) tunity to work in Hollywood had 1 .. been jeopardized by: his ■ coopera- tion with us." Hebert brought the letter to a :conimittee meeting. There it was openly declared there was no fix ; and that the hearings would pro- ■ceed as scheduled, concluded Mc- Dawell. 327t|i Week! 3374 Performaneet . All-time long run record:' jn tlie It'gitimatc tliea.tre. KEN MURRAY'S "BLACKOUTS OF 1948" Et Capitan Thaatrc, Hollywood, Cal. And now in world*wlcle ■ release "BILL AND COO" Kon Murray's Academy Award Film This Week's Football •By MARTY GUCKMAN- court decides to review the case will be determined during this term of the-tribunal, ;which will run nine months. The decision | will also affect the case of Dalton Trumbo. who has appealed a sim-1 ilar sentence to the lower court. Reagan, Brewer Head H'wood-for-Truman M-G FORGOT TO OPTION Hollywood, Oct, 5. Labor League of; Hollywood Vot(jVs lias been' formed by repre- sentatives of 21 AFL unions to ac- tively enter the ■ present politicai I Campaign and : fight Communism. ■ riirrii oi/i/mi »pii iRonald LEUEEN MACGRATH >«»8|n, screen Actors GuIM uwuuii .i«*mvwmj»«««|pj.gjj^ jj^^ Brewer, interna- Leueen MacGrath, featured ac-;tlonal representative of lATSE, tress in "Edward, My Son,' at the I co-chairmen. Dmytryk Inked To Direct Brit. Pk London, Oct. S. Edward Dmytryk, one of the 10 "unfriendly witnesses" who quit Hollywood after the, House inves- tigation last year, is to direct a British picture; Contract was signed Friday, (t). with Nat Bron- sten ; on . behalf of Independent Sovereign Films. Picture is based on Alec Coppel's bestseller, "Over the Line," and goes into production end of the month under working title of "Spotlight." Dmytryk is now work- ing on the .script with Coppel, and casting larrangements are now be- ing concluded. World distribution is: being ar- ranged,: probably through British Lion. Dmytryk, who has been in. Lon- don for three months, has been granted: a labor permit by the Min- istry of Labor, and is permitted to work here under the foreign di- rectors' quota agreed between pro- ducers and unions. (Spmn Oiwfor of WMGM, N< Yi) COLLEGE EAST *GAMES - SELECTIONS Columbla-Yale Columbia Kusserow and Rossides too hot to handle, i Harvard-Cornell Harvard Harvard passed its "esiam" against Lou Little last .week. Colgate-Boston V. Colgate Red Raiders begin to move. Holy Cross-Dartmouth Holy Cross Both clubs have off"ensive power. Penn State-Syracuse (Fci. nite) Fcnn State Syracuse is out of its class. Princeton-Pcnn Penn Quakei-s on their way to another Ivy League championship West Va.-Pittsburgh PHt After SMU and ND, Mountaineers should be easy. Temple-Butgers Rutgers Rutgers invalids are mended. POINTS 13 U 7 7 Z9 14 6 n SOUTH Baylor-Arkansas . Arkansas 13 Arkansas' Clyde Scott one of the best ball carriers in the country. Duquesne-AIabama (Fri. nite) ....Alabama 20 Alabama has a soft touch. Auburn-Florida (nite) _ Florida 14 Florida, under its new coach, Andy Gustafson, is on the way up. Chattanooga-Tennessee Tennessee 20 A breather for the Vols. Clemson-Mississippi State State ^ 13 State has one of the best teams in the southeast, Navy-Duke Duke 14 I Navy disappointing again. Kentucky-Georgia Georgia 7 l- .• Kentucky also disappointing. Texas A&M-La. State (nl(c) LSU 20 Gaynell Tinsley, new coach at LSU, has his club clicking. Vtllanova-Miaml (FrI. nite) Villanova 13 Wildcats are good. Vanderbilt-Mississippi Mississippi 13 Ole Miss has built around Barney Poole. North Carolina-Wake Forest No. Carolina 20 Tarheels shaping up as class of the Southern Conference. So. Carolina-Tulane ' Tulane 14 The Green Wave, under Henry Franka, moving back to the top. SMU-Missourl SMU 7. Toughest pick of the week, Doak Wcilker is the difiPerential. Oklahoma-Texas Texas .< The Sooners haven't beaten Texas since 1939. 13 Martin Beck, N. Y., is being propo' ■itioned by Metro and other Holly- wood companies. Although she plays the same part of the secre- tary-mistress in Metro's film ver- sion of the Robert Morley-Noel Langley drama, the studio neg- lected to include an option clause Berlin's Metro Huddle Hollywood, Oct. 5. Irving Berlin flew in over the weekend fqr a fortnight's stay and a possible Metro filmusical huddle. While here he'll also look in on some of the numbers of Metro's film version of "Annie Get Your Gun." His "Easter Parade," of course, is one of the studio's top League will level its guns against all "doubtful" candidates. • grossers currently, in particular against the third Berlin admits he's now "quite party. Records of all candidates the Picasso of the Catsliills," since will be provided voters, i. Among . he's taken up painting as a hobby, league's objectives are "to secure \ He's also taking it quite seriously, maximum support for Harry S. i and (luring his final week's rest at Truman and all candidates who their Lew Beach summer place in In her contract. With the click of, uphold a free democratic labor the Castskill Mts., Berlin says he : the show on Broadway and favor^ ■ movement in the coming crucial !"got paint on everything including able reaction to her performance , contest." Ellin's dog." In studio screenings of the picture. ] she's, now in. demand. She has a run-of-the-play con- tract, .so wouldn't be available lor, Hollywood until next June, unless' « release were arranged. European Runaround By BORRAH MINEVITCH MIDWEST Army-Illinois , Army 13 Army has a top defensive unit. San Francisco-Detroit (FrI. nite) Detroit 13 Detroit one of the midwest's best independents. TCU-Indiana Indiana 7 Indiana the dark horse of the Big Nine. Iowa-Ohio State Ohio State 13 Buckeyes getting stronger. Kansas-Iowa State Kansas 27 Breather for Kansas. Michigan-Purdue Michigan 7 The Irish must have taken a great deal out of Purdue in that 28-27 win. Michigan State-Notre Dame . . . . Notre Dame 13 The Spartans are tough but the Irish are still the class of tlie country. Minnesota-Nortjhwestem Northwestern 6 This game could well decide the championship of the Big Nine, FAR WEST Wisconsin-California ,................ Califorhia 7 Coast finally comes up with a winner against Big 9. Oregon-Idaho Oregon 14 Idaho not big enough. Santa Clara-Stanford Santa Clara 7 Stanford a long way from the days of Bobby Grayson, etc. Rice-USC use 7 use is getting stronger. UCLA-Washington ' .. . Washington 6 Howie O'Dell and his Huskies get well. Washington. State-Montana ... Washington State 20 State one of the big ones in the northwest. Gen, Clay Aide's Daughter In German Film Prod. Munich, Oct. 5. One of the most ambitious post- war efforts of German film pro- ducers- is under way here with the daughter of Robert D. Murphy, po- : lilical adviser to Gen. Lucius- D.- Clay, in the feminine lead. She Is Rosemary Murphy, cast as an American girl student. The picture is "Der Ruf" ("The , Challenge"), scripted by Frrti Kortner, veteran German actor. It Is the dramatic story of the post- ; vvar return, of an exiled Jewish professor to his former university ■ Slid .homeland.: Kortner plays ithe leading role of the professor. Director is Jo- sepli von Baky,: who directed the German (Technicolored "Muench- hausen," now playing to' overflow- ing houses in Germany. Miss Murphy, an amateur,: says : German film players are more emotional than Americans. Their pay is good in comparison with pay in flther professions.- Extras :inake IS niarks a day-^about $1..'}0 at black market rateS'—but high on the German economy where 40 marks is a good week's pay. Paris. Oct. 2. Odds-on boys: Zale zealots went begging for even money, and it was plenty tough to get a taker, Americanism that Europeans will never dig; The Miami ops trying it again this season. • Any shindig for Ingrid Bergman gives the host a < break. RKO; Paramount, Columbia, Warners and Sclznick split the check. The CBS, NBC, ABC commenta- tor bo.vs at U.N. think it's .fun get- ting together. Alt: Howard Hughes and Mal- colm Kingsberg: Am waiting to see vaudeo "getting nearer home-^the Palace; ■ ■ ' ■ ■: Beginning of the End: Russia's Maiik (No. 2 to Vishinsky) continu- ou.sly mentioning the League of Nations and the United Nations in the .same breath, Straight from the cool cucumber that, greets smart opinions from all over the globe riglit iit his hotel door—"If you don't want to get c,i light in this one—Git! ! !" Some 16,000 lO-inCh disks and 1,400 miles of tape will record the U.N. blabs and counter-blabs. The N. Y. Times (minus theatre ads) sold here day and date with N. Y. Att._ Meyer Davis: This is to ad- vise you are the father of a stout- hearted, keen - minded, sincere, scholarly and clear-thinkmg son who may well be remembered as the father of a vital force—if the common man hears him; and bar- ring you being destroyed by an atomic-cosmic war you may live to unveil a statue of jour Garry inscribed "Citizen of the World No. 1." PROFESSIONAL (NATIONAL LEAGUE) Giants-Eagles Eagles Eagles have a veteran team; Giants still building. Los Angeles-Bears Bears Bears have Luckman, Layne and Lujack. Chicago Cards-Green Bay Cards Gotta stick with the champions. Boston Yanks-Detroit (Sat. nite) Detroit Lions' Fred Enke is the outstanding rookie in the NFL.: Redskins-Steelers Redskins Sammy Baugh is the difference. Song Cavalcade Vahiety's specially compiled Musical-Historical Cavalcade: 1800-1948, covering 150 years of American music, starts pub- lishing serially in, this edition. Amplified and extended s i nee the original 1800-1935 Song Cavalcade first appeared some 10 years ago in Vahiety's Radio Directory, the many re- quests warrant this republica- tion. It is suggested that the ; Segments be clipped and pre- served for permanent use by film, radio, stage, allied pro- gram-builders, et al. ALL-AMERICA CONFERENCE San Francisco-Baltimore .... . Frisco Frisco the class of the Conference. Brooklyn-Cleveland . . Cleveland Top and bottom in the League. N. Y. Yankees-Buffalo Buffalo George Batterman too slick. Chicago-Los Angeles (Fri. nite) l, A. Chicago has lost Bertelli and Hirsch. 14 7 7 14 7 14 17 7 7 SEASON'S RECORD Won, 65; Lost, 23; Ties. 4; Pet., .739. (Ties don't count) * College games are played Saturday unless otherwise staled; pro games Sunday unless otherwise stated. GIESLER KECUPING Hollywood, Oct. 5. THEIMA RITTEE'S U CHORE Thelma Hitter planes Friday '8) is^^^^^^li^t.^ the coast on a one-picture deal auto accident in Beverly Ilills: ^PP^^"^ The Trap" for Uni- sersal. It's a story of juvenile dc" the noveli "Xhe He was driving home from his i office when car skidded over high i 'inqueney. from curb and smashed into a palm tree. Amboy Dukes.'