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52 VAVIHBVIIXB Wediwsdaf, Nwvember 10, 1948 Schine Circuit Preps for Vaude After Divorcement Nicb Holdings of Government's antl-" trust action on film circuits are be- ginning to be felt in the vaudeville boolcing offices; First major addi- tion to vaudeville because of the Dept. of Justice trust-busting activ- ities is now being made with the Schine circuit in upper New Yorlt state, which is considering spot- ting talent in several of its theatres for three and foui"-day stands. Al and Belle Dow agency, has been named boolcer for a series of Schine theatres. Towns and play- dates will be known later this week. It's reported that there will be at least three towns, Geneva, ; Glens Falls and Amsterdam, which may play three or four days weekly. In a recent court decision, Schine circuit was forced to part with a number of theatres because owner- ship of all houses in the several cities created a monopolistic situ- ation; It's apparent now. that Sehine is forced to go after busi- ness and is instituting vaude shows to bolster revenues, It's regarded that Schine's e.v- cursion into vaudeville is experi- mental, and continuation will de- pend on outcome of the first few . weeks of operation,. The major theatre circuits will also watch the Schine move into live talent. Majors are now in- volved: in divorcement proceedings with the Dept. of Justice; If more competitive situations are created, it's, felt that vaudeville shows will be. utilized in order to fill larger houses or in situations where an exhibitor cannot get a sufficient flow of top films. 3 !New Orleans Bistros Socked With Tax Liens New Orle&hs, Nov, 9, Tlie Collector of Internal Revenue Friday (5) placed tax liens against tliree niterjt operators here. The revenue department said a lien of $8,562 has been ordered against Louis Messina, operator of the Gypsy: Room, for admissions from March through May,, and for July, all of this year, A lien was also placed against Messina for previous admission taxes by the Government some time ago, A lien of $3,205 for additional social security and cabaret taxes was placed against August Schoen- ling,' owner of the Avenue Spot,' and for $3,191 against James W. Armstrong, operator of a Vieux Carre bistro, for income tax for .1946-47. The Hard Way Lucy Monroe will travel '4,000 miles within a couple of ddys to comig to Madison Square Garden next Monday (15) to sing the Nati'^nal An- them and "Hatikvnh" at the Nlglit of Stars benefit: Songstress, currently tour- ing the southwest military hospitals, will fly from El Paso to N. y. for the annual show for the Palestine cause, and then lly right back to Texas, It's at her insistence, since she has been.doing tlie honors every year and she didn't want to interrupt her personal, record: Benny Fields has switched from the Associated Booking Agency to General Artists Corp. FRED KEATING TRIES SUICIDE IN NEW YORK Fred Keating, former vaude headliner as a magician, was taken to Bellevue hospital, N. Y., after what police describe as an attempt- ed suicide, Monday (8): It's re- ported that .Keating was despond- ent because of paucity, of engage- nients: He',wiU recover;" ] Keating, shortly after entering his room at the Ashley hotel, I plioned down to the room clerk that he had slashed his wristsy He was treated at St, Clare's hospital and afterwards was sent to Belle- vue for psychiatric obseiTation. Keating made his showbusiness bovr as a magician, but had dropped legerdemain in favor of -talking comedy. Names Hypo Biz In Pitt Terpery Pittsburgh,. Nov. 9. Bill Green's, big dancery on the outskirts of town which has been almost strictly an on-the-hoof spot for 18 years, has caught the fever, too, and is going in for names on a big scale. Biz done in recent months by Three Suns and Ink Spots When booked in as extra at- tractions is believed to have made up Green's mind in that direction. Spot currently has Monica Lewis,.' in Addition to an orch for dancing, for anniversary show and between now and first of the year will bring in Charioteers, Jan August, Louis Armstrong and Merry Macs. Green plans to spot name bands occasionally as well. Charlie Spivak comes in next month. Barto Drafted as AGVA M Sec; Trial StSl to Be Set on Rebel Gains Govt. Shuts Chi Jazzer . Chicago, Nov. 9. Argyle Show Lounge, jazz spot on the / Chi scene for years, has been closed by the Government for non-payment of taxes. Auction lias been set for Nov. 16. Residential Ruling' Kayoes K. C. Nitery Kansas City, N6v. 9. There'll be no Sunnyside night club on K. C.'s south side, under a ruling handed down last week by tlie Missouri supreme court. The building, a former stable and riding academy, had been en- larged by Victor Brown, owner, at a cost of $35,000, with the intent to bring in top-name bands for a CHI CHINA DOLL CLOSES AS PARTNERS DISAGREE ■f Acrobat Dewey Barto was draft- ■ ed as.; natioipal a^itiiinistfative sect' rjftarjr of tiie AnKrican (Juild of Variety Artists after Ni T. Sui premie , Court Justice eeri vacated, a temporary injunct^^^ obtained by a 'dissident AGA^'A fac^■ iXon. which forbade. the uhioii' fV^nl • installing officers. Injunction, served two days pre- vious to the meeting slated t<) ■start last Monday lU. fdi'cie'd ilie tional board to act fts a .diiscussiojfi.; group without power to take any action. When ukase was rubbed dinner-dance spot. Instead tlie'Oil the record, group put into for- court ruled the property can be;mal motions that whicli it liad dis- used only for residence purposes, jcussed from Monday to Wednesday, ^ • i Immediately following the selec- tion; of Barto,. Dave Fox, executive secretary of the N.Y. local, tend- ered his resignation, but accept- ance was tal)led. #eijdiri^s; en. at- tempt to persuade Fox to continue Chicago, Nov. 9. \'^^}}^^\ P'^st. . „ , China Doll, Loop dine - and-1 Motion was made to give Barto dancery that opened in home of I $300 week y salary but Barto de- old Latin Quarter in September, »l»"<i«<' "l^t salary be reduced to shuttered Wednesday (3) for an i?200 weekly He had been serv- indefinite period reportedly be-l'^S m the N.\, office on a voUin cause of disagreement among the spot's partners, over policy, prices, etc.. ■ ■.. China Doll opened in September with a name band policy, Alvino Rey's orph starting the ball rolling. Key pulled out two days before closing date because of disagree- ments with management and pay- cliecks that bounced. Financial difficulties were settled and a local four-piece orch took over the following week, playing to few pati'ons. THE TIME: October 21st-November 4th THE PLACE: Mayfalr Room, Blackstone Hotel (Chicago) THE GIRL: JOAN EDWARDS THE RESULTS!! "Joan Edwards, making her debut in Chi's cafe circuit, unveiled a side new and fetching to many in this room . . . her keyboard skill and adroit in- time .styling added a nice touch of the unexpected to on otherwise reward- ing iieder session." BAXT. VARIETY, Oct, ?7.1?48. "Gus^ Edwards' blonde niece, Joan Edwards, does a neat one-woman show at the Bfackstone's Mdyfoir Roenlii If your only acquaintance with the versatile- singer is via the Hit Parade, catch her act." NORINE FOLEY, Chicago. Daily Ntwi, October 2«, 1948. "The New Faces Revue currently In this chichi hostelry continues to hit the spot, with Joan Edwards hitting even harder than comic Abe Burrows who did a creditable job, both on the floor and at the box ofFice. id Ed- wards, now sporting a platinum thatch that's added plenty to her glam, Is, more vivacious and really punehet everything across." JOHNNY SIPPEL, Billboard, Nov. 6, 1948. "The songs of Joan Edwards, radio and musiear comedy, star^ are ear- delights for the distinguished crowds of supper-clubbers gathering nightly at the Blackstone hotel's swank May- ''falr"Roem." CHARLIE DAWN, Chicago Herald Exomiirar, October 28, 1948. Thanks Everybody aa4ue P\ $.: Las Vegas, here I come . . . (November 10) (At The "El Rancho/' of course) Personal Management: MIKE VALLON, 355 N. Conon Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. Vivienne Segal Embassy Bow Postponed Again Vivienne Segal's N. Y. cafe bow at the Embassy has been postponed for a second time. Music comedy star, reported down witli the flu, was originally slated to bow last Wednesday (3) and new opening date had been set fO(r tonight (Wed.l. Embassy ops are hopeful that she'll open at the end of the month. Jaclc Garroll, singer, opens tonight instead. teer basis since former national administrator Matt Shclvey was ousted by the Associated Actors and Artistes of America. First formal order of lousiness was the full return of AGVA's au- tonomy by the 4A's, after which it passed resolutions asking, for re- peal of the. 20% amusement tax and tlie Taft-Hartley law. Committees were set up to liandle problems of televisiotti club dates and reduction in tlie num- ber of benefits. Board also elected a national executive committee comprising Jerry Baker, Margie Coates, Jimmy Lyons, Henry Dunn, (Continued on page 54) Atlanta Spots Active Atlanta, Nov. 9. Nii-Nu Castain and combo will open Thur,sday (111 at Henry Grady's Dogwood room. Begin- ning same date, that hostelry's Paradise room will ofTer Don Grimes band, Elizabeth Talbot- Martin, impressionist; Jaywalkers, comic singers, and 'ted and Flo Vallett, batoneers. Buddy Moreno and crew, with Perry Mitchell, Frank Hudec and Don Boyd, opened last week in Aiislcy hotel's Rainbow Roof. Wally boag 6S0TH PERFORMANCE In VAL PARNELL'S ''STARLIGHT ROOF" London Hippodrome AMJBKI(':\v I.ONHON: CliarlfB Tucker Trompoliningl/ Yours . PAUL & PAULETTE TRIO NEW 2-DAY VAUDE STAND The Sherman theatre, Stroud.s- burg, Pa., is instituting a vaude policy starting Nov, 28. House will play shows Mondays and Tuesdays. Al)e & Joe Feinberg agency is booking. AMERICA'S TOP HEADLINE SINGING GROUP Currently CLUB BAGATEUE NEW YORK All major _Netwnt-|i«; Tlientrcs and Gluhi, D. S. iind Cannda VICTOR FAVORITES BOYS i , ' . Personal Diroctlon^BD RitCKmi VPOS RKO Billlillnit, New York 80. N. Y. Clicia t-tSM VALDO and PRINCESS PAT THE MUSICAL MENTALISTS TELEVISION-THEATRES-HOTEL$ NIGHT CLUBS-BANQUETS-CLUB DATES Per. MqK; MAX TISHMAN. U74 Broadway, New York