Variety (Nov 1948)

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1)61111113'Best New Bet in Chi W Neat $14,001), land' NSH 12G, Teggy'-Kowey Sock 50G, 2d Chicago,. Nov. 2. Fair weekend weather and heavy advance flacking set up bonanza noening for "Johnny Belinda," which rates as best of five new nix here this session. In for four weeks under special exemption from JP decree, it looks hefty $28,000 at State-Lake. "Sealed Verdict" is doing husky $14 000 at United Artists while "Secret Land," hypoed by Navy brass on hand for preem, promises the Grand a so-so $12,000. "Rac- ing Luck" and "Untamed Breed" should garner Garrick okay $10,- 000. "Apartment for Peggy," with Mickey Rooney on stage, leads the holdover parade with prime $50,- 000 likely at Chicago. "Luck of Iri-sh," plus Jane Powell in person, is set for brisk $38,000 in third week at Oriental. "Station West" looks stout $22,000 in second frame Palace while "Song Is Bom" may land $26,000 on Woods holdover. Estimates for This Week Apollo (B&K) (1,400; 50-98)— •Hangmen Also Die" (Indie) and ^Blockade" (Indie) (reissuesT. Nice iflO.OOO. Last week, "My Son, My Son" (EL) and ".International Lady" (Indie) (reissues), $9,800. Chicago (B&K) (3,900; 50-98)— "Apartment for Peggy" (20th) with Mickey Rooncy in person (2d wk). Smash $50,000, ; Last week; excel- lent $(52,000. Garrick (B&K) (900; 50-85)— •Untamed Breed" (Col) and "iRac- Ing Luck" (Col); Moderate $8,000. Last week, "Triple Threat" (Col) and "Blac k Kagle" (Col), $9,000. Grand (RKO) (1,500; 50-98)— "Secret Land" (M-G) and "Variety Time" (RKO). So-so $10,000. Last week. "The Pearl" (RKO), fine $18,000. Oriental (Gssaness) (3,400; 50-98) —"Luck of Irish" (20th) with Jane Powell on .stage (3d wk). Brisk i $38,000. week, sock $51,500. Palace (RKO) (2,500; 50-98)— "Sfation West" (RKO) (2d wk). Solid $22,000. Last Week, big $28,- 600 Uoosevclt (B&K) (1,500; 50-98)— "Cry of City" (20th) (2d wk). Average $16,000.' Last week, ttiirdv $21,000. State-Lake (B&K) (2.700; 50-98) —"Johnnv Belinda" (WB). Big $28,000. Last week, "Julia Mis- behaves" (M-G) (2d wk), fairish $16,000. Surf (Indie) (650; 85)—"Mikado" (Ui (rfeissue) (3d wk). Bright $3.S00. Last week, $4,500. United Artists (B&K) (1,700: 50- 98)—'Scaled Verdict" (Par). Neat $14,000. Last week, "Gone with Wind" (M-G) (reissue) (1st wk). Slight $9,000. Woods (Essaness) (1,073; 98)— •Song Is Born" (RKO) (2d wk). Solid $26,000. Last week, sock $34,000. Worid (Indie) (587; 80)—"Beauty and Beast" (Indie) (3d wk). Fat $3,500. Last week, $4,000. 'Blood' Bright $18,000 Tops Buff.; 'River' Big 17G, Skelton Good 15G Buffalo, Nov. 2. Biz sliapes a bit better this week but far from terrific. "Red River" and "Kiss Blood Off Hands" look to be strongest newcomers. Estimates for This Week BulTalo (Shea) (3,500; 40-70)— "Red River" (UA). Stout $17,000. Last week, ".Tohnny Belinda" (WB), $19,500. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,400; 40-70) —"Southorn Yankee" (M-G). Very good $15,000 for new Red Skelton comedy. Last week, "Apartment tor Pcggji" f20th), $16,000. Hipp (Shea) (2,100; 40-70)— ^lohnny Belinda" (WB) (mo.). Great $12,000. Last week, "Sa-: laia" fCol) and "Destroyer" (Col) (reissues). $7,J.00. Tepk (Shea) (1,400; 40-70)— Apartment Peggy" (20th) (m.o.).: Trim $3,500. Last week, "Count Monte CrKsto'* (UA) and "Son Monte Crislo" (UA) (reissues), $3.-' Lafayette fBasil) (3,000; 40-70)—' , Kis.s Blood Off Hands" (U) and '.Surrender Dear" (U). Big with SiS.OOO Last week, "TourOi of Vi-nuV ail and "Port Said" (U), $13,000 Cenimy f20th Cent) (3.000; 40- 70i—"Usee Street" (RKO) and Mu.sic M,m" (Mono) (2d wk). j n U $7,000 after fine $16,000 last \u'ok. 1 Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gros« This Week $653,040 (Based on 15 theatres) ' Last year . . . $722,000 (Based on 16 theatres ) 'Number Rings BakoBelllSG Baltimore,'Nov. 2. Trade here is taking a slight spurt all along the downtown front with best activity being recorded by "Sorry, Wrong Number" at Stanley. Some better than average reaction is noted also for "Red River" at Loew's Century. "Un- tamed Breed," helped by vaude, looks steady at Hipp, Estimates for This Week Century (Loew's-UA) (3,000; 20- 60)—"Red River" (UA). Making good $16,000. Last week, "Innocent Affair" (iJA), $13,200. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2.240; 20-60)—'Untamed Breed" (Col) plus vaude headed by Joey Adamas and Tony Canzoneri. Steady $15;!- 000. Last week, "Hollow Triumph" (EL) and vaude, $14,200. Keith's (Schanberger) (2,460; 20- 60)—"Kiss Blood Off Hands" (U). Opened today (Tues ). Last week, "Night Has 1,000 Eyes" (Par), added mild $7,000 to okay first round at $11,700. New (Mechanic) (1,800; 20-60)— "Cry of City" (20lh). Not up to hopes at $9,000;. Last week; third of "Apartment for Peggy" (20th), pleasing $7,600. Stanley (WB) (3,280; 25-75) — "Sorry,: Wrong Number" (Par). Rosy $13,000 or over to top; city. Last week, "Johnny Belinda" (WB) (2d wk), strong $11,100. Town (Rappaport) (1,500; 35-65) —"Lost Horizon" (Col) (reissue) Not getting far at $8,000. Last week, "Velvet Touch" (RKO), a bit disappointing at $10,400. PICnjItB GROSSES 'River'Hefty $27,500 In . Prov.;'Qy'Brisk 19G . Providence, Nov. 2. State's "Red River" is going great guns to lead the town in a strong session. Metropolitan's "Cry of City" shapes surprisingly fine. Majestic's "Johnny Belinda" looks good.' „ Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (2,200; 44-65)— "Station West" (RKO) and "Nanook of the North" (Indie) (reissue). Fairly good $14,000. Last week, "Touch of Venus" (U) and "Guns of Hate" (U), so-so $11,000. Carlton (Fay) (1,400; 44-65)—^ "Apartment for Peggy" (20th) and "Night Wind" {20th) <2d run), Okay $5,500, Last week, "Luck of Irish" (20th) and "Creepers" (20th) (2d run), $6,000. Fay's (Fay) (1,400; 44-65) — "California" (Par) (reissue) and Freddie Bartholomew heading stageshow. Active $7,500. , Last week, "Dear Ruth" (Par) and vaude on stage, $6,500. Majestic (Fay) (2,200; 44-65)— "Johnny BeUnda" (WB) and "Life With Grandpa" (WB). Fine $17,000. Last week, ■ "ApartmeB t for Peggy" (20th) and "Night A^ind" (20th), $15,000. Metropolitan (Snider) (3,100; 44- 65)—"Cry- of City" (20th) and "Smuggler's Cove" (20th). Big ,$19,000. Last week, "Canor City" ' (EL), wow $18,000. I State (Loew) (3,200; 44-65)— I "Red River" (UA) and "Manhattan Angel" (M-G). Sock $27,500. Last week, "Southern Yankee" (M-G) and "Secret Land" M-G), fair I $18,000. I Strand (Silverman) (2,200; 44- \ 65)— "Night Has I'hou&and Eyes" (Par) and VRacing Luck" (Par). Opened. Monday (1). Last . week; ''Sorry, Wrong Number" .(Par), (2d wk), nifty $11,000. 'Bride-Monroe Brisk $75,000 Pace B'way Election UpbeatfBlood'Money At 44G, 'Musketeers' Smash ^ Zd 'RIVER' FAST $22,000, D.C.; 'CARMEN' $19,000 • Washington, Nov. 2. / Biz continues dull here, with prospect of election day competi- tion adding no cheer to depressed exhibs. "Hamlet," day-dating at Playhouse and Little; looks as big or bigger than first ■ week, t)eing capacity. "Lo v e s of Carmen" shapes lively at the Warner. "Red Shoes" at the National, is .taper- ing off a bit. "Red River" at Pal- ace is smash. Estimates for This Week Capitol (LOew's) (2,434 ; 44-80)— "Isn't It Romantic" (Par) plus vaude. Dull $17,000. Last week, "Cry of City" (20th) with vaude, mild $18,000, and below expecta^ tions. Columbia (Loew's) (1,263 ; 44-74) —"Apartment for Peggy" (20th). (2d run). Good $7,500. Last week, "Secret Land" (M-G) and "Night at Opera" (M-G) (reissue), hot $13,000 in 9 days, best at house in months. Keith's (RKO) (1,939; 44-74) — "One Touch Venus" (U). So-so $10,000, With drama desks turning thumbs down. Last week, "Tap Roots" (U) (2d wk), good $11,000. Little (Miller-Lopert) (287; $1.20- $2.40)—"Hamlet" (U) (2d wk). Sock $6,500. with bite from Guild and student discount rates paring capacity total in for run. Last week, same. Metropolitan (WB) (1,163; 44-74) -"Man-Eater Kumaon" (U). Sick- ly $5,000 for iirstrun. week, "Sorry; Wrong Number" (Par) (2d run). $6,500. National (Heiman) (1,590; 85- $2.40)—"Red Shoes" 'ED (3d wk). Tapering off to $12,000 or less, but still plenty of interest Holds acain. week, socko $16,000. Palace I Loew's i (2,370, 44-74)— "Red River" lUA). Smash $22,000. Last week. "Julia Misbehaves" (M-G) (2d wk), nice $16,000. Playhouse iLopert) (432; $1.20- $2 40'—"Hamlet" 'Ui (2d wk' Re- peats .smash $10,000 of last week, with extra performance this session. . , ,, Warner (WB) (2,154; 44-74) — "Loves Carmen" fCol), Big $19,000. Last week, "Johnny Belinda" (WBJ (2d wk),.okay $13,000. 'Peggy' Pegs Nice $15,000 in L'viUe Louisville, Nov. 2. Business is bright in a couple spots here this week, "Johnny Belinda" at the small Mai^^- An- derson going nicely and sure holdover. ''Apartment For Peg- gy" at the Rialto looks to top thcj town with nice week. . "Red River," at State, also shapes fine. Estimates for This Week Brown (Fourth Avenue) (1,200; 30-40)—-"Sorry, Wrong Number" (Par), and "French Leave" (Mono) (m.o.). Dull $3,000. Last week, "Rachel and Stranger" (RKO) and "Gay Intruders" (20th) (2d wk), $4,000. Kentucky (Switow) (1J200; 30- 40)—"Life With Father" (WB) and "Return of Bad Men" (RKO). Sol- id $3,500. Last week, "Beyond Glory" (Par) and "Up In Central Park" (U), $3,300. Mary Anderson (People's) (1,- 000; 45-65) —-"Johnny Belinda" (WB). . Patrons.; are going for this onOr pointing to generous $9,000 in 8 days. Last week, "Smart Girls ; Don't Talk" (WB), soggy $2,500 in 5 days. National (Standaird) (2,400; 45- ' (Continued on page 18) . With the advantage of seven new bills dnd Election Day, Broadwayi firstrun. business is looking up: sharply this session. Election Day yesterday (Tues.) ; and upsurge Monday (1) night, pre-holiday, helped most deluxers to solid to- tals. All houses had the advantage; of ■ holiday scales. In addition to seven newcomers, five more new bills will tee off later this week. Mlm .theatres suffered as result of pre-election Interest and managers: were disappointed because depart- ment stores did not close yester- day. Pacing the new entries is "June; Bride" with Vaughn Monroe band, which is giving the Strand a smash $75,000 or close. Also in big money is "Kiss Blood Off Hands" with rousing$44,000 at Criterion. RC'r issue combo of "La^ Days, of Pom- peii" and "She" is the week's eye- opener at Palace, where socko $30,- 000 looms. House broke all records over weekend, with week's total easily the biggest for Palace under current, policy. •: Capitol is highly disappointing with $50,000 on first week of "Touch of Venus'' plus Jean Sa* blon, Bettjf Bruce, sTed Straeter, band topping . stagebill. "Hollow Triumph" also is very: mild . $16,000 at Globe. "Sealed Verdict,'' with Frankie Laine, Connie Haines, Jerry Wald band, started its regular run yes- terday- (Tues. ) i at Paramount with a big'day: "The Plunderers." too, is doing . remarkably fine trade in first week at Gotham with $15,000. "Three Musketeers," which made a new all-time high last week at State, is off about $12,000 from first: week but still terrific in sec- ond week: at $68,000 or near. Be- cause getting in -an extra show Election Day; "Red Shoes'' is land- j ing a giant $18,000 in second round at Bijou; which is capacity. "Gotta Be Happy" opens tomor- 1 row; at the Music Hall after four I big weeks with "Julia Misbehaves," Anal stanza holding to fine $123,000. I "Snake Pit" comes into the Rivo- iJi the same; day. "Road House" goes I into the Mayfair Saturday (6).-after three ver> nice weeks of "Mournr ing Becomes Electra." • "Unfaithfully Yours;" with Peter Lind Hayes; Mary Healy, Jack Cole , dancers and new iceshow is being ilaunched Friday (5) at Roxy lol- i lowing three sturdy weeks of "Apartment For Peggy-' and stage- 'bill topped ; by; Kay i Thompson- I Williams Bros. J - Estimates for This Week ; ! Astor (City Inv.) (1,300; 70-$1.50) —"Song Is Born" (RKO) (3d wk). {Second week ended last Monday (1) j night held up well at $32,000 after {big $37,000 opener. Stays on in- ]def. I Bijou (City Inc.) (589; $1.20- I $2.40)—"Red Shoes" (EL) (2d wk). Second session ending tomorrow (Thurs.) is going to capacity $18,- 000, extra show yesterday. Election Day, making this money, possible. First week hit terrific $17,000, which was capacity. Continues extended .run: ' 'Spiritnalist'-Vande Hot $23,000 in Cincy; 'Julia' Lofty 16G, 'Belmda' 15G Cincinnati, Nov. 2. . Splurge of new bills and a stage show at Albee ;: have grosses gen-' erally doing a nifty nipup. Top: grosser is; "Spiritualist," - linked With vaude layout. "Julia Misbe- haves" has a slight edge on "Johnny Belinda" in leading the straight' filiVis. "Love of Mary" and ''Inno- cent Affair" are fairish. Estimates for This Week -Albee (RKO) (3,100; 60-94)— ; "Spiritualist" (EL) plus Three f Stooges. Harmonicats, others, on > stage. Vaude injection,; on spoti { ^booking,: boosting , this to big $23,"- ! '00Q. Last .'week, "Apartment for ! Peggy"'(20th), at 50-75c scale, solid , $17,000. Estimates Are Net Film gross, estimates as re- ported herewith from the vari-- ous key cities, are net, i.e.. without the 20% tax. Distribu- tors share on net take, when playing prccentage, hence, the estimated figures are net in- come. ■ ■ The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, include the U. S, amusement tax. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 50-75)— "Julia Misbehaves" (M-G). Rollick- ing $16,000 or close. Holds. Last week; *'Southem Yankee!' (M-G) (3d wk), good $6,500. Grand (RKO) (1,400; S0-75>— "Love of Mary" (U). Tepid $6,500. Last week, "Forever Amber" (20th), (9 days), okay $8,500. Keith's (City Inv.) (1,542; 50-75) —"Innocent Affair" (UA). Fairish $7,000. Last week, "Sorry, Wrong Number" (Par) (3d wk), hotsy $8,- 500. Lyric (RKO) (1.400; 50-75)—"Se- cret Land" (M-G) and "Variety Time" (RKO). Sock ballyhoo of documentary "Land" via tieins with Navy Recruiting:- office re- warding with hefty $7,000. Last week,-"Time of Life" (UA) (m.o.), 4 days, and "Wake Up Screaming" (20th) and "Blood and Sand" (20th) (reissues), average $5,000. Palace (RKO) (2.600; 50-75)— "Johnny Belinda" (WB) .Sweet $15,000 or near. Last week, "Night Has 1,000 Eyes" (Par), modest $10,- 500. Shubert (RKO) (2,100; 50-75)— "Apartment for Peggy" (20tU) (m. 0 ). Pleasmg $5,.')00. Last week, "Rope" (WK) (m.o,), same. Capitol (Loew's) (4,820; 80-$l.S0) "Touch of Venus" (U) with Jean Sablon, Betty Bruce, Ted Straeter orch topping stagebill: First week ending today (Wed.) looks to reach only moderate $50,000, but holds, . Last week, "Red River" (UA) with DeMarcos, Rose Marie, Nat Bratid- wy nne orch onstage (4th wk), was fine $40,500, Criterion (Loew's) (1,700; 70- $1.85) —"Kiss Blood Off Hands" (U),. First week ending tomorrow (Thurs.) is closing to rousing $44,- 000 or bit below, best here in soma time. Holds, -natch! In ahead, "Walk Crooked Mile" (Col) (2d wk- 10 days), mild $19,000. Globe (Brandt) (1,500; 90-^1.50) —"Hollow Triumph" (EL). Getting little help from crix and looks thin $16,000, holding over just one week. In ahead, "Rope" (WB) (9th wk), $11,000. Gotham (Brandt) (900; 70-$1.20) —"Plunderers" (Rep). Getting very nice $15,000 in. first week ending Friday (5). Holds. Last week, second-run. Mayfair (Brandt) (1,736; 6Q-$1.25) —"Morning Becomes Electra" (RKO) (3d-final wk). Final week is down to about. $16,000. after okay $21,000 for second. "Road House" (20th) opens Saturday (6). ■ Palace (RKO) (1,700; 40-$l)— "Last Days of Pompeii" (RKO) and "She" (RKO (reissues). First week ending Friday (5) looks -to : hit smash $30,000, best here under current policy of second-runs and reissues. House played to 17,000 people Saturday-Sunday' to break all .records here. Circus bally on; two oldies first released in igSS ; doing trick. Holds, In ahead, "An- ^ gels Dirty Faces" (WB) and "Drive By Night'.' (WB) (reissues) (3d wk- 4 days), $9,000 after $16,000 in sec- ond. Pafamount (Par) (3,664; 55-$1.50) 7-^"Sealed Verdict" plus Frankie Laine, Connie Haines, Jerry Wald orch heading stageshow. Opened yesterday (Tues.) with big biz after benefit preem for American Vet- erans Committee Monday (1) nighti ■House .was closed Monday after- noon to prepare for this benefit. Last week, "Night Thousand Eyes" (Par) with Tony Pastor orch; Vic Damone topping stagebill (3d ttrk- 5'/^ days), barely okay $43,000 after $63,000 for second. Park Avenue (U) (583; $1.20- $2.40) — "Hamlet" (U) (6th wk). Fifth session ended last (Tues.) night held up stoutly and aided by extra performance Election Day looks to hit better than $17,000; fourth was $16,000. Stays indef. Radio City Music Hall (Rocke- fellers) (5,945; 80-$2.40).—"Julia Misbehaves" (M^) with stagesho.w- (4th'-flnal wk). .: Present stanza end- ing today (Wed.): looks to hold up nicely, aided by Election Day, with $123,000 Ukely; third good $126,- 000. "Gotta Be Happy" (U) opens tomorrow (Thurs.). Rialto (Mage) (594; 44-99). — "Betrayed!' (Mono) (reissue). Opens, today (Wed.). Last week, "Urubu" (UA) (2d wk), down to okay $9,500 after fast $13,000 opener. Rivoii (UAT - Par) (2,092; 60- $1.25).—"Gallant Blade" (Col) (3d wkT9 days). Goes only two days past third session that ended Mon- day (1), with bare $10,500 likely for 9 days; second was $11,000. "Snake Pit'' (20th) opens tomorrow (Thurs.), Roxy (20th) (5,886; 80-$1.80) — "Apartment For Peggy" (20th) with Kay Thompson-Williams Bros., ice- show heading stagebill (3d-final wk). Third week ending -tomorrow - (Thut'S:>-likely will hold near nice $85,000, helped by Election Day biz;; after good $88,000. for second which was below hopes. "Unfaith- fully Yours" (20th) with Peter Lind : Hayes, Mary Healy, ; Jack Cole Dancers, new iceshow featuring' Arnold Shoda^ Joan Hyldoft opens Friday (5). State (Loew's) (3,450; 80-$1.50)— "Three Musketeers" (M-G) (3d wk). Initial holdover session off sharply from iirst week but still smash at $68,000 or better in second round: ended last (Tues.) night; first wa.s all-time higli for house at $80,000 but below hopes. Stays here in- definitely. Higher graduated scale starting with matinees and fact; fairly short running time makes: this terrific business possible. Strand (WB) (2,756; 76-$1.50)— ".lune Bride" (WB) with Vaughn Monroe orch heading stageshow. First w e e k ending tomorrov* (Thurs.) shapes to land smash $75;- 000 or close. Last week, fourth of "Johnny Belinda" 'WB) with, Freddy Martin orch topping stage; was big $53,000.