Variety (Dec 1948)

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Wcdncgday* Pecemlier 29, 1948 41 SONG CAVALCADE ******** (MusicaUHialoricfd Revieiv: 1800-1948) ****** *** Compiled for f^^RIETY By JULIUS M^TTFELD (Copyriflht, Vnrivty, Inc. , Ail Jiflhtt ltt>*rv*d> Cap Aide Back to U. S. I Nixed On Brit. Disk Try I, London. Dec. 28. i p Alan Livingston, who is in chiirge 1 of the album dei)t !oi- Capitol ' iRecotds, lelt heie last week tort Hollywood, after .t iruitless oflort' I to get Cap albynis admitted' to Britain on the same basis single Jocks, Jukes and Disks ————— By Bernie Woods legendt end ether boti'c bociigrounif Infcrmation, etfcndanf la the tompitation ^""^ permitted entr\' and prM«n»otion, oppeored la the Ott. 6, 1948, mu» when the Variety Seng ^ ^ albums have ne\cr been Cavfl'cada rtarted publkation Mriaffy. It i» magtited that theae intlallmentM be ^'''""Ited to this (.ouiUiv on the Mpptd and filed for future teterente. same impoitdiilv tcims a-, aie Alltntien h h«r»by colUd to th» fae« that ihii matfrial ii sapyright and may not P'^'" platters Holding that Amer- bo reproduced eithor wholly or in part. 1'tan outfits could ha\e«the pack- aging done by English labor, the (Continued from Lnit Week) I government here alwass has kept I the duty ion albums ,so high that Frankie Carle "Congratulations"- , much supenoi to \\hat he shows, on "An Old Magnolia Tree" tCoium- j this disking . biai Caile hat, made better sides Vauehn Monroe "IVIy o\vn True musically, but these are both good ijOve"-"CoUimbus Stockadcv Blues" since two good tunes are involved | (Victori Monioe has hold of a 'Congratulations" seems like It has I song m "Tiue Love' that sounds a fine chance to pop big and the good on his vocal chords, and he "Magnolia" side is a "smartie" i fogs it over solidly tor a strike, ti'om a new show Fust is a ballad | He does the good melody r.nd Ijric interpreted with plenty of Carle simply and waimly in smooth bal- 1872 The Ansrcl and the Child, w, Hem J Wadsworth Longfellow m Virginia Gabiiel London Duff &, Stewart i:,f872l Come? re Faithful, -Raise the Strain. Uymn, tune St. Kevin, w , John Mason Neale, tiom the Greek of St. John of Damascus, 8th cen- tury m , Sir Arthur Sullivan. Lon- don Novello & Co 1.1872] I Xeed Thee Kvery Hour. Hymn w Annie S Haw ks m , Rev Kobcrt Lowry Cop 1872 by liobeit ■Lowry.' . ■. , ■ j ■ Oh! Sam. w , m , William Shake- speare Ha\s J Petcis, cop 1872 Polish Dance—orig^inal German title: Polnischer Nationaltanz. Piano solo m, Xavei Scliaiwenka, op. 3, no 1 Leipzig Breithopf & Hartel (,1872''l. The current aspirations of U S jBOCiety wcie exemplified by Waid McAllister, social leader, who oi- gani/ed the "Patriarchs," 25 names deemed by him as fit to "create and lead society " Herr Johann Strauss, the.: celc- rive \eais of setondar\ post-war no Yank waxeiy ever exported to depiession tommennd—the No 15 - . '•'^huiilu lo depiession tiinee 1790. J»7.> All the AVay My Saviour Leads' Mc. llvmn w, Fiances Jane Crosby IMis Alexander Van Alsljncl m Rev Robert Lowiy The Biglow & Main Co cop IST.^i Anffel Gabriel w ' m James E Stew ait J L Peters lop 1875 Angels 51ect Me at the Cross: Koads. wv, m;, William Shakespeare ' U,ns J L Petoi-s cop 1875 | I'ullj Persuaded liynnn w , Rev J. B. Atel!in.son. m,, William F. ■ Sheiwin fhe Biglow & Mam Co, top. 1875 Let Me Dream Again, w, B C Stevenson m Sii Aithur Sullivan. London Boosev & Co 118751. ' Delnionico s land soon Sherry's) weie the fashionable New York' lestauiants and lende^vous 1 flic thapeion was a fashion fix-1 tuie , Britain any biscuits «a\e singles Wax thai was iclfasod in the L S m album foi m alwav'- was nleased here as individual disks: Livingston alttmp'od to got a new lulmg on the import ot al- bums because CapUul has made numeious books on aitist contracts which piohibited the plafleiv liom releasing the sides viiV: otlieiv ihari : album form; Ndwr Lfvirig,st.on -is rfi-, tui-iiing, .to: Hp.lly.U'Ood'.^ ^ the flock ot Cap aitists lo giant special concessions in oidei that their albums may be stripped <lown and sold as single sides here Capi- tol shoitly will stait leleasing its first pioduct heie on the deal le- Cently set whereby nnglish Detca will dislnbut the U S-madedi'-ks heie. piano and a \ocaI by Giegg Law rence thats okav tt'U get many jock and juke spins "Magnolia" is also b<illad, also sung by Lawrence Phil Harris J'Minme the Mer- maid"-' Paopv s Little Jug" (Vic- toi) Two t\picalh Hams sides and both familial tunes that should find a slot in lock libraries.Harris tloes 'Minnie with the usual bieak-neik band atiomp but his vocal IS ha If-speed and clear and. lad torm. and It should rate, high with disk locks and jukes. Backing by the hand is beat and strings, and an alto solosist toi color "Co- lumbus" : is a western thing, done with the Sons ot the Pioneers It's nicelv done and, in its own gioove, can do some business Slarlighters "I'\e Got I\Iv Lo\e to Keep Ale Waiin - 'More Beei" (CapitolI Initial disking of 'Got My Love' since Lcs Brown's Co- it tells the imusing hiical story i lumbia spinner staited to roll in riicely: Rex'ersel is also good in it'-i f)wn,;,gropye. a npv'elty, that has ,as, much appeal as its belter known companion piece Thcj're good juke pieces in ceilain areas Doris Day "Someone Like Y'ou"- "My Dream Is Yours" i Columbia Columbia bt ought Dons Day a long wa^ liom ils stait with hoi •over sales And this has a \ ocal, which Brown s hasn't, and this makes it almost an automatic candidate tor plenty ot jock and luke spins The Stailighters do it well Thoii job sounds in certain spots like it was written to take advantage of Biown'b tieatment though it can- Banjos were popular musical in- bra"«l compTserrmadr'hiT me\^o- ' ^^^1]^ , - „±i : politan debut at the Academy of Music N Y A hre m Boston wiped out over 700 buildings and: caused close to 8100,000 000 piopertv damage. Col Jas Fisk Jr "The King ot Wall Stieet," was shot and killed by Edwaul S Stokes. The latter was sentenced to four years in piison. $475,080 Freed By ASCAPforSACEM not be said that one apes the other. I \oaL aco Hei dueling with i ^^^''Pover is another veision ot a juke and. ijoek tune, that seems to be still 'in the, prpcesis ol gathering support. Stai'Iighters do it well i; but there are bettor. , ■ ' V 1873 Eilleen Allanna. w E S Maible m., John Roger,s Thomas^ Boston; Oliver Ditson & Co , cop 1873 by J R Thomas Good Night! Good NiErht, Be- loved! Pait song lor SATB w Ileniy Wadsworth Longfellow m , Giro Pmsuti. London: Novello & Co U873I 'Good Sweet Ham. Words and melody by Henry Hart, air by James E.: Stewart. J. L. Peters, top 1873 The Mulligan Guar4. w , Edv^ald i Harrigan m, David Braham. \Vm A Pond & Co . cop 1873 Silver Threads Among the Gold. V Eben E Rextoid m , llait Pease Danks C W Harris, cop 1873 Wiener Blut. Walt/ m , Johann I Strauss op 354 Vienna C. A Spina, nd (Composed in 1873) presently, the mandolin Over 2 000 baseball clubs, still nine-tenths amateur, were in exist- ence, w'hrle Vale boasted the best college (earn .Mark Twain s ' Adventures of Tom Sawyei was published The filst KenUickv Derby tr**i*»<;- ;*i4«A:«-»«iw- ^ • ^u- Tl tformance , royalties held in this Variety theatres ffrom which i,^, tun ^,.„^,u ii,\rr\t\ vaudeville developed a decade,^ [ lalei) ueie opening eveiywhere -society by the I S Mion Custodi 'Aiound the Woild m Eighty ^1°"^^ has been piling up Days" iKilrafy version), "Big BonanTB" "Mighty Dollar" and BikUU Cl.iik eu has helped her trerncndoush but it'll take a single to really send her homo: Her: "Pretty Baby ' w-as great,, but it never caught on.-'Someone" ■; :' . . ' dih. D • i ■ may . be the- ohe ■ tlint:'w'ili: It'sA- ' :;. v '.'; V^*"®*" "0>nt^rs swell lob and a cute song that I "Stiawbeiiy Moon and Dainty tould go big SotKo back^iounding Brenda I.,ee" giv6 Jack Smith and makes It bounte and lici ihjthmiCiThe Clark Sisters (CapitoO a approach to the IviMC IS something ; w'orthwhile pairing although both that must be played over and over. It's foi both lotks an(' mkcs My have been done better on other la^ bels Coial label's leloasp of i ■ ■ Ainerican Stttiety pf Conipbsers,. .Authors "andvPublishers i last,,#eek in seciirihg the ifiiease of rri,„ - A * 1 - J^** some $475 000 in actiiniulated pei- run The horse Aiistides won it - • Dream Is Yours ' puts Miss Davm Woody Herman's old ' Please Don t a ballad light Tunc lacks punch, Say No" and "Basic's Basement," and even the ' w Inspering" style 1 one vocalled by Herman, the other she impails docsn t help much. 'an instrumental aren't as "ggne" as Kay Kvser "It Only Happens cuucnt bop hand but Ihej'll "Our Bovs' (which had 1,260 per- formances in, England before reach- ing the U S) weie popular plays (Continued , next week's issufe) ' Vita's lOOG Bkptcy Chicago, Dec 28 Vitacoustic Recoids Chi indie, last week hied voluntaiy bank- luplcv petition listing debts of moie than $100 000 Diskery had botn inactive the last several months ailci undeigoing I'eorgarii- zatjbn -early ,fliis ;:ytah'; >,;' ^iJcV.' ^ v will appoint a trustee since the late '30s, and it was need ed by French publisliers and com posers, hence ASCAP's interest m expediting its release. • ASCAP is to receive money in I exchange tiom SACLM lor pei- formaiices of U. S. songs m France. There M said to be approximately 22 000 000 iiants coming m this di- rection Thai's about $178 000; based on the old late of exchange^ of 119 francs to the dollar and coni- sideiablv less at the cuiient rate ot 313 to the SI ^SC^P hopes to collect on the old rate. Once"-"Little Old Ladv ot Thread- needle Street ' (Columbia) Two new songs by Kjsci who has been very successful lateh "Happens" js a: good song that can happen with some push, and its companion piece is also a possibility in the "Umbrella Man" vein Hariy Bab- bitt does both vocals and does 'em well Fust is stiaight ballad, I "Lady" is in the same gioove. but I with a more coldilul background They're the kind ot break it they break at all have H chance sell more . . Skitch Henderson's polite piano^ combo is surprising on Capitol's pairing ot 'Crazy Rh>thm" and "Skitch Boogie" . , . New York l/ioncl Hampton goes :into, the songs that J '^'"''"' Box (old Latin Quarter), jj,oth- Chicago. .Ian. 25,, for two wqeks ', ,: ■ Irving,; Brown ,now, heading the .syniphohio Separtment atiChappellv nruu A •• rr, , .,- moving over, from Booscy-Hawkes ,r ^'?\>" Kapp returns io Holly- Lar iCapitol) ^Capitol is ^oo^, ^^^^ ^f^^ Dizzy Gillespic-s Doan Mai in as a >-oloisl as well as xmas night at Cainegie Hill said with Ins laugh-kick Jtu\ Lewis („ h^.p „Pi lot >1 ,>i .Imnst Com I fan 18 • .Tommy Dorscv headed, for long string, of ccillege ' dates' tciiiitnt "-li ind tlic'tie N Y lun which opened Xmas Day.< :, , , Those sides wonl help build him Martin;:c(?iiiplet(>ly. ■ ijje 'flaypi' of ' Amv and doc'sn t do too much with 1 iu„ an adaptation of an Italian. luHiibY. Martin's, .singing is Banks weie tailing throughout tlio nation, resulting in a panic on the Stock Exchange Henry Clay Frick began con- solidating his vast coke inanulac- turing business iin 1889 he became manager ot the Carnegie proper- tics, and m 1900 the Fuck and Carnegie Aims meiged into the Carnegie Co ). 18 Best Sellers on Coin-Maeb*!ie.^ 1874 The Alabama Blossoms. Woids and melody by Fiank Duinonl, an by James E Slewait J. L Peteis, cop 1874 Patrick's Day Parade, w , Edwaid , ' • Haiiigan m, David Biaham. Wm .: A Pond & Co , cop. 1874. The Skidmore Guard, w., Edward Haiiigan m, David Braham. Wni. A Pond & Co , cop 1874. Trabling Back to Georgia, w, Arthur W French m , Charles D ' " Blake. Boston. G D. Russell & Co " cop. 1874. Agitation against the evils of I ■ ■ aiCohol caused, in this year, the < ■ loupding of the National Women's ^nristian Tempeiance Union ^ „ /^'shop Vincent and Lewis Miller •"stabllshcd Chautauqua for Bible," Uudy and the training of Sunday i ]; scnool teachers Eventually it gu w ' 10 oe an educational-platform idea, mixed with entertainment T„," ^"-'^^ "^"^^ City, "Boss" W M iweed I Tammany) was convicted' tfinnS'i^.s'" t'^e amount of about ?e,000,000 and sent to prison, I 'atlpr an escape and lecap-' lure) he died in 1878 nn„, '^'dnapmg made the f ront i pages when the infant Charley' Oml^'l^ l™"" his home in' Jj^tinxdnlown, Pa. A Superior Court iqto m'^^"'. ^^'^'^' decided May 8, tp. '«r Gustav Blair, a carpen- Chawiv 1?^ Pldce, IS, in reality, iTsp «"sv and IS entitled to Ross .m'^i^^"' testified that the 1. UTTLE BIRD TOLD ME (ft) (Bourne) 2. SLOW BOAT rO CHINA (<)) (Meliose) 3 An D\RLING. MY D XRLING (5) (MoirisV . ; 4. BUT'fONS AND BOWS (11) (Famous) 5. MY TWO FRONT TEETH (5) (Witmark) .. 8. M\YBE YOU'LL JSE THERE (21) (Triangle) I 7. CUANTO LF GUSTA (8) (Peer-lnt) 8 ». 10. 'I REE IN MEADOW (19) (Shapiro-B) UNTIL (8) (Dorsej) Coming Dp BEI LA BELLA MARIE (Leeds) GALWAY BAY (Leeds) WHAT DID I DO (BVC) BRUSH TIIO.SE TEARS (Leeds) PUSSY CAT SONG (Leeds) . THAT C ERTAIN PARTY (Bourne) . SAY SOMETHING SWEET (Mills) . IT'S TOO SOON TO KNOW (Morris) SO TIRFD (Glcnmore) . . LIFE GETS rKEJUS (Miller) '• GLOKl.\ (Rene) MONEY SONG (Crawford) • Ungures in parentheses indicate number o} weeks song has been in the Top lO.J to ha\e dtawn net total ot almost $6 200 with Saiah V auehan, Charlie Parker, Charlie Ventura : and Tad Dameron , Maple leaf ; will distribute Pleasant RccordKm -\ Can a d a Bub McGrcAV's orch , stalled second season at Key West ' liotcl. Kc.', West. Fla. • ^ [' Hollywood Eddy Howard returns to the;: i Aiaiion Chicago on New \eai s Dav foi his 19th date at the Windy City; fc^i'pci'K in nine 'yeui-s > Frwik I)c Vol penned an mstru-.-" mehtiir: nuDibor tagged "S(?ven"'. Years With the Wrong, Lcider," which Giavce Music will publish. De Vol will wax it loi Capitol Ray Heibeck's 10-piece Lre\r booked lor a' four-month :stint at the Lrist Frontier. Las Vcgas' open- t j ing Maich U at .$1,9'30 weekly . . Chubby: ,< Jackson, with ■ Woody Herman, resigned for uni^ explained reasons. Herman now lis , wooing Eddie Safranski, cuiiently ' with Charlie Barnet. in New York. Red Ingle will get a flat $1,000 for a New Year'.s Eve dance at Libeity Hall. EI . . Ike Car- penter Orch set for a pair of Pasar dena one-niters Jan. 14-15 at $500, each. Chicago Cee Davidson, orch leader at Che/, Paiee, given new contract . and indtfinite stay Jack Fulton, composer of "Until," pacted with Tower R e c o r d s last week .: Brookes Itandall and Robert Deu :: replace Nancy Reed and Andy ' Roberts in 'Salute to Goishwin" at College Inn. of liotel Sherman; j Miss Reed and Robeits are cur- I rently with Skitch Henderson's, 01 ch at Capitol theatre. N Y Stage scieen and radio celebs pro- t i vided entertainment 'for 12th an- nual Xmas party for blind mem- bers of Local 10 and 208 of Chf AFM Blackstone hotel Sat Or- J , rin Tucker back at Aiagon again, for a one-weaker, starting Xmas ^ | clay . . Dec. 25 saw Lawrence Welk j back at Trianon ; Benny Strong I opened the new Terra-Plaza clubj ■ Spiingfield, 111, Xmas day Ai- Trace follows Strong, for a four-;; X \ stand TeAAi Phillips goes Into (Continued on page 43)