Variety (Mar 1949)

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y,.i« ^v. March 30, 1949 43 NX Brass Rail Op Dickers For Click, PhiHy iTrsnk Palumbo's Click, Philadel- w. is reportedly slated to change Sinds with William Levine, owner Brfss Rail. N. Y taking -- Sale price has not been dis- t^;<l It is understood that spot ^ilf continue its policy of name ""pnr a variety of reasons and pri- marilv because of his many local Sacts, Palumbo may be asso- rted with the new owners tem- porarily in management of the ^Palumbo is interested in a half- dozen Philly niteries and the Click ?. a full-time operation In itself. Cafe man is also co-manager of ffiwefght champ Ike Williams, if, a Mercury-Ford automobile agency, and is mixed up in other '"Thefransfer of the Click to out- side ownership will cause wide in- terest there. Actual cost of the Giiek, and the tremendous outlay ■ diirflielt$ early stages of operation wui ttrobably never be computed. Just as rough idea, the outside tfasher sign cost $ 50,000. FRANKFURT OFF LIMITS EDICT HURTS NITERIES Frankfurt, March 22 Anti-Hat Check Bill Dies in Assembly , Albany, March 29, The Assembly Ways atid Means Committee voted to kill the Moritt bill, which would have permitted municipalities to levy a tax of 50% on rentals and income 'from hat checking concessions. The measure, sponsored by Senator Fred G. BLACKSTONE'S ILLNESS CANCELS VAUDE TOUR Atlanta. March 29. Harry Blackstone, 82-yeaivold magician, was hospitalized here Thursday (24), interrupting en- gagement at Tower theatre, where he opened Monday (21) for six-day date. He became ill a short time before curtain, and took refuge in terests. Moritt, Brooklyn Democrat and his own personal oxygen tent, one-time professional singer, had i which he carries with him for use passed the Upper House by a vote in emergencies. As show time ■ Moviii introduced a neared he insisted that he would similar bill last year. , ' be able to go through with his act. Bill was strongly opposed by but couldn't muster the strength legitimate theatre in- to go on. He was taken to Craw- ford W. Long hospital, where he was put in oxygen tent. * ' His c0ndltioii: Friday was report- ed as "fine," but venerable jder-. former's condition worsened and Showings at Toy^^er Were cancelled, management rettirnihg sonie $7i00b in advance s^les, and isubsequeiitly entire tour was cancelled, per- formers paid off and show closed. AGVA Has 116 Nominees for 50 Del^ate Posts to Chi Convention American Guild of Variety Art- I'Phil Irving, .Ton Nichols, Georgie ists will elect 50 delegates to its Price, Virginia Richmond, M^r- convention slated for Chicago shall Rogers, Lou Saxon and Joe early in June. So far 116 nomina- j Smith. tions have been made at various | Philadelphia's candidates for branch meetings throughout the j two delegates are Joe Cainpo, Tan> country and others are expected to be nominated by petition. Each branch gets one delegate for every 200 members. ya Garth, Bill Layne, Harry Lewis, Tom Osborne. Pittsburgh will name a pair from among Lois Donn, James Flan, Eva Herbert, Loews Spot Vaude Spirals Grosses Results of the shows in houses recently opened to vaude by the Loew circuit have been suf- ficiently encouraging to warrant expan.sion. .Latest Loew house to get stageshows will be the State, Syracuse, which is set to start a, full week spot vaude policy July 25 with the Ink Spots. Theatre may tee off earlier- if suitable headliners are available. Largest number will come from ' Joe Kury and Francisco Seriano. New York, which is entitled to 10 Portland (Ore.), chooses between delegates. Chicago and Los An- , Rusty Colman and Mary Safford geles are each entitled to six. 1 Providence gets one with Dick Several cities entitled to a single 1 Martin and Bob Dwyer as candir delegate have nwninatcd only one i "ales. St. Louis also earmarked candidate. Ellianore Ireland, Bal- timore; Bill Ogden, Columbus; Phil Britb, Newark and Benny Upton, Reading, are the candidates from those towns. Boston^ entitled to two reps, has nominated Fred Becki Benny Drohan, Jack Ed- wards, Fred Hall, Billy Kelly, Geoff Rblandi Buffaloi also with two, will pick from Robert Logan, Sid torraine. Art McCoU, Hal Mar- quette, Violet Murray, Lenny Paige, Rod' Reddick and Claire House. N.Y.RoxyCbrus Wins Pay Hike 7 Roxy tleatre, N. Y., and the t Chicago with .six to be elected ^ American Guild of Variety Artists i will ballot among Dave Arman, j Dennis Day for a series of vaudates came to an agreement last week | Billy Carr, Ray Conlin, Jr., Ray i during summer Ixiatus from radio for a single rep will choose from Stormy Dale, Ernest Heldman and Bobbie Kelly. San Francisco, entitled to two, ballots between Will Aubrey, Larry Ching, Bob Evans, Steve Shepaid and Ben Young. GAC PACTS DENNIS DAY FOR VAUDATES AT 25G,% Hollywood, March 29; General Artists Corp. has inked Loew execs are satisfied with . . - ^ , „ ; „ « « results where policy h&s been new minirauras for chorus. Most Conlin; Sr., Jack Gwynne, Bee Ha^ tested In Cleveland Frankie, o^^^amed »an increase up to $10 ven. Hap Hazard, Frances Kaye^ Laine 'pulled the highest gross in I weekly. New scale retroactive to Harry King, Lee Norman, Violet years around $29 000 despite one I ^^''^ ^' ^^^^^ Roxyettes to get Strandz, Joe Wallace and Charles of th^ severest bliKards.' Roches-'« s'""^""/ S^.^^ry of $55, a $10 iff-! Weaver. Cincy will select its I ter results have also been gratify-, "'^l??- ^'jf r"on"is wages rise, smgle representative from Cliff ' ■ ■ ' I to $62.50 and further increase to I Earl, Lester Lake, and Wally Lane. $67.50 m a year and $72.50 after Cleveland also getting a single two years, delegate has nominated Jimmy' Singers get $70 to start and $75 Ague, Bob JEUsworth,; John J. , Gar- German nightclubs in the mg. ..^^ ^ . Frankfurt area «ot « slapdown So far grosses uith vaude have when U. S. Military Govt, declared i 'f."^ »oove caxes on siraignt toe clubs off limits to American | P« PoIicy^ and Allied personnel. Many night- j Si^X "^^t^ \ MARKHAM TO HEAD S^J^'^^^S^^^^t' COAST-VAUDE UNITS JEIA (Joint Export-Import; VVrttJl f/lUl/Li umiu Agency), however, is contemplating j Lo.s Angelej?, . March 29* licensing its own German night-J , Million Dollar .Theatre,^^ local ct^ibs for Americans and Allies, vaudefilmer, launches a series of Where marks bought with dollars can be used. So many; German in two years, while ice-skaters have a scale calling for a $75 min- imum. Latter minimum classifica- tion is academic since the scale of most rink performers runs from $80 to $110 the theatre $80,000 annually In additibhj rehearsals are lim- , , , T.. 1 ited to 25 hours on each produc- stageshow units built around Pig tion instead of previous. 10 hours T^.A '^^^i*^ Maikham April 5 to tide it- ^^gkly. They'll also get a week clubs have applied for JEIA : self over the scarcity of name licenses, that it will ,be forced ■ talent. House op Sherrill Corwin to limit th« number.' leHeclt-d a deal \\itli the Apollo, ———-.1- u.^; _ ! N.Y.. vaude liouse, to borrow the ni r*i IJ M t*i" ! colored comic. Alia MlZgerald, InflCnitO l Horace Henderson band, two ! acts and a line of girls will be Set for Bod CitV Preem Markhamplayed stock vaude - -■ .f:—-: ■..<.„' dina,. George Gould; Norma LeCv AI Sterling and Pat Webstdi'. Dallas chooses: between- Whitey Carson arid Hugh O'Neal. Denyer will eliminate- Al Sharpe or Lester Harding. Detroit picks two from It's estimated increase will cost j Lloyd Connelly, Al Mack, Margie Mansell, Dale Rhodes, Al Tucker, Russ Wright and Dave Young. Kansas City polls one from Walter Graihatn, Harry Otto and Sam Salz- mah. - Loii Angeles .will • s^elefit :six frptii St roster/. 'cbmprisiHg;:^^--J^ Aptijrir (not the oftlm star), Kay Bailey, Danny^ Beplc, Ginger Bris- ton, Clau^lette; Carver, Maxine Gates, Tiny Keliy, Harry MendOziS assignments on his own airer and the Jack Benny show. It's a package deal wherein Day will head a unit, to be built around him* at reportedly $25,000 plus per- centage, with the singer paying the supporting acts. GAC is currently lining up dates, skedded to tee off around - July 1. It will be Day's first theatre stint since .1941 and tour is planned for eight weeks in key cities. -rhere years, ago when JJarrjL Poj?_ Ella Fitzgerald and Machito's' kin ran Negro stageshows at the band are slated to open at new ' £,j[iicolh. Bop City, N. Y. (formerly the i - Harero), in April when Ralph Wat- \ kins^ currently operating the near- Jally Rand FattS Out off every- five weeks instead of six as formerly. Deal has been in the works for (wo months and was initiated when several choristers asked AGVA to negotiate' pay hikes. AGVA or- ganizer Vic Connors handled nego- tiations for the union. Morris Agency to Rep Argentine Magician Argentine magician Richlardi, Jr„ who recently pulled a $40,000 gross at the Puerto Rico theatre, N. Y., has been signed by the Wil-' liam Morris agency on condition that he eliminate one trick which upset the femmes in the audience. Magico!s sawing a woman in half illusion was too realistic.v He'll elimina+e it under new Morris Jack 'MuThal'l. , Joe Peterson, Ruth ' P^ct. Phillips and. George West. Miami chooses one from Alan Gale, Ra.1ah Raboid and Buddy- Walker. Montreal has a choice be- by Royal Roost, takes over. Mean while, Watkins may drop bop pol icy at the "Roost for a girly show format along lines of the old Cot- ton Club. Bop City has also pacted Dizzy the Roxy theatre, N.Y., sometiine in May. lined up. ; Haymes is playing the Roxy oh a guarantee, but other stands will Sall.v- Rand bowed out of the i be on guarantee and percentage. Clique, N: Y„ last week following Of N. Y. Clique Show Haymes Set for N.Y. Roxy Dick Haymes has been set for ' tween Bob Goodier and Jimmy Moore. New Orleans. will n/ime ofhrr"''rtstp'«' nrT'bM^ii either Jack Stanley or EaW War- Other dates are. beir\S^^_ ^^^^ York'STo^terlrom which riii.;«;„." T," "■ ■' a siege of bad business. Show Vai Sfnr ^'"m t""*^. that came in with her continues vaughan for a mid-June date. , dancer Faith Arlen stepping Into Miss Rand's spot. Fan dancer opened to poor busi- ness and since she vvas ih- on a percentage deal wasn't too happy about the booking, Parting., was Barry Sisters set for the Chcs I Paree, April 1. Cantor . Cancels Chi Date Chicago, March 29. Due to Coast commitments, Ed- die Cantor had to cancel vaudate at Chicago theatre, April"*15, al-. though promising to play house in JUne. : Desi Arnaz, who was set to follow comedian, moves up to: fill the breach. Frances Langford and Jon Hall 10 will be selected consists of Jerry Baker, Ben Beyer, Jackie Bright, Charlie Banks, Margie Coate, Chick Dairow, Paul Draper, I are set for May 13. Henry Dunn, Bob Fitzgerald, Irv-I --.—^ ■ ■ ■ ing Grossman, Marshall Haley, Harry Kichman set for Fairmont Jimmy Hollywood, Lena Home, Hotel, San Francisco, May 10. Chi College Inn's Boff 27G With Cole Porter Salute Chicago, March 29. - , ■ College -Inn of Sherman hotel by mutual agreement,-Clique op-i set a new record last week eiators " releasing her -from con- JJIjth. take of $27,000, while mqst j tract. uii bistros were experiencing one 1 ' = i 01 tiie worst weeks in years. , C II ! Current revue, "Salute to Cole OardnaC LaRe I May ol- iun?''** ' ""PP^ 8'^"^''^ ' I Saranac, N. Y., March 29. | Gil 1 imh i^i IZ TTT" ^- ■ Local Oratorio Society, under cinnati Tnrii i2 *n ^^^"^ P'"" direction of Louis Kains, has | alsron same hnt " i volunteered Joi- the Interdenomi-1 NICK LUCAS Currently «EM MURRAY'S BLACKOUTS Hollywood ^rompoliningly Youn Paul & Paulette Trio Currently pltylni SPORT-SHOWS In Cililornli national Rally. 'I I Among tho sliowfolks who are i I showing Improvement at the Ra.V'] ' brook, N. Y. sanatorium are i Princess E\da Benedict, Isabelle, , Rook, J'atricia Mitchell and Charlie Dowe, all former members of the colony. ^, „ Benny Resslor off to N. Y. C. and ^ .Montrcsil to line up talent for the coming Vl'WV. convention, to be; held Ivert' this summer. ; Kiigcme Hveil all agog over vi.sil I'roni Maud Hilton and W. Val ' Eddy ol N. Y. C. Inez Dolores Liverpool, ex- Rogcnte recently had a checkup ' by her Boslon medico, who has ordered another routine rest. Albert Hagdoi'.sanian, colon> . nK-iiiboi- iind radio announcer al WNBZ oft' lo Phoonix, Arizona for ; a month's vai-ash. "Tlarry- T5?lTpl'oot) Clillon, vcl- minstrelnian. drew an all-clear lioin the Onondaga sanatorium. .Syracuse, N. Y. , Ruth Wood reocntly took the Fienic oporntion and resting o.k. ; write to wha. are ill. ^99 COHAN, an w wabarm rHimrn I l^'ddy llownrd OrrU into the Cap- ^ W ABA8H. CHICAGO \ , thcatic, iN.Y., May 19, YOU ARE NOW FACE TO FACE WITH FRANK LIBUSE HEADIHO LOU WALTERS FOLIES PARISIENNE LATIN QUARTER NEW YORK-CITY 8TH WEEK P. S.; HELD OVER 4 MORjE WEEKS - ..min MARGOT BRANDER AND ALORQSSMAII