Variety (Oct 1948)

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Wednesday, October .6, 1948 PICTURE GROSSES? Rain, Too Many H.0.'$ Slough Chi But 'RoiXiTiesUp Rugged $25,000; Buck PAUj)s'BaciiAlive'toHotl5G Chicago, Oct. 5. ♦ • Biz was hindered by two days of; rain the first part of current week. Fact that only one new film, opened also is hurting overall total. "Rope" at State-Lake looks excellent $25,- 000 With crix pointing out parallel to Loeb-Leopold murder here sev- eral decades ago. Also doing well is ''Bring 'Em Back Alive," on re- issue at Grand, which is being Helped by personal of Frank Buck.. Looks nifty $15,000. Holdovers shape to do the best business with "Date With Judy'' and Louis ArmstroBg at Oriental, in second week, fancy $46,000. Also in second stanza and in fine . $hape is ''Rachel and the Stranger'' at Palace, trim $20,000. "Good Sam" isn't holding up as well as ex- pected but still real coin at $18,000 at Woods. "Beyond Glory" at Chi- cago: backed by revue headed by Liberace looks solid for $38;000 in first holdover round.^ Estimates for This Week ' Apollo (B&K) (1,400; 50-98)— "Rose Washington Square" (ZOth) I and "Slave Ship" (20th) (reissues>. Neat $9,000. Last week, "North- west Stampede" (EL) (2d wk), nice $6,500. ChicaKO (B&K) (d,900; 50-98)— "Beyond Glory" (Par) with stage headed by Liberace. (2d wk). Solid $38,000. Last week, $46,000. Garrick (B&K) (900; 50-85)— "Raider". (Indie) and "Wings of Morning" (20th) (reissues). . Fair ! $7,000. Last week, "Coast Guard" and "Flight Lieutenant" (Col) (re- issues), $8,500. Grand (RKO) (1,500; 50-98)— "Bring 'Em Back Alive" (BKO) (re- issue) aided by Frank Buck per- sonal. Solid $15,000. Last week, "Larceny," (U) (2nd wk), big $11,- 000. Oriental (Essaness) (3,400; 50- 98)—"Date With Judy" (M-G) with Louis Armsti-ong heading stagebill (2d wk) Excellent $46,000. Last week, $58,1500. Palace (RKO) (2,500;' 50-98)— "Rachel and Stranger" (RKO) (2d wk). Trim $20,000 probable. Last week, stout $26,400. Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500; 50-98)— "Smart Girls Don't Talk" (WB) (2d wk) Light $11,000. Last week, oke $14,500. State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 50-98) —"Rope" (WB). Sturdy .$25,000. Last week, "Walk Crooked Mile" (Col) (2d wk), $16,000. .United Artists (B&K) (1,700; 50- 98) — "Moonrise" (Rep) (2d wW- Down to $13,000 after last week's solid $16,500. Woods CEssanness) (1;073 "Good Sam" (RKO) (2d wk). $18,000. Last week. $22,300 World (Indie) (587; 80) —"To Live In Peace" (Indie) (4th wk). Fine $3,500, Last week, $3,700. Surf (Indie) (650; 85) —"The Brothers" (U). Sharp $4,000. Last week, $5,100, Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week $65St,000 (Bosrd on 15 theatres) Last Year $724,000 (Based on 21: theatres I 'Radiel' Sultry \ D.C. Ace 98)— Fancy Indpls. NSH But U' $13,000; Titfair lOG Indianapolis, Oct. 5. Biz is just so-so at dcluxcrs tliis week, because of heavy draw o£ Roy Rogers Rodeo at Coliseum. "Babe Ruth Story" is doing oke at Circle to lead the town, but |Toreif!n Affair" at Indiana and "Pitfall" at LoeW's are only fair. Estimates for This Week Circle (Gamble-Dolle) '2,800; 44- 65)—"Babo Ruth Story" (Mono) and "Golden Eye" (Mono), Trim $13,000, Last week, ','Peabody and Mermaid" (U) and "Upturned Glass" (U), mild 810,000. Indiana (G-D) (3,300; 44-65)— "Foreign Affair" (Par) and "Lady Midnight" (EL). Average $12,000, Last week. "Walls of Jericho" •(20th) and "Checkered Coat" (2Qth). about same. Keith's (G-D) (1,300; 44-65)— "Walls of Jericho" (20Ui) and 'Checkered Coat" (20th) (mo.). Modest $4,000. week, "Canon City" (EL) and "Music Man" (Mono) (m.o,), $3,500. Loew's (Loew's) (2,450; 44-65)— "Pitfall" (UA) and "Dog Rustv" (Col). Offish $10,000. Last week. Date With Judy" (M-G) and "Thunderhoof" (Col) (2d wk), Nice $10,000 in 6 days on top of big $17,000 opener. Lyric (G-D) (l,600r 44-65> — "Raw Deal" (EL) and "Mine Own Executioner" (20th). Fair $6,000. Last week, "Will It Happen Again" (FC) and "Out of Storm" (Rep), nice $8,000. , Washington, Oct. 5. It's, another dull week here,-with "Rachel and the Stranger" the sole bright spot on a gloomy hori- zon. "Walk a Crooked Mile" at the Warner is runner-up. Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew's) (2,434; 44-80)— "Luck of Irish" (20th) plus vaude. Mild $20,000 expected. Last week, "Innocent Affair" (UA) plus vaude, okay $23,000, and better than ex- pected. Columbia (Loew's) (1,263; 44-80) —"Slave Ship" (20110 and "Rose Washington Square" (20th) (reis- sues). Nice $7,000. Last week, "Abbott^Costello Meet Franken- stein" (U) (m.o.) (3 days) and "Am- ber" (20th) (m.o.) (4 days), slim $5,500. . . , Keith's (RKO) (1,939; 44-74)— "Rachel and Strangelr" (RKO). Socko $18,000, with interest 4n Mitchum high but no demonstra- tions. Last week, "Good Sam" (RKO) t3d wk), sturdy $12,000, with unexpected weekend spurt helping. Metropolitan (WB) (1,163; 44-70) —"Crusades" (Par) (reissue). Solid $8,000. Last week, "Night of Love" (Col) (reissue), $6,000. Palace (Loew's) (2,370; 44-74)— "Luxury Liner" (M-G) (2d wk). So-so $13,000. Last week, "Am- ber" (20th) (2d run) (3 days) and "Luxury Liner" (M-G) (4 days), $13,000. Playhouse (Lopert) (432; 95-85) —"Mine Own Executioner" (20th), Fine $5,000, but not sock for house. Last week, "Escape", (20th) (3d wk), nice $4,000. Warner (WB) (2,154; 44-74)— "Walk Crdoked Mile" (Col). Steady $16,000, Last week, "Rope" (WB) (2d wk), below hopes but okay $12,000. Heidt's New Stars fdt W Huge 30G, Cincy Cincinnati, Oct. 5. Downtown biz this week is. top- heavy. Albee's stageshow hypo via Horace Heidt's "New Stars on Parade" with "Smart Girls Don't Talk" is landing huge total and easily pacing field. Palace strong with "Race Street," being up sharply over last week.; Only other new bill is "Ruthless," which shapes stout,, Estimates for'This Week Albee (RKO) (3,100; 60-94)— "Smart Girls Don't Talk" (WB) with Horace Heidt's "New Stars on Parade" stageshow.. Stageshow re- vlvali on spotrbooking basis, and popularity of Heidt's radio talent champs boosting this to; torrid $30,- 000. Last week, "Loves of: Carmen" (Col) (2d wk), lusty $14,000 at 50- 75c scale. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 50-75)— "Life Wilh Father" (WB) (2d wk). Fairish $6,000 after pleasing $10,- 000 preem. ' Grand (RKO) (1,400; 50-75)— "Ruthless" (EL). Stout $9,000. r.,ast week, "Four Feathers" (FC) and "Drums" (FC), $8,000. ■ Keith's (City Inv.) (1,542; 50-75) .^"Larceny" (U) (2d wk). No com- plaint at $6,000 trailing all right $9,000 kickoff. Lyric (RKO) (1,400; 50-75)— "Touch of Venus- (U) (ra,o.), 4 days and "I Cover War" (Indie) and "Corvette K225" (Indie) (reissues). Moderate $5,000, .Last week, "Babe Ruth Story" (Mono) (2d wk- 3 days) and "Timber" (Indie) and '^Mutiny on Blackhawk" (Indie) (reissues), disappointing $4,000. Palace (RKO) (2,600 ; 50-75)— "Race Street" (RKO). Strong $14,- 500, : Last week, . "One Touch Venus" (U) nifty $14,000, Shubert (RKO) (2,100; 50-75)— "Loves of Carmen" (Col), Move- over for third downtown, sesh, smooth $6,000. Last week, "Rachel and Stranger".'' (RKO) (m.o.), all right $5,500. 'CARMEN' NOT SO BIG AT $18,000 IN K.C. Kansas City, Oct. 5. Ideal fall weather and strong product will combine for a sturdier week this round. "Loves of Car- men" at the Midland is out in front but not sock. "Mr. Blandings" at Orpheum is comparatively as good. "Luck of the Irish" looks only okay at $15,000 at Tower-Uptown-Fair- way trio. Estimates for This Week ■ Esquire (Fox Midwest) (820; 45- 65)—"Fighting Seabees" (Rep) and "Flying Tigers" (Rep) (reissues). Over average $3^500; Last week, "Eyes of Texas" (Rep) and "Vil- lage Barn Dance" (Rep) (reissue), $4,000. Kimo (Dickinson) (550; 35-45- 65)—"The Damned" (Indie). Re- opened house with foreign films firstrun. Nice $2,500. Midland (Loew's) (3,500; 45-65)— "Loves of Carmen" (Col) and "Sur- render Dear" (Col), Fine $18,000. Last week, "Pitfall" (UA) and "Black Eagle" (Col), good $14,000. Orpheum (RKO) (1,900; 45-65)— "Mr. Blandings Dream House" and "Big Punch" (WB). Nifty $16,000, and holdover. Last week, "Rachel and Stranger" (RKO) and ■'Shanghai Chest" (Mono) .(2d wk), socko $12,000. Paramount (Par) (1,900; 45-65)— 'lEvil .My Love" (Par). Overvaver- age $13,000. Last week, "Two Guys Texas" (WB) (2d wk), satis- factory $9,000. . Tower - Uptown - Fairway;, (Fox Midwest) (2,100, 2,043, 700; 45-65) —"Luck of Irish" (20th). Pass- able $15,000. Last week, "Lar- ceny" (U) mild $13,000. W-Hionias-McDonaU $117,000 Tops N. Y.; 'Red River-De Marcos SoMy In Black, 92G;'Belinda'-Martin Big 80G • Firstrun businesfe on'Broadway is climbing this wecik,.: bullish; tone being generated by new and stronger iprddiictions, cool weiither JeviSh '.holidays Monday off bfV interest ih American League pennant race also was. a help. . Six new bills were laiiriched in the last seven days. "Cry of City," with Danny Thomas and Marie Mc- Donald., is putting the Roxy back on easy street, with a big $17,000. Next • strongest newcomer ap- pears to be "Johnny Belinda," with Freddy Martin and the Calgarys heading stageshow at Strand. Looks to soar to great $80,00(). Also socko is the Capitdl at $92,000 with "Red River" and DeMarcos, Rose Marie plus Nat Brandwynne band on stage. ^ Straight film fare is being paced by "Hamlet" at Park Avenue, Play- ing to virtual capacity, on two-a- day and $2.40. top, first round ended last (Xues;) iiight looks ter- rific $15,500. :t:.:,y "Innocent Affair". shapes favor- able $24,000 in first week, plus Tuesday (28) night business, at Rivoli. "Saxon Charm" likewise is doing nicely with nearly $28,000 ex- pected in first session at Cyiterioh. "Good Sam" Is down to -about $115,000 in third stanza at Music Hall, with"Jiilia Misbehaves" com- ing in tomorrow (Thurs.). "Rachel and Stranger'' still is stout at S24,- 000 for third round at Mayfair. It stays a fourth, with "Mourning Be- comes Electra," first time: at pop prices, opening the following week. "Ruth Story" is way off at $6,500 in 10th week at Astor but stays on until Oct; 19 when "Song Is Born" comes in. Paramount brings in "Isn't It Romantic?" with Erskine Hawkins band, Delta Rhythm Boys heading stageshow today (Wed.) after five smash weeks with "Sorry, Wrong Number" and Carmen, Cavallaro topping stage layout. "Number" landed fancy: $70,000 for final frame. . Palace forgets second-runs next week to try two strong reissues, rMdoM r,«« fpirn^ (9 ma- Kn "Angels With Dirty Faces" and 95^'^Rachel and sl^Uer^(Vo)i''0^^^ N'«ht." plugging the ^.r-jL^c M,»f?™"f'JS"!Pair like new fare. Recent second- runs have not.done too: well at this 'Rope' Snags Wow $24,000 in Frisco San Francisco, Oct. 5. Weekend pro-football, which has been cutting into firstruns heavily, was subdued by rain over this past weekend, with all theatres being helped. Outstanding is "Rope" with a terrific session at the St. Francis. "Dude CSoes West" also is doing okay at the Paramount. "Moonrise" shapes trim at United Artists. - Estimates (or This Week Society' $13,000. and "Jiggs, Maggie in (Mono) (2d wk). Fine Last week, sock $23,500. Fox (FWC) (4,651; 60-95)— "Southern Yankee" (M-G) and "Nighttime in Nevada" (Rep) (2d wk). Down to $12,000 or less. JLast week, oke $19,500. Warfield (FWC) (2.656; 60-85)^ "Luxury Liner" (M-G) and "Fight- ing Back" (Rep). Nice $20,000 or under. -Last week, "'San Francis- co" (M-G) and "Night at the Opera" (M-G) (reissues), $19,000. Paramount (Par) (2,646; 60-85)— "Dude Goes West" (Mono) and "16 Fathoms Deep" (Mono). Firm $18,- 000 in 8 days. Last week, "Babe (Continued on page 17) house, necessitating four pictures in some weeks. Estimates for This Week . . Astor (City Inv.) (1,300; 70-$1.50) —"Babe Ruth Story" (Mono) (11th wk). Tenth week ended last Mon- day (4) night did not hold well at $6,500 after $8,000 for ninth. Stays until Oct. 19 when "Song Is Born" (RKO) opens. Capitol (Loew's) (4,820; 80-$1.50) —"Red River" (UA) plus Tony and Sally DeMarco, Rose Marie, Nat Brandwynne orch. First week end-^ ing today (Wed.) looks sock $92,- 000. Holds. Last week, "Luxury Liner" (M-G) with Gene Krupa Del Sip But 'Carmm' Hot $3i000; Teggy'SOCWlOG.'VeM'lSG Detroit, Oct. 5. In face of a-general slump this week, "Loves of Carmen" at Michi- gan looks very strong. World preem of "Apartment for Peggy," got oil to a slow start at Fox, but is picking up. "Pitfall" and "Vel- vet Touch" both are sufl"ering from the downbeat. ' Estimates for This Week Adams (Balaban) (1,740; 70-95) —"Tap Roots" (U) (3d wk). Hold- ing steady at $9,000. Last week, $11,000. Broadway-Capitol (United De- troit) (3,000; 70-95) — "Texas, Brooklyn, Heaven" (UA) and "Urubu" (UA). Dim $8,000. Last week, "City Slickers" (UA) and "Vicious Circle" (UA), mild $12,- 000. Downtown (Balaban) (2,863; 70- 95)—"The Search" (M-G) and "Na- nook of North" (Indie), Okay $9,- 000 or over. Last week, "Abbott-. Costello Meet Frankenstein" (U) and "Wouldn't Be in Shoes" (Mono) (3d wk) fine $10,000. Fox (Fox-Michigan) (5,100; 70- 95)—"Apartment for Peggy" (20th) and "Night Wind" (20th). Sturdy $30,000 or near. Last week, "Lar- ceny" (U).with Tony Martin top- ing stageshow; sock $44,000, which topped his previous gross by lOG. Martin stayed an extra day, pinch- hitting for George Jessel but not added to week's total, which was way over expectancy. Martin vol- untarily stayed over to m.c. per- sonals by 2(3th-Fox stars at preem of "Peggy." Michigan (U-D) (4,089; 70-95)— "Loves of Carmen" (Col) and "Triple Threat" (Col). Great $34 orch, Georgie Price heading stage- bill (3d wk), $53,000. Criterion (Loew's) (1,700; 70- $1.83) — "Saxon Charm" (U) (2d wk). Initial round ended last (Tues.) night hit near nice $28,000. m ahead, "Love of Mary" (U), very dim $15,000 on single week. Globe (Brandt) (1,500; 90-$1.50)— "Rope" (WB) (6th wk). Sixth stan- za ending today (Wed.) winding up at good $29,000 after fine $32,000 for fifth. Continues. Gotham (Brandt) (900; 70-$1.20> —"Olympic Games" (EL) C2d-finai Wk). Second round ending tomor- row (Thurs.) is dipping to $7,500 after nice $12,000 initial frame. Bouse goes back to second-runs and reissues after two weeks of "Games." Mayfair (Brandt) (1,736; 6041-25) —"Rachel and Stranger" (RKO) (3d wk). Third session ending Fri- day (8) looks to stay in chips at around $24,000 after solid $30,000 for second. Holds only one more week. Park Avenue (U) (5d3; $1.20- $2.40)—"Hamlet" (U) (2d wk). First week concluded' last (Tues.) night' shapes to hit terrific $15,500, vir- tual capacity for full week except for Wednesday matinee; film opened last Wed, night. In for indef. run. ^ • Palace (RKO) (1,700; -40-95)— "Walls Jericho" (20th) and "Deep Waters" (20th) (2d runs). Open to- day (Wed.). House brings in "Angels With Dirty. Faces" (WB) and "Drive by Night" (WB), two oldies just put out on reissue, Oct. 12. Last week, "Lady in Ermine" (20th) and "Furnace Creek" (20th) (2d runs) (5 days) and "Guadal- canal Diary" (20th) and "Purple Heart" , (20th) (reissues) (2 days), okay $9,500. Paramount (Par) (3,664; 55-$1.50) —"Isn't It Romantic?" (Par) plus Erskine Hawkins orch. Delta Rhythm Boys, Savannah Churchill, Howell & Bowser on stage. Opens today (Wed.). Last week, "Sorry, Wrong Number" (Par). with Car- men Cavallaro orch heading stage- bill (5th wk), fancy $70,000 after fine $75,000 for fourth. Radio City Music Hall (Rocke- fellers) (5,945; 80-$2.40) — "Good Sam" (RKO) and stageshow (3d wk). Third session ending today (Wed.) looks only passably okay at $115,000 after okay $120,000 for second, "Julia Misbehaves" (M-G) with new stageshow opens tomor- row (Thurs,). Rialto (Mage) (594; 44-99)—"16 Fathoms Deep" (Mono). Opens to- day (Wed:), Last week, "Ape Man" (FC) and "Wolf Man" (FC) (re- issues); hit near $10,000 and could have held except for prior com- mittment on VFathoms," In ahead, "Miraculous Journey" (FC) (2d Wk), only $5,000 in 5 doys. Rivoli (UAT-Pat) (2,092; 60-$1.25) —"Innocent Affair" (UA) (2d wk). Doing fairly well with ■ favorable ' $24,000 likely in first IV^ days, picture having opened, last Tues- day (28) night. Holds, second round starting today (Wed,). In ahead, 'Velvet Touch" (RKO) (5th wk), was down to $14,000 in final 6V6 days. Koxy (20th) (5,886; 80-$l,80)— "Cry of City" (20th) plus Danny Thomas, Marie McDonald, Shy- rettos, iceshow onstage (2d wk). First week ended last (Tues,) night soared to big $117,000, In ahead, second week of "Luck of Irish'' (20th) with Ed Sullivan, Harvest Moon Ball winners, Joe Howard, Al Bemie, iceshow topping stage- show, nice $72,000. State (Loew's) (3,450; 80-$1.50) —"Loves of Carmen" (Col) (,5th wk). Holding up remarkably well at $24,000 iri fifth frame ending today (Wed.) after $26,000 for fourth. Stays on with opening of "Three Musketeers" (M-G) still not definitely set. Strand (WB) (2,756; 76-$1.50)— "Johnny Belinda" (WB) with Freddy Martin orch, Calgarys top- ping .s(a;ebill. First week ending E'Stimates Are Net Film gross estimates as re- ported herewith from the varl^ ous key cities, are net, i.e., without the 20% tax. Distribu- tors share on net- take, when playing precentage, hence the estimated figures are net in- come. The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, include the U. S. amusement tax. 000, especially good in face of city- i tomorrow (Thurs ) looks to hit ' "great $80,000 or close Several of crix lauded pix, and good all-round show helping to land this figure. Holds, natch! Last week, second of "Life With Father" (WB) (2d run) and Johnny ,L6hg orch head- ing stageshow, very slim $24,000. wide slump. Last week, "Life With Father" (WB), and "Embraceable i You" (WB), modest $16,000. 1 Palms-State (U-D) (2,716; 70-95) I —"Pitfall" (UA) and "Strawberry I Roan" (Col). Nice $19,000, week, "Babe Ruth Story" (Mono) 1 and "Music Man" (Mono) (2d wk), sturdy $14,000. United Artists (U-D) (2,976; 70- United Artists, in a deal effective Oct. 1, has negotiated an agree- 95)—"Velvet Touch" (RKO) and'ment with Pathe Con-sortium I "Variety Time" (RKO). Barely i Cinema for distribution of UA I okay $15,000.- Last v/eek, "Foreign ] product in Tunis and Casablanca. ; Affair" (Par) and "Shaggy" (Par)} A similar transaction also handed (2d wk), big $13,000, 1 the Algiers franchise to Pathe.