Variety (Nov 1948)

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AtlSiCELLAinr WftbcBday, NoTemW 24, 1948 Palm Springs Plenty Loaded, But It's With Rooms Tbt Go Begpg ' By ARTHUR UNGAR Palm Springs, Nov. 23. Palm Springs is overloaded with rooms. Town has mushroomed^ so vastly in past three years that its hotel space, for this time of the- year, Is far in excess of its patron^ age. New places have sprung up all Over Palm Canton drive and Indian avenue, with the rates, be- cause of building costs, way out. of: line to the point where the mer- chants in town are complaining it is retarding business in the village. Trade now (which had been ex- pected to:-compare to. that: of last -year'and the year before),, is down to a pre-war I'evel of around 1938; AVith many of the new resorts built having biz of such meagre proper^ tions that the ■ operators are iaking: it hard. Weekend trade is fairly food, coming naturally from the los Angeles area; filling, the places Friday night, but by four Sunday afternoon establishments: that were filled to capacity for a few days have an average of six in help to one guest. Weather has been un- u.sually good,with the operators in many instances fearing they can't take the heavy gafE until eastern bookings, which start early in Jan- uary, begin to arrive. The other and more established spots get the bulk of the weekend and short' stay guesting; A rarity in years gone by> the ''vacancy" sign, is now well displayed by big and small . places. A' sawbuck provides a room with shower, which prior to the nar was rated at $3 to $4 a night. It's hurting, even with the L.A. desert-lovers. The restaurants which had SRO . space for the past .seven to eight years now have plenty of room and (Continued on page 53) King's Illness Won't Snag Command Performance London, Nov. 23. The King'* illness won't aifect the Command Performance next Monday (29),: sponsors : were^ 0- vised by Buckingfaaitii Palace today (23). The Queen will attend as ar- ranged, with Princess Margaret and possibly the Duke of Edin- burgh. y - > — JAN. APPEALS HEARING ON LAWSON, TRUMBO Washington, Nov. 23. : Appeals of John Howard Lawson . and .Dalton Trumbo from their convictions for contempt of Con- gress will probably be argued in January before the U. S. Court of Appeals here, unless defense coun- :sel obtain a postponement. : The two were convicted,- follow- ing their refusal to tell the House trn-American Activities Committee whether they v/ere members of the Communist Party. Trumbo was- : convicted also for refusing to say whether he belonged to the Screen Writers Guild; They are the only two of the "10 unfriendly wit- nesses" whose cases have gone to tnal thus far. The refusals took place during the October, 1947. Hollywood Red hearings in Wash- • ■Ington.-: - iAppeals briefs of Lawson : and Trumbo were filed with the court last week after a long delay. Law- son had. tried an end run around' tlie . Court of Appeals with a re- fiuest, some. weeks agOj for the U. S, Supreme Court to intervene and take immediate; jurisdiction. •He was nixed on this by the Nine Old Men. ' Dearth of Advancement Chances Hinders^British Technicians, Sez Dmytryk London, Nov. 23. Inadequate incentives and lack of promotion prospects make the British studio technician less ef- ficient than his opposite number in Hollywood, one of Hollywood's "10 ..unfriendly witnesses," accord- ing .to 'Edward Dmytryk, who. di- rected a British pic in 1949, vand is now working on : "Obsession^' at Pinewood. : In Hollywood, says 'Dmytryk, a university graduate will cheerfully take a position as assistant- props/ knowing full well that if he dis- plays initiative there's nothing to: preveht' him .from, progressing, through all technical departments and eventually becoming a director or producer. *" That is unlikely in Britain, as- ■serts Dmytryk. Anyone starting in the props department would probr: ably stay there, and. consequently the wrong type of person is being attracted to the Industry. A Lon- don university, graduate wouldn't consider such humble beginnings, and consequently although he may have talent,. might be lost to the industry. Salary, incentives; although highr er than those paid in other Indus-: tries,. were part of a deliberate policy- of attracting the best crafts- men to the Hollywood studio. Dmytryk contends, that if Similar incentives were introduced in Brit- ish studios, technical level of pro- duction; would soon show an im- provement. Dmytryk, who quit Hollywood after the House Un-American Ac- tivilies Committee investigation year, himself started as a mes- senger, and worked - his way through the studio to become a pj-oiiunoiit director. 343rd Week! 3,446 PerformancM -: AU-time long run record In ;the legUimate tlieatre, KEN MURRAY'S "BLACKOUTS OF 1848" El Capitan Th«atr«i Hollywood,; Cat. Ana now In world-wide release "BILL AND COO" K«n Murray's -: Academy Aw«rd Film Such Is Fani« Kay Thompson filled a three- minute spot years ago in the film, "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round," at the head of a; vocal choir with which she worked with. Pic- ture is currently going the: rounds of small N.Y. nabe theatres. One uptown spot is billing "Kay Thompson and the Williams Bros, in—," The Williams quartet isn't In the footage. Matinee Opening Continued from page 1 •theatre from the regular play- (oing public, Would presumably disappear. But whether most of the critics and other managements would go along and, if so, whether Broadway: might lose a valuable means of ex- ploitation, remains to be seen. It's figured Kanin may try the experi- ment with his new play, "The Smile Of the World," which he'll put into rehearsal in; a few weeks US a Playwrights' Co. presentation. As far as known at the/moment, ;iio one else is considering the matinee preem idea. Paris Rnnaround By Borrah Minevitch Paris, Nov. 23,. May .Johnson, formerly MCA, now May Johnson Company Inc, really made a strong pitch to Cynda Glenn to play her Canadian night club chain. K a t hr y n "Dunham's troupe's scenery and baggage still in the hands of the - dock strikeirs at Dunkerque. . The "Tour Eifel" Company Bur- gess Meredith, Charles Laughton and Franchot Tone have to finish shooting by Dec. 4 or else. Allen (Flanagan &) crossed Danny; Kaye's introduction (Com- mand Performance night) enough to delay Kaye getting into high gear tor five minutes. ; . William Morris, Jr. got an extra night of night life: in Paree when his NY plane got delayed for day- light. Till- entire English colony turned French for Noel Coward's: in-per- .son performance (in Francais) of "Present. Laughter.": : The big. boats' sailing delays causing, confusion in hotels,; bag- gage dispositions and rendezvous, let alone the airline stampede. Switch: No studio space or cut- ting rooms now available. Mort Garbus (Cary Grant attor- ney) to Hollywood,: Mrs. Garbus to London. Bomance Rendezvous at Mid- night: All fiddle joints fill up sardine-like immediately- after mid-- night. Anywhere You Look, There's Bound To Be A Busy Kanin Around With their new show, "Goodbye, My Fancy," Installed at the Morosco, N, Y., as an apparent hit, Michael and Pay (Mrs,) Kanin in- tend Aturning to their Coast home in about 10 days or two weeks. Active management: of the produc- tion will be left with the .'Mdrich & Myers office, with which; Kanin is associated in the presentation, Kanin's next assignment is a pic- ture to be made late next spring by Kanin Productions for Unlver-' sal release. It will be produced by Kanin, directed by his brother, Garson -Kanin, from an original screenplay by the latter and his wife, Ruth Gordon^ That will be the same setup as made; "A Double Life" year. Now that he's - had his first try at -Broadway production, Kanin wants to do. another legit sliow^ next season, but has no script in mind at the moment, He and his wife collaborated on a play a couple of seasons ago, but later shelved it, and they'll get it off the shelf, with the idea of a possi- ble rewrite. Othenvise,;.Mrs. Kanin has no immediate Avriting plans. "Fancy" is her first solo scripting attempt. She's also done one act- ing stint, having played a bit in "A Double Life," Meanwhile, Garson . Kanin Is readying his "Smile of the World " which, he'll direct as a Playwrighft' Co, presentation, with Miss Gordon in a leading role. Rehearsals start about mid-December.: This Week's Football ■By MARTY GUCKMAN- (Sporfi Oirecrer of WM6M, N. YJ . COLLEGE THANKSGIVING DAY *GAMES SELECTION tPOINTS Comell-Pennsylvanla Penn Jeff Fleischmann, Cornell's fine fallback' is out; his absence makes the difference. Colgate-Brown ,... v Browi Brown has one of its best. Colgate is in and out. Kansai-MisMuri Missouri Oklahoma battered Kansas last week. So. Carj>llna-Wake Forest Wake Forest The Deacons have played a tougher st^edule. Teiat A&M-Tex«8 Texaa Forget the record book! Aggiei can redeem selves Thursday, PROFESSIONAL NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago Cardinals-Detroit Cardinals 2 The Cardinals roll on to their climactic meeting with the Bears for the Western title. ALL-AMERICA CONFERENCE Cleveland Browns-Los Angeles Browns 14 The Browns have 3 games in 8 days.: But they're the class of the League. Buffalo Bills-Chleago Rockets Buffalo 21 Bills are battling for the eastern crown while the Hockets battle to stay in the Conference. Bill Morris Sez Lauder Cautious on His Biopic William Morris, Jr., head of the agency bearing his name,; who planed in Monday (22) from Eu- rope, reported that Sir Harry Lauder, the Scotch comic, said that he'll "wait another 50 years before approving a film : on his career." The 78-year old performer, now retired, said that by that time, he win have had a more eventful life: Lauder; according to Morris, plans to come to the U, S. in the spring. Morris after arriving in the U.S. planed out to his home at Saranac Lake, N. Y., for a visit with his mother, Mrs. William (Emma) Morris, Sr., who celebrated her 75th birthday, Monday i22). Schrelber Daughter in Coma Hollywood. Nov, 23. Lew Schreiber.'s . 12 - year - old daughter Susan is in a coma at Cedars of Lebanon hospital, fol- lowing a fall from: a horse. He's the 20th-Fox exec Thyra Samter Wiiislow give* her lament m Those Guests (Strictly Sur-le-cuff) Who De- cend on Innocent ISew Yorkers .In the upcoming 43d Anniversary ISuniber of ^fSIETY SATURDAY. NOV: 27 EAST Holy Cross-Boston College Boston College The -Eagles one of the best in the east. Army-Navy Army ' Army is undefeated. Navy yet: to win. : NYU-Fordham Foi-dham Both clubs vastly improved. 13 20 7 SOUTH Florida-Alabama Alabama 20 Alabama is the problem team of the south. /Vuburn-CIemson Clemson 26 Two to go for a perfect Clemson season. ^ ^^^ ; .; ■ I ATkansas-Williatn' &. Mary -... ..v .;,.:,..,: Arkansas Clyde Scott of the. Razorbacks makes the difference. Baylor-Rice ..-. Baylor 7 " A tossup!' ■•.;;;,•;•:;.■.■■■■■•.;.•■. ,...-■:....■•■•;•, Georgia-Georgia Tech . . . . . Georgia IS The big one of the Southeastern Conference. Kentucky-Miami (Fri. nite) ....,:.: , .Kentucky ; The Wildcats may let down. Tulane-LSU Tulane 13 The Green Wave is looking to play host in the Sugar Bowl. Maryland<-West VirKinia ,. : . . Maryland 14 Only the best have beaten Marj-land. Mississippi-Mississippi State . Mississippi 1 This one is always a battle royal. No. Carolina-Virginia No. Carolina 20 ; :; A :win for the Tarheels means an unbeaten record and a bowl bid. Villanova-No. Carolina State Villanova 13 • The Wildcats travel far to take on the tough ones. SMU-Texas Christian SMU 1 The; Mustangs and Doak Walker among the country's best, . Tennessee-Vanderbilt .,,.. . ; Tennessee . .-. I- General Neyland's Volunteers still getting better. MIDWEST Detroit-Tulsa Detroit Detroit still one of the country's, top independents. Washlngton-Notre Dame ..Notre Dame . Name your own score! Oklahoma-Oklahoma A&M Oklahoma The Sooners the class of the Big Seven. 14 30 20 FAR WEST Michigan State-Santa Clara . , ,, ^Michigan State The Spartans; have lost only to Michigan and-Notre Dame: Nehraska-Oreeon State . . ; Oregon State The Cornhuskers don't have it this year. Penn State-Washington State Penn State It's a long, dull trip for the Nittany Lion after its upset by Pittsburgh. 14 1 14 PROFESSIONAL NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston Viinks-NY Giants Giants 21 Steve Owen is going to give us a preview of wht(t to look for in the Giants next season. Washington-Chicago Bears .Bears . ; 10 The Bears have more of everj thing. Green Bay Packers-Los Angeles .Bams : 14 The Packers a demoi'alized squad. Pittsburgh-Philadelphia Eagles 14 The Eagles easily best in the eastern division. ALL-AMERICA CONFERENCE Baltimore-Brooklyn .... Baltimore 7 The Colts, with Y. A. Tittle, are still fighting for the eastern crown. The Dodgers building for next year. CIcveland-San. Francisco Forty-niners ■ t Three games in eight days are too much for the Browns, Buffalo-New York Yankees 7 The Yankees under Strader are making a great comeback. SEASON S RECORD Won, S02; Lost, 85; Ties, 10: Pet., .780. (Ties don't count) * College games are played Saturday unless otherwise stated; pros play Sunday unless otherwise stated, t Point margin represents selector's choice, not the official gambling odds. Berlin West on Choice Of M-G and Par Musicals Irving Berlin heads for Holly- wood Sunday (28) for a 10-day stay in which he will wrap up one of two picture deals pending with Metro and Paramount. This would follow the legit musical he's,col- laborating on with Robert E. Sher- wood. It's titled "Miss Liberty." Metro bid is a vehicle for Fred Astaire-Glnger Rogers; Pars is "AVhite Christmas'- for Bing Crosby and Astaire. Latter pic idea is a sequel to the five-year-old "Holi- day Inn," in which the song, "White Christmas," was first in- troduced.