Variety (Dec 1948)

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46 WetlneiwIaT, Demnl»«r 22, 1948 ^ (HOTEL PLA^A) ! ''Neui Faces" revw pfodxiced by i Leonard Sillman, with Louise How- whifli is a mistake, for when he ard, Eleanor Jones, Gene Martm, I does do his few specials he gets ■ Lorra(?i«? Brownmn, Jack Wilhmiis, N^t Gub Reviews Ho carne.s Jay Presson, Allan Pershing, Carle- Reisman Oreh,, cover $1.50-$2 lil>d|$w(»ofl R<»om. IV. V. (WALOORF-ASTOBIA Jimmy CanoU ""J', on" a tiwde against'a blase nng- tofi Spencer, .Leo Reisman Orc/i.. Emxl Coleman and Mischa Borr or- . j,,-^, .^^J^ constantly with ' Mark Monte Orch =" chestias; $2 c onvert. ^ | ,„„.,.o,-, which lorms ono part ot mi- TT 4 Jr. 1 r< I the Stage He has a shaip etching This unit revue is a clean break The Hartmans and tinil Loleman g^^j^^. Davis, and might do more from the traditional top name pol- make it like old home week at the ,„ ji,^ gj^^^^ y^,,, . persjan Room and ma.v Wedgwood Room Both aie ti\- However, some of his heftiest re-' well maik the start of a trend in tures and, of course, lor the comedj , a,.g ggingi-ed d„j.,ng painng the swankeries towards novelty dance pair Its a more distinguished ^m, j^^^j^^ Chinese singer ; Hoorshows. Leonard Sillman, who leturn booking, tollowing a sea.son Comedian takes over the orch to lormatted this layout as a minia- jn legil with their starring revue, baLkaround Soo's "Old Man River" i ture musical along the lines of his Angel m the Wings The Waldoit gi-ab somej"New Faces" revue on Broadway booking, in fact, is prelude to an Vm-mgled hals to break-up "Wagon i several years ago, has molded an other legil musical the Anthonv , ^yj^^gij^smger does a line , other flock of youngsters into a Farrell show slated lor the new , j.,,, ^g^t job and makes tor good ' lairly entei taming revue. From the Hellmger (ex-WB Hollywoodi; ^q^^.j^j "Nature Boy" finale,' budgetary viewpoint, it's a baigain, VARIETY BILLS WEBK OF DECEMBER n - NuineralS'ln connection with bills boIoiT indlcnt* openlii( day ot miow ■ : whotlier fnU or M>Ilt woek. teller In iMininthelieR.lnaieAtei clreiiit: (I) Independent; (1J I^ew: (M) Mnsii (l-> I'aniniounti (R> RKO; (9) BtoII; (W) IVaruer; (\VH) nuHer llcait* theatre Per usUal, the zany dancers, who Jvave gotten away from the travesty ballroomology and have become seasoned funsters with their satin caI cafe .floor (and legit i patterns, mop up Their "Arthur Muiiay ' while dated: scores neatly, Icohipared to th^ prices;c6himan<jed i Soo, after a lackadaksical open^|<by:,^tli^!^ soto'^fi ; ing ol "Blue Skifes picks; up the j'ijjaying this i"(io(n,. and^ beat With "Call Everybody Dar- i ciie getting a kick piit of this.switch • lihg." However, his forte is in the i fi'pm ultra-spphistiCatiori to colleg i Standard field, and he might ob- late ?il) ahd cleverness.^^;-, ■ • . - „ ,, ,, ,^ , , , , tain better results, especially in This is a goodlookmg, hardwork- Hill, routine has been developed tj^i, small room 185 seats, if he for-1ing set (offering different shows into a minoi classic Haiinians g^^ the mike Crowd likes his ren-1 for dinner and supper) but the tal- nuiggmg as the strong silent type I jj,i,(,n5; ..Qid Man Rivei" and.eiit level is mixed, varying from Js lust on the iight side, under-1 "v\^ithout a Song " , mediocre to promising The group, played and undeidone. The yestcr-. T^to & Juha, youthful Latin however, makes up for its soft spots year boy-girl fliitation vaudevi le ^^j,iei.,(,an dancers, do a clever by its versatility and tightly timed couple (she with parasol, he the | number with water perched routines. The full group is on the jaunty t\po with straw hd and, gtop their heads Femme is sultry llooc for the duration ot the 50- canet is both nostalgic and funny, ipoking^ but pair need something minute show, neatly seguing from ihe nb on the sundry ballroom than "Begin the Beguine " | the ensemble numbers to the spe- dancing Couples—jitteibug, rhum- Ulso jitterbug closer adds nothing, cialties. Da, gyps.v, etc.—likewise tickles the i „^05,t terpers having dropped /.oot-1 The routines, most comprising llSlDllltleS. . . I cil- mA<ih»nir'c Mrpll nvf»r n vpaT Jimmy Carroll, ex-radio turned I suit mechanics well over a year [ comedy sketches, are also uneven | ago. Mel Cole's small group does | in quality. Some of the. lyrics, as |. saloon songster, killed the first- i an excellent lob cutting the show m the opening ''school oi charm nigntei wiin ms sympjitic i g^^j pancho, rhumba band, takes number, are overstrained am lenoi. lis in the best Morton „,,oi. fm- tV.o nff oot* 7.nhp Mirhprl in thpir warmnri-nvpr catirf r,„ , „, over for the off sets. Zabe Downey tiadition a comparison not intended to be odious, and like Coca-Cola's favorite Gaelic bal-1 Mavfair, llosion ladeer, Carroll has the same boyish 1 * Boston, Dec. 17 appeal. He, too, alternates be- Sally Keith, Steve Murray, Quita tween mike and piano and erred Brazil Sally Marr, Ernie & Joan only in perhaps oveistaying . Haiydcri Paul Mann, Jimmy Bur cliched in their warmed-over satire. A. couple of the straight comedy items-, however, ^ were firstrate, which, still makes for a- good over- all average. Standout, performer-, is Louise Howard, a comedienne with consld* erable nitery experience. Spotted although the demand was genuine ^ell Jeannette Garrett. Morcy m virtually all of the sketches, .she and almost undeniable. He runs the gamut from "Best 'Things In Lite" and the "Student Piince" bal- lad to "It'i, Magic " "Tarala," "My Darling " ' Here I'll Stay." etc , not to mention "Ireland Got Its Name" and "You Call Everybody Darling " Coleman remains the cafe enter- tainers' dream boat as a very con- ■ scientious accompanist, not forget- ting the maestro'.s more-than-30 years' experience on the podium as a tiptop dansapation- dispenser. And another vet; Mischa Borr, likewise registeis, per usual with his versatile, relief terp tunester- mg ol the Latin, waUz and nioie Orthodox tempos. Abel ^ Saxe Orcli (5); $1.50 minimum.. I lends her know-how in giving a . . • —^ ; I sharp edge to the comedy. Her solo Remodelled as a showbar type ! ottering, In which she does a series operation after a Jong layoff this of folk singer impressions, is a summer, the Mayf&i»ranks as one i crackerjack piece of caricature of the lew clicking niteries in a i which earns the heaviest plaudits citv that IS about dead after n , in the show. pm along the nalto True that' Allan Pershing is a young Vine tiardeniii, VM : Chicago; Dec. 17, Sally Keith, long a well-liked per- sonality m the Hub, IS a top draw, but Mickey Redstone's policy of a continuous sho w from nine on plus a plenty good kitchen and l o w prices (about $3.00 tor a steak with the works); send 'em home remembenng they got their money's worth. : / The eight acts often make up for speed and liveliness what they lack in skill and finesse. S b o w comedian with potentialities, H« teams \ip nicely with Miss: Howard in several skits and registers strongly with a takeotf on the British style of whodunits. The lad mugs melodramatically and has a tricky vocal delivery that gets the most out of his lines. In the straight vocal department. Gene Martin has a strong, but con- ventional baritone for moderate im^ pact, Eleanor Jones also handles a couple of numbers with fair oper-: NEW YORK CITY . Capitol (L) 2} : Burt Lancaster Julie WiNon NK'k Ora.vat.. Chai'lenc Harris (lenc Sheldon W.ilter I.onK S . Henderson^. Ore : Music Hall W 2i (ieorKe Tatar .l^an L.vons . C;.ristiauls ' PallenlierK's Bears Roclcuttes ... Corns de Ballet Svm ;Ol'C .. ■! Paramount (P) 19 i Bennv (ioodinan Bd i Buddy l,*? i Peh'o: ■ Bros - . i " ■ ROXV. -.(1) 11 .| Barbai-a Ann. Scott IMm>7. & .Ling . Harold Barnes (lordon Croodman Gautter's . ' Steeplechase.' . ^ .Bob- Evans .. ' Strand (WBI .24 Tommy Dorscy O Bobby Van BALTIMORE Hippodrome ■ (I) ' 23 Philharmonica 3' ;I Stooges ' Bob Ben-y Kate Muituh Royal (I) ti Andy Kirk-.Ore The Trumpeteers Tlie Berry -Bros - Vi - Burn.'iuUv S ..lohn Mason Co ■ Baby Lawrence - .lina. Dixon ' .' State. (I) IS ;. Wdhs S.1S Val Eddy •Bobby B.vron -Roberts Sis 3e .. White BOSTON Boston (R) 24 rilickev iRoonev : The Barretts .-XI Gordon's-DoKS Stags McMann 3 Jams 'Paige , CAMDEN T«Wers :(l) 24-2* Howa rd.'.'llro.i' -' Mariinbaran-es' Gold Ton* Stubby 'Kave. ; Mellta & 'Wicons CHICAGO Chicago (PI 22 BiUv DeWoUe Mel Tonne Ethel Smith. 3 D's Oriental (I) 21 .3 Sun.'i . Vivian .Blaine: Jack .Leonard Winter Si* Carl Sands Ore ' CINCINNATI Albee (R) 23 Peter Lorre.- Jenklns & Sully Kavc Ballard Nip Nelson Itemos & Toy Bovs Doluioft & Haya Sis COLUMBUS . Palace (R) 27-2» Louia Prima Ore Sibyl Powan Ilaiiisoni Carol & Ross: HARTFORD.: State (I) 2S-2i PhU Spltaliiy Ore ■ MIAMI Olyhipia (P);:22 Giaysons Nivelli Co ■ Bobby Pinkus Co Penny Edwards Dean MuiMto PATERSON Malestle (I) 2]'2« Robinson Si Martin Lee Bartel Pedro &. Durvnd' Lee Noble Jackie Brieht 27-29 J & E Uavden Baldour & Carr Gold Tony Paul Uilbcit 4. Avalon.4: PHILADELPHIA - Carman II) 25 Ruton's Doi!,s Johnny. Barnes Brookins & Van James Evans : Co ., ROCKFORD Palat:* (I) 24-2« . "Kris Krin^le Follies" Beebe Bears Gregory & Cherie Twinkle Ic Tayloi Charmame (one to lill> : SPRINOFIELO Court Sq. (I) 2J-2* Rlsko «i Nina Toni DeMarco. Dot & Dell all's Cats Sally Marr .lack Marlin 3' Edwards Bros WASKINOTDN < capital (L).'21 . Horace Heidt ■ Bev . Howard (I) 25 Ravens Dinah WAshmeton Ceo Hud.'ion Ore 4 ConBaroos Freddie & Flo MONTREAL Gaiety (II 2» 3 Swilts Betty Mae Allen Joyce Swift Stroud & Martin.. Nip Nelson : GeorKC. Boos:;: - - Kiic & Kioc BBITAIN Joey Bishop, Jack Soo, Tato & "itaits easv with piano and sing-j 3^,^, g(,ppan;o pipes. Specialty hool Juha. Mel Cole Orch (i). Pancho' iP^ *i Paul Mann that s okay mg chores are . combo (4); $2 50 tnitiinm?)! 1 r,"". ~-. — ■■'■ii'~''tl' 'i";; " l ing cnores are ieXecUted in fiiee, bilt trnie &, Joan IJayden follow with .brdlnaftt-'-style. -"by vJacfe' WilUams. ilast teipmg with Jimmy Burrell i^hile Jay Presson and Lorraine While other bistros have been be- Rood tenor, warbling pops a n d Browning do well in solo song, waihng lack of business, this spot, I"'^" nicely Sally Mair. dance and comedy bits, has been emoying lush patronage 1 mcdnwhile, m c's brashly and iol- Leo Reisman's orch gives the and presenting entertainment in '"^^'^ ^^ith a series ol imprcs'sions si,ow a solid musical background contrast to usual nitery formula. I and iibes thiat sometimes miss, the and alternates on the stand with The family group, thought of as ex-' mark. I mqi k Monte's orch, with neat linct flourishes here. | A solo dance by .Teannelte Gar- ' rhvthms for customer hoofing Also in contrast to the success >"Ctt comes, next, then Steve Mui pattern of after dai k comics i^ ,Jocv '"ay whose clowning and fiddling Bishop, now in his 40tli week here I clicks big Quita Brazil, a sultiy Slight, wan taced guy hasn't oneisal. joins Murray m some sketches blue or even double innuendo I'o'lowing her own singing 'and ) stint in his repertoire, yet gathers dancing number. This lead.s into Herm. ,: Hollywood. Dec. 16, Rcd'Ingle ancj the Natural Seven jaks that"w()*uTd"make nanic^comV- S^IK Keithrtakcl-toss\nri"outVAe I]"' ^^''''li" Jf'^f/co-9""'' ^""^'^ dians envious His appeal hes in She does this in a co.stume oi Rhumbaud (5 ), $3-$ 3 aO vnmmum his constantly being abused, the her own design which furthei T, ■ , prototype of the avoi age \meiican intensifies the effect, especialh un With the usually slow pre Yule Uncomprehension, coupled uith a der black lighting. The act alwavs season at hand, honilace H D blank staio, is his tiadeniark He goes big and causes much specula- Hover apparently doculcd the time depends not so much on sketch(?s lion as to the mu-,cul,u (ontiol in- was ripe tor an expciiment in GLASGOW . Empire (M) 20 lack It.idililTc ■ ilobert Wilson B & A Pearson Prestons . Helen Norman Joyce Edmanson .Matt Nixon Jacquelyne Dunbar -HACKNEY Empire (SI .20 John Boles -■ L & B Lowe .V J Grastonian- Bob Lloyd :& Betty Yale & Diane btevano - ■ Ilarvt'v $is '. PORTSMOUTH Royal (Ml 20 ITOoiier . "isis,,.' ' j Len Young' I Van DoVeUle Co ; Terry Hall I Malta's DoKS Cyril Levis SHEPHERDS BUSH Empire <S) 20 Cavan 0'C;onnor Dick Bentlev ■La EstcrcUa . B Wrtuht & Marion; La Celeste 'Van. Dock : . . Rex .& Bessie Alan Kay & tiloria VICTORIA Palace (Ml 20 Nerve & Knox Bud ' FlanaRiin Nauglilon & (iold Radio Itevcllers Fosse & Niles Patricia Windsor Chas Reader Ore Van Smith Ore ■ Hotel St MorifX Alice TyreU Dick WinSlow Mervyn. Nelson - Florence Aim Bobb.v Baxter Soft Winds 3 . H«t*l St. Regli Julie Wilson Las7.1o & -Fepito - - M Shaw Oil. Hotel Roosevelt (Hiy Lombardo Hotel Savoy Plan Billy Toffiell. • Irving Conn Oi c Hotel Tatt Vmcent Lol)e/:.Oro- Charlie Drew. Hotel Warwick Irving Ficjds Ore L« Martinique - Carloft-Ramtre/. Manor A Mignon ■Libby Dean Scnor Carlos . Ralph Font Ore . Jack Lope-z - Ore-: Latin iQuarter Sophie Tucker Ted Shapiro Landre:& Verna Step Bros : :: Ariiaut Bros - June Cfrahain Richard Darcv Miriam Gwynne . Ruth Webb Wlnton Frankel ' Eddie Michaels . . Dick Grayson Proniinaders - 'Vlivg Merlin Ore B Harlow >Orc Le ■ Perrequet HuKh. Shannon - Marvin Raymcr Le Ruban Bleu Connie Sawyer Adelaide Hall ■ Will Joidan Ra.vmond Chase Julius Monk Normann Paris s Leon A Eddle'i Eddie Davis Art: Wancr Oro Narda Carl. Conwav ' Graham Sis Allan 4 Nobles Shcpard Line Old Roumanian ' ^ Sadie Banks Jackie Phillips Ijarry Marvin > Barbara Davis - .'Nanette " ■"- '. Bella : Smaro . - : '.' .loe LaPorte Oro D'Aquila Ore Panthoust- Kurt Maier' " Art Ford . Royal Roojt Billj nckstinc Charlie Ventura ' . Charlie Parker 1 Daineron Ore Splvy's :Wade -Donovan ' : Roslynd Lowe Spivy Verssiller George Ulincr . - ' Bob lirant Ore Panchlto: Ore Village Barn ,C'apt. Stubbv Ore Shorty Warren:-Ol« IIai:old. Barry Piute Pete Village Vanguari Delores Martins Will Jordan .Cyril. Haines .3.. - Waldorf'Astorla Hartmans Jimmy -Carroll .- . . Emil Colinan Ore Mischa Borr Oi'O-: - CHICAGO BlacknawH Slrcrmuii Haves Oro Del. Welcoin« Bob Karl Nancy Bell Hotel Bismark Joe Dc. Salvo Ore The Coinriianders - Dorothy Johnson Helslnqa George Gocljel •T Janiersoii Pat Nassa (4) Johnny Belts ' loni Rami H Edaewaier. Beach Leighton Nuble .0 Oloiia Gilbeit Mary Ann Fedple Preston Lamlxart D Hiia Dancers (12). Chex Paret- Harvey Stone » The Vagabonds Gracic Barne P Franks & afanyoe AdnrnbliRs (J0» C Davidson O fll) J Bothiqiit'y. Ore Sherman. Hotel I Jaelc Fnia Ore ! Honey. Droitmers I Olivette Miller I Jim Anie4;be ;." Kcrmit & Gloria ' Joseph Cole . GU Lewis Pete I Landros Hotel Stevens Frankie. Musters O ' Phyllis Myles Tommy Traynpr. ; Neil 1 Hose ■■ Jean Arlcn Meryl Baxter - SkatinfT Blvdeara Bog Turk Bill Keefe Jeannie Sook Charles & Lucille Jerry RehfielU • Manuel Del Toro Elwooil Carl Palmer Hout* Barclay Allen O .fjanv Adler M Abbott Dcrs (10) Paul Draper Blackstone I.arrv Stonht iNype & Cole Vina Gardens Mel Cole Oic Joey Bishop .. ■ . Jack Soo Tato & Julia Pancho's Rhumba B- Cabaret Bills but lalhoi on the cunent gags, volvcd Elie. booking. .Abandoning the type of attraction-commonly inlced for. tire Sunset Stiip spot Hover lias brought in Red Ingle and the Natu^ ral Seven for a tw.o-weeJs stand. The experiment doesn't loolc as if it Will pan out properly. Ingle and his crew, catapulted into attention about a year ago with the '/.any recording ''Tim Tayshiin," tust aren't right for a plushery. An obvious effort to tone; down their; normal proceedings- doesn't;. help' too much. Vocal efforts of Karen Tedder highlight the show antics. bU|L even here there's too stiong a tendency I to i oversell the - corn-.^too strong. I that is, for an operation like Ciro's. i And while Miss Tedder .does an i okay lob of teaming with Ingle for ; ' 1 im Tayshun," she suffers by com- I pai'isoii with ,Io .Staflord . who I ongmally chirped the ditty on the , platter Finale, a Salvation Army b.ind numbei, looks okay with crew pm-tidijig around the niterv for a windup. It might; however, be ii moie effective entrance than exit routine. Kap. NEW YORK CITY (BIS.MAKCK HOTKL) Chicago Dot 17 Joe Ijfhell; Cd)iiinander!s (4..) and Dorothy Johnsen, Joe De Salvo Orch (5); $2.50 imiitmum, $1.05 Lovor. Xovelty of setting rather than callbre. of entertainment is accent- ed as cifstoijifr .hue in this^s^^ijik (Continued on page 47) Bagatalia r)oroth;v lloss Dftcp River Boys '.Tack.- .lose; Poniere . . .IjoUis Hawkins . Blue Angel Imogene Coca- Fletcher «! Sliciidy RoKer Price Kills Liirliili 3 Munel Smith ■ . - Cafe Jamet Pat llairini^lun - Carnival .Charlie .Rarnet -Ore . Cafe; Society floUlen Gate 4- .Tack Cilloid ClaiiUe jMai-i'hant - - -Dave Martin Ore Clique Sarah ;VauRhn -.Frecl. Bobbin^ .. Buddy Hick Ore ■Ocoi'se Shearing Copacabana .Toe- K 'Lewis - Aiisliu Mack . : - - - Vic: T)a-mone - Doroth.v- Keller Terry-Stevens Soimv C'alello iM Uui'.soOre Alvares Ore. ■ China Doll i Noro Morales Ore •lo'iie Cutbello Oic I'lorcnco ;Ilin Low .Toe WonS Beatrice Fung - Oye ; Line (7) DelmoniGO Greta Kollef . Diamond Horseshoe I lleniiy Youngman Jack r,an.sert- l»llK Hmks Clioral .Sextet II Suiuller Ore Alvarez Mera Jucnfter Ballet Lliie , El Chico Fecnaiiila- ( re.spo Marra i Acosta Tiio Casino Rita Si Itozlno £ ;-;Vizeaino Ore - . 'Embassy M Vaiaes Havana-Madrid Los Bocheu'os De' Castro Sis Mildred Jtav Kina Quintcro; Ore: Ar^ueso Ore Hotel Belmo't-Plaia Franklin & Moore ' tiary Norton Marion Callaiian Eddie Stone Ore ■ 'Castellanos Ore Hotel; Blltm6re Blue Barron 'Ore Harold Nafjel Ore Hotel EdIidK Henry '. Jerome Ore ; No 1 Fifth Ave Nancy Aiidj-ews Goodman & . Kirkwood Hazel Webster Downey 4U Fonville Hotel Ambassador Fred Oliver Ore VVilliam Adler Ore William Stotli Hotel New; Yorker C Benedltt Oil Tco Revue Hotel .Pennsylvania Tom my Dorsey '.Hotel Piccadilly Dell Trio , Hotel Plan Howard Eleanor .Jones Gene Martin Lorraine Urowiiinil .lack Williams : 'Jay. Presson - Allen fershmg -C Carpenter Leo Jleisinaii Ore Mark Monte Ore Payson He Ore Nycola Matthey Oi Brevoort Shiela Barrett S Flames ■ Kilty C rawford Hotel Picrra !: Fiakson Snowstorm tontinued from paifc 41 ^ unless there had been a plentitiide of craltsmcn available it's also said to be the rejson that many of the tu'v. hostelrics will bo com' pleted in time to open lor He season. -indications of the -parlous times that face i'^lorida operators i.s seen by the fact that new-used cars are 40''o-50'";, below those of l;ikl soa-\ son, Willy stilTiciqnl bargaining, a buyer can walk out of a sho«:i'ooin With a ng« auto at list price even It there's no liadc m. Various cralt union leaders are reported to be in a peculiar post* lion. For the first time in niiinv years, some aie fearful ovei this season's prospects. They're mak-; ing all kinds ot deals with the cafe and hotel operators by giving more;; concessions than usual m ordei to insure, more employment, and in; an attempt to keep the goodwill of the operator as well as the union menibeis An indication of the delicate l»al- ance that exists this .sca.son is seen bv the lact that the arcli-mal Copa Citv and the Beaclicoiiibci' cafes enteied into a compiomise on the opening dates of then cafes. Originally, both had planned to preem Doc, 24, whicli Would have divided opening business with neither getting full value out of their opening nights. Former boni- face Ueniiie G,ii;ies stepped into the bleach and affected an agree- ment whereby the Cop.i \\ould open Dec 23. and the Beat hf omber the following night, In the event the Copa wasn't ready, that spot would open Dec 25 If times looked better both would have opened as per original plans re- gardless Despite dim outlook, the various betting syndicates look lot ward to their usually good yeiir. The ne\V- est beachtront hotel, the Saxony, ^old lib iuindbook conco.sMon fof^a record $100,000.