Variety (Dec 1948)

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S4 RABIO P^RIETY Wednesday,'Deeeuiber 22, 1948 Radio Reviews Continued trom page 24 ; immense honoi The diama how- lion in years Dp VViU Mower for- ever was unable to sustain thi', nioil.v associated with several top qualitv yieldiny to the temptations Mutual tcaturcs, produces the se- ct melodrama and sentimentalism ries, which is being recorded ioi But despite its shortcomings iti •"J"-'to other stations Viola I alter- stuicture the writing was toloiful son, e\-membei of the WOY ^ay-igjijo^ ^njch was . and literate. Win Founanl as diiccloi and limn thespci on this picco caiucd th.' nijin load ot this pioduction vitli a sharply-etched pcrlocmance as a joung Peniisvlvania coal minei witn a social conscience Good support was provided b.\ Ruth Giant/ in a double lole ot motlun and gal tiiend, and Carl Wuiiis also in several parts Tne drama was batlcn'ounded with well-tx- eclited dashing sound eltocts and a good musical score 'Wizard' Giveaway Hollywood, Dec 21. "Wi/aid of Odds" has been pur- chased b\ Kenneth Ileits Aimoi Productions head; tor radio pres- entation. "Odds" will be hoisted as a $40 000 gueaway progiam in which NBC has leportedlj ex- picssed interest Herts..has- revamped lormal of on Mutual and VAPaFTY CI.UB DEMAL DAY With Mjvor Erastus Corn ns, Dist. Att. .Kulian B. Trwaj, James C. Hdffertv, Saul J. Ullinan, others 18 Mours WrjffO, Albany The first all-day operation of an Alban\ area station by outside "namc>s. ' on behalf of a. chanty, proved surprisingly if not com: pletelv elective houis She also did the lead in the hist diamati'/ation. 1 Cast includes Constance Collier,, Douqlas iMaione I^leniv Nelson, . and ^Eileen Wilson. Phyllis Carver ■had ■ a Icaci oh the ■ stanxa.' caught. 'Bill, Van Stcenl)orgh,. of. tht-' WP.TE; announiiiig stall, took the lop part in another. Seiies makes good listening for tlio 0 who like thou dramas soine- lins^ling it not alwa\s completel.v I plausible Sciipts having been wiilten loi nctwoiK piesentation, aie piotcssional and geneially solid J'lf-o Durr Hanna Continued from page 22 A than ''?, houis notice bv WOKO pres Heale\ Siul .T Ullman Conference were several program Arranged on less [ proiects for 1949. These included: ,„r^Tr/-. ujsj£s(^Q [^g(j,o Bulletin A president-general ^ manager . . Jim ' " 'Mlmani new chiet iety eiubl Fred I. ( managing S'^Hro( ^^auin; fC-n^e >nd | cha^ jjg^^, pi^jpf I weekly collection of news items of international significance and ot KL^^^uKeJ^.'^n^ to-UNESCO m/il^-y.^ot t^estimony Continued tram page 25's; which was after Durr left the agencv Whee'ei then laiscd question ol piopiielN and Dun wilhdiew I do not concede" he said 'that theie l^ an.\ impiopiiety in my I appearance, - l>ul I do not want to i appear in a case in whicii the pro- priety of my appearaace is .being challenged. As I sard; I would not have come in unless I thought I: had an understanding with-counsel that it was agreeable to them." Following a. .short, recess, • the hearing resumed, minus Durr. and David Adams, counsel for RCA Communications, subsidiary of RCA, a partv to the proceedings, got into an argument with Wheeler when tlie latter questioned the Wheeler Come Again? A lot ot the guys have been asking "How did that capital gam line slip in''"—in view ot CBS' lecent raids—when oo '- ing the opening verse ol NBC s Yule greeting to radio editors, to wit Here's i toast of Chriscmas fy'l'C :,:: J' 'r- '^"-C-''- To yoii, deal vd. /roiii NBC, Fioin Wiles Trammel!, Cliai'Ies R Denny, A qJadsome Yule despUe Jack Benny. R J. Reynolds, Coca Cola, Bristol-Myers, Motorola, Duffy's Tavern, Milion Bfrle, Cities Service, Standard Erl, Both the Roberls tTrout and ffope), CflTJipbell's soup and Colgate's sonp . Wi.:/! you nil, come ■ mud or rain-, ■■' , - A Neio Year full oj capital qain MUTUAL NAMES GODWIN TO NEW SOUTHERN POST Coy Sees TV As AM Threat Greensboro, N C , Dec. 21. American broadcasters are faced with a decision between oral broad'v casting and television, Wayne Ciiy,.. chairman of, the Federal Conimu-; nieations Commission,' told the North Carolina Assn of Broadcast- ers in a meeting at Southern Pines, Emphasizing that he was giving his oiwn' opinion, ahd not gpeaktng. for the Coramission, and also lhat broadcasters did not lace the de-. cision "tomorrow," Gov said: "A broadcaster who buries his head in the sand and who: doesn't tlunk television is going to lake a large portion of his audience and a, large portion :of :tlie advertising dol- lar IS just deluding himsell " I Cov oredictcd thcie will be I 000 I television stations in the. U'. S.- I in the next seven or eight yeais. I He pointed out thatm homes with' , television in New York a suivoy showed that at certain periods only 5% were listening to oral broad-, ca,sls. ■. ■ ■■ " '-I do not see how the broad- can continue: in both oral broadcasting and television ollering, O \\iliiams Timos-Union, it microphonp top ^—, . „ . , ^ - „ . county officials, an aide to Gov | World Books- Program material ■ ^"^"''^ Communications DewGV newspaper byhners and 18 , „f books of international im- t-omraission when the> object to Vaiietv Club members All com-' *» f '"t^'iMatkay Radio appearing for wave brought to the ! agriculture, of 12 to' 15 minutes in ' evidence in the hearing "in order civicT city and'length ^o help them in their future con- an aide to Gov | World Books- Program material' I;?!;' '"'fo'"^ Charles Godwin, Mutual web station relations diiedor has been named manage! ot the net s new southern ollice with headquarteis in Atlanta Ga He takes over the pastel new post dltei New Year's ^ Godwin's appointment is in line I (.umpeting services," Coy said with thinking ol MBS proxy I'.d Kobak that the south is. becoming Increasingly important as a radio market He will be lesponsible lor station relations sales and pio- gram development in thatsarcav . , , ; , I portance. mercials. ncwscastsj and announce-v'. „ ments were lead by the volunteers, I "opes of Tomorrow Program who added pleas for contributions material on Cuirent events in edu- to th" Denial Day drive foi the | cation science and culture which Variet.v-Albanv Boys Club summer i promise hope of a better life for camp. The barkers, even took over ' the peoples of the world. Radio Pioneers Expand Ed Kobak, Radio Pioneers prexy. women's programs-^with the ■ as-• sislance of staffers. r Healev. a tower of strength to the infonnal proceedings, perti-; . Tientlv commented on the solid; reading ot cQiiimercials by film i men Some of the kidding was] funny,, other parts ran too much | 'mside stuff" and overlong With i ,: Round the World; Program ma- terial designed to illustrate the therne that no nation liyes. alone arid that each people berieflts.from the, inyentifins pf all, bth0r.^^^p^ both in the field of ideas and in the field of 9<ihieyeiiiienfe,; The Maters Meet: Suggestions tighter control, the operation might | for programs built round eminent have unfolded even more smoothly. At any rate, put this down as an interesting; experiment and-a spec- tacular exploitation for Tent 9, WOKO and The: Times-Union lengths which might make more competition between RCA and Mackay." ■ ■ ' i, ■ .,,.,„..„, , , , . , , ,. . ,. , iinl , • activity to a national scale at an I "t^^^^^ Vfheeler was | executive committee meeting held I using the hearmg 'as a forum to ^terday (Tues ) In setting up ail a great many charges which we Regional affiliated groups, Kobak have not attempted to answer be- , ,^ ^adio men in van cause we do not be leve that this , .^i,, jhe country to head uf hearing .should be turned Heatter Continued ',from pai;e 23 , , , . . '"^",^.1 the expanded program contest between companies The ' ^,,„,|„„ ,„ „vr.»niort charge he is making now is com- pletely fantastic." CBS House Shows Continued from page 23 Jaco. THE CLOCK Producer: Dc Witt Mower Director: Viola Patterson 3<» IWIns., Sun , 7:30 p.m. HrwSHl Y BEVERAGES WPTR, Albany ters as . educational methods, in dustrialization, medicinal discover- ies, etc. .:, ■'■.^'v. Crossroads: Program material . . , I designed to illustrate the theme Area rights to a former ABC i that the peoples of the world have piogram ot macabie thriUeis were ,t m their powei to cooperate foi purchased for this series, recently their common welfaie, or to de- most ambitious ,tioy themselves in war flramatn- effort by an Albany sta- ^' personalities of one country ex- plaining the work and achieve-: ments of a comparable personality from another countiy. | in 1949 at the same clip as before. Modern Life on Trial: Program Having establi.shed its claim as the material designed to provoke dis-| No. 1 web in the creative program- cussion of the pros and cons of., ming field over the past lew years, current developments in such mat-1 it's considered a cinch that Colum- bia doesn't intend to let NBC move in. especially now that the latter web is show-starved and in quest of ne.w arijj, creative id;ra^^ Upcoming on the CBS program agenda is a new mystery melo- seg cleared they can build t, solid half-hour stanza to run from 9 to 9:3b that will help to rejuvenate neighboring shows. One of the rea- called for expansion of the outfit s g^ns ^^e recent visit to the Coast of Walter Lurie, who heads Mutual's new program develop- ment staff, Was to promote pros- pective talent for this , half-hour and other Shows the web is mulling. Among other probabilities raised by the impending Heatter shift is th^t Bill Henry's five-miniite cross- the-tioard news show 'will jiioyit from its present 9:.55 p.m. slot to : 8:55 p.m. The change would have been made before except that Henry would lie bucking Heatter, who follows live minutes later. If the shift \yorks out; the net feels it will have a potent hews show in the 7:30 slot to stack up. against CBS' Ed Marrow, NRC's H. V. Kaltenborn and ABC s "News of the World" roundup. up, Frank E. Mullen is expected to take over the iob of organizing the west I Coast oldlimers. Question of adding "television", to the title of the organisation was voted down since "radio" was de- I clared to be an all-inclusive desig- nation. Four additional exec cora- ■ mittee members elected at the meeting were J. R. Poppele, WOR; Orestes H. Caldwell, of Galdwell- I Clements; O B. Hanson, NBC, and I Carl llaverlin, BMI prez. H. V. I Kaltenborn, exec board member, I submitted a new design: for lapel I insignia which was adopted. drama with a Times Square-atmo-s- phcre to be supervi.scd by .Joen : Dietz , and Lester Gottlieb, with NBC House Shows Continued trom page 23 Program ma- 1 Peter Lyon doing the initial script- Lewis, who were signed to a long term exclusive radio and television contract without even an audition M-G-M— 'On an Island with Yoh" Hvi'i-.v l>l(lay ,NH|., 9:;i0 K;S,T. Mgt.: LOU CLAYTON 1 ^ "Food and ■ People . tenal prepared by international ring job;: A new package is to be ] being recorded, . Abbey Greshler, experts designed to increase popu- built around Arlene Francis and manager ol thp nitery comics, won lar understanding of the problem.s Martin Gabel (her husband). A new j every demand, so eager was;NBCi: of world population and world ■ Rye-a-week soapcr is being devel- I to nail down its new comedy show, foodoresources, and of what is be^, oped by Kendall Clarke: CBS staff- I Net even conceded the tunc' de-1 er. A comedy package has already i mand. that ''the boys" be slotted j been auditioned, starring Bert after 8 p,m. on week days and 6 1 Wheeler and Pert Kelton, with j pi.iTii pri Sundays (eaSlern^^^t^^ Aaron Rubin as the Writer.' Ah decisi^in faas; been reached yet: oh audience participation series, "Ex- time or startitig' date, the final change for Happiness," is also in i word awaiting result, ol a record Hanna, will be that of recruiting the works Latter is a Walt Framer - to be cut this week and which capable personnel to carry out the package In addition, CBS coast McCiay will lug back to New York ! program. A low operating budget :program chief Harry Ackerman I (or a" to hear I and the short term job expectancy has several properties in the audi- [ Bob Redd, who was teethed m ' mav hampoi efforts to obtain the tion stage. | production at NBC and in lecent Dallas—After an absence of four years?. Alex Keese is returning to the staff of WFAA where he be- gan hi.s radio career more than 18 years ago. Keese will direct local : and regional sales activities. Ralph W. Nimmons,. assi.stant WFAA general manager, will con- tinue to h.mdle the station's na- tional advertising. mg and can be done, to resolve ■ this problem. Greatest obstacle to be over- come in the fulfillment ot activi- ties pioposed by the UNESCO Ra- dio: Commission, according to i topflight radio :Staff necessary for J such important work. Autry Continued from page 25 third interest in Clemans Bros: Cattle Co.. Florence, Ariz.; one- Ihird interest in lour theatres in Dallas: 2.')% in Branding Iron, Phoenix; 20% m Worlds Champion Rodeo Florence and Marsh Avia- tion, Phoenix; 12V4% in All Ameri- can Distributing Co , Phoenix, and 10% in Phoenix Newspapers, Phoenix, and Kcncraft Corp. (dye mlrs.). Hollywood. Autry listed his gross income for the lirsL 10 months of this year at '?,'548,9i;-i The largest source was royalties received of $197,996. Iladio: and personal appearances broughtm $101,167;:motion picture performances, $62,240i and radio broadcasts $67,500 Concurrent with the Autry ap- plication i yeaivs, has been one ot the top i agency diicctois, will sit at the i controls of the Lewis-Martin stan- za Joe Quillen and Irving Ellin- I 1 son may be leaving Eddie Cantor's I writing . staff: .to turn: out the I scripts, with, Don: Quinn as con- I sultant Foi mat of the piogram will be situation comedy to get away from their night club routine ot stand-up jokes Dick stabile has been set; as music director:. Benny's Hooper "It takeS:* tot,of know'how to be a^ood .ball player. You gotta ktiow how man^ Wheatles and fruit combinittioits there ac«,>for Instance!"- ^ tvontiniied from page sfeasbii's :a.verage that Benhy Icises after, he ijrioves over oh ,lah, 2. ; NBC feels convinced that Hor- ace Heidt, who will oppose Benny in the 7 o'clock slot, is thie guy to turn the :l;rick, in vWW of the: ihdi- pressiyiB ratings he's b^eh'plHhg up in his:,present; late Sunday night ■(i0;30);\shbw; : :^:.v^:," .. Now Hoopers also show Bihg Taylor Radio & Televi-1 Ciosby stepping back into the Top sion Co filed applications to take 15 bigtime, in 10th place with a over stations KANS, Wichita, Kan . | 17 7 rating, a 6 point hike over his and KKGY, Westlaco, Tex In doing | pievious lating so, Taylor Radio exercised its op- ' Walter Winchell who held down lions to buy the assets Of Sunshine the No 1 spot toi the past couple Bioadcasting Co., licensees of all ot months, is in the No 5 position, three stations. with a 21.7 in the new Check. LONG ENGAGEMENTS at Good Salaries Offered to WINNERS of RADIO TALENT CONTESTS in unit currently being booked for extensive tour by one of America's leading booking agencies. WRITE stating qualifications, which contest you won, experi- ence, minimum weekly sal- ary desired. BOX 1234, VARIETY 154 W 46th St.. New York 19, N. Y. .•'Novel . . imikt'd wiMi. liilriifiiiMK piit<^Hiil|iin('iil."—^TniitHrrlpf .1»»U-Kr»iii». Ilolyoke, 'MtiNH. . ''WHAT MAKES YOU TICK?" MC Monday Thru Friday 11:45 to 12:00 for PROCTER and GAMBLE CBS, Monday thru Fridayv 2:45-3. R.M,. ■ ■ ■ with JOHN K. M. McCAFFERY Written and OirActad by . AOOISON SMITH