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Variety (Nov 1948)

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W«|ne»d«y, Wovcmber 17, 194« Total Broadway Grosses The following are the comparative figures based on Variety's boxoffice estimates, for last weelc and the corresponding week of l«9t season: , > , This Last . . ' Season Season Number of shows current 22 28 Total weeks played so far by all shows 457 514 Total gross for all current shows last week.. $609,200 $652,500 Total season's gross so far for all shows. :. . $10,911,600 $10,861,800 Number of new productions so.far .., i 23 24 UBGIimfATB S7 Chi Continues Bri^; 'l^oes 28G In 27th Week/Brig'Nice 366 Chicago, "Nov. 16. -f Xegit'b.o. continues brisk here, with several companies digging in ■for the winter. "Mr. Roberts" and "Streetcar Named Desire" look set well Into next year. "Briga- doon'' goes into its sixth week with plenty of bloom on its b.o. heather "Command Decision,!' which opened at the Studebaker. last Nov. 8, expects heavy play during its limited engagemenli helped by crix bouquets. "Heiress"' continues to gain speed at the Selwyn and may settle for a long stay. Mail orders are strong for "Medea," (tipening next Mon. (22) for a four- week stand. "Silver Whistle" pulled out of the Blackstone Sat. (13) after three weeks of Guild sponsorship. Estimate for Last Week "Brigadoon," Shubert (6th week) (2,100; $4.94). Getting good mat- inee an convention biz. Nice $36,^ 000. . 'Command Decision," Stude- baker (1st week) (1,237; $4.33). ■ Started quietly, but was sparked by fine reviews; got a promising $16,000 for the first week. "Hish Button Shoes," G r e a t Northern (26th week) (1,500; $6.18). Getting consistent crowds with sweet $28,000 and will- probably ptay until, Christmas, when It goes to Detroit for a three-week stay. "Heiress," Selwyn (3rd week) (1,000; $3.71). Steadily gaining over : opening week; fine $17,300 and . seems set for a run; goes on Guild subscription when it leaves here. "Mister Roberts," Erlanger (10th week) (1,334; $4.33). Full-house as usual with capacity $28,700. "Streetcar Named Desire," Har- ris (8th week) (1,000; $4.33). Con- tinues to pack 'em in with keen ^4,000. "Silver Whistle." Blackstone (3rd week) (1,358; $3.80). Closed Sat. (13) under . .Guild sponsorship's three-week stay; okay $15,300. WERMAN'ONLY 16G IN WEEK AT Pm Pittsburgh, Nov. 16. "Man and Superman," with Mau- rice Evans, didn't come up to ex- fiectations at Nixon last weeki get- ing only around $16,000 at $3 top, not including 30% tax, which brought orch seats to $3.90. And this despite fact that show . got sock notices in all three dailies and had no competition from a . coming attraction, since house is currently dark. BOYQ(-'GLOVES' SETS N.H. RECORD AT 21G New Haven, Nov. 18. American preem: of ''Bed Gloves," with Charles Boyer, brought a box- office record to the Shubert last week on a four-day. stand at the Shubert (10-13). Healthy advance built into sellout biz for a total of approximately $21(000 on five per- formances at $4.20 top. House goes for pix this week, then brings in the tryout of "Along Fifth Avenue" for Nov. 24-27. ' Another preem, "Jenny Kissed Me," is due Dec. 2-4. "Finian's Rainbow" plays the week of Dec. 13-18. Prieem of "Smile of the World" Is pencilled for Dec. 30. "Ice Follies'.' plays the Arena Nov. 29-Dcc. 4. 'Biitliday' Folds After Disappointing in L A. Los Angeles, Nov. 16. "Happy Birthday" folded Satur- day night (13), the second succes- sive road attraction to disband here following disappointing stands : at the Biltmore.' ."Birthday," Lewis & Young road production starring Miriam Hopkins, -had played only four one-night stands before bow- ing at. the Biltmore Nov. 1. Two- week take was a disappointing $36,- 500, majority of which came from Theatre Guild subscription. Sched- uled third week V here and subscr quent road tour were abandoned. Biltmore is due to relight .again Monday (22) with "One Fine Day." . Estimates'for Last Week : "Blackouts of 1948," El Capitan (334th wk) (1,142; $2.40). $17,000 again. "Happy Birthday," Biltmore (2d wk) (1,636; $3.60). Second frame's $19,500 still below hopes. Folded. "Lend An Ear," Las Palmas, (22d wk) (388; $3). Maintaining $7,- 000 pace. B'way Spurts; 3 Openings litis Wk.; 'Shoes' Leads Pack at $49,200, Teople' 10^26, 'Bravo' 9G in 4 Times 'Carousel' Whammo $42,400 In Columbus Columbus, O., Nov. 16. Theatre Guild production of "Carousel" pulled a whopping $42,- 490 at the Hartman here last week: Show Is splitting this week be- tween Dayton and Wheeling. Shows in Rehearsal "Along Fifth Avenue"—Arthur ■ Lesser. •. ■ ■ , "Jenny Kissed Me"—Michael El- lis and James Busso, Alexander B. C^hen, Clarence M. Shapiro. "Kiss Me, Kate"—Arnold Saint- Subber tt Liemuel Ayers. "Lend an Ear"—William R. Kat- zell, William Eythe, Franklin K. Gilbert. "Make Way for Lucia"—Theatre Guild. "The Young and Fair"—Vinton Freedley. 'AHegro'Smash $41,6l)0bPliiUy; 'Sky' $25,600 Philadelphia, Nov. 16. Legit, biz continues, to look good here in Philly with the Theatre Guild's "Allegro" leading the pack by a substantial margin. The big Rodgers-Hammerstein musical at the Shubert ha.s now finished its' subscription stint and is playing, its laiit two weeks on a straight box- office basis with every indication of last week's sellout being, repeat- ed. I Based^ on some rave second- thought comments on Sunday and a lot of very favorable word-of- mouth, "Anne of the 1,000 Days" seems likely to step into the sec- ond place running of the city's le^ gits, last week held by '.'Light Up the Sky,''.; which left Saturday night; This week's only opening was "Escape Me Never," the Elisabeth Bergner starrer, which bowed in at the Locust last night (15) after a couple of postponements. Next week's lone newcomer will be the Guild's "Make Way for Lucia." coming into the Walnut for two weeks. . Estimates for Last Week "Allegro," Shubert (2d week) (1,-. 877; $4.55). In first full Week Guild musical production of Rodg- ers-Hammerstein show saw abso- lute capacity reached with $41,600.' Figure would have been higher without subscription and may do I iust that this week-when it's on its own. . ■ "For Heaven's Sake Mother,'' Walnut (2d week) (1,340; $3.25). This comedy tryout never got Theatre attendance on Broadway rebounded sharply last week from the previous week's election: slump. The upturn started Monday night (8) and continued all week, with especially strong* business, from Thursday night (11) on.' As usual midweek matinees were the prin- cipal offish performances. .: Three openings are on this week's card. ,. They ; are: "For Heaven's Sake, Mother," "Good- bye, My Fancy" and "Light Up the Sky." Next week brings "The Young and Fair" and "The Silver Whistle." ' Estimates' for Last Week Keys: C (Comedy), D {Drama), GD: (Comedv^Draitia)t R iRevue), M: iMusical), Q iOperetta). Annie Get Your Gun," Imperial Guild production being helped by a couple -of favorable notices, but chances appear slim; $10,500 for first full week. "Small Wonder," Coronet (9th wk) <R-998; $6). Intimate rftvue getting nice attendance, though not . capacity; last week's $24,300 af- forded operating profit. "Streetcar Named Desire," Bar-: rymore (50th wk) (D-1,064; $4.80). Another unfailing sellout; $27,500: again. ' ^'Summer and Smoke," Music Box (6th wkV (D-1,012; $4.80). New Tennessee Williams drama prob- ably profiting by the continued controversy among those who've {seen it; matinees . conlihue offish; $21,600 last week. ! "The Play's the Thing," Booth (26th wk) (CD-712; $4.80). Molnar (131st wk) (M-1,472; $6.60). Irving revival leaped back nicely tp about Berlin tuner hopped back-into the I $15 qoo, which is profitable, but top brackets with better than $39,- 1 s^ow may have to vacate the house 000* , I in another month or so, with Mari- "As the Girls Go," Winter Gar-1 anne Stewart reportedly set to sue? Current Road Shows (Nov. 15-27), "Allefro" — Shubert, P h i 1J y (15-27). "Along Fifth Avenue"—Shubert, N. H. (24-27). "Annie Get Your Gun" — ■ Erlanger, Buff. (15-20); Shubert- Lafayette, Det. (22-27). "Anne of the Thousand Days"— Forrest, Philly (15-27). "Blackouts of 1948"—El Capitan, L. A. (15-27). "Born Yesterday'' -— Hanna, Cleve. (115-20); Cass Det. (22-27). "Brigadoon" — Shubert, Chi. (15-27). "Carousel"' — Victory, Dayton (15-17); Capitol, Wheeling a9-20); Aud., Louisville (22-27). "Command Decision" — Stude- baker. Chi. (15-27). "Desert Song"—La Crosse, La Crosse (15); Lyceum, Mpls. (16-20); Aud., St. Paul (21); KRNT, Des Moines (23); Omaha, Omaha (24); Music Hall, K.C. (25-27). "Finian's Rainbow" -^ Shubert, Best. (15-27). •. "Happy Birthday" — Biltmore, L. A. (15-20). "Harvey" — Colonial, Bost. (15-27). "High Button Shoes"—Gt. North- ern, Chi. (15t27). "Japhet"—Wilbur, Bost. (15-27). "Make Way tor Lncia"—Plyhse, Wil, (18-20); Walnut, Philly {22r27). ^ ^ "Man and Superman" — Royal j started here after lengthy preem Alex., Toronto (15-20); Ilanna, j,ad notices; $6,200 in last Cleve. (22-.^"). . ■ . j week. House currently dark; "Medea" — American, St, _Louls I ..M^ke Way for Lucia" next Mon- 'Japhet' $6,700, Toronto Toronto, Nov. 16. With only fair notices, "Japhet," with Ernest Truex and Vicki Cum- mings, brodicd to $6,700 at the Royal Alexandra, with 1,525-seater scaled at $3 tops. St Louis I (15-20); Blackstone, Chi. (22-27). "Mr. Roberts" — Erlanger, Chi , (15-27). "Oklahoma!" (No. 1 Co.—Court. Spgfld. (15-17); Aud., Hartford' (18-20); Avon, Utica (22-27). "Oklahoma!" (No. 2 Co. —Col., Evansville (15-17); Union, Bloom- ihgton (18-20); American, St. Louis '(22-27), ■ ''■- ' "One Fine Day"—Geary, Frisco (15-20); Biltmore, L.A. (22-27). "Red Gloves" — Ford's, Balto 1 (15-20); Plymouth, Bost. (22-27). "Show Boat" — Met. Seattle (15-20); Curran. Frisco (22-27). "Silver Whistle" — Cass, Det. (15-20). , . „ "Streetcar Named Desire"-Har- ris, Chi. (15-27J. "The Heir^" — Selw>'n, Chi. (15-27). day "Light Up the Sky." Locust (2d week) (1,580; $3.90). New Moss Hart comedy climbed stead- ily from start and last week re- ported $25,600, which meant near capacity last half of the week. A good fixing :iob was done on last act. Elisabeth Bergner opened Monday (15) in"Escape Me Never.'' "Anne of the 1,000 Days," For- rest (1st week) (1,766; $4.55) Opened Tuesday. Preem was me- chanically a little ragged. One ad- verse notice. Biz started to climb with favorable word-of-mouth and favorable follow-up comment; $18,- 000 ,Jn seven performances; and i expected to gain. Stays'next week. 'Annie' Nifty 37G In Split Week Stands Rochester, Nov; 16, ; "Annie Get Your Gun," playing den (M-1,519; $6). New Michael Todd musical preemed Saturday night (13), and got strong b.o. no- tices; started potently this week. "Born Yesterday," MjiUer (145th wk) (C-940; $4.80). Garson Kanin comedy moved hete- from the Lyceum and'jumped to over $16,- 000. "Bravo," Lyceum (1st week) (CD-993; $4.80). Edna Ferber- George S. : Kaufman play lighted Thursday night (11) to a poor press; got $9,000 for'first four per- formances; - better Indication . this ■week. .... "Edward, My Son," Beck (7th wk) (D-1,214; $4.80). London im- port pulling standees at all per- formances; $28,500 again. "For Heaven's Sake, Mother," Belasco (C-1,077; $4,80). Play by Julie Berns, presented by David Kay, opened last night (Tues.). "Goodbye, My Fancy," Morosco (CD-931; $4.80). Play by Fay Kanin, starring Madeleine Carroll, presented : by Michael Kanin, in association with Richard & Richard Myers, opens (Wed.). "Harvey," 48th St. (212th wk) (C-921; $4.20). Mary Chase come- dy recovered a bit with the trend; $12,500. "High Button Shoes,'^ Broadway (58lh wkl (M-1,900; $6). Holdover musical bounced . back to virtual capacity, topping $49,200. and lead- ing the pack, again. "Howdy, Mr. Ice," Center (21st wk) (R-2,964; $2.88). Skating re- vue joined the general surge; $44,000. i "Inside U.S.A.," Majestic (29th wk) (1.659; $6). Arthur Schwartz I Pevue was another holdover that I jumped back to almost capacity, I just under $48,000. I "Life With Mother," Empire (4th wk) iCD-1,082; $4.80). Town's newest consistent sellout had an- ! other Week of standee; : trade; $24,500 "Light Up the Sky," Royale (CD- 1,035; $4.80). Play by Moss Hart, presented by Joseph Hyman & Ber- nard Hart, opens tomorrow night iThur.). "Love Life," 46th St. (6th wk) (M-1,319; $6). New Alan Jay Ler- ner-Kurt Weill musical profiting from theatre parties; $38,800. "Magdalena," Ziegfeld (8th wk) (0-l,628; $6.60). Trade held about even for this Coast import at $35,- 000, but the nut has been lo^vered and show is now stated to. b* op- erating in the black, "Make Mine Manhattan,'^ Broad- hurst (44th wk) (R-1,160; $6). In- timate musiical zoomed to ^29,800 and may stay here indefinitely; stop limit is $25,000. "Mister Roberts," Alvin 39th wk) (CD-1,357; $4,80). Always Standee trade at this salty show; $35,000 again feed Faye Emerson for the tour. "Where's Charley?" St. James (5th wk) (M-1,509; $6). Ray Bolger is the draw in-this musical version of the- old. comedy, "Charley's Aunt,":, with last vi^k's gross: bettering capacity at $37,500j- : . rmian 'Winslow' mSil Boston Betfir Boston, Nov. 16. No opener last week for second week in a row, very unusual along the Hub's rialto this season, but "Japhet" comes ' into the Wilbur this week, to be followed by "Red Gloves" Nov. 22 at the Plymouth, Aldrich i "Allegro" on Nov. 29 at the Opera tonight House, and "Lend an Ear" at the Wilbur Dec. 2: Save for "Finian's Rainbow" at the Shubert, current legit; attractions aren't too solid,, "Road to Rome" at the Copley, first Boston Repertory Assn. offeritig is : pretty disappointing so far, v Estimates for Last Week ; > "Finian's Rainbow," Shubert (4th Wk) (1,750; $4.80). Reinained at'li near-SRO level: at: estimated $32,- 900, very big. "Harvey," Colonial (8th. wik) fli,- . 500; $3.60). Has eased off latelyi : but rose last week to $17,500. "The Road to Rome," Copley (first full week) (1,000; $2,25). They're prepared for a hard break- in period at this new repertory ouliit; and the estimated $3;500 oh the week is not too bright. Second week is current, "The Winslow Boy>" Plymouth (2d wk) (1,200; $3.60). Second week of this Theatre Guild«American. Theatre Society offering spurted to $19,500, good. Eyes Phoenix Stock | Ann Lee, Broadway actress who ] _ ^ operated an Equity stock company j ^eat sports wing of Music Hall at last summer at Santa Fe, left 1 $3 top. ye.sterday (Tues.) to help organize | Only legit fare here so far'"'s a similar outfit this winter in , sca,son was "Annie Get Your Gun, Phoenix. It will open about. Jan, | which did disappointing biz in 1 for .a 12-weck sca,sojii; Blackstone lOG, Cincy Cincinnati, .Nov, 16.; sec^oM'shrorfhTs^S^ia ''Plit .eek between the Palace' bo'friO p1?f1frLn\"es t^ndheTe-^S Tl^t 0^^^ clu*diS^Sunday'^^1?) "^,3^^^ eight perfor- I seat Cox at $2.45 lop. Matinees mances last week. I Armistice Day, Saturday and Sun-j Musical plays the, ShubertrLafa;* iday drew heavy juve support. j yelte, Detroit, this week. I "Holiday on Ice." in for its third , , [annual visit under Oola Khan <ql^,„ p^„.> 94/- C-_«l- I Grotto auspices, magneted a re-, ^ onOW Boat Seattle 1 j ported whopper $,55,000 in 10 per- ] Seattle, Nov, 16. , iformances on nine-day engage-; j^g^j^.^,^j.^, ^^^i.> grossed ' ment, ending Nov. 9,_ in the 4,UUU- ^ profitable $24,000 last week be-i i four-day stay at the 2,500-seat Taft. tween the Royal, Victoria, and the Metropolitan here. Musical remains here this week and goes to San Francisco Monday 122). My Romance," Shubert (4th wk) | week, (0-1.387; $6), Shubert operetta got $23,800, which affords a small! operating, profit; show has re- portedly been ' underquoted, cor- rect figures having been $22,200, I $21,800 and $24,000 for the first I three weeks; end of Theatre Guild ! subscription should indicate its I real chances; must vacate the thea- I tre after next week to make room i for "Anne of the: Thousand Days." and may go to the Adelphi, possi- bly at reduced scale. I "Private : Lives," Plymouth (6th wk) iC-1,062; $4.80). Back to itan- 1 dee pace for this Tallulah Bank- head-starrur at $27,000. "Respectful Prostitute'' and WYNN'S XARNIVAL' BIG $22,000 IN FRISCO San Francisco/, Nov. 16. . ''Ed Wynn's Laugh Carnival," with Phil Baker and- Allan Jones chalk- ed up a big $22,000 for its §nt stanza at the Curran (1,776; $3.60), where it opened to rave notices (7>. Charles Ruggles and Mary Bo' land: preemed "One Fine Day'* at the Geary (1,550; $3,60) Monday (8), and showed a thin $8,000 for its first week. Show did not fare too well at the hands of the reviewers. "Raze The Roof," with Jerry Lester, held to a fine $15,800 at the Tivoli (1,400; $2.88) for its eighth 'OldaJ'Smasb m600, Advance SeDoiit, Monti Montreal, Nov. 16. Doing their second appearance in as many years, the No. 1 company of "Oklahoma!" did a smash $33,600 for. eight perform- ances at His Majesty's last week. With prices at a $3.94 top, 1,579- seater was almost sold out. a week before the company dame to town. 'Okia' $48,700, Nashville "Hope Is the Thing," Cort (40th Memphis, Nov. 16. wk) (D-1,064; $4.20). Rose with In eight performances in Nash- the trend; approximately $12,790.' ville here last week, the No. 2 com- "Sct My People Free," Hudson pany of "Oklahoma" grossed « (2d wk) (D-1,057; $4.80). Theatre I smasheroo $48,700.