Variety (Dec 1948)

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24 nAVIO BE¥IEWS Wednesday, I>ec«ni!beir 1^ 1948 «LGIN HOLIDAY STAR TIME nth Don Ameche» Garry Moore, Jimmy Durante, Jack Benny, Red Skelton, Vera Vaeuei Mario Lanza, Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis, Mills Bros., Andre Pre* vin, Frances Langford, Robert Armbruster Orch; Ken Carpen- ter, announcer Writer: Ed Helwich Producers: Earl Ebi, John ChrisI 12Q Mins.; Thurs. (Z5), 4 I*, ni. ELGIN WATCHES NBC, from Hollywood (J, Walter Thompson\ Switching networks after six ttraight years with CBS, Elgin splurged its annual Thanksgiving Day layout on NBC this year, but otherwise maintained the trappings traditionally associated with this •how. Foremost among this show's traditions- is its eorraling of the best-known and highestrprieed tal- ent available to serve up as dessert to the nation's turicey diners. This year is was still a dazzling array by all normal standards. •Back at his regular stand in this •vent, Don Ameche, . as emcee, played traffic cop to the procession of stars \uth his accustomed polish and aplomb. . Lacking in this set- up, however, was a deeper conti- nuity which would have tied the various items around a central theme instead of having it run off as a straight variety program. But even if there was no grand overall plan, the individual performances ; wete solid enough to carry dialers for the full 120 minutes. In the comedy sector there was a parlay of Jimmy Durante and Garry = Moore, ■ Jack Benny, Red Skelton, Dean Martin, and Jerry Lewis and Vera. Vague for an im- pressive payoff in chuckles. Each contributed a soek bit which gave a necessary lift whenever the show threatened to sag., Durante, with « reprise of his ''Hink-a-dink-a- doo" routine, and Martin ; and Lewis were particularly standout. Benny bandied around some more variations of his tightwad tendencies, while Miss Vague gushed her man-starved gags, both performing in a familiar groove ; for steady dialers. Skelton pro- vided a welcome /Surprise in a comedy sketch which struck a: se^ , rious note • in spotlighting the cur- rent plight-and treatment of the American. Indian. It was a serious note, lightly handled, but effective- ly struck home. " : Musically, the show varied from the superb pop warbling of Frances Lnngtord to the operatics of Mario Lanza, including some harmonies bv the Mills Bros, and some bril- liant pianislics by Andre Previn, JV'Uss Langford's "Just One of Thoi5e Things" and "Can't Help Loving That Man" were socko. Topping off this holiday contri- bution, the hankroUer rates a bow for keeping the plugs palatable 'and brief. Herm, THANKSGIVING FESTIVAL . With Arthur Godfrey, emcee; Gene Autry, host; Abbott & Costello, Amos 'n' Andy, Candy Candido, Dorothy Lamour, Danny Kaye, Abe Burrows and Milton DeLurK> Andrews Sisters, Carmen Mi- randa, Louella Parsons, Marie Wilson and "My Friend Irma" cast, Roddy McDowall, Phil Gor- don, Buddy Claik^ Louella Par- sons; Lud Gluskin oroh; Lou Crosby, announcer Producer-Director: Les Welnrott Writers: Stan Davis, Elon Packard, Weinrott/';.' 120 Mins.; Tburs. (25), 4 p.m. WRIGLEV CBS, from Hollywood This Wrigley-CBS pitch for the Thanksgiving: afternoon listening audience was sti'ictly bigtime stuff. Originating on the Coast, where Arthur Godfrey, one of CBS' top personalities ti'aveled to handle the emcee chores, the program listed names from the top ranks of the film industry, legit and radio. How much of the turkpy-stuffed audience Columbia was able to snare from Elgin's ex-CBS .show, now on the NBC web, is for the Hooperatings to decide, but CBS let its listeners have it in spades, i Choice of Godfrey for the emcee role was a wise one, since the guy's homey qualities were geared for the family. Gene Autry,; whom Wrigley regularly bankrolls on the CBS web Sunday nights, lent him a neat assist. After Godfrey got things colling with a nifty rendition of "Buttons and Bows;" the tworhour parade of talent teed off. Andrew Sisters did their swift-paced "Sabre Dance" after reminding the audience that Wrigley rwas their, first bigtime sponsors . Marie Wilson and the cast of "My Friend Irma" raced through a funny episode based' on Irma's attempts to' get a Thanks- giving turkey. Carmen Miranda, after swapping gags witlr Godfrey and Autry, sang her "Cooking With Gas" number. Abe Bun'0>ys stepped up with what emerged as : one of the brightest spots in the entire show, doing two of his special numbers for' sock results. Following liim were Dorothy Lamour, with a neatly-done job on Jerome Kern's "Bill'^ " " HARRY SALTER MUSICAL DIRECTOR Stop the Music—ABC It Pays to B« Ignorant—CBS SPOTLIGHTING NEW YORK With Benny Rubin, others 30 Mins., Moii.-Fri., midnight Sustaininff WOR, N. Y. Benny Rubin, who has replaced Harry Ilershfield on "Spotlighting New York,'! now takes the: mike around to various Gotham night- spots in on-the-spot intei-views and fill-ins of recorded music. Rubin makes for a fast-paced show; He's agile on the ad-libs, is able to im- part a warm quality to the show and has the knack of making the majority of his interviewees look good. -' As is the case with this type of display,' overall quality^ depends on who's around to step before the mike, Siiow heard Friday (26) which emanated- from the ' Oak room of the Shelton hotel, had ex- amples of good and bad:moments. The inane chattering of several performci's from "Bowdy Mr. Ice" provided dull and purposeless lis- tening. But interviews with Annit Laurie Williams, the literary agent Archibald Ogden, of the 20th-Fox , Amos"'n'7ndy,iranotrer^ department, and a little skit with a Thanksgiving ta'^ with bandleader lom Grant prestige this air motif- Autrv in his solo snot on I ^^'^ direction and interest. The "You' Call Everybody Darlin';" "tf^'^**"*"* . interesting Danny Kaye with a terrif rendi- ^^'emng wU^ tion of his now-famous "Stanislav- de of se ling and biiyin sky" routine; Roddy McDowall in ^^}^'}^»!'J'^^i^!ttL?Z^^^^ a recitation of a special poem ^is swi^^^^^^ onv,«t»rf »,„ A,^^h..,. u..„„u/,„ '»ng for the priesthood to that of BOSTON SYMPH REHEARSAL Producer: Jack Wright 30 Mins.: Mon. 1 p.m. Sustaining NBC, from Boston Kirst designed as a show tor FM a year ago irni oi. a rehearsal ot the Boston Symphony orchestra under Serge Kou.ssevitzky adds up to one of the top instructive musical pack- ages on the air Show takes the listener behind the scenes as the conductor re- hc^arses the orch for its weekly I concert series, ]\like setups in- I elude one on the conductor's music I desk, others i)laoed before the i ccilingrto-floor rehearsal curtain i swung 20 teet away from the 1 stage. A brief talk-in by Olm Downes. vvho planed up lor the fiist as.sigtiment, leads directly to the desk mike ot: the conductor, long lamous hereabouts for his re- hearsal technique. Kousscvitzky, Russian ac- cent is sdll fairly thick after 24 years in the U. S , nonetheless has a natural approach and a dislin- guislied, speaking voice Part of his radio charm springs from his vay with Engh'=h senlfnccs; often scripted by Arthur Hamilton for the holiday; Miss Miranda again, this time with "Guanto La Gusta" (but why. no Andrews Sisters, with whom she recorded the tune?); Ab- bott & Costello in a typical A. & C. skit, again based on ThanksgLving; Buddy Cli^ik. and others. . " Lud Gluskin and his orch backed the show excellently, han- dling each of the variety of acts well. Wrigley commercials were ing batoning. There are very few raikesters that can rise above the material at hand. Even an accomplished perr former like Rubin must take .sec- onci place to his cast of characters. Jose. From the PlFodiKlion Centres ♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦V YOU AND MARRIAGE ■ With Quincy Howe, guests ' Producer: Bob Allison inVerteri>reve^y'Ts-mTnuU '.spot I J? Mins.; Mon.-thru-Frl., 6:15 p.m and were mostly palatable, con- sisting of one of the cast from Aufry's regular show looking for Sustaining CBS, from New York This is a stimulating show which KANSAS CITY PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA With Hans Schweiger, Ruests; Dick m mW YORK CITY ... Penny Morxan, who was production asst. for Itving Mansfield on the Arthur Godfrey "Talent Scouts" show, has become director ot iiu- ditions for the CBS program, succeeding Judy Abbott, who has re- signed. . . . Radio actress Anne Seymour off to Mollywo6d to play oppo^^, site Broderick Crawford in "All the King's Men,''; which Columbia: Pictures has started shooting. -; George Ivan Smith, UN Radio Divi- sion's acting production chief, will speak next Wednesday (8) on "Mak^ ing Programs tor « World Audience" at the New School for: Social Research. Fred Allen has finally chucked his insuranee gimmick, announcing on last Sunday's (28) broadcast that the eight-week trial run failed to produce a single Allen fan being called by the opposition "Stop the ' Music'-. . .".Mayor William O'Dwyer this week made a special record- ing for a new Voice of America show beamed to Berlin. , . Frank Roehrenbeck, WMGM's general manager, returned to his desk'^ Monday (29) after a long convalescent period... ,Leo Shull, publisher: of "Actor's Cues," will collaborate with WNEW on a quarter-hour show called "Show Business." Stanza, tentatively pegged for Sunday night, 10.15-10.30, two or three weeks hence, will be slanted at average list- ener as well as the trade . Jack Sullivan, WNEW account exec, is the : father of a girl,. born week at Harkness PavllUon. Tot's mother is , the former Joan Dillon, ex-secretary to Bemice Judis, WNEW gnl. mgr ..: . Earl Harder, program and sales and service manager of WNBC ' and WNBT, (and Jean Glynn, ofi NBC Guest Relations, were married Thanksgiving Day at St. Ursula Church, Mt, Vernon; Both are former members of NBC's International Department .. :. . Ray Johnson added to-: "David Harum" cast. Radio Harris' "Broadway and Vine" switches to the 4:25 p.m. slot, Dec. 6. Show will be followed by the new Don Ameche show over CBS ...Radio actress Marilyn King back in New York after a season with WONS, Hartford . Patsy Campbell featured on "Big Stoi-y" next Wednesday (8)... .Rosemary Rice into "Aldrich: Family" next Thurs^ day (9) ... . Finis Faar checking out of Mutual as script editor to go with Paramount. Radio Execs Comedy club luncheon tomorrow (2) at. Roosevelt will Induct Jack Guilford^ Herb Shriner^ Mervyn Nelson and: Arnold StanK into "Museum of Modern Wit" Novel party being set up for Monday, Dec. 13, at Old.Knick Music Hall td mark 15th anni of "Ma Perkin.s" show, with leading characters of all the network soap operas and the authors as guests. Guests will show up in the costumes ' of their radio characterizations . . Anita Ellis into "Sing It Again" as replacement for Fran Warren. m HOLLYWOOD . . . Bill Robson flew in from Paris after helping Raymond R; Morgan set up his audition, for Maurice. Chevalier's "This Is Paris" weekly , Variety show. Morgan is planning a similar format for other European capitals, with the tape to be flown to U. S. for recording and ultimate sponsorship, participating if need be .; . .George Allen making good progress after a heart attack and taking dally walks.;. .Robert Redd broke his arm in a fall Thanksgiving day... .Bob Garred's news strip; on CBS (Coast) IS now solidly commercial.. ..Hanley Stafford is So determined to gadabout Europe next summer that he insisted on 14 weeks off when new "Blondie" contracts were drawn.. . .Tlie nimrod-' ding McGees (Marian and Jim Jordan) are keeping many larders filled with fowl; No sooner do they finish a broadcast than they're off for the happy hunting grounds... Bob Hope emcees an AFRS recording Dec. 1 to salute the Berlin airlift. It's called, and aptly, "Operation Vittles." Incidentally, Hope will find out Dec. 21 what he's got no more of than Gregory Peck when he gets a chance to "fight it" with the guesting filmstar. ...If there ever was a one-man job putting together a two-hour whopper (for Wrigley) it fell to the lot of Les Welnrott. And, according to Arthur Godfrey; "he went nuts doing it^i . There's heated sponsor interest in the Abbott and Costello kid show, with all monies going to the Lou Costello' Jr. Youth Foundation,.. Hedda Hopper, Hollywood's mad hatter, will show off her new millinery cre- ations when KTTV goes on the air. She'U have her own show with I guestars and chit chat of the cinema scene ... Harry Ackerman and his CBS production staffers recorded three new house shows in a week. One is a quizzer. ' Earn Your Apples," and the others are whodunits, with Dick Powell as an old sleuthie .. Charles Smith,-erstwhile radio rep, issetting up 4 trade showing of his patented continuous background process with automatic interlock for television. Or, in simpler lan- guage, ersatz props for TV studio shows .. Judy Canova has been renewed for another quarter by Colgate Ace Ochs, producer of Club 15, claims he is the first producer to quit TV for radio. He did "Face the Music" and "We the People" for CBS-TV but listened to "The 'Mr. Artery," which gave an- should generate some lively din nouncer Lou Crosby an honest op- ner-lable conversation for dialers. portunity to break in. . Stai. Continuing the '- You And . .* ." _ series which tackles a new topic ] Money Song" by Ward Wheelock and gave up cameras for microphones ot public interest each week, the] Few producers put iiioie working hours into a program than Larry current discussion agenda is being, Bems, whose apple is ' Our Miss Brooks.". And it's beginning to show angled tor stirring comment and' on the program, which is on the climb. : : :- Dick 1 controversy, by Quiney Howe; CBS | news, who conducts the in- I]V PHIf.AfZfi ' ■ loi-mal conversational interviews „ " !r*T . * * * . I with leading experts iii the field. I Herbert replaces; Ben Park as interviewer on "It's Your Life," I On Monday's slan/a (29), guest i with Park concentniting on pioduclioa. : . iChartey Wllseh, fOrmi$«^^^ 'David Cohn, author of "Love m ■ Dancer, Fit/geiald & Sample, joins WGN sales pijvmotion... .Beiilah I America," kicked around the mar-1 Kai"wey, WENR home economist, planed to Detroit over the weekeind fbt. I riage problem in the U. S and, in-. the preein of WXYZ's "House of Charm" Ted Malone here Wed. (1) sas City Philharmonic lishei^'m"a'kicked the American to salute 4-H Clubbers . Jack Angell, asst. chief of NBC continuity new facet of local broadcasting in '^'^^^ ^''Sht in the face. According I acceptance, sliifts to the newsroom this week, with Harry Ward replac- K. C. Philharmonic has been ^'^ Cohn, who was adroitly egged ing in continuity . Lorraine Baukla, of D.illa .Tones Productions will Wangerin, commentator Smith, John Thornberry, m- nouncers 120 Mins.; Tues., 8:30 p.m. KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN LINES WHB, Kansas City Tuesday night series by the Kan on by Howe, American manhood dislikes women in general and can't understand them as inde- handle touts and; pri.zes for ;!'Welcome Travelers" when Bea Biittis ;j-etires tb llausewifery pefc. ;B, : ^NBG plugged ;Elgih^ holiday show , ^ . , -1 ov releasing .'500 balloons over Chi the day before Thanksgiving. Some on concert is being picked dependent personalities he , ot the gas bags contained dollar bills and certificates for Elfiin watches .^,?i?:„ ?.?}\^}?.^ ''Pons'ir !f,Jl^H;=t?.^ei-<=5...'.',"'"atuie and.m- Ed Kasser. former chief ot ABC announcers, now with the sales I staff of WHOW, Chilton,' 111.;.. ,Miles Laboratories renewing "Queen For a Day';' over .425 M.utiial. stations,for the fourth cfins^ year ;.Kiiw :of .Egypt' h ordered six Mbtorolji^^^ painted'Jtt^the,.B|[SPt^an,rt^ WGN's' script. dept.,: wbii' lop ..priVe as : songstress,- in the SUth-'iiriie& :"ilarvest broadeasfc before for !»jany seasons in special radio .conceits, btit this is :the first tiriie the regular sub- scription up in tot „ underwritten the full season on the [■hibited'. by. .a puritanical traditibhi scale done by the :Kansas City | Aside.:'fi'biii' the truth ; or: falsit,v ■ Southern , Lines this time. , The : of these sweeping Benoralizations;! he gets Ihcni a little mixed | "love should, a.ugur: some consider- Cohn .s remarks .should jHill heavy ; but they are usually very much ahle prei-tise tor the railroad, the mail trom the male sector In to tlie point. Nor ls he ihe speech- station and the orch and its new closing, Cohn sugeestcd that men T./r„„„" ,„„(„,i ei, • . . ' . ■ making type of conductor; he ' conductor. take full comm.ind in the roman- ,< on'^^^- ^'ie s «t lor a guest shot on a forthcoming ''Dufiy's never gives inflated lectures on | Concert Nov 23 had a double- tie situations. "Don t a.'-k a woman ^■'^^F'^ "i" "cnry, ABC flack chief, house-hunting to a Jan. 1 the music. lIis approach is <-e\ ere-' auoed aitr.iflion in Bl.mclie The- vhat she v.-ints in a restaurant" eviction notice Qui/. Kid Joel Kiippenti,)n uses this formula in prcdict- Jy technical yet u<iniied uilh oc-> bom's third appearance \Mth the he .said, "order for her" In that '"^ winners ot giid games' team's score will be the difference between CMsional flai-hes of musical insight' Philhaimonic and the hacking up case, nuike mine two hambui'gei-s. 'ts total oflensive score so lai in the season and the opposinfi team's total for the audience , by the C'onserv.itorv's male chorus, Ucim detcnsive .scoie Annual Xmas parlv itaged by WLS bain dancers First broadcast found him re- all under capable direction ol new ' lor Chi needy is ,set lor Dec. 18 at the Eighth St theatre N-itional hearsing Liszt's Faust .Svmphony. i maestro, Hans Scluveigcr ' OUR ,10B IS MANHATTAN ! Safety Council kudos in its farm safely contest go' to ABC's "Ainenean "Don't scratch, gontlemen,' he Coinmentary throughout the pro- With - Ed Reimeris, narrator-an-'''"ai'mei" " the Tp\as Quality Net, Rural Radio Net, WHO WlOU WMOII nouncer; tape recorded inter-' WGY, WIUO and WLS Charles Coombs named New york district i.;^W ^^, ^■■'4:»^:^«^;^Vtpttt«Ja: ,..,v.'?^ 60-mintite;.sfrip witli,Biny,'LVacii, ' !):JU p.m. i Connie Kusseirand Louise King^, preemed via WBBM Mon. (29). vould say, "or dc music iinist , g>'a"i bv Ditk Wangenn adds con- eing, gentlemen" For the 20 sider.ibJe to the, as he minutes he sHopped the orch cverv | has a voice highly suited to the as- few bars, finishing up with a full!s'gnmcnt and a useful knowledge reading of what he had gone over of music The sliaight coinmei- Jmpression wa.s lie stopped them cial.s at the opening, middle and views 30 Min"..; Thuis., Writer: Ira Marion Producer: Peter ATarlin too' much In the end lie pla>ed ''f^ic are hriiulled by Ditk Smith. Sustainins far beyond what he'd lehcarsed WHB's senior announcer, from ABC. from ? Director- Chailes Powecs Fort Wayne—Edwin M, Martin- I has resigned as veepee and seere- ;Thurs, '.'Z5\, TVlaey's. ;dep.arttTiont- .; ^'Store w''a.s;scj.^iliriii'e:d'v^^^ New York corded jntervie;W's:-^vil'h variotts ' and the musicians, who hadn't copy prepared b.v the .Soufhern'.s AUC's "Our .lob Is M.inliallan" emplojees. - tary of the Farnsworlh Television seen the music before, .sounded. Cecil Taylor. An added fillip throws the spotlight on the Individ- "f ♦'^p "hcaithcats'' of and Radio Corp., but will continue just as good. Downes, now pretty bring.'S John -Thornheiiy, WHB ual chores of the masses which Manhattan, Macy's, ot couise. is a ^^ g^^p „. „ounspl for ihe rornn- secure on the air, broke in with news man, in at inlei iiii's.sion with helps make pos.sible the operation noiiseho d woid to eiti/ens of the ,..,1,0 and retiin tiis memli^^^^^ comment from lime io time, but the le^ular evening newse.iM of Sev. Yoik's fo|) mk antile, so- nietropolitan area Funetions 'ot on the i .irrl of rlireHn-^^^ the .show was about lOOCi Kous-I budging the u.sual lull at JialC time cial and other instilutions. In the,Ihe -store and duties ot lis workers t„ relurn to Vri^^^^ sevllzky, Elie, J Quin. ;second;iHiSlaHmenl ot a .ncw scrlesi (Continued on page 34) 1 law in Was'hingtoti. '