Variety (Oct 1948)

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38 4i; ORCHESTRA-MUSIC Wednesday, Octolier 6* 19^ ''^My song cavalcade (Musical-Historical Review: 1800-1948) Compiled for P^SrIETY By DR. JUIJUS MATITELD . (Copyright, Variety, Inc. Ali Bisrhts Resenwd) (To be serialized in Vahiety;. It is suggested that these weekly sag-, nients be clipped and preserved for filing as a permanent program reference. Nunrerous requests to reprint the original Dr. Julius Matt- feld anthology of top songs for the last 150 years has resulted in this serialization in Variety; ^The Original publication was in Vahie-i'y's Radio Directory, Volume 11 (1938-39), now out of print. When the Song Cavalcade for 1948 is ready, with suitable' historical notes, it will be published as early in 1949 qs feasible). This is believed to be the only compilation of its kind as regards the : chronological aspect ot music lamiliar in- the U. S. The: selection of niusical material of this sort necessarily is based on two- considerations: . (1) The availability of records; . 12)' sorting some 3,000 or more songs out of poten- tlal millions. ■ To elucidate upon the latter'Would require an essay, studded with references to musical, and socio-economic, history. Suffice it that changing periods in U. S. history engendered corresponding changes in ^musical taste; and that, furthermore, such factors as copyright laws and other legal protection of authorship had considerable bearing on the condition of music in the Ui S. The compiler of the music, Dr: Julius Mattfeld, considers the reliabil- ity of available records as synonymous with the problem of omission. The shortcomings in listing old music are directly to be traced to this .' consideration. However, when . discrepancies , were, iound in dates and - papers, such discrepancies are noted. No arbitrary dates are afiixed. All dates are :Copj/rzgfit dates,, (or,.-.where these .do not exist, as. in ' Kuropean publication, ptthlication dates, cuUed.from advertisements: in - contemporary periodicals). regards.-the historical matmol, it should he noted that the in- cidents chronicled are entirely U. S. events. Such major occurrences as the Napoleonic Wars, the abdication of King Edward VIII, etc., are mentioned only as they affect U. S. history. This historical data toos coniDilcd by Ellen L. Davis of Variety's staff. Attention is hereby called to the fact that this: material copyright and may not be .reprbduced either wholly or in part : - The following are symbols employed in the musical listings; arr arranged ATTB alto, two tenors and bass ca circo (about) • cop, copt/rifltht .-•■ jxii music op. opus n.d. no date orch. orchestrol pseud. pscudoiij/jn SATB sop., alto, tenor and bass v. words Squarerbrackets [ ] indicate supplied information from other sources than the sheet music. ; |. Titles in: parentheses ( ) denote the names of stage productions/ , ! The dash — in titles indicates parenthetical subtitles i. Unless.olherwise specified, the place of publication is New York. fri certain comparatively recent musical co)nposittons:, w)i«rp copy- rights have undergone reassignment, such ussignments are noted only uhere known. . MUSIC OF THE PILGRIMS / Fisher, William Arms. / Ye Olde New England Psalm- Tunes, 1620-1820. With historical sketch, biographical notes, and; hints on pertormance . , . Boston Oliver Ditsott Co, [,cop. 1930.1 xvi, 56 p 4°. Pratt. Waldo Seldon. The Mivsic of the Pilgrims; a Scbmid. New York Inc., cop. 1931. 4° ■;.^;';bf ^iNDlviDirAL.; .V Adams and lilherty: or, The,Bos- toii Patriotic Soufir. w.. Hoborl Treat Paine. m„ tune: To Ana- creon in Heaven (subsequently^ the air of "The. Star Spangled Ban: „ ner"). : Boston: ■ Thomas & An- descnption ot the psalm-book drews [,1798] bioughl to Pi> mouth in 1620 . Hail. Columbia, w., .Toseph Hop- Boston Ohvei Ditson Co. [,1921 1 ^^^^ adapted in 1798 to the 80 p mcl lasims. 8 . (Contams ^he president's march (see '•""^s 1 I below), ascribed to Philip Phile. I Liberty Sons; or, .Gome, Join AMKRICAX COLONIAL PERIOD , Hand in Hand, w., Mrs Mercy Warren (wife of Coii James War- ren of Plymouth, Mass );' m , tune; ranged [for orchestra] by Adolf von Gluck. (The Overture to this - U. S. Congress established the in U S histoi-v iviihli<!lvf>il in G. Schirmer, opera was freqeuntly played in mint, in Philadelphia. (1792) I orchestral boncerts in the Amen- f^irst balloon ascent made cap colonies from 1793 onwardsr)-America. (1793) The Lass of Richmond Hill, w., I Leonard McNally. ; m., James ' :. ,„„a ' ' ' ^ Hook (First published in the 1800-1812 Morning Herald, London, August. Howard, John Tasker. i 1. 1789.) A Program of Early and Mid' The Lass with the Delicate Air. SEE Young Molly who lives at the foot of the hill (below). : My. Lodging-: it is .on the Cold Ground. w„ m., traditional. (Pub- lished in: Vocal Music, or The Songster's Companion,' London, 1775.) nineteenth Century American Songs.. Collected, edited and ar- ranged by John Tasker Howard New'York: J. Fischer & Bro. [,cop. 1931,1 3 1., 51 p. f°. The American Star: w., John McCreery. m., tune: The Wounded Hussar; by D; Ci Hewitt. 3 Heart of oak, by William Boyce. The Liberty Soiiff—^"lu Freedom Welre.Born." w.. Jolin Dickmson. m., tune; Heart of oak, by William 'Boyce.' (Published by Mein: and Fleming, Bo!,ton, 1768, Hall and Sellars, Philadelphia, 1768, With- out music: and again by Mein and ' (iSee also under caption: Before 1800 ) a) COLLECTIONS Endicott, .Samuel. .Melodies of Revolutionary Times . .' . llainvonized by Samuel Endi^ colt Boston- Charles W. Homeycr & Co , cop 1918 4 nos 4". (Guntenls: 1,. He stole my londor heart awav; 2, Tlie charms: Fleming, Boston, 1769, in:"Bicker- ol Floi-emel; 3, Sheep'in clusters; . stall's: Boston Almanac.") 4, Ihe heav> hours 1 The President's March. m, Endirott, Samuel. ascribed to Philip Phile. (Com- Tluee Melodies of Revolution- posed in, 1789—see above, llail, ary times . . Hai monized by Sam- Columbia, 1798) Uel r.ndicott Boston Chailos W Yankee Doodle, w, anonvmous llomoN-1 & Co, cop 1918 7 p _of American oiigin. m, tradi- 4 . (Contents 1, Queen Mjiv's tional—of EnE!li>.h ougin siiffici- farewell to Franco- 2, He stole my ently popuiai to have been pub-, The Request^better known as- ?pn^i"'^ Musical Repository{,1799^-^^';^s ~g- wealth of best solleis with eternal triangles and rom.mces as their literary forte (among these au- thors were Sarah Wentworth Mor- ton, Susannah Haswell JRowson, and Hannah Webster Poster whose "Coquette" went through 13 edi- tions). ': The U. S Military Academy opened at West Point, N. Y., on the Fourth of July with 10 cadets. In Saratoga, N. Y, a hotel waa built, starling the spa on its careei: as a society resort The U. S. entered its fourth de- pression since 1790, it lasted three Tell Me, Babbling EchOj w., Clarke, m;, Gerard Vogler. Lon- don- J. and G. Voglcr [,1775?]. Rule,' Britannia! (Alfred). w., James Thomson; sometimes attrib- uted to David Malleti m., Thomas Augustine Arne. (Produced in Maidenhead, England, 1740.) • ; Sally in Our Alley. Wv. m.-, Henry Carey. [London, 1715?] (copy In British Museum.) Sigh: No More, Ladies. Glee for three : voices, w.; William Sliake- speare (in: Much Ado About Noth- ing), m., Richard John Samuel Stevens. (Frequently sung in con- certs in the American colonies during the 1790's.) 9 I 18001. The Harp that Once, thro* Tara's Halls, w , Thomas Moore, m , tune: Gramachree. London: J, Power's Music & Instrument Warehouse [,1807]. (In: -Moore, Thomas. A selection of Irish melodies, no, 1, p 23 ) Rich and Rare were the Gem^ She Wore, w., Thomas Moore, m., tune: The summer is coming. Lon- don: J Power's Music & Instrument Warehouse [18071. (In: Moore, Thomas. A selection of Irish melodies, no. 1, p. 41.) Believe Me if All those Endear- ing Young Charms. W., Thos. Moorie expansion was accelerafed' by leaps and bounds via Jeffer- son's purchase of Louisiana from France (J 000 000 square miles for $15,000,0001 John Marshall, chief justice of the Supreme Couit, in tlie famous case of Marbury vs, Madison, laid down the principle that the Su- preme Court can render an act of Congress void vhen in the Court's opinion it violates the Constitution. „ The U. S. started war against the Barbary pirates of Africa who were evading tribute from Ameri- can shipjiers. Alexander Hamilton, ex-Secre- m., tune: My lodging is on the cold i taiT of the Treasury, was killed ground, London: J. Power's Music j in a duel with Aaron Burr, vice- tender heart; 3, The bee.) Ensel, Carl. MusiG from the Days of George WashiiifUoii. Collected and pro- vided with an inlioduclion by Carl . Engel'. . .ijTUsic edited by'W. Oliver Stiunek . . With a pietace bv Hon^ Sol Bloom . . . Washing- ton, D C , GeoiKo Washington Bicentennial Commission , l.cop. 1931 hi Sol Blooinl ix, 61 (1) p 4 Fislicr, VVilliani Arms. The Music That Washington Knew. Edited by William Arms Fishei . IFor orchestra 1 Or- chesliated by August Damm. Boston Oliver Ditson Co, Inc, cop 1911 1 Hopkiii.son, Francis. Ciolonial Love Ljuls Sik songs by Fiantis Hopkinson (1737-1791) Erliled and augmented bv Haiold V Milligaii Bo-,ton The Aitluir P. Schni'dt Co Icop 1919] 29 p V. .Ilopkinson. Francis. . The lirst American composer. 6 songs b^ Fiancis Honkinson (1737- 1791' Edited and augmented bj Harold V Millictan Boston: The Ai-tluir P Schmidt Co, con. 1918 33 p f Howard, John Tasker. A Piosram ol Eaily Ameiitan Piano Music Collected edited and aiianged by John Tasker H 0 w a I d New Yoi k J. Fischei & Bro. I,cop, 1931.1 2 1., 30 p f . IVIilliean, Harold Vincent. Pioneer American Composers-) A collection of early American songs. Edited and augmented by JFfarold Vincent Milligan. Boston: The Aithur P. Schmidt Co. cop. 1931. 35 p. V. Schmid, Adolf. From the days of George Wash- ington. Suite ot Mai dies. Ar- lished; in an early version, m Glasgow, 1782 (The tune was al- ready lainiliar in the American colonies as early as 1790; wasiised by. Ben.iamin Carr in his fre- quently played orchestral medley, 'Fcdeial 0\eiturs," composed m 1794; and was published a.s a song by G. Willig, Philadelphia, 1798) rs^i^™^ ^ Instrument Warehouse [,18081.1 president of the U. S and hamn' iS?.'?!^"^-.'^. J ^,1'^^'",'' "1 > (>• Moore, Thomas. A selection of ton's bitter political oVonent. With this event duels went Into Jessie, the Flow'r o' Dumblaue. SEE w., Robert Tannahill. m., Robert Archibald S m 11 b. [Edinburgh, 1808?]./ ■:■:•■;.: v.,:•■ ■■:■■:■::,.., '^ William Boyce. (Produced in Lon- Irish melodies, no. 2, p. 99) don. 1743.) ' Tell Me Babbling Echo. The request (below). To Anacrcon in Heaven. W Ralph Tomlinson m , attributed j BEFORE 1800 Artaxer-«cs FEnylish opera first i performed: m London; 1762]. d1 , Tliomab Augustire Arne (The 1 Overture and various solos and ■ duets Jrom this opera were fre- quently plau'd in concerts in the , American colonies Irom 1765 on- j wai-dS;') , ; Auld Robin Gi av. w, Lady Anne Barnard [nee Lindsay] (writ- ten m 1772, autoKi-aph in Untish Museum I m , Rev. William Leeves (published anonymously, liistpiib- lic!\ acknowledged by the com- poser in 18121 ILondon, 1780'] (copy, in Briti,sh. Museum), 'J he Battle of Prague , , , , , , , Let Erin Remember ihe Bays of to (1) John btatfoid Smith, (2) Old. w., Thomas Moore, m., tune- Samuel Arnold (Wiitton, and The red fox, London: J. Power's composed in London between 1770 Music & Instrument Warehouse and 1776; published between 1780 and 1783 ) Youns Molly Who I,ives at the Foot ot the Hill-ri)ctter knoim dS- The lass with the delicate air. w , '' m , Michael Arne I,not Thomas Augustine Arnel [London, 1760 London 1762J iii Universal Maga- zine, vol. 31, p. 95 1,18081. (In: Moore, Thomas. A selection of Irish melodies, no. 2, p. 85 ) The Battle of the Wabash [i.e., the Battle of Tippecanoe, Novem- ber 7, 1811, won by General Wil- liam Henry Harrison disfavor in this country. The Pennsylvania Art Academy was founded, but the replica of Venus de Medici was such a shock that it had to be shown discreptlv Noah Webster finished his first dictionary. Robert Fulton experimented with submarine torpedoes Unsuccess- fully. His steamboat "Claremont," however, was such a success after- Its trial run that the New York State legislature had to pass a bill making it a crime for anyone to tamper With it. President of the United Stete^^sel I president'^''"*'"'" First blood of the American War of Independence shed—Westmin- ster (Vt ) Massacre (1775) Tippecanoe and Tyler" under the caption: 1840] ni w., Joseph Hutton.lof^Ne\v"Ym-k '^^ ""'"""^f nacreon in Hpavpn ' ^'^'iP .Beginning of Spangled Banner"), Philadelphia: Cr. E. Blake, n.d. (Published pre- Tom Paine published "Common yjusly m song-sheets without pub- Sense' m Philadf'phia, in behalt of I'shers' imprints.) 11, tune- To Anacreon in Heaven ' the World in ^12,^ subsequently the air of "The Star Dynasty'' appealed ' America was biiilding up a Wat the /Vmerican cause Declaration ^ of Independence signed. "By Pi.nn ^"'^ behalt oi the Con solo (tisiially NMlh additional in- S rh n-l/s^^hn'^l^' ^'^'l'^'-'^'- strumentsi m, Fianz Kot/wara iVrv- ri77fi ^ecre- London Longman and Broderip [ 1793'], and otheis with later iln- . tV'' ^''jiPPs flag adopted punts (Veij pupulai in the Aiticles ot Coniedeialion and Per American colonies.) Di ink to Me Only w ith Thine Ejes. w, Ben Jonson m tiadi- tional (sometimes attiibutod to Coloni.'l R Mellish and errone- OUSK to otheis), London' .1. Os- wald I 1762'] (copj in the British MllSOlim ' > ;...; ■;; Heart of Oak (Harlequin's In- vasion). \\ David Garnck m , William Bojce (Produced in Lon- don, 17,391 IphifiCnic en Aulide I French opera first pertorined in Paris 1774]. m, Cliribloph •VVillibaia The total population of the U. S. was 5,300,000 with Virginia 111 the lead. The center of popu- lation was 23 miles east of Balti- more. : In Washington the fever against England, especially because of the farmers who were narassed by Indians said to be abetted by England through Can- .ada.. ■ Louisiana joined the Union. John. James Audubon began classifying and describing the birds of America. Theatie opened, and in Ne'^wS | InS^aJJ^n't^rc^^cl'\h'e«?n?v Citv diamatjc pertormances com-' of Fort Dearborn^^ inhabitants The. U; S. becime entangled in petual Union, adopted by Conti- nental Congress, ratified bv the 13 states, and announced by the Con- gress as formally ratified. (1777) Bank of Philadelphia chartered (fiist in U S ) (1780) Tlie first successful daily pnpoi in the United States tlie ' Penn- sylvania Packet and Daily Adver- liser," appeared m Philiidelphia (1784). Firsi U. S Congress met, Nev, Yoik Citv Washington inaugurated Presi- dent in Fedctal Itall. New York Citj. (1739). iiionced at Mount Vernon Gardensi Women wore turbans, gowns I the sixth d"epreTsli7 sTncrT'790: « .sea or ni.v at the bottpm, round skirts; lasted thi-ee'yeiii-s tiains, short bodices, wigs cost- Second United States war with ing $3 apiece, .md carried reticu- Great Britain, declared GarrTson es (containing handkerchief, fan, at Ft. Dearborn (Chicago) mas" card money, and essojice-bottle);-^cred by Ihdians alllcl^of^HiV-- Mcn s laces pcoied over collars up to their ears and beneath pow- deted haii with a queue, ot nalu- oo^, ^- pleasure yacht— -ua; '"bilH[''^m""r«•;"■-"■!«""«« »y t>tephan Decatur British. Detroit surrendered to British Mass meeting in New Yot k C i(y denounced the war. Frig- gale Constitution captured the Gueiuerc Frigate United States commanded by Stephan Decatur, Women authors, as frequently , SLK^fexr^eek's issue)