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Variety (Nov 1948)

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Walter Winchell says show business is in a SLUMP! "The slump in all entertainment fields continues ... Income is down , . . People are spending their pay on rent and food . , . Bools; sales are off 280 p. c. (with publishers most worried about the competition now offered by television-set owners . . . Movie box-offices report "it is box-awfull" with biz off from 50 to 60 p. c. in some cities . . . Music biz is hardest hit; name bands have trouble meeting payrolls . . . Song hits that once sold half-a-miUion copies now sell about 40,000 copies of sheet music . . . Even Television has the blues. One station laid off 40 last week." DaUy Mirror, Oct. 25, 1948. BUT Nof for us^ ''Queen of fhe Juke Soxes" "The Quarfefte You Rave About" DINAH WASHINGTON Mercury Recording Arfiste THE RAVENS National Recording Artists CURRENTLY ONE-NIGHTER$ with GEORGE HUDSON Orchestra Opening Novemlier 26tlt PARADISE THEATRE Detroit, Micltigan UNIVERSAL ATTRACTIONS 347 Madison Avenue, New York City MU 9-4076