Variety (Oct 1948)

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WeAicgdiiy, October 27, IMS ORCHEISIXAS-MITSaiC 41 CapDroiisHot 80G Studio Tab Capitol Records has dropped all pl«n8 to establlsb its own record- ing ttudios in New York. Company ]tad Just about settled the details of a lease on space near Times SQuare, in which it planned to in- stall studios and personnel oHices. But an estirate of some ||i80,000 to bidld and -..juip the studio portion alone induced Cap to forget the Idea at the moment. "What with the disk ban still in force and sales affected by it, the cost apparently wasn't worth it all. Cap held a lease on the old Pathe studios most of last year, in which It did its eastern recording. But that building has been taken over by NBC as a homei for its television division, eliminating the recording ' company. MEXSMACEM TO COURT ON RADIO ROYALTIES Mexico City, Oct. 26. Mexican ■ Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Musics (SMACEM) made demand on vEmilio Azcarraga last week in civil ' court for settlement of the $450 (U, S.) a month it claims he agreed to pay it as. royalties on music of Its members used by his radio sta- tions, XEW, XEQ and XEOY (Radio Mil), all here. SMACEM claims Azcarraga is seven months In arrears on this royalty payment; Azcarraga called the case a mis- understanding and said it would be settled out of court. Maceo Pinkard, Writer of: "Almma a LiftI* Kisi. Will Yo Huh" "Sweet Georgia Brown" "Them Tliero Eyes" "Sagor" and Othert Ollbr* To All These "Hep," HIS 3 MEW ONES: — • . "I'M DiSIUUSIONEDI" (Trnthy, A* Hi* "Congnitulotioiit") "OH, WHAT MUST I DO?" Mnefher "Them There Cyes"; "WHY DON'T CHA MAK£ UP YA MIND" (Anolhn "Gfrnme A Kht") Piiikard Publieoflons, Inc^ IIS West 53rd St., N. Y. C. 19 —Thane CI 6-5310— 5 ZANY DAFFY COMEDY MUSICAL STARS RED FOX AND HIS MUSICAL HOUNDS Fcatarfaiir STAN FHRBt'RO One Nlirht Tonr Op«R$ HOLLAND CLUB . EUGENE, ORE. ' Nevemfaor :Tst"'' "£x«]U8ire Jffanas'Bnien'ti. FEDERAL ARTISTS CORP. 1734 Suntel Uvd. Crettview 5SM1 RETAIL DISK BEST SELLERS Survey ot retail disfe best sellers, based on report* ob- tained /romleadtng stores in 12 cities, ond showing com- parutive sales rating ior tixis and last week. National Week Ending Rating 0QJ £3 This Last wk wk. Artist, Label, Title T O T A L P O I T DIN^AH SHORE (Columbia) "Buttons and Bows" 1 2 79 MARGARET WHITING (Capitol) "Tree in the Meadow" 2 65 PEE tVEE HUNT (Capitol) "12th Street Rag" 3 8 » 9 64 DORIS DAY (Columbia) "It's Magic" 6 37 GORDON JENKINS (Decca) "Maybe You'll Be There" ... 6 2 33 TOMMY DORSEY (Victor) "Until" 10 32 J. STAFFORD-G. MacRAE (Cap) "Blue Bird of Happiness" 23 RAY McKINLEY (Victor) "You Came a Long Way" » 8 20 9 14 KAY KYSER (Columbia) "On a Slow Boat to China" . 10 13 lOA BENNY STRONG (Tower) "That Certam Party" .. . 12 lOB 12 CARSON ROBINSON (M-G-M) "Life Gets Teeius" 12 IOC u GORDON MacRAE (Capitol) "Hair of Gold". 7 .. .. 8 12 lOD JO STAFFORD (Capitol) "Say Something Sweet".. 12 llA RED INGLE (Capitol) "Serutan Yob" 7 .. 10 11 IIB 9 ANDREWS SISTERS 'Decca) "Underneath 'the Arches".... .. 5 11 12A PRIMA SCALA (London) "Underneath the Arches" 10 12B D. MARTIN-J. LEWIS (Capitol) "That Certain Patty". 10 13A 10 KING COLE TRIO (Capitol) "Liilette" ,. 10 13B C. MIRANDA-ANDRnVS SIS (Dec) "Cnanto La Gusta" , 13C TONY MARTIN (Victor) "This Is the Momi^nt"... 13D BROTHER BONES (Tempo) "Sweet Georgia Brown" . 14A 8 ELLA FITZGERALD (Decca; "My Happiness" V 14B VIC DAMONE (Mercury) "Lillette" 14C 14 ART MOONEY (M-G-JIi ''Blue Bird of Happiness" 14D 14 PERRY COMO (Victor) "Rambling Rose"..'.... 'Bad Biz'Cracks Dbtorb Maestros Bandleaders and agency , men in I New York were quite upset Mon- I day (25) over the statement in Wal'* j ter WincheU's column of that day'' to the effect that the band business was in. very bad shape. It wasn't. so much Winchell's. crack alone that burned deeply, as it was that: it capped ^numerous others in the , same vein in . recent months by lesser coltunnists. Agency men have repeatedly ' chided bandleaders themselves for making statements about b.o. con-e - ditions in the band field, but Winv chell's remark for the Brst time got under the -skin of maestros themselves. They feel that th« charge is not warranted. They: point out that, like every other; phase of the theatrical industry, current b.o. results are being im- ' properly : measured by. wartime ': standards and suffering &y com-:' parison. It's pointed out that while grosses - are down from. that battle-period peak, they're still better than pre- ; war figures, even taking inflated admission prices into consideration. One of the most upsetting things to some bandleaders and agents; alike is. the tendency of people ' within the industry to point out that so and so had a bad night on a one-nighter. Agents say so-what,^ Befoi-e the war, every ban4. no \ matter how bright its b.o. name, even Glenn Miller, had bad nights as well as fair and exceptional ones. There's no question, agents and^ maestros point out, that things are not great with the band businesSi but it's not as bad as press agents and others have painted it, includ- ing some loose-lipped maestros who haven't themselves been sue- ■ cessful, so must blame it on gen-; oral reaction to their trade. The band business is agam a weekend business, as is the nitery field, the Aim field and others. And it won't get any better if personalities within it continue to run it down :and cause others to spread the; wgrd^t's emphasized. ' " : , : FROM WALT DtSNEY'S TECHNICOLOR <'SO DEAR TO MY HEART' It's « iinslel It's a bdiloill It's a DiHyl LAVENDER BLUE (Oilly DillyJ Santly-Jey, Inc. 1619 ■roadway. New York l:l>l)IK JlOr, ««■). I-ror. Mgr. Featured in .U-G;M'g Bl|t Hit "DATE WITH JUDY" BrikIs ftt Hotel B.O. Si Aw^il^^B^f'?fL???^«,*n SAY SOMETH SWEET TO YOUR SWEETHEART Blillll Eddy Duchin.: Ray McKinley, Guy Lombardo Tommy Dorsey .■■■'■.■:. Hotel. ■ .Waldorf (400; $2) . . New Yorker (400; Sl-$1 50) . Roosevelt (400; $1.50-$2)::. . .Pennsylvania (450; $1.50-S2) fVceh* Played , . 3 .. 3 .. 4 ,. 3 Covers Peat 2,725 1,075 2,600 1,900 Total Covers On Date/ 91,75 3,000 10;300 7,025 Lom- wtt mrt tt c MILLS MUSIC INC • JVew Yorfccr, ice thow; Waldorfi Peter Lind Hayes-Mary Healy. Chicago Victor Lombardo (Marine Room, Edgewater, 700; $1.20 cover), bardo opened Friday (22) vice Will Osborne. Sweet 3.500. I .Joel Merman (Mayfair Room, Blackstone, 350; $3.50 min.-$l cover), i Merman opened Friday i22), with Joan Edwards. Sock 3,500. i Benny Strong (Boulevard Room, Stevens, 650; $3.50 min.-|l cover). ' Ice Revue still packing husky 3,000. I Griff Williams (Empire Room, Palmer House, 550; $3.50-$l cover). ' Small conventions keep room bustling with trim 3.200,, I Alvino's Key's orchestra will I play Frank Dailey's Meadowbrook, Cedar Grove, N. J., for three week.s, opening Nov. 19. It's Rey's first date at Dailey's since he formed his band: in the early 40s in con- junction- with the King Sisters Avho are' not working' with Rey currently). - Dailey now : has Dean Hud- son's orchestra, which holds until Rey coliies in. IT'S A MOST UNUSUALDAY Music by... JIMMY McWCH KOHINS THE GRBATBST WESTERN SONG OF ALL TIME Bob Nolan's Immortal COOL WATER (25 Records Available) AMERICAN MUSIC. INC. Oaret Itoinero, Prof. Mtrr. •109 Smtmt niv-a. im« nroacUvny Wollj wilod 4«, t'»l. N«w Vnrlf, N. V. Los Angeles Hildegarde, OEddic Oliver (Ambassador; 900; $1.50-$2). Swollen 4,700 tabs. Jan Garber Biltmore, 900; $1-$1.50). Strong 3,600 covers. Location Jobs, Not in Hotels Los Angeles Lawrence Welk (Palladium B.^ Hollywood 1st wk.). Hefty 12,300 callers, (Chicogo) Del Courtney 'Trianon, ,$1-$1.15 adm.). Courtney in Tuesday (19). Great 14,500. Marty Gould iChez Paree, 500; $3.50 min,). Picked up last tveek to sock 5,000. Eddy Howard (Aragon, $1-$1.15 adm.). Excellent 16,000. Al Trace iBlackhawk, 500; $2.50 min.). Fine 3.800. QUEEH OF THE TRUMPET , "TINY" DAVIS And Her All-Girl SexteH« Now SIXTH Wo«k BLUE HEAVEN, Chicago HELD OYER INDEHNITELY 11 ASSOCIATED BOOKING CORP. EXCLUSIVE M .'.NAGEMi ;i 10'! GLAS5'< ff: /tb I itli New "rork .- ; N.-, ',V.-31;,:,n