Variety (Nov 1948)

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4B ORCWBSTRAS-lHIJSIC Wednesday, November 1-7, ^^^^SONG CAVALCADEi ^-^^^^ (Musical Hhtorictd Revieu : 1800 1948) M Compiled for p^^IETY By JULIUS M VTITIXD (Copyrighr, Vori'e'ty, Inc. All Rights Rewfved) . legends and ether basic baclrgrovnd informof/on, atfendonr fe fhe cempilad'on and presentprioii, appeared in the .Oct. .6, I94S, issue when .the Variety. Spng Covalcode started publication serially. II is svggesfcd rhat these instaHmenls be ciipped ond fiied for future, reference. ' -. Attention is hereby called to the foct that this <naterl<it is xopyright and may .not be reproduced either wholly or. in port. (Continued from Lost Week) 1842 The Blind Boy. w., ? m., William Richardson Dempster. Boston: Oli- ver Ditson, cop. 1842. Come, O, Come with Me, the Moon is Beaming', w., B. S. Barclay m.. "Italian aii." Philadelphia: A Fiof, cop 1842. Widow Machree. w.,m., Samuel Lover. London: Duff and Hodgson lea. 1,8421; New York: William Hall & Son [ca. 18501. Charles Dickens visited the United Stales, but his impressions of this country were generally un- favorable. John 0. Fremont and Kit Carson made expeditions to California. ilenny Wadsworth Longfellow's "Ballads and Other Poems" (in- eluding "The Skeleton in Armor." "Wreck ol the Hesperus," "Vil- la,?e Blacksmith," "To a Child," "Tlie Bridge," and "Excelsior") ap- peared. In Rhode Island the landowners elected Samuel W. King governor, whereupon the suffragists (city party) tried to seize the arsenal at Providence and make Thomas \V. Dorr governor; King declared ■martial law and clapped Dorr in- to prison. He was convicted of treason and, in 1844, sentenced to life imprisonment. Three years later, however, he was released. New feminine vogues included mantillas, black varnished leather; shoes; lace mitts,: small' parasols and large muffs. 1843 . Cape Ann. w.. m.. anonymous. Pirth & Hall, cop. 1843. (Sung by J. J. Hutchinson of the Hutchinson Family.) • ■ Columbia the Gem of the Ocean. \v.. m., Thomas a' Becket. (Writ^ ten in 1843, for a theatrical bene- fit, at tlie request of David T. Shaw, to whom the . words have been incorrectly attributed.) Excelsior, Part song for SATB with piano, w., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, m., Hutchinson Fami- ly. Firth & Hall, cop. 1843. Go Call the Doctor (or, Anti- I Calomel), \v.;m.i Judson Hutchin- ] ;son. William Hall & Son lea. ' ; 18431. (Sung by the Hutchinson i ; Family.1 ■ i I The Grave of Bonaparte. ; w., Henry S. Washburn, ra., Lyman ■ Heath. . Boston: Oliver Ditson' [ca. * 18431. ^ ' The Heart Bow'd Down (The Bo- hemian Girl), w., Alfred Bunn. in., ' William Michael Balfe. (First per- j I formed in London, November 27, , I 1843; in New York, November 25,, i 1844 ) I I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls i i (The Bohemian Girl), w., Alfred [ Bunn. m„ William Michael Balfe. 1 (First -performed in London, No- vember 27, 1843; in New York, November 23, 1844.) The Lame at of the Irish Emi- grant, w., Mrs. Price Blackwood." 111., WiUiam Richardson Dempster. Boston: Geo. P. Reed, cop. 1843. The Long Ago—betfer knoioiios:- Lon.?, Long Ago^ w.,' m., Thomas- Hayncs Bayly, London [,1843?1, My Old Aunt Sally, w., m., Dan- iel Decatur Emmett [the name is given on the title page as: Old Dan D. Emmitl. Boston: C. H. Keith, cop. 1843. Old Dan Tucker; w., m., Daniel- DBcatur Emmett (?). Millet's Mu- sic Saloon, cop. 1843. The Old Granite State, w., Jesse Hutchinson, m., revivalist tune: Old Church Yard. (Firth & Hall, cop. 1843 by John Hutchinson, (Sung by the Hutchinson Family in 1843 in New York at a temperance meeting at the Broadway Temple.) Stop Dat Knocking at My Door. w..m., A. F. Winnemore. Boston: George P. Reed [cop. 1843 ?1 Then You'll Remember Me (The Bohemian Girl), w.; Alfred Bunn^ m., William Michael Balfe. (First perfoi'ined in London, November I 27, 1843; in New York, November I 25, 1844). I Wedding March (in. incideittal )■ I music to: A Midsummer Night'S; : Dream, op. GD. Orch eomposition. m., Felix Mendelssohn. Leipzig: I Breitkopf & Hartel, n.d. (First per- I formed in Potsdam, October 14, I 1843 ) BETAIL SHEET BEST SELLERS p^tETY Surrey o/ rcUxiX sheet tnusic sales, hmed on reports obtoincd from leadxig -Stores in 12 cj(ics, and showing comparatiue sale* fating tor this and lost weefc. National Rating Week Ending NOV. 13 This Last wk. wk. Title and Publisher 9: ifl .5 g i T O T A L P O I ■n:-: T s 18C "Love Somebody'' (Kramer).. Washington was sent the first clas- sic message: "What hath God wrought?" ■ Dr. Horace Wells of Hartford, Conn., used laughing gas as an anesthetic to extract one of his own teeth. The U. S. S. PrLncetort, first screw steam war vessel ever built, fired one of its guns on a pleasure trip down the Potomac River. The gun burstj in.iuring many, includ- ing Thomas W. Gilmas, Secretary of the Navy. JUBALAIRES AMOS 'N' ANDY SHOW SHIlll l.1, CMS STANDARD DECCA TRANSCRIPTIONS RECORDS K.vrliiMi.vt* JIailltKciuviif: FEDERAL ARTISTS CORPORATION 81,31 siirii.)'!, n<iii.rnoo(i rn. sytai I On the death of Pierre Lorillard. 1 wealthy snuff and cigar manufac-; I turer and pioneer ol the current I Old Gold cigarette interests, news-, papers coined the word "million- j aire." The first telegraph in. the I U. S.-—Washington to Baltimore— I was; installed. , I The Virginia Minstrels, the first I regularly organized band of Negro I minstrels, gave their initial pub- [ lie perlormance at the Chatham. [ Theatre, N, Y. The company was' I composed of Dan Emmett, Frank j Brower, Billy Whitlock and Dick I Pelhara. I . The U: S. Na val Academy I opened at Annapolis, Md. I Edgar Allan Poe got a $100 prize for his story, "The Gold Bug"— ; largely, according to stories repu- i tedly given out by the judges, be- cause of Poe's neat handwriting. -Poe's ''Black Cut" meanwhile ap- I peared in the Saturday: Evening ■ Post. ]84l> Scenes that are Brightest (Mari- tana). w.; Alfred Bunn. m., Vin- cent Wallace (First performed in London. November 15, 1845; in New York, -May 4, 1848.) Yes! Let Me Like a Soldier Fall (Maritana). w.. Edward Fit2!ball. m;, -Vincent Wallace, (First per- formed in London, November 15, 1843; in Ne* York, May 4,1848.) TONY "YOU STARTED SOMETHING*' with ROSEMARY CLOONEY COLUMMA RECORD 38297 1844 V The Blue Juanita; Word.s and melody bj Mrs. M. D. Sullivan; arr. bj E. L, White. Boston: Oliver Ditson, cop. 1844, , Cod Bless our Native Land Hymn w.. Rev. Charles Timothy Brooks, adapted about 1833, fro m the German of Siegfried August Mahl- mann (1771-1826), written about 181.i; revised by John Sullivan ' Dvvighl, 1844—usually ascribed to I the latter, m., tune: America. Sprins Sons (no. 6 in: $echs Lie- der ohne Worte, Boole 5, op; 63); Piano solo ra , Felix Mendelssohn. Bonh: N. Simrock [,1844J. IMoses Yale Beach, owner of the New York Sun, published his "Wealth and Biography of Wealthy Citi/.cns of the City ol New York." i He listed about 850 pGr,sons worth : $100,000 or. more, among them . John Jacob Astor ($44,000,000), ' Stephen Van Rensselaer ($10,000,- 000), William B. Astor ($S,000,000), Peter Stuyvcsant ($4,000,000), and Cornelius Vanderbilt ($1,200,000). Over Samuel F. B. Morse's tele- graph line between Baltimore and Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" appeared and immediately created an impression both here and in Europe. , Tlie U. S. Naval Academy in Annapolis was opened. The polka was the most fashion- able dance. Ten pins superseded billiards as a common pastime. . Congress scheduled national election, day for the first Tuesday after the first Monday in Novem- ber. . ■ Texas and Florida joined the Union. James Knox Polk was inaugura- ted president; ■ Dorothy Lynde Dix, who spent her lifem the relief of paupers, criminals a n d insane, published "Prisons and Prison Discipline." The iron, age was-beginning to hit full stride. , 1846 The Low-Back'd Car. w . Sam- i uel Lover: m.. adapted troni ; the ; tune: The Jolly Ploughman, printed in Jidward Bunting's "The ancient music of Ireland" (Dublin: Hodge.s- and Smith, 1840^, p. 20. ; William Hall & Son, cop 1846. ■ (Published earlier in London.) ! Well-atDay. Duet for soprano and alto with piano w.. ? ni.. George Linley, London ChappcU 1,18461. Tlie Christy Minstrels appeared in New York at Palme's Opera House.' ■ - ■ A Hoe cylinder rotary press was. installed by the Philadelplita Ledg- er, another milestone in the hey- day of the penny press. Ladies parasols now could be folded up. 1847 Footsteps of Angels, w., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. : m., Wil- liam Richardson Dempster. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co. 11847? I The Rainy Day. w., Henry Wads- worth Longfellow, ni, William Richardson Dempster. Boston: Oli- ver Ditson & Go;, cop. 1847. Row Thy Boat Lightly, w.. Miss H. F. Woodman, in., Isaac Baker Woodbury. Boston; Oliver Ditson & Co., cop. 1847. The U. S. adopted ...postage stamps with adhesive backs;. Two hundred forty persons were lost when thc' immigrant ship "Phoenix" burned on Lake Michi- gan, Germans and Irish were immi-: grating in vast numbers. The American Association -for the Advancement ot Science was founded,' The Mormons, under Brigham Young began to build Salt Lake City in Utah. Jack Kapp's Spiels Hollywood, Nov. 16. ■ ■ Jack Kapp,. Decca Records' prei, is finding his current, lecture tour of colleges; sundry, institutions and Rotary Clubs as "lots of fun." Ad- dressing the Southern California •Rotary Club here last Friday (12), he spoke on the topic, "I've Heard America : Sing.'' The Decca chief is scheduled to deliver two talks on the same subjects, today (Wed.)', to the audio-visual classes at the University of California at L. A. He bases most of his material on the effect recordings have upon the American way of life. 1848 Ben Bolt; or. Oh! Don't You Bcmcinber. w.v Thomas Dunn Eng- lish, m., Nelson Kneass. Louisville, Ky.; W. C, Peters, cop. 1848. The Cottage of My Motlier, w., Jesse Hutchinson m., Judson Hutchinson. Boston; Oliver Ditson, cop. 1848. Oh! Susanna, w'.. ni:. Stephen Collins Fo.ster. Louisville. Ky.; W. C. Peters & Co., cop, 1848. Old Uncle Ned. w., m., Stephen Collins Foster. W, E. Millet, cop. 1848. 'Twas Off thc Blue Canaries; or, .My Last Cigar, w., ni., James M. Hubbard. New Haven. Conn.; William Skinner, cop, iHiS by Jas, M. Hubbard. Fentnred in M-G-M'« Hit "DATE WITH JUDY" IT'S A MOST UNUSUALDAY Music by., , JIMMY MeUVGH ROBBINS In Uoboken. N. J., the first real game ol baseball was played be- tween- the Knickerbocker Club of New York and a picked team then calling itsoif the New York Club. iournali-sts and visitors deplored the U. S. male Iiabit of chewing tobacco. War was declared on Mexico oyer boundary disputes (settled in 1848 when the Rio Grande was designated as boundary). Elias. Howe pate^ited improve- ments on the sewing: machine. ; Iowa joined Ui6 Union. Samuel M Kier, a PiUsburgh i druggist, sold petroleum as "a ' wonderful medical virtue ' behind ' an advertising campaign using im- I itation bank notes as bait. At this , time poddlcj-s generally hawked , petroleum at "Seneca oil," with I reputed medicinal qualities. ' , I Women began clamoring for more Aghts, including the right to i vote, and held a convention at! Seneca Falls^ N. Y. Wisconsin joined the Union. In John Sutter's mill race a saw- mill laborer discovered gold, and the rush to Califoi-nia Was on. Fashion prescribed sleeveir wide I at the bottom. (Continued In next week'a Issue) I THE GREATEST WESTERN SONG OF ALL TIME Bob Nolan's Immortal COOL WATER (25 Records Available) AMERICAN MUSIC. INC. fjilrot Knnu'i'O, rrof; niKr. MOD Siiii8«t nivcl, ISTO Kruuilwny Uollj'wood 40, C»I. V New Vdrlc. N. V; It's a Dillyl (Dilly Dilly) Santly-Jey, Inc. 1619 Broadway, New Xmk tSODIIi JOK, Vmt. Mati'