Variety (Nov 1948)

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Wednestlayf Noveittber 17, 1948 PICHJRB CiROSSBS Anmstke Beosts Chi DesjHte H.O.'s; Tit' Sockeroo $25,000, 'Uve Little' Uvelyl4G,'Bess'-'Valley'Okay9G Chicago, Nov, 16, < Armistice Day helped an other*, wise dverage week here currently, with most housei^ offering hold- overs. Best of'newcomers looks to be "Snake Pit," i»i for eight weeks at Garrick under special exemption from the decree. It will hit smash $25,000. United Artists looks for boosted returns on "liet's Live a Little" at $14,000, while the Apol- lo ■ may i do better than average $»,000 with "Enchanted Valley" and "Adventures of Gallant Bess." Heftiest holdover is "Boad House," in second week at the Chi- cago, with Peter Lorre and the Ink Spots -onstage. "My Dear Secre- tary" holding high in its first hold- over stanza at the Oriental, with Bobby Breen and Jon and Sondra Steele in person. Reissue combo, "She" and "Last Days Pompeii," ■continues lively at Grand, "Johnny Belinda," in its third o£ a four-week exemption from the 'decree, is still big at State-Lake with $27,000. "Song Is Born" stiU is okay in fourth stanza- at the Woods. Estimates for This Week Apollo (B&K) (1,400; 50-98)— "Adventures of Gallant Bess" (EL) and "Enchanted Valley": (EL). Okay $9,000. Last week, "Hang- men Also Die" llndie) and "Block- ade" (Indie) (reissues) (2d wk), $6,000. Chicago rB&K) (3,900; 50-98)— "Road House" (20th) plus Peter Lorre and Ink Spots onstage (2d wio. Sock $54/000. V Last week, wow $62,000. Garrick (B&K) (900; 50-85)— "Snake Pit" (20th). Smash . $25,000. Last week, ','Untamed Bre<;d" (Col) and "Racing Luck" (Col) (2d wk), low $8,000. Grand lUKO) 1,500; 50-98)— "Last Days Pompeii" (RKO) and "She" (RKOl (reissues) (2d- wk). Hot $17,000. Last week, huge $2t{,000. Oriientar (Essariess) (3,400; 50-98) —■'Dear Secretary" (UA) and Pee Wee Hunt, Bobby Breen, Jon & Sondra Steele in person (2d wk). Fat $38,000. Last week, $50,- OOO. Palace (RKO)' (2,500; 50-98)— "Race Street" (RKO) (2d wk) Mild $16,000. Last week, nice $21,000. Roosevelt. (B&K) (1.500; 50:98)— "Gallant Blade" (Col) <2d wk). Mod- erate $10,000. Last week. $12,000. State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 50-98) —'.Johnny Belinda" (WB) (3d wk). Excellent $27,000. liBSt week, huge $29,000. Surf (Indie) (650; 85)—"Tawny Pipit" (U). Meek $3,400. Last • .week. "Mikado"' (U) (reissiue) (4th . wW, fine $3,500. United Artists (B&K) (1,700; 50- 98)—'-Let's Live a Little" (EL). Sweet $14,000. Last week, "Sealed Verdict" (Par) (2d wk), solid $9,- 500. Woods (Essaness) (1,073; 98)— "Song Is Born" (RKO) (4th wk). Good $18,000; Last week stout $19,000. World (Indie) (587; 80)—"Lost One" (Col). Gigantic $6,000. Last week,. "Beauty and Beast" (Indie) (4lh wk), $3,300. Broalway Grosses Estimated Total Grou This Week $711,000 (Based on 17"theotrps) Last Year . . . $854,000 (Based on 22 theatres) Me' Brisk 13G In Quiet Indpls. Indianapolis, Nov, 16. > Firstrun biz is only average here this stanza although "June Bride" is sharp at the Circle. "Song Is Born," at the Indiana, is only living up to mild notices. "Red River" is doing fair in second week at Loew's. Estimates for This Week Circle (Gamble - Dolle) (2,800- 44-65)—"June Bride" (WB) and "Inner Sanctum" (FC). Strong $13,000. Last week, "Cry of City" (20th) and "Smuggler's Cove" (Mono), thin $9,000. Indiana (G-D) (3,300; 44-65)— "Song Is Born" (RKO) and "Ap- pointment with Murder" (WB). Fair $12,000 Last week, "Johnny Belinda ' (WB) and "Here Comes Trouble" (UA), sturdy $14,000. Keith's (G-D) (1,300; 44-65)— "Johnny Belinda" (WB) and "Here Comes Trouble" (UA) (m.o.). Aver- age $4,500. Last week, "Good Sam" (RKO) and "Behind Locked Doors'! (EL) (m.o ), about same, Loew's (Loew's) (2,450; 44-65)— "Red River" fUA) and "Surrender Dear" (Col) (2d wk). Oke $10,000: On fop of hefty $16,000 opener, Lyric (G-D) (1,600; 44-65)— "Four Faces West" (UA( and "Song Of Adventure" (Rep). Thin $5,000. Last week, :"Lady in Ermine" (20th) and"Creeper" (20th) $6,000.: W BEST BET IN SEATTLE. HEP $13,i Seattle, Nov. 16. Fleet week is a help to business this week, with the weather also boosting trade. "June Bride'' shapes as best newcomer. Plethora ol holdovers is clipping the overall total, but "Good Sam" at Para- mount and "Song Is Born" at Lib- eily look solid on their second weeks. Estimates for This Week Blue Mouse (Il-E) (800; 50-84)— "Race Street" (RKO) and "Olympic Games" (EL) (m.o.). All-time low at $2,000 or Ic-s.s after okay first iveek at Coliseum Last .week. 'Apartment Peggy" (20th) and "Punch" (WB) (4th wk-6 days), good $2,900. Coliseum (H-E) (1,877; 50-84)— Dude Goes West" (Mono) and "16 Fathoms Deep" (Mono). Trim $9,- 000. Last week, "Race Stiect" (RKO) and "Olympic Games," (EL), good $9,800. Fifth Avenue (H-E) (2.349; 50-84) —-".lulia Misbehaves" (M-G) and 'Secret Land" (M-G) (3d wk). Mar- velous $10,000, near last week's huge $13,000. Liberty (Ind) (1,650; 50-84)— ^i'ong Is Bom" (RKO) and "leather Cloves ' (Col) (2d wk). Swell $9,000 , (Continued on page 16i 'Road House' Great Guns In Pitt, $16,500; 'Julia' 19G, 'Bride' Slow lOG Pittsburgh, .Nov. 16. Armistice Day holiday got prac- tically everything oil on the: right foot. Except in the case'ot ",lune Bride" at Stanley, everything's packing a good wallop this week.. Despite good notices, however, Bette Davis-Robert Montgomery comedy is taking it on the chin. 'IRoad House" is going great guns at Harris and will stick. "Julia Misbehaves" probably will hold at. the Penn, too. Still amazing. by its staying powei-s is "Johnny Belinda" at Warner, now in . fifth week downtown. Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 44-76)— "Song Is Born" (RKO) (2d wk). Taking a sharp dip to okay $8,500; Last week, socko $13,000.1 , , Harris (Harris) , (2.200; 44-76)— "Road House" (20th). Plenty of zoom in this one and cracking through to terrific $16,500, and -Sticks easily. Last week, "Kiss Blood OiT Hands" (U) (2d wk), $5,- 000 in 5 days. Penn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 44-76) — "Julia Misbehaves" 'M-O). Healthv $19,000. Last week, second of "Red River ' (UA), S13.nOO Ritz (Loew's) (800: 90-.$2,40) — "Hamlet" (U) (2d wk) Picking up .slowly on strength of continued press attention and good word-of- mouth, not to mention mounting list of school parties. Heading for big $10,000, Last week, $8„500. Senator llani.,) (I,7i50; 44-76)— "Kiss Blood Off Hands" (U) (m.6.). Shitlod here alter 12 days'at Har- ris, fine .S4,000. Last week. "Wolf Man" lU) and "Hairy Ape" lU) (re- issues), $.2,000 in- 5 days. ■ ^ Stanley (WB) (3,800; 44 - 76) — "June Bride" IWB). Best notices a Bette Davis picture has had here in long time but apparently .she's still got to ovcn-coiue recent pix. Win be lucky to get $10,000. a bit depressing. Last week. "Station West" (RKO), $12 000 • Warner (WB) (2,000, 44-76) — "Johnny Belinda" (WB) im.o.) (5th Wk). Hardly any let-up, and still amazing everybody. Still near $9,- 000, which at this sla^e of run is extra-special. Last week, $10,000. 'Julia' Grabs mM Denver; Yaradhie' 21G Denver, Nov, 16. "Julia Misbehaves" is pacing city this week with smash, session at Orpheum. "Paradine Case" looks okay in three spots. Mild weather hurt biz over the weekend .—"Red River" still is rolling in. third Broadway stanza, Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 35-74)— "Rope" (WB) and "Big Punch" (WB) (m.o.). Good $3,500. Last week, "Sittmg Pretty" (20th) and "Voice of Turtle" (WB), $3,000. Broadway (Cinema) (1,500; 35^- 74)—"Red River" (UA) (3d wk). Fine $10,000, and holds again. Last -week, $10,500. Denham (CockrUl) (1,750; 35-70) —"Isn't It Romantic" (Par) (2d wk) and "Black Eagle'" (Col). Dim $6,500. Last week, good $12,500. Denver (Fox) (2,525; 35-74)— "Paradine Case" (SRO) and "Gay Intruders" (20th), day-date with Esquire, Webber. Nice $16,000. Last week, "Rope" (WB) and "Big Punch" (WB), $17,500. Esquire (Fox) (742; 35-74)— "Paradine Case" (SRO) and "Gay Intruders" (20th)i also Denver, Webber. Okay; $2,500 or over.: Last week, "Rope'.' and "Big Punch" (WB), $3,500. Orpheum (RKO) (2,600; 35-74)— "Julia Misbehaves" (M-G) and "Close^Up" (EL). Smash $21,000. Holds. Last week, "Velvet Touch" (RKO) and "Prairie" (SG), good $13,000. Paramount (Fox) (2,200; 35-74)— "Raw Deal" (EL) and "In This Comer" (EL). Good $11,000 or over. Last .Week, "Cry of City" (20th) and "Dog Rusty" (Col), $8,000. Rialto (Fox) (878; 35-74)—"To Shores Tripoli" (20th) and "Fight- ing Lady" (20th) (reissues). Nice $3,500. Last week, "Hairy Ape" (FC) and "Wolf Man" (FC) (reis- sues), $2,500. Webber (Fox) (750; 35-74)— "Paradine Case" (SRO) and ''Gay Intruders" (20th), also Denver, Esquire. Fair. $2,500. Last week, "Rope" (WB) imd "Big Punch" (WB), $2,000. 'Song' Tvneful $16,000, L'ville .Louisville, Nov. 16. Business is healthy this^ week, with new product and holdovers alike turning in satisfactory figures. Best of week looks like "Song Is Boi-n" at Rialto. H.o.'s of "Johnny Belinda" at the Mary Ander.son and "Julia Misbehaves" at the State are okay. ■ "Holiday on Ice*-' no doubt is hurting downtown film houses dur- ing its seven-day stanza. Estimates for This Week Brown (Fourth Avenue) (1,200; 45-65)—"Four Feathers" (FC) and^ "Drums" (FC) (reissues). Okay $4,000. week, "Apartment lor Peggy" (20th) and "Night Wind" (20th) (m.o.) $5,500. Kentucky (Switow) (1,200; 30-40) —"Tap Roots" (U) and 'Two Guys From Texas" (WB). Lively $3,500.i Last week, "A, 8c C. Meet Frank- enstein" (U) and "Lady in Ermine" (20th), . about same., Mary Anderson (People's) (1,000; 45-65)—"Johnny Belinda" (WB) (3d I wk). Okay $6,000 after last week's nice $7,000. National (Standard) (2,400; 45- 65)—"Girl From Manhattan" (UAV and "Blonde Ice" (FC). Fairish $5,000. Last week, "Texas, Brook- lyn" (UA) and "Vicious Circle" (UA), $6,000. Rialto (FA) (3,000; 45-65)—' .Song ' Is Born" (RKO) and "Body Guard" I (HKO). Pulling Danny Kaye fans in great la!>hion to land solid $16,- I 000. Last week, "Touch of Venus" I (U) and "Code Scotland Yard " 1 (Rep), moderate $13,000. State (Loew's) (3,000; 4.5-65)— Julia Misbeh,aves" (M-G) and ■'Leather Gloves" (Col (2d wk). ' Word-of-mouth helping stay at sati.slactory $12^000.. Last week, brisk $14,000 Strand (FA) (1,000; 4.5-65)— , "Luck of Irish" (20th) and 'The Creeper" (20th). Fair $5,500. Last , week, "Night Time Nevada" (Rep) and "Angel in Exile" (Rep), fine .$6,500. - . . 'Joan' Terrif $67^00 Paces Uneven B way;'Moon Mellow 34(i/Happy Climbs to Fine 126G on H.O. at Hall Estimates Are Net Film gross ; estimates as re- ported herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net, i.e., without the 20% lax. Distribu- tors share on net take, when. playing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net' in- come. The, parenthetic admis.sion prices, however, as indicated, include the U. S; amusement tax. Firstrun business continues spot- ty this week on Broadway with solid to smash .bills in contrast to modest or dull takings elsewhere^' Cool weather ;. helped .weekend trade, and most theatres did sur- prisingly strong trade Armistice Day (11) with an assist from the holiday scales. Standout is " Joan of Arc," which is soaring far ahead of ■ the best ever done by the Victoria. Initial: week ending today (Wed,) looks to hit $67,500, arid may beat the highest week ever done by nearby Astor. Played to lines right from start. Upped $2.40 tariff Saturday. Sunday also helped to this huge total in li060-seat house. Heavily sold and crix :generally lauded it. Only other newcomer is "Blood on Moon" at nearby Glohe, climb- ing to remarkably fancy $34,000. Reissue : combo of ''Crash Dive" and "Man Hunt" is landing fast $13,500 lor bandbox Rialto. Holding up in superb fashion is; "Snake Pit," with giant $57,000 likely for second week at Rivoli. This is very close to opening ses- sion's smash $58,500. Mayfair also continues in the money at $32,000 lor "Road House'' on second stanza. Paramount, too, is faring nicely in . second round with "Sealed Verdict" and Frankie Laine, Connie Haines, Jerry Wald band on stage. Looks' _ $70,000, and enough to hold lo'r third week. "Hamlef at Park Avenue and«"Red; Shoes" at .Bijou also remain sock, former getting over $17,000 via Armistice Day mat. ■ - At other houses, business ranges from passably good to very slow. Capitol is down to all-time low with this policy on third week of "Touch of Venus" plus Jean Sa- blon, Betty Bruce, Ted Straeter band, with very dim $25,000 in ■sight. . ."Gotta Stay Happy" is doing better on first holdover session than first week at Music Hall with $126,000, enough to, warrant a third frame. However, general sluggishness of Broadway is forc- ing the Hall to bring in "Hills of Home" next ■ in, order to open "Words and Music" and annual Xinas show a few weeks before, Dec. 25. Cap brings in "Kissing Bandit" with Jane Powell, Joey Adams, Tony Canzoneri, S h e p , Fields tomorrow (Thurs.). Strand opens "FiRhter Squadron" plus Frankie Carle band Friday (19) after three bright weeks with "June Bride" and Vaughn Monroe band. Roxy opens "Baby Smiles at Me" with Mickev Rooney topping stage- bill Tuesd,->y (23), a day ahead of usual Wednesday teeoff. This gives "Unfaithfully Yours" with Peter Lind Hayes, Mary Healy, Jack Cole Dancers four extra days past the second week. This show is sliding down to mild $65,000 in second frame ending tomorrow (Thurs.) after disappointing $80,- 000 opener. Estimates for This Week Astor (City Inv.) (1,300; 70-$1.50) —"Song Is Born" (RKO) (5th wk). Fourth week ended, last Monday (13) held up well, with boost from I Armistice Day, going to. $25,000. I Third week was $27,000. Stays un- 1 til about Thanksgiving. i Bijou (City Inv.) (589; $1.20- 1 $2,40)—"Red Shoes" (EL) t4th wk). I Present' stanza ending tomorrow i (Thurs.) slipped a bit from previ- I Qus week; with one less show but still tm-rific at $16,000. Third week, ; with help from extra mat Armis- tice Day, held to capacity 17,000. I Capitol (Loew's) (4,820; S0-$1.50) ^"Touch of Venus" (U) plus Jean Sablon. Betty Bruce, Ted Straeter orcli heading stagebill (3d-final v\k). Down to very slim $25,000, ■, lowest here in.years under present policy, after dim $33,000 for sec- ond, "Ki-.<.sing Bandit" (M-G) with Jane Powell, Joey Adams, Tony Can?ontri, Shep Fieluds orch opens tomorrow (Thurs.). ' Criterion (Loew's) (1,700; 70- $1.85)—"Kiss Blood Off Hands" (U) (3d wk). Third session ending tomot'ow (Thurs.) is falling off to $18,000 after fairly good $26,000 for second. Globe (Brandt) (1,500; 90-$1.50) —"Blood on. Moon" (RKO). For first week ending today (Wed.) ' looks to reach rousing $34,000. Holds. Last week, second of "Hol- low Triumph" (EL) was slow $10,000. Gotham (Brandt) (900: 70-$L20) --"Plunderers" (Rcp) (3d-final wk). Still okay at $9,000 on blowoff after $11,000 for .second. House brings in reissues next. Mayfiir (Brandt) (1,736; 60- , $1.25)-^-"R<)ad House" (20th) (2d wk). Still solid at $32,000 in initial holdover round ending Friday (19) after very big $45,000 opener. Stays on. Palace (RKO) (1,700; iO-95)-~ "Last Days Pompeii" (RKO) and "She" (RKO) (reissues) (3d wk>. Continues big $17,000 or better in third frame ending Friday (19). after sock $23,500 for second. Not likely to stay a fourth. Paramount (Par) (3,664; 55-$1.5U) —"Sealed Verdict" (Par) and Frankie Laine, Connie Haines,' Jerry Wald orch heading stageshow (3d-final wk). First holdover ses- sion ended last (Tues.) night hold- ing up to very fine $70,000 after big $90,000 for first 8 days. Par's 22d anni show due to open Nov. 24, with Stan Kenton orch. Nellie Lutcher, Red Buttons. Raul & Eva Reyes topping stagebill and "Miss Tatlock's Millions" (Par) on screen. Park Avenue (U) (583; $1.20- $2,40)—"Hamlet" (U) (8th wk). Seventh session ended last (Tues.) night went slightly over $17,000, with boost via Armistice Day mat; sixth week was $16,000. Continues indef. Radio City Music Hall (Rocke- fellers) (5,945: 80-$2.40)—"Gotta Stay Hap_py" (U) and stageshow (2d wk). Second session doing com- - paratively better than first. Looks to reach $126,000, fine after barely okay $122,000 first round. Stays a third. "Hills of Home" (M-G) like- ly opens Nov. 25, coming in next ahead of annual Christmas shovir that opens early in December. Rialto (Mage) (594; 44-99)— "Crash Dive" (20th) and ''Man Hunt" (20th) (reissues) (2d wk). Second stanza opens today (Wed;) after big $13,500 opener. Kivoli (UAT-Par) (2,092; 60- $1.25)—"Snake Pit" (20th) (2d wk). First holdover round ending to- day (Wed.) is holding firmly at smash $57,000 or near which is only a step behind initial week's wow $58,500. In for indefinite run. ' Roxy (20th) (5,886; 80-$1.80)— "Unfaitlifully Yours" (20th) with Peter Lind Hayes, Mary Healy; Jack Cole Dancers, new Iceshow r (2d wk). Second week ending to^ •. morrow (Thurs.) slid down to mild $65,000; first, helped by Armistice Day, only went to $80,000, way be- low expectancy. Stays only 4 days ■ longer with "Baby Smiles at Me" (20th), Mickey Rooney, Rosario & Antonio, Borrah Minevitch Rascals topping stageshow, opening Tues» day (23). State (Loew's) (3,450; 80-$1.50)—• "Three Musketeers" (M-G) (5th wk). Fourth stanza ended. last (Tues.) night further retreated to- $39,000 or near after strong $46.- 000 in third, over hopes. Contin* ■ues..''v. Strand WB) (2,756; 76-$1.50)— "June Bride" (WB) with Vaughn Monroe orch: heading stagebill (3d- final wk). Still okay at $56,000, after $65,000 in second. "Fighter Squadron" (WB) plus Frankie. Carle orch, Tim Herbert topping i stageshow opens Friday (19). Victoria (City Inv.) (1,060:-95- $2.40)—"Joan of Arc" (RKO). First week ending today (Wed,) is soar- ing to terrific $67,500 or near, with ' house getting in seven shows daily.: Show runs 150 minutes, giving fast turnover.'Tilted :to $2.40 top Satur- .day-'Sunday. ■ Set lor a long run, naturally. Last week, house was shuttered while remodeling and in- creasing of seating capacity was being finished;. 'Julia' Robust $16,000, yto; 'Bride' $17,00& Baltimore, Nov. 16. Trade here is rather spotty with best action recorded by "June Bride" at Stanley. Crix liked film. Above average response is. also being chalked up by ''Julia Mis- behaves" at Loew's Century. Rest, of list IS unexciting. Estimates for This Week Century (Loew's-UA) (3,000; 20* 60)—"Julia Misbehaves" (M-G); Nice- $16,000. Last week, second of "Red River" (UA) (2d wk), nice $10,800. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,460* 20-70) — "Northwest Stampede'' (EL) plus vaude. Fairish $14,000. Last week, "Gallant Blade" (Col) plus stage layout headed by Dave' ApoUon, $15,200. Keith's (Schanbcrger) (2,460; 20-; 60)—"Isn't It Romantic" (Par). Mild $7,000. Last week, "Kiss Blood Off Hands" (Uj S8,800. Mayfair (Hicks) (980; 20-65)-- "Jungle Patrol" (20th), Average (Continued on page 16)