Variety (Nov 1948)

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32 RADIO Weflnesday, November 24, 1948 FCC Net Sales Hearing Continued from pace 23 j DIRECTORS ASK 50f, ! WAGE HIKE ON COAST o£ last July 26 which listed one of Wilson, exec v.p., Willism G. Bam the issues as being "to determine the natiu'e scope and effect of present agreements for the repre- henlation of broadcast licensees for the sale oi national spot advertis- ing " The networlc said the purposes of the hearing couldn't be fulfilled ) Hollywood, Nov, 23. I Preliminary di.scussions were started last week by Charles I Vanda, coast head of Radio and Television Directors Guild, with From the Production Centres Continued from pace 32 . beau Co.; Paul H. Ray^ner, pves Paul H. Raymer Co.f John D. All! ^ son. v.p., Taylor - Howe-Snowden CBS'fo7"g new "conlracr effective Radio Sales, Joseph Weed, partner, flj.j,^ ygg,. Agreement was Weed and Co.; Adam J. Young, Jr., ^ reached on most changes but Uon- pres, Adam J. Young, Jr., Inc.;, gijj Thornburgh, Columbia's Robert D. C. Meeker, gen. mgr., veepee, indicated the battle Rober Meeker Associates, Ine ; ] ij^g ^^uld be drawn on the pro- viUiout examination, of the agree-1 John Livingston, v.p , Homer Grif- | po^ed wage hikes, ments between reps and station, i fith Co , Wythe Walker, owner, the ' Coast scale for Guilders is lower Nor = could its own operations in the spot field be properly con- sidered, it added, '.'except in .the context of industry-wide practices latid' agreements and relationships between licensees and non-network tepresentatives." Question Of Control CBS said it expects tliat the requested documents will show; 1, That non-network reps "ex- ercise far greater control over licensees than does the radio sales division of CBS over affiliates Walker Co., Lewis H Avery, pres,, tj,an ^e^y York level and Van Avery - Knodel, Inc ; Harry A. hopeful of effecting a national Friedenberg. mgr., Fnedenberg balance. Guild wage demands Agency, Inc.; Donald A, Donahue, | average off around 50% rise. Lorrenzen & Thompson; Stephen P. Mahoney, gen. mgr., Burke, Kuypers & Mahoney, Inc; Wil- liam K. Dorman, mgr., John W. ; , Perry Associates, Max W Everett,! mgr , J P. McKinney & Sons; John I I Blair, pres., John Blair & Co. I Lowell Sun Continued troni' page 8} { Avhich it represents." | 2j That non-network agreements i •'.embody harsh and one-sided us members, Dick Shafto and Hugh BMB continued from page 23 terms which are to the advantage of such - non-network representa- tives and to the detriment of the licensees, and which otherwise curtail free action- by broadcast licensees and .curtail, theip inde- pendence.'-' .3. That non-network reps ''do not contract to provide the same extensive and beneficial services as- are provided for in contracts entered into by CBS." The CBS petition, filed by Samuel I. Rosenman, counsel, called for subpoenas for the fol- loAVing officers of New York sta- tion- repsi : J. P. Timlin, v.p.; tlie Branham Co ; C. Stanley Bailey, V.p., Burn- Smith Co., ' Inc.; . Joseph Bloom, Terry, had attended the earlier NAB meeting as members of the NAB boardj .and were able to report to the BMB on happenings there. The BMB board Is a tripartite group comprised' of seven reps each' from the NAB, the Assn. of American Advertising Agencies, and the Assn. of National Ad- vertisers. It meets three times a year* at irregular intervals, • the | in the future with AM broadcast^ mg in a secondary role." • 3. Surveys of radio-television homes indicate that video is the "overwhelming favorite" in. these homes. 4. Programming of a television station "will not be' materially facilitated" by the operation df an Am station. 5. Steady growth in video' set output, increasing number of ad- vertisers using the medium, stronger: sales message of- tele- vision and resulting "more correcti sponsor identification" support the belief that video will be the major medium. 1 , j Assn, of Women Broadcasters .,. Lee Hon shifting from WBBM's I engineering staff to manager of prograpi operations... ."Cinderella" ' Contest on "Let's Have Fun" has pulled an estimated 13,000 entries I NBC simulcast the Chi Sun-Times "Harvest Moon Festival" on 'WMAQ. WMAQ-FM, and its tele station, WHBQ Sat. (20) ., WGN's ! fax equipment has been loaned to the U. ot Illinois School of Jour- I nalism for research and experimental use. 'lis wAsmmTON.,: Bill Herson, WRC-NBC emcee, set for his 13th annual Doll House campaign to collect toys and dolls for welfare groups, with same format of daily broadcasts as in past years .., WASH-FM, town's newest FM station, preems a new live hour "Sunday Music Festival" program next week, with Sun Radio, local outfit, and Capehart, picking up the tab. Gordon Manchester, radio director of the Lewis Edwin Ryan agency,'- is handling commercial end of deal.. .^Milton Q. .Ford conducting a contest, over WWDC for a name for the new British iprince... :Hugh Belville, NBC director of research, reelected to board of BMB by NAB -: Board, and G. Richard Shafto WIS, Columbia, S.C„ elected to BMB board, succeeding Robert Mason, of WMRN, Marion, O NAB Board has 'agreed to send a rep to discuss with associate members in the transcription library field specific plans regarding service to such mem- bers.-. . . Jerry Strong, -WINX emcee, is another holiday season Santa Claus doing, broadcasts from area childrens' homes and hospitals in a-, drive for toys for underprivileged moppets.. ..WTOP-CBS has issued invitations to drop in and listen to recordings of the web series, "You and Television" . . Eddie' Gallaher, WTOP entertainer, skedded to re- ceive an award from the. Washington Music Guild for his high score in' pieking hit' tunes on his- '-Gallaher Moondial Record of .the Week." Frank Boucher, chief barker of local Variety Tent, will make the awardHarvey -L. Glascock, ex of ^i^AM, Arlington, Va>, has been appointed to the sales staff of WINXv - ■»' •^' ' ^■.::'.;.■ ' •.;'^.^ ; ' '•■-/.'-::- ' ir-.v.': ' .. ' •'::--°.-;;. -': dates being shifted to suit circum-1 6- Engineering studi^es in pro- stances ' cess may result m additional video Agenda at Monday's BMB board ^^^^n^^ls thus accelerating even meeting fell into four main cate-! ^^i-'her the development of this Tele Chatter Continued from page'27 i gones: l:-i^The whole question of the handling of non-subscriber data is being' thrown open for reconsid- eration. (This is regarded as the most important subject under dls- pres Forjoe & Co; Russel Wood-, Hussion. Basic problem is Securing yard, exec, vp., Free & Peters, | evaluating information on sta- ^'^^^ Headley pres.., ^lons which do not subscribe to Headiey-Reed Co.; F. Edward Spencer, Jr., v.p., George P; Hoi-, lingbery Co.; Eugene Katz, exec, v.p., the Katz Agency^ Inc.; Joseph H: McGillvra, pres., Joseph Hersliey McGillvra, Inc.; Malcolm G. O'Mara, v.p.; McGechara & O'Mara, Inc;; Edward Petry, pres., Edward Petry &, Co.i Inc.; Hines Hatchetti mgr.. John E, Pearson Co.; P. J. Bogner, mgr.. Sears & Ayer, Inc.; Wm. M great n;^v*^ indUsti"y T. - Gonftenttatipri 6h video, meaiis an additional ..$200,iQpO, previously aUbtted f^£ AM", beebines'avSilabie ttf -''buttress ;the ; ptojpbsed televir sion station." I : There was another petition, from I Moraine Broadcasters, to - dismiss BMB service, and integrating this I application for a 1,000 watt data with figures on subscriber daytime station in Dayton, O. Since stations, t 2.—BMB's experimental I '* ^^^^ application, Moraine told research projects. (This relates to I FCC, "conditions have so changed the continuing study by BAIB of as to foreclose any reasonable prospect of successful operation of the proposed facility." M-G-M— "On on Island with You" 'I HI C VMKI. .SIIOU Every FinliiV fiUf, 11:30 K.S.T. Mgt.: I0\i CLAYTON Sindlinger -Continued from page 23 i v a r I o u s measurement ; devices, mechanical and non-mechanical.) I 3.—The overaU matter of BMB sub- I scriptions. 4.—Discu.ssion ot thn ballot form to be used in BMB's i forthcoming Study No. 2. I Referring to the question of I reopening consideration of han- dling non-subscriber data, a BMB i the company, has negotiated a pool:- ■ spokesman said the bureau's ulti-1 ing of patent license agreetments mate goal is "to make tlie most | with International Business Ma- data on the most stations available i chines. : By tlie addition of "certain to tlie most; people." But. It will i IBM machines to the Instantaneous have to be determined, he added, rating device of Radox, it will be Whether or not BMB is not. going possible, according to Sindlinger, day of each week; ...ABC will have- its KGO-TV San Francisco, televi- ision tower completed by the end of ' this month. Construction on trans- mitter, was begun on Nov. 4, Tlie, proposed 508-foot tower is located between Mt. Sutro and Twin Peaks m the center of -Frisco. / . Baron Keyes and his Clickety-Clack Re-^ vue, puppet sliow, set for KTSL telensing... "Fred Beck's Kitchen," bows on KTTV, Jan. 6. Beck will emcee the program which includes interviews, music, comedy and filmed mserts showing' various phases of f oo d production "Apartment 4-A," situation comedy packaged by Martha Shaw and Anne 1)iamond, bows on KTSL, as a regular Saturday feature. Tele^ show will feature Shaw, Diamond and Julie Kingrdon. How- ard Culver will handle narration. Mabel Albcrtson directs the show. Elbert Walker will manage camera- direction. . vIMPPRO winds the last four of its 13 film series for CBS-. TV this week. Gail Bobbins, Jeff Corey, Carl Esmond and Jorja Curl- right have been set in. supporting roles. ' conference game of the season to be I televised in Chi.. rKeu Jorgensen and Gene Breese added - to. NBC's TV engineering staflT ,.Tele set count in -Chi and suburbs: now- past' the 40,000 mark ., Film of the Brach factory explosion, lensed by j a WGN-TV newsreel staffer, is be- ] ing used by the Chi Fire Depart- Iment to instruct student firefight- . ers . "Set 'Em Up," a kegler i series, bowed on WENR-TV Wed. !(17) . Craig Claiborne, ABC's TV flack, bedded by a foot banged up in a revolving door. Si. Louis—KXOK teed off the 1948 Boy Scout fund drive last week by broadcasting a program^ to more than 600 persons who at-' tended 40 breakfast meetings in 12 Counties in Central and Eastern Mis.souri. too far. in this direction, and put- ting too fine a point on some of its findings. WTIC Scraps House Band to give any client a local rating on his; radio or: TV show within: 30 ^seconds after the show is off the air. : System involves a device at- tached to radio and tele receivers, which transmits automatically on a teletype printer, to the homeoffice exactly what program tlie set is RADIO ASSISTANT Avalldblo personable young Ittdy available .for In- teresMng. r-idio -find'or. television opiioftunity ill .fi. y. 'Three yeai-i. part-time small - sta- tion experience writing, direetino, acting and liriHluction--(draina. news,. Interviews,, .features,- ete.)-durfng.-college. Qn^ year dramatic teach- ing--tn.Hollywood,-. BOX 745 VAHIETr m West 46tli St , Nett York II Hartford, Nov. 23. Thirteen-piece studio band of I WTIC lias been given its "finis" tuned into, notice by station. Claimed as part i Sindlinger has also completed 'of an economy move. Band has, intensive surveys of the sample ' been a stStion function since some- homes in which Radox has been in- time in the early '30s. stalled in the Philadelphia area in Although contract with musi- which he's now operating An- cians has to middle of January,' ^wers have been gained to such 1949, bandsmen are being lot go' questions as the number ol listen- this week. They're being paid off id's usually grouped around a set, , to end of contract date, with sev- the income bracket, type of car Chicago ei'al getting bonuses, is Rudy Martin. Band, leader UTAH PEOPLE SPEND '1,693,986.00 AT RETAIL Retailers in Utah took in $516,666,000 last year — an average of $1,693,986 a day for the 305 business days. Are you getting your share' Smart advertisers tell their story to Utah people over KDYL — Utah's popular station — and over television on KDYL-W6XIS, Here's double opportunit}' for you! owned by the family, what , their favorite breakfast iood is. etc. Coupling that info with tJio ratings, Sindlinger.will be able to tiirnish any client with a complete analyti- cjl breakdown of his show's audi- ence within less than ;24 - hours. -■Vlbert Politz, indie researcher, has been-pacled to d,Q the polling for the company. j - Beulah Zachary, WBKB produ-^ cer since, ;1944, leaves Nov. 29 to join J. Walter Thompson, as. pro- ducer of "Kukla, Fran and/Ollie'' . . . Bob McKee, asst. sales chief of ABC's midwest division, adds liai- son of AM. and TV sales to his chores .. . Zenith preemed its new tele receivers at a press party Fri. (191.. . WBKB's engineering staff reorganized into three divisions, with Bill Kusackm charge of transmitters. Dick Shapiro heading I maintenance, and Chuck Buzzard I as chief of operations... Sid Strotz, NBC veepee in charge of tele, in for quick huddle last week. . .Jim Brown farewells WBBM's sales staff Nov. 26 to join WBKB as ac- count exec WGN-TV has wrap- ped up an exclusive on the Lion- i Cardinal grid battle in Detrpit Nov. 125. It's the first National League FREDDIE U6HTNER NOW Aiiisenrliiy In "THE BABB RUTH STORY" Dir«cHe«: lOU IRWIN SAVE"»^KIER 8x10 GLOSSY PHOTOS 100—$7 SCO—$30 1000—455 S% DlSC'OUXl' for cnsli with order. UitiiruiMeca <|u<>llt.<': lirillliintone Fln- Isli. rroiiiDt Sdi'vUre. Write tor Unm- iiUis. Biia 'ii^rlcvii on oHinr (lueti. KIER PHOTO SERVICE DEPT. V Clovolmd IS, OMe . John Blair A Co. Ngh'onol R*prt<*ntativ* Shouse S5J- Continued from page 23 Ess inipio\emenl of service could save ■ It This crisis! can be reached ver,v quickly..'-'.- SliQVi^ie discounted llje novelly, I lactor in tele and descnljed it as ' I "a.i art arriving in adult and not i infant proportions." Tlie big inar- ' ket for receivers, he said. Is in average-income homes "Within five years," he continued; "it as entirely possible - that, -television < nil! have become art integral part. of the lives of 20 or 30.000,000 , laniilies;" ■ ■ • - -j At the outset of his talk Shouse . reminded his hearers, that at t heir Jistes Park meet-two years ago he had predicted FM would liave no appreciable Impact on broadcast- , ing in : small and medium-sized i cities, , j 'You shouldn't have worried about us. We got aldn^ fin* while you were gone."