Variety (Oct 1948)

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PICTURK GROSSES Wedttcsdar, October 20, 1948 LA Spotty AHwit 'BeEnda' Great mODO,'Red River'Smash $70,0i; W Oke 57G, 'Romantic' Dim 13G Los Angeles, Oct. 19. "Johntiy Belinda" and "Red River" are neck-and-neck for first- run coin here this frame "Be- linda" looks lo hit great $69,000 in three theatres while "River" shapes to get smash $70,000 or'thin $10,400. close in five houses, all ■ sniall- seaters. Otherwise, biz here is on spotty side; "Cry of City" is doing stout trade at its downtown site, but shapes light in outlying situations with $57,000 hoped for spots. "Isn't It Romantic? with Kay Starr, Big .Toe Turner, others, on stage. Okay $14,000. Last week, "Northwest Stampede" i (EL) and ''Behind Locked Doors" (EL) (2d runs), with Martha Davis, Felix Gross oreh, others, on stage. Orpheuta (D'tbwi)-WG). (2,210; 60-$l)-^"Sofia" (EL) and "Journey" (EL). Dull $9,000. Last week, "Hol- low Triumph" (ED- and "Mrs. Crane" (EL) (8 days), $ll:,iB0p., ; Palace (D'town) (1,'224; 60-$l)—• in five j Baek to subsequent-run after day- is very 'dating with Carthay Circle for reis- ir- dim at $13,000 in two Paramount sue "Intermezzo' (SRO) and "Ci-u- theatres, being yanked after 6 sades" (Par) (2d wk), $4,500. days with "Nighttime in Nevada" I Pan Pacific! (Prin-Cor) (940; 85- replacing. |$1)—"Bed River" (UA). Wow $8,- Second frame of "Loves of Car-i 000. Day-dating with four Music men" is down to $32,000 in two 1 Halls for extended run of "River." houses while second week of vMulia Misbehaves" shapes very nice $31,000 in three locations. Estimates for This Week Belmont (FWC) (1,532; 60-$l)—.. . „^ „„ ^„ -"Sofia" (EL) and "Miraculous I not up to hopes. Formerly subsequent run. Pantases (Pah) (2,812; 60-$l)— "Loves Carmen" (Col) :(2d wk) and "Variety Time" (RKO). Down to $14,000. Last week, warm $22,300 Journey" (EL). Mild $2,000. Last week, "Hollow Triumph" (EL) and "Strange Mrs. Crane" (EL) (8 days), $2,600. Beverly Hills Music Hall (G&S- |>rin-Cor) ' (834; 85-$l) — "Red Hiver" (tJA). Smash $10,000. Last week, ''Texas, Brooklyn" (UA) and "Blonde Ice" (FC) (9 days), $4,000. Carthay Circle (FWC) (1,518; 60-$l)—"Cry of City" (20th) and "Smuggler's Cove" (Mono). Light $5,500. Last week, ''Intermezzo" (SRO) and "Crusades" (Par) (re- issues) I2d wk), $2,600. . 80) Chinese (Grauman - WC) (2,048; , wk) 60-$!)—"Cry City" (20th) and " "Smuggler's" . (Mono). Slow $10,- 000. Last week, "Apartment Pegr gy" (20th) (2d wk) and "Night Wind" (20th), $8,600. Culver (FWC) (1,145; 60-$l) — "Sofia" (EL) and "Journey" (EL). Mild $2,500. Last week, ''Hollow Triumph" (EL) and ''Mrs. Crane" (EL) (8 days), $3,000. Downtown (WB) (1,800; 60-$l)— "Johnny Belinda" (WB); Very big $25,000. Last week, "Rope" (WB) (3d wk), okay $10,000. Downtown Music Hall (Prin-Cor) (902; 85-$l) —"Red River" (X/A). Great $27,000. Last week, "Texas, Brooklyn" (UA) and "Blonde Ice" (FC) (9 days), $9,800. Egyptian (FWC) (1,538; 60-$l)— "Julia Misbehaves" (M-G) (2d wk). Oke $8,500. Last week, nice $11,- 900. El Key (FWC) (861; 60-$l)— "Sofia" 'ED and "Journey" lEL). Shght $2,000. Last week, "Hollow Triumph" (EL) and "Mrs. Crane" (EL) (8 days), $3,700. Esquire (Rosener) (685: 85-$ 1 ;20) Paramount (F&M) (3,398, 60-$l) —"Isn't It Romantic" (Par) and "Out of Storm" (Hep). Dismal $7,- 500 in 6 days. Last week, "Sorry, Wrong Number" (Par) and "Sons- Adventure" (Rep). (3d wk), good $14,000. Paramount Hollywood (F & M) (1,451; 60-$l)—"Isn't Romantic" I'Par) and "Out of Storm" (Rep). Dim $3,500 in 6 days. Last week, I "Wrong Number" (Par) (3d wk), .good $10,100. RKO Hillstreet (RKO) (2,890; 60- mBER' GETS CALL IN INDPLS^ f 17,000 Indianapolis, Oct. 19. Film biz is spotty at deluxers here this week. Rain and cold over weekend hurt several situa- tions. "Sorry, Wrong Number," however, is getting a heavy play at Indiana to lead city by wide margin. "Rachel and Stranger" is fair at Circle and "Luxury Liner" shapes disappointing at Loew's. Estimates fair This Week Circle (Gamble-DoUe) (2,800; 44- 65)—"RacJhel and Stranger" (RKO) and "Code of Scotland Yard" (Rep). Average $11,000. Last week, "Forever Amber" (20th), ■tepid $8,000. i Indiana (G-D) (3,300; 44-65)— [ "Sorry, Wrong Number" (Par) and , "Who Killed 'Doc' Robbin?" (UA). Big $17,000. Last week, "One Touch Venus" (U) and "Sword of I Avenger" (EL), $12,000. i Keith's (G-D) (1,300; 44-65)— I "One Touch Venus" ; :(U) and: I "Sword of Avenger" '(EL) (m.o.). •Thin $3,000. Last week, "Babe , Ruth Story" (Mono) and "Golden , Eye" (Mono) (m.o.), nice $S,000. i Loew's (Loew's) (2,450; 44-65)— [■''Luxury Liner" (M-G) and ''Gen- jtlemen from Nowhere" (Col). So- I so $11,000. Last week, "Coroner I Creek" (Col) and "Lulu Belle" (Col), about .same;: Lyric (G-D) (1,600; 4i - 65)— "Smart Girls Don't Talk" (WB) and "Embraceable You" (WB). Slow $4,500. Last week, ''Fighting Father Dunne" (RKO) and "Mys- tery in Mexico" (RKO), oke $6,500. Hob Hep; 'Nmnber' Buzzes % $2iOW; 'HiDs'35G,7elvet'23G,BothOby Key City Grosses E.stimated Total Gross This Week $2,819,000 {Based on 23 cities, 215 theotrcs, chiefly /Irst runs, irir eluding N. Y.). Total Gross Same Week Last Year $3,086,000 (Based on 21 cities, 220 theatres). -"Loves Carmen" (Col) f 2d and "Variety Time" (RKO). Good $18,000. Last week, torrid I $28,600. mtz (FWC) (1,370; 60 - $11— I "Saxon Charm" (U) and "Sub- marine" (SG) (2d wk-4 days). Thin {$3,000. ' Last week, mild $7,700. I Studio City (FWC) (880; 60-$!)—. , "Saxon Charm" (U) and "Sub- ' marine" (SG) (2d wk-4 days). Only i $2i500. Last week, oke $4,600. ' United Artists (UA) (2,100; 60- ' $1)—"Saxon Charm" (U) and "Sub- marine" (SG) (2d wk-4days). Fair I $4,500. Last week, okay $11,300. Uptown (FWC) (1,719; 60-$l)— j"Cry City" (20th) and "Smug- I gler's'' (Mono). Moderate $8,000. Last week, "Apartment. Peggy" (20th) (2d wk) and "Night Wind" (20th), $6,200. Vosue (FWC) (885; 60-85) — "Sofia" (EL) and"JoUrney" (EL); Thin $2,500. Last week,"Hollow Buffalo Oct 19 ^,"''»o^/<?- Frankie Carle band is upping ' ™ i I "Smart Girls Don't Talk" to bii ■.T^r'*'^i-*v.*P'^*..'?i^i 60-$l)--I session at Buffalo. "Walk Crooked Julia Misbehaves (M-G) (2d wk). | Mile" shapes as strongest straight- 'Befinda'Suhry $aeoe, Pitt Ace Pittsburgh, Oct. 19. ■ i Only thing that's making a dent in a rather dismal week is"John- ny Belinda," at Stanley, where I building nicely to big session. I "Apartment for Peggy" is holding up solidly: second stanza at Fulton on strength of excellent word-of- mouth."Race Street" will do fair- ly welj at Warner. Two other firstrun entries, howeverj are hav- ing rough time of it, "Untamed Breed" at Fulton and "An In- nocent Affair" at Penn. Estimates for This Week Eulton, (Shea) (1,700; 44-76)— "Apartment for Peggy" (20th) (2d (Continued on page 18) 'Smart Girls' Lifted Toi $28,000 in Buff, by Carle w,.-v-..uw, I Nice $8,500. Last week, good $13,- —"The Illegals" (Indie). Stout $4,-1 200. 000. Last week,"Mikado" (U) (re-1 Wiltern (WB) (2,300; 60 - $1)-- ls.sue) (3d wk-5 days), $2,000. ["Belinda" (WB). Great $22,000 Four Star (UA-WC) (900; 60-$l) i Last week. "Rope" (WB) (3d wk) —"Apartment Peggy" (20th) and , okay $7,700. "Night Wind" (20th) (m o.'s). Okay | ' $4,500. Last week, "San Francisco" (M-G) (reissue) (2d wk-10 days), $4,400. Guild (FWC) (968; 60-$l)— "Saxon Charm" (U) and "S. O. S. Submarine" (SG) (2d wk-4 days). Down-to $1,1500; , Last weekj thin $3 800 " Hawaii (G&S-Prin-Cor) (1,106; 85-$l)—"Red River" lUAi. Huge $15,000. Last week, "Texas, Brook- lyn" (UA) and "Blonde Ice" IFC) (9 days), slim $4,000. Hollywood (WB) (2,756; 60-$l)— "Belinda ' (WB). Big $22,000. Last week, "Rope" (WB) (3d wk), okay $7,600. ■ ■ ■ "■■ • Hollywood Music Hall (Prin-Cor) I $4,500. Last week (512; 85)—"Red River" (UA). Boff ] ney" (EL). $4 .900 ' $10,000. Last week, "Texas, Brook- ~ lyn" (UA) and "Blonde lee" (FC) (9 days). S4,000. Iris (FWC) (828; 60-85)—"Saxon Charm" IU> and "Submarine" (SG) (2d wk-4 days> Only $1,500. Last week, oke $4,000, Laurel ( (890; $1.20)- "Concert Maj^ie" ilndie) good $2,500, Last week Tyes'Bright $16,000 In j Toronto;'Saxon' $12,0001 Toronto, Oct. 19. "Night Has Thousand Eye.s" looks standout here this week with | sock session at Shea's. "Saxon , Charm" also looms fine at Uptown; ' "Blanche Fury" and "Wrong Num- ' ber" shape as top holdovers. Estimates for This Week Danforth (Odeon) (1,240; 36-60) —"Embraceable You" (WB) and "Heartaches" (EL). Satisfactory Broken Jour- Downtown (20lh<-'Genl) (1.060; 35- 60)—"Live a Little" (EL) (2d wk; Good $5,500 after $6,200 last week Imperial (FP) (3.373; '36-66)— "Sorry,, Wrong Number" (Par) f2d wk). Big $14,000 alter smash $17,- 000 last week. , , „ Loew's (Loew) (2.096; 36-66)— ] (el Fire" Beast" (Indie) and ^ "Kiss of (Indie) (2d wk), $2,000, Loew'4 State (Loews-VVC) (2,404; '60-$l)—"Cry City" 120(h) and "Smuggler's" (Mono), Sturdy $25,000, Last weok. "Apartment Peggy" (20th) i2d uk) and "Night Wind" (20th), dull $lli600; Los Anseles (D'town-WC) 60-$l)—"Julia Misbehaves" (2d wk). Averntre $14,000 week, medium $20,000. Loyola (FWC) (J,248; 60-Sli- "Ci-y City" (20th.) and "Smug- gler's" (Mono), Medium Last week, "Apartment Not sOi...«Paradine Case" (SRO). Hefty Human! $17,000. Last week, "Luxury Liher" filmer at Lafayette."Angels with I Dirty Faces" and"Drive by Night" l is doing stoutly for reissue combo :'at ;Hipp., ■ [ Estimates for 'I'his Week I Buffalo (Shea) (3,500; 40-70)— I "Smart Girls Don't Talk" (WB) i pUis Frankie Carle orch onstage: I Big $28,000. Last week, "Innocent [ Affair" (UA) and "Montana Mike" ' (UA), $14,500. I Great Lakes (Shea) (3,400; 40-70) '—"Sorry, Wrong Number" (Par) (2d wk). Down to mild $10,000. Last week, solid $18,500. Hipp (Shea) (2.100; 40-70)— '■Angels with Dirty: Faces" (WB) and "Drive by Night" (WB) (re- issues).. Sock $8,000 or better. Last week, '-Forever Amber" (20th), $7,300. Teek (Shea) (1,400; 40-70)— "Hatter's Castle" (Par) and "Stork Club" (Par) (reis.sue). Modest $3„'500. Last week, "San Fran- cisco" (M-G) and "Night at Opera" (M-G) (reissues) (m.o.); good $4,500. Lafayette (Basil) (3,000; 40-70)— "Walk Crooked Mile" (Col) and Triple Threat" (Col). Fancy $18,000, and holds. Last week Larceny" lU) and "Close-Up*' " $12,500. 'Cannen'Torrid $32,500 in Phiily Philadelphia, Oct. 19. Business continues in high gear with the: ace. attractions drawing big and the others getting a full share of trade. "Johnny Belinda," in second stanza; is; doing virtually as much as in its first seven days at Mastbaunr. "Loves of Carmen" is creating the .most : boxofltlce excitement the Boyd has had in months, and .stand- out this session. Estimates for This Week .\idine (WB) (1,303; ,50-991 — "Peabody and Mermaid" (U). Not much of « splash at $11,000. Last, week, "The Search" (M-G) (3d wk), $9,000. Arcadia (S&S) (700; 50-94) — "Rope" (WB). Disappointing $4;- 500. Last week, "Time of Your Life" (UA), only $2,800 in 4 days. Boyd (WB) (2,360; 50-99)—"Loves of Carmen" (Col). Great .$32,500. Last week. "Velvet Touch" (RKO) (2d wk), solid $14,600. Earle (WB) (2,700: 50-99) — "Rachel and Stranger"; (RKO) (2d wk). Fine $18,500 in 11 days after solid $24,600 opener. Fox (20th) (2.250; 50-94)—"Apart- ment for Peggy" (20th) (3d wk). Holding well at $15,000. Last week, fine $17,000, Goldman (Goldman) (1,200; 50- 94)—"Sorry, Wrong Number" (Par) (4th wk). Still good at $14,000. Last week, fancy, $18,000. Karlton (Goldman) (1,000 ; 50-94); —"Saxon- Charm" (U) (2d wk). Only $7,500. Last week, mild $11,000. Keith's (Goldman) (1 300; 50-94V —"Luck of Irish" (20th). Mild $3,500. Last week, "Beyond Glory" (Par), same in 5 days. Mastbaum (WB) (4,360; 50-99^- 1 "Johnny Belinda" (WB) (2d wk). Terrific $36,000 nearly the same as ; initial session. I Pix (Cummins) (500; 50-94) —■ , "Anna Karenina" (20th). Oke $6 - 500. Last week. "Jenny Lamour" 1 (Indie) and "King's Jester" (Indie). $6,000. } Stanley (WB) (2,950; 50-99) — [ "Red River" (UA) (3d wk). ,Tust , keeps rolling along, with $19,000 this stanza. Last week, great , $25,500. I Stanton (WB1 (1.475; 50-99) — ; "Smart Girls Don't Talk" (WB) and I "Gallant Legion " (Rep). .$8,500. Last week, "Trip'le Threat (GoU, nice $10,000 Boston, Oct. 19. Biz around town appears to be picking: up a little, with most houses reporting okay grosses. Biggest thing in town is "Sony, Wrong Number" at the Met. It "is holding over. "Hills of Home", at State ,and Orpheum, and "Velvet ■ Touch" at :Memorial, two 'new- ■ comers, are doing well. : , Estimates for This Week Astor (Jaycox) (1.300; 90-$2.40) —"Hamlet" (U) (9th wk). StiU holding to a nice $10,500 after $12,000 last week. Boston (RKO) (3,200; 40-80)— "Larceny" (U) and "The Prairie" (SG). Satisfactory $20,000. Last week,"Four Faces West" lUA) and "Bad Sisters" (U). $19,000 ui 8 days.' Exeter (Indie) (1,000; .45-75)— "Goodbye Mr. Chilis" (M-G) and "One Night of Love" (Col) (reis- sues). Fair $3,500. Last week, "The Brothers'' (U) and, "Storm in Tea- cup" (U) (2d wk), $3,000. Eaiuire (MP) (1,000; $2.40)— "Macbeth" (Rep) (2d wk). Poor reviews have hurt and is down to $6,000 after surprising $8,000 first week. ' Fenway (MP) (1,373; 40-80)— "Smart Girls Don't Talk" (WB) and "Embraceable You" (WB), Okay $8^000. Last week,"Isn't It f Romantic?" (Par) and "Escape" (20th), $7,000. MenMrial (RKO) (3.000; 40-80)— "Velvet Touch" (RKO) and "En- chanted Valley" (EL). Very nice $23,000, and will hold. Last week, "Good Sam" (RKO) and "Winner s Circle" (RKO) (2d wk), neat $19,000. Metropolitan (MP) (4.367; 40-80) —Sorry, Wrong Number"" (Par) and "Golden Eye" (Mono).- Solid $24,000 after tremendous $33,000 first. Orpheum (Loew) (3,000 ; 40-80) —"HUls of Home" (M-G) and "Triple Threat" i(Col). Okay $20,- 000. Last weekk ''Lovesof. Gar- men" (Col) and "Rusty -Leads'; Way" (Col). $17,500. Paramount (MP) (1.700; 40-80): —"Smart Girls Don't Talk" (WB) and "Embraceable You" (WB). Nice $14,000. Last week, "Isn't It Romantic?" (M-G) and "Escape" (20th), about same. State (Loew) (3,500; 40-80)— "Hills of Home'.' (M-G) and "Triple Threat" (Col). Average $15,000. Last week, "Loves of Carmen" (Col) and "Rusty Leads Way" (Col) (2d wk), $12,000. 'Belinda' Leads Way lit Sl Loo, Sockeroo 22G; 'Canon City' Loud 1^ St. Louis, Oct. 19, Heavy rain last Saturday night, plus, sudden drop in temperature to near freezing the following day, is chilling the boxoffice here at most firstruns this session. "JohhriY" Belinda" is pacing the field with big week at Ambassador after an Weak [okay from crix. "Canon City' (20th) (2i] wk) and "Night Wind" (20th), mild $6,100. Million Dollar (D'town) (2,093; 80-85) — "Pitfall" (UA) (2d run) I (M-G) (2d wk), fine $13,500 L Odeon (Rank) (2,390; 35-$:l:,20)-s-^ I , "Blanche Fury" (EL) (2d wk). Still: terrific at $15,000 after great $19,-^ : 300 opener. ; i ] Shea's (FP) (2.386; 36-66)-^ 1 "Night Has Thousand Eyes'' (Par), f Lusty $16,000. Last week, ."Luck of Irish" (20th), $16,500- ' ' Tivoli (FP) (1.431; 3e-66)'--"'t I It Romantic" (Par). ■ Good $7,500.1 La,st, week, "Life With Father"]- (WB) (4th wk), big $5,500. :: ■ ■ Uptown (Loew) (2,743; 30-66)—! $8,500. I ".Saxon Charm" (U). Fine $12,000; Peggy" I Last week. "Touch of Venus" (U), ?Oth Century (20th Century) (3,000; 40 - 70) — "Rachel and Stranger" (RKO) and "Varietv Time" I RKO) (2d wk). Fairly nice at $11,000 after strong $16,000 opener. 12,097; iM-G); Last good $10,300. Victoria (FP) (1,260; 36-60)— '"Good Sam" (RKO) i3d wk). Steady $5,500 after good $6,200 last week, i Estimates Are Net Film gross estimates as re- ported herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net, i.e., without the 20% (ax. Distribu- tors share on net take, when playing precentage, hence the estimated figures are net in- come. The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, include the U. & amusement tax. Mpls. M Under Par But Xarmen' Rousing I $15,000;'Canon'$9,000 Minneapolis, Oct. 19 i ' The Illinois-Minnesota football 1 game, pulling 63,000, and cold '. weather helped over the weekend j but grosses still continue under , par. An influx of presidential! candidates for big political meet- [ ings may be responsible for keep-' ing away some potential patrons.' Trio of strong newcomers, "Loves of Carmen." "Julia Misbehaves"' and "Cjnon City," is calculated ' to stimulate favorable word-of- < mouth, "Carmen" being standout ( Ihel" and sock. Estimates for This Week Century (Par) (1,600; 50-70)— 'Paradine Case" (m.o ). Fair $6 - 1000. L;ist veek, "'Embraceable You iWB), dim $3,800. [ Gopher (Par) (1,000;- 40-50)— '"Big Punch' (WB) (l,st run) and "'God's Country and Woman" (WB) irei.ssue) Mild $3,500. Ldst week. I "Man-Eater" (U) and "Give Us V.'mg.s" (Ui)( (reissue), $3,000. Lyric (Pa!-) (1,000; .'"lO-TO)—"Sor- ry. Wrong Ifumber" (Par) (3d wk), StiU very .satisfactory $5,000 after 1 healthy $7,000 second week. Radio'City (Par) i4.400; 50-70)— I "Julia Misbehaves" (M-G). Going I (Continued on page 18) doing surprisingly well at the big Fox, in; view of competition and unfavorable weather. Estimates for This Week Ambassador (F&M) (3,000; 50-75) —"Johnny Belinda" (WB) and "Code Scotland Yard" (Rep). Sock $22^000. Last week. "Apartment for Peggy" (20th) and "Sweet Gen- evieve" (Col), $18,500. Fox (F&M) (5,000; 50-75)— "Canon City" (EL) and "A.ssigncd to Danger" (EL). Fine $18.{)()0. Last week. "Rope" (WB) and "Lightnin' in Forest " (Repl $19,- 000. ■■■■ Loew's (Loew) (3.172; 50-75>— "Loves of Carmen" iCol) (2d wk). Down to $10,000 following first stanza's stout $19,000. Missouri (F&M) (3 ,500; 50-75)— "Good Sam" (RKO) and "Hacliel and Stranger" (RKO), (in o.). Big $10,000, being second week on "Ra- Last week, "Tap Roots' (U) and "Rachel and .Stranger" (RKO) I (m.o ), $12,000. [ Orpheum (Loew) ,r2,0(/0: 50-75)— "Corvette K-225" (SG) and " Wings Over Honolulu" (SG) (reissue.'.). Fine $8,.500. Last week. "Innocent , Affair" (UA) and "Road Big House " (SG) (m.o.), $5,!)00. 1 St. Louis (F&M) (4,000; 50-60)— "Sophia" (FC) and "Devil's Cargo" (FOr Okay $6,500. week, "The Pearl" (RKO) and "B()d.v- guard" (RKO), $6,000. Shubert (Ind) (1.500; 40-60)— "Sorry. Wrong Number" (Par) iind "Daredevils of Clouds" iRep) (mo). Great $8,000. Last week, "Destroy- er" (Col) and "Coast Giu-rd " (Col) I (reissues), $4,500.