Variety (Dec 1948)

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42 OKC iii:sTii As-3f I'sir WeJneaday^ Dcccmhcr 29, 1945 FRANCIS CRAIG SIGNS ' BBC Ups Musicians' Pay WITH MGM RECORDS! Following Arbitration : Francis, :Ci;;vig,. >^^h(j .iijjset.Vtlie. riitjcM' recording /compaivtos^^^^ XvU'liin ;the/ past ;t\vo;j'ears AvHtli. his; ' Neai \ou cnid 'Beg Youi J'.u don " on the ;ndie BuUet Iqbel iw'- signocl \vHli M-G-M RecoKls Ills pact with Build expired dining tlic ban <ind ^.i-, not renewed M-G-M wiU record Cidig in NasliMlIc, his home tovn Crystal 5G Advance On Burke-Webster Tune HolUvood Dec 28 An advance ot $5 000 wms slicllod out. by Ciysldl Music foi "You W<»h," new bonns Buiko-Paul Fiaii- cis Webslei tune Los Biowii bale ncei own'- Cuslal Willi tlic recording' ban now liis-, ; i^ry;; dejiis'ajrtady^^ ■■■for .' a; iquaii^t/^ Lee and Dean Alaitin will etch it foi Capitol, Fjeddy Mai tin foi HCA-Victoi, Palti Andtws and Bob Crosb.v v\ill duel lor Decca, and Doiis Day and Buddy Clark for Columbia. London, Dec 21 ■ ■'Ai'lvitrafiDn ovoi' mufiiciaiis' pay claims tor. brcjadciisis, wliich ,almost led to-a .BIK' strike eai-lior iji lhe, year^: liasV; rosuJ I eel, J iv ^ siibstimlial awards iniXayor of the mnslciaiis.: ■ Bolh Ihe UBC and Uie iMusicians' Union Ihuo actepted the teims ol .settlomenl and the nev\ lates an- nounced last ThuKsday (IC) be- came operatno liom lite beginning ol tbis month T eo toi casual studio broadcasts, has been incicased b> $2 to $10 and paMUonl Xoi rclav.s tiom thea ties conteils and so on is fixed at Si v\lu(.h is double the present rate bui in line with the oiler made b\ the BBC ■ Arbitration' tiibunai;. recoinraGncl- ed negotiations between the two paities to end the present ban ot lecoided mu.sical repeats and also lecommcnded that the picsent agreement lestucting disk time to 26 houis diopping to 22 houib a week in 1949 should be uppcd to 28 to 3,1 houis a week BMl ^-^S)^ HIT TViSES FOR JANUARY AM I ALL OF YOUR FUTURE (fremarO : Ted MdrtinvOetuxe IVSa • The Caboo«ert^A»tor 503 Harmonica Genflemen—Castle 1455 • Alan Foster—Regent 138. BEHAVIN' lyiYSELF FOR YOU (Bea«n) Maxine Sullivan-M9M 10343 RETAIL SHEET BEST SELLERS P^niETY Survey of retail sheet tnustc . saleSi baaed on reports obtained fiom leading stoics in 11 cities and showing comparative s(Aea rating for this and last week. .. National KuliiiK This Last ■wk. Hk. Week Ending DEC. 25 Title and Piiblishcir O § i I- 3 1-0, "Buttons and Bows" (Famous) . "Slow Boat to China" (MeTrose) 2 :i 2 2 2 1 1 1 107 ■ Ci ■ ■■«).' . a- 3 "My Darling, My Darling" (Morris) 90 BOUQUET OF ROSES : Dick,: HaymoS—Dec, "14506 .f Riex Turner—Varsity 8001 CITY CALLED HEAVEN Una Ma« Carlisle—Bluebird 11271 Shep Fields-Bluebinl 1)255 Let'BrctWn^Okeh 6367 • (Hill & Range) ' Eddy Arnold-Vic. Jackie Brown Quartel- 20-2806 MGM 10336 (Warren) • Will Bradley-Col; 36297 • ' Cleii Cray—Dec. 69838 Barry Wood-Vic 27589 endb .Jan 31 Singei la ankling the liiVlie label alter several disagree- ments with Exclusive prexy Leon . Rene over his publicilv. I Understood balladeer has etched I all sides contracted lor under Ins i present pact and now has nothing i to do but sit? tiglvt and await the IJani 31 expiration date. . ■1 (Mellin) ' Fred Gray—Apollo 1132 : Jack lathrop-Vic. 20-3119 • Jack Smith-Cap, IS280 Metrotene 3014 CORNBELT SYMPHONY Cyril Stapleton-^Loil. 282 .* Nev Simsns^MGM 10257 • . Bob Stewart-^Mero 746^ Jack Emerson- CUANTO LE GUSTA (Peer) . Andrews Sisters-Curmen' Miranda—Dec. 24479 ■ Eve Young-Vic, 20-3077 • Xavier Cugat-Col 38239 Jack Smith—Cap. 15280 f Barbara Brown—Varsity 116 DAINTY BRENDA LEE (U") Eddy Howard-Mer. 5208 • Jack tajhrbp-Vic: 20-3119 Jack Smith-Cap. 15328 • Don Churchill-Trilon 206 . . . Peter linrf Hayes—Dec: 24519 • Eastman Trio—Trilon 188 ■ Jerry.,■Wayne—Col.*-'■ I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IT HURTS (^A.lody une) Mills Brather(«-Dec. 24550 • Shorty long-^Dec-- 46139 . Reggie Goff^Un. 312 • Jiininy: Wakely—Cap. 15243 Frontiersmen—V>c. 20-3188 • Floyd Tillman—Col. 20430 I WISH SOMEBODY CARED ENOUGH TO CRY (London) Frank Gallagher—Dana 2033 • Eddy Howard—Mer..* Roy Dorey-Gold Medal* ; ■ IN MY DREAMS (Wizeio Vaughn /Monroe—Vic, 20-3133 Ella Fittgerald-Dec 24529 Reggie Coff—Lon. 368 . ■ IT'S A BIG WIDE WONDERFUL WORLD (bmd Buddy Clork-Col. 38370 • Nancy ^Noland-lnt. 132 LONESOME '(Republic),' ., Sammy Kaye— Vic. '20-3025 '. . ONE HAS MY NAME (Peer) Bob Eberly-Dec 24492 • Jimmy Wakely-Cap 15162 Eddie Dean-Crystal 132 • Texas Jim Lowis-Excl 45 Slim Duncan-Col 20491 • Red Perkins-Deluxe 5047 Tommy Clayton—Van 8009 RENDEZVOUS WITH A ROSE (Jay-oee) Buddy Clark-Col. 38314 • Bob Eberly-Dec 24491 Pepper Nealy-Bullct 1054 • Pied Pipers-Cap 15216 Don Rodney-MGM 1Q3J2 • Oick Wong-D40 45-1903 Snooky lanson-Merc 5188 • Fred Grciy-ApoMo 1131 Bob Stewarl-Me-Ro 7469 • We.tonmns-Sig 1042 Bobby Worth-Casllo 1258 • Walt.. Scheff-Spiro 3002 SUNDAY IN OLD SANTA FE (Pemora) Xpvier Cugat-CoI 33327 • Jose Morond-Vie, 26-9034 Andy Russell-Cap 15158 YOU WERE ONLY FOOLIN' (Barfon-Shapiro-Bernstein) Blue Barron-MGM 10185 • ink Spots-Dec 24507 Kay Starr-Cap 15226 • Enc Whitley-Groen Sisters-Col, 38323 Varsity Orcheslro-Varsil^ 122 ^ ' YOU, YOU, YOU ARE TflE ONE (Campbell) Johnny Eager-Grand 25010 • Ames Brothers-Coral 600115' . Jockie Brown Quortet-MGM 10336 'Varsity Orchestro—Varsity 120 , .v., ,..,,",;"'.''.:.'!Saon:To''"Be'R«l'««l*^'' COL. WOOS JEFFRIES AS EXaUSIVE DEAL WINDS Hollywood, Dec 28 Deal IS in the works for Herb Jcflrie.s to switch to' Columbia whtn Ins Exclusive Records deal ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I Songs with Largest Radio Audience The lop 30 songs of the week, based on the copyrighted Audi- eiicc Coverage Index Survey of Popular Mv,sic Broadcast Over Rad>o Networks Published by the Oftice of Researc}!., Inc., Dr.. Joh.n G. PecJman. Director. • - Survey Week of December 17-2?, 1948 A Blue bud Singing In IMj Heait Advanced A Little Bud Told Me Bourne Bouquel ol Roses Hijl & Rang* Biu->h Those Teais T'"loni Youi Eyes Ijceds Buttons and Bows— "Pale Face" ,.. Famous Bn the Wd\—."When Mj Baby Smiles at Me" .. BVC Coinbelt Symphony ... Mellin Cuanto Le Gus,ta—I "Date With Judy" . ... Southein Down Among the Sheltering Palms Miller roi You Witinark Hdu Ot Gold Robert Ifeie Comes Santa Claus Western Heie I II Stay—'"Love Life" Chappell Hold We • . Robbins I Got Luck\ In the Rain— '•"\s, the Guls Go" Fox 1 Love You So Much It Huut, ... Melody Lane It We Can t Be tlie Same Old Sueethcails Feisl In the Maiket Place ol Old Monterey Shapiio-B 1 vc Got Mv Love To Keep Me Warm Herlin Lavendei Blue—."So Deal To My Heart" Santly-Joy LittJe Jack .Frost' Get Lost Maybe You'll Be There M} Dailing, My Darling—'"Where's Cliarley My Own Tiue Lo\e . . My Two Kiont Teeth On a Slow Boat to China Powdei Your Face With Sunshine , Say It Isn't So .... Say Something Sweet To Your Sweetheait Mills Taia 'lalara Tala ' Oxtovd That Certain Partv Bouine ^^,"'^'1 . ' Dorsey Bros You Weie Only Fooling Shapiro-B . Spitzer , Triangle .Morns Paramount .[Witmark: ; , Melrose .Loiribardo .Berlin The icmaimny 2'i son<?s of the lueek, based on the copyrighted Audience Cove--age Index Survey of Populai Mi/stc Broadcast Orel Radio Netwofki, PubhsJicd by the Office of Research, Inc., D) ,/o)in G PcalDiaii, Diiecto? ■ Aijain ''.y;::-:::,.::\/.:-:.i ■:.; ,./.[ BoJidvin Myself For You . ; Bella Bella Marie—-i'Melodv Man" C Jtv Called Ileav-en ;,, 1 di \waj Places . . .',. Gahvi.y Bay .......;.,;,'(,..',„^-v'\.'.-V .''V' I \\is'i S>mebod\ Cued Cnough To , It's Too Soon To Know . , :. . . ., , . It s W lui(( ha Do W ith Whatcha Got .' ,,,Liiieit(^'';.,-\.:,i':;,;;'v,;,:'.-,^ .■,v:',;'.,;,vv..'v.v^'.'vv-.!' Monci Song ' Night Has Thousand Eyes—i^'Night Has Eyes"' One Has Mj N.ime One Sund,i\ Afternoon--i"One Sun AKeinooii Poitidit ol .Jennie Pielt' Bdb\ , _ / '_" ■ ' So In Love , ' - \ ,, ,,.,,..'''' " ' '" 'loo Much Love Whai Did r Do—"When Mj" Baby'smiles'-;!!!..'.. Tuangls \Z walk By '^^'"P^'^" You're All I Want For Christmas'!!!!!!!!! I!!! I!!", Po^r * Legit Musical, t Filmitslcal. « < i . . . .. ., :,. liobbins . ........ . , : Beacon 1 eeds BMl Laurel ,. Leeds' Ci \ London Moiris Santl\-Joy . .,.,, ^.....,; .lellenson Crawford Paramount Southern ' Rem'fck ■.■ ,, .Warnovy Rehiick T. B. Harms Ilarins Handles Decca Subsid Philadelphia, Dec 28 Elliott Wexler. co-ow ner ot the Kayler Distributing Co., wliicli han- dles London, MusicraiI, Dana and' Bullet records here, has taken on. two new assignments. Wexler, with his partner Sam. Katclieir, has set up the Winthrop Distributing Co. to handle Coral ROLoids, a subsidiaiy ot Docta. J Wexler has also, resumed ins for- I mer post as manager ot 'Benny Goodman's newly restored bandi Cap Signs Torme Hollywood, Dec 38 Mel Tonne, currently - p(-r.sonal- izing in the east, lepoits heie J,m, 10 to etch his sides under a new thiee-year exclusive pact with Capitol Records. Singer secured his release from Musicraft several weeks ago when the waxery failed to pay $18^000. due Torme in royalties. I A DREAM OF A LULLAIY TARRA TA-LARRA TA-LAR OXFORD MUSIC CORP. 1619 Bronilwdy , Mew V«A 1 SAY SOMET^ SWEET TO SWEETHEART UR ^^Wviiii iiir.niilThtl) -WL- MILLS MUSIC, INC 1619EltOJ[J*j, H - I ■ • ' ' It'saDilly! LAVENDER BLUE Sa, t^9 I (Dilly Dilly) ntly-Jey, Ine* Broadwdy; Mew Tort, BROADCAST MUSIC INC. * 580 FIFTH AVENUe ■ ■ NEW YORK 1 P. N. Y. ' NEW YORK . "CHICAGO . HOLLYWOOD