Variety (Oct 1948)

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34 RADIO Wednesday* Oetober 6, 1948 FCC Tele Freeze Continued from paie 29 ; tions and the utilization of the ultra-high frequencies for com- inereiai facilities. , Secondly, it was felt here that a time-out period is needed to take the first calm measure of the dizzy rise of the medium since commer- cial allocations were adopted three J ears ago. Just how long ' the freeze will continue was problematical; Chair- man Coy said the minimum time required to revise standards would be something like six months but that nine months was probably a more realistic- estimate. But he tould not say whether pending «p-.. plications could then be taken up. It would be altogether possible, he explained, that at the time the standards were revised and made final the Commission could go ahead with allocation proceedings started during the summer. In that case the freeze would last about six monthsj ■ But, he pointed out, it the Com- mission were to decide after revis- ing the standards that a new allo- cation procedure was necessary,: then; another three months would , be. required, which would continue the freeze for nine months. It all depends, he said, on whether the engineers find that it is necessary ; to have greater separations be- tween television stations than is now the case and larger service: areas for the stations. Chairman Coy said the Commis- . sion plans this week to turn over to industry all the information it has about tropospherie interfer- ence, which is the -first question to be appi-aised in revising standards. A reasonable period of time will then be given before a conference is called to consider whether that information provides a : basis for new standards. It is likely the con- ference will be called between Nov. 1 and 15. In its order freezing pending ap- plications, the Commission adopted the following interim, procedure in handling , requests for television (authorizations on channels two [through 13 (the present band): I I: Pending ^applications and new applications to construct television stations will not be acted upon ;but placed in the pending file. 2, Applications, pen d in g and hereafter filed for modiflcation of existing permits or licenses Will be- considered on a case-to-casc basis. ' Action will depend on how. I they are afl'ected by. the issues: to be resolved in the. proposed .revi- sion of standards. 3. No hearings will be scheduled on station applications and where hearings-have been started or com- pleted no further action; will be takent : 4. Gonstniction permits' OF other television authorizations' - hereto- fore issued are not affected; ■ Dry Tex. Candidate Asks KRLD License Revoking For Failure to SeU Time Daillas, Oct. 5. . The National Prohibition Party candidate in the Texas Senatorial race has asked the FCC to revoke the license of KHLD here if it fails to sell him broadcast time. The Prohibition candidate is Sam Mor- ris, Baptist minister of San An--' tonio. ■ In his complaint, he said that KRLD has: turned down his request to buy the . same daily time which had been devoted to several weeks to the candidacy of George Peddy of Houston, who was third in the recent Democratic primary ballot- ing. Morris has stateU that KRLD with its 50,000-watt signal ex- tensively covers northern Texas where under local, option laws there is predominantly dry senti-- ment. He added that the outlet: also had wide reception over the entire state. Morris stated that he has been j seeking time over- KRLD unsuc- I cessfully since Sept. 6. He sought I-the 6:45 to 7 p.m. period Monday through Friday. The Safe Way Minneapolis, Oct. 5. Here's once where the sponsor and show are apt to be in agree- ment. WLOL announced deal for exclusive broadcast of basketball season of Minneapolis Lakers, pro team, starting in November. Sponsor is Schiek's cafe. Schick's cafe is owned by Ben Berger, also holder of theatre and other inter- ests. Among other interests he also owns the Minneapolis Lakers, ILGWlTs ABC ho-Dem Shows International Ladies Garment Workers . Union's campaign com- mittee has bought' the full ABC network for a: four-week series; in behalf of President Truman's re- election, despite the law that-la- bor unions may not buy air time to support candidacies. Web de- cided,, on its own attorneys' ad- vice, that. the broadcasts would not infringe upon the law because the ILGWU committee is financed out of...special contributions and: not from... the union's- ■ general funds. Union group's programs, com- bining: pitches, by Hollywood stars and politicos, :wiU tee off tomorrow (Thurs.) at 10; -p.m. and will be: .supervised by Morris Novik, ra- dio consultant to the ILGWU; Stanzas will be live, IS^minutes in length. Schedule of broadcasts: tomor- row—Humphrey Bogart and Lau- ren Bacall from Hollywood and Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobln from; , Toledo; Oct. 14—Ronald Regan and Alexis Smith from Hol- lywood and Mayor Hubert Hum- phrey of Minneapolis from that city; Oct. 21—Tallulah Bankhead from: N.- Y. and President Truman from; Washington; Oct. 28—Melvin Douglas and Pat O'Brien^ from Hollywood and Senator Alben Barkley from Washington. From the Production Centres Coptinntd :|roin pa£«, tZ .j former NBC star, now of Hollywood, in town visiting with Chi radio pals... .1. E, Showerman, NBC ; veepee in charge of central division, and Jules Herbuveaux, tele manager, back from White Sulphur Springs, Va., and NBC management meeting there Jerry Walker, author and narrator, joins the WBBM staff as a writer-producer,.. Easter Strakcr, Eddie Hubbard's girl Friday, bapk from vacash. Hubbard is WIND disk jock. ■ • , m WASHINGTON.,, Total number of tele sets operating in: this area now numbers 18,300, an increase of 1,700 sets over the previous month, according to ihe esti- "mate of the Washington Television Circulation Committee', representing the three;operating stations..:. Johnny Bradford,'NBC video: singer and emcee, has become a member of thp local Variety tent.. i. WWDG cooperating with National Employ, the Physically Handicapped Week with daily broadcasts from the committee's headquarters... . Connie B. Gay and his ."Radio Ranch" hillbilly show shared spotlight with such celebs as Henry Ford; 2d, in teeoff lOf Community Chest: drive over WTTG-Dumont past week.. . . CBS net show, "Home Town Reunion," with Eddy Arnold, Duke of Paducah, the Oklahoma Wranglers et al, aired from the ,stage< of Constitution Hall past Saturday, where the troupe double-billed with the Connie B, Gay hillbillies Sunoco 3-Star Extra, the NBC news airer, celebrated its first anni this week ..:.' BUI Brundice, WOL sports directai\ will , handle play by play top grid ; games to be aired over Mutual. . ^ .Brooke Johns, former Ziegfeld star;, guests on . local station WGAY Tuesday mornings.. .; Jean Bcnneyan into : WQQW as assistant musical director to replace IVIarsaret Ander- wood, who walks the marriage path shortly.—Howard Williams cur- rently conducting a contest over WINX to pick the town's; best disk jockey. 5,000 WATTS DAY AND NIGHT NEWARK, N. J. LOOK AT OUR DIAL POSITION! WVNJ reaches people :i(T North Jersey and New York City right smack In the middle of their 25-year'-old listening habit. No fishing around—^no hooking the wrong kilocycle by mistake. Its 5,000 watts (on 620 kc.) via q five tower antenna system assures strong con- centrated coverage of these twin marketi. Ju»t look up our tKrlfty ratei in SR S OS "i-^or. bstter still maka suro you. hove our rott card-rrand you'll ba amazod how litti* : of: your money if lokei to buy 5,000 WATTS day ond night. NEWARK BROADSASTINQ CORPORATION ivon B. Ncwmanr 9»n»tal mtta$n AS CENTRAL AVENUE NEWARK 2, N. J. PHONE MITCHELL 3<7«00 Agcys., Writers Continueil from page Z3 sions prior to the Guild being ,cer^ tified by the NLRB.'/ In vie:vv of this, committee said, there could be "no answer to cer- tain other RWG conditions which were contingent on signing the letters of adherence." , Agencies did offer, however,: to work out with the Guild a "prac- tical and simplified voting proce- dure" which might be recommend- ed to the NLRB for use in an election to ; empov;er the RWG: to negotiate for. a Guild-'shop coveiv ing one unit on a national, basis. "The way is open for certiQca- tion witliout delay to be followed promptly by negotations," commit,^ tee concluded. "We sincerely hope you will follow this course;" The course the writers will take will be decided at membership meetings next Wednesday (13) in N Y, Chicago and Hollywood. RWG strategy committee has asked the members to reaffirm a strike authorization. If the writ- ers do so, RWG execs Intimate, the walKout "won't be long cbm- ine." WCAE, Carnegie Tech In Joint Aid to Scripters Pittsburgh, Oct. 5. Series of original playlets writ- ten by Carnegie Tech's evening radio-writing class and acted by members of school's drama depart- ment will: soon take to the air over WCAE, Idea is to encourage hope^ ful scripters, and school itself; wilt co-sponsor the programs. .: ; • They'll consist of half-hour plays, including adaptations by members of Carnegie Tech's regular play-1 writing students. Plugs: wiU;. be j institutional in nature, relating: anecdotes and human interest in- { ctdents connected with Carnegie t Museum and Tech's department of I Fine Arts, which takes In drama ) department. Course in scripting is being given by Marjorie McCor- mick, formerly on KDKA staff, who writes "Dream Weaver," transcribed radio series for open- end syndication. Everybody Wants To Own a Texas Station Dallas, Oct. 5. The ECC has scheduled hearings on applications for 15' Texas :radio stations between Oct. 18 and next ..June.'. . ■ .;: „, : Two of the applications are from, Dallas. Hearings for the Lakewood Broadcasting Co. and Trinity Broadcasting Co. are scheduled for May 9, '49. •Hearings will also be held dur- ing the next nine months on the applications of Baylor University, j Carr P. Collins, Jr., Corpus Christi; East Texas Broadcasting System, Tyler; Ellis County: Broadcasting I Co., Waxahachie;: Falls County j Public Service, _ Marlin; Harbenito j Broadcasting 'Co., Harlingen; i KRGV, Inc., Weslaco; Metropolitan { Broadcasting Co;, Alamo Heights; Mark Perkins, San Antonio; W. W. i Roark, Coleman; Shelby Broadca-st- ling Co., Center; Terrell Broadcast 'Corp., Terrell, and Texas Star Broadcasting Co.,, Houston. WASH. STATE PRESS CLUB'S RADIO AWARDS Seattle, Oct. 5. Awards to individual writers, announcers, producers and other radio performers will ,be given ^ ngxt year by the Waslfington State Press Club here, as well as to pro- grams when two or more of the classifications are of such quality as to warrant such recognition., : Announcement of the awards was made at the Ptess Club's first annual Radio Night here Thursday. It is an extension of the Club's awards to reporters, feature writ- ers, etc, on newspapers in the area, and, for the first year at least, will be confined to the West- ern Washington area. Twenty- four stations are in the area, in- cluding those in Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham and Aberdeen. Mfrs. Grab Timis ;s Continued froni pagfe :27' ^ about 8900,000 of that being for time and talent on a year's basis, the balance lor promotion:; ABC claims GE's "Stop Me" will be fed, either live ,or by film, to 24 stations. Philco "Theatre" will go to seven live, 10 by Kinescope Ree'ordiug, DuMont, on its own outlets (WABD, N. Y., and WTTG, D. C.), plugged its telesels on the "Origi- nal Amateur Hour" before Old Gold picked up the tab this week and is now running in spots on the new "Off the Record" stanza. : Farnsworth is considering TV billing tor its AM show, "Metros politan Auditions of the Air," on ABC. iXIotorola, with a $150,000 budget, has augmented its IS'-min- ute stanza on NBC's eastern out- lets with a, two-hour weekly, boxing show via WENR-TV, Chicago, and plans to extend it to ABC-TVIs midwest net. K. C/s Early Xmas Splurge ; Kansas Citj, Oct. 5. Christmas biz is beginning to be felt in radio, tirade here/early hill- ings matching that of any other ; date of recent years; Yule con- tract season was kicked off last week by Helzberg's .Jewelry Co. which signed for a total of 180 half-minute spots on KCKN, all 1o be used on Christmas merchan- dise. This is in addition to Helz- berg's regular "Romance in Rhythm," full-hour five times per week on IS:CKN, according to Ellis Atteberry, commeTclal manager. Fall biz at other stations is re- ported to have taken hold in good shape within past 10 days. Troy, N. Y.—WEVR, FM station I operated by students of the Troy Veterans Vocational School, has I gone on the air under the manage- i i ment of Bill Saunders. It operates i daily from 11 a.m. to midnight | from fully equipped studios on the I top floor of the school's building 1 In this city. If It's a "Feature Production" It's Especially Designed to Suit the Ad- vertiser's Needs. PRODUCERS OF HINT HUNT LADIES BE SEATED SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT BRAND NEW BRIDES MAN ON THE FARM AVAILABLE FOR SPONSORSHIP SHOOT THE MOON LET'S CLEAN UP K-l-D-S CARNIVAL PUT 'N TAKE FEATURE PRODUCTIONS 2Z8 N. LaSaile St.. Chicege Stale 3154