Variety (Apr 1949)

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VARIETY BILLS WEEK OF APRIL 27 Nuni«ral» to cDnnerttan nritli Mlla below tiidlcate ap'enlnr dnr of ilioir whetlier full or Biilft week LrthT In r>n>'<-ntlit'f><>H liulU'iilea clrciilt: (I) ln(l«l>eiiilent; (li) Loewf <M> WO))* (!•) i'urnmount; (It) ItKO: (S) Stiill; (W) Wanieri (WB) WaUer Re«ido . Bob Grant Oro Panchlto Ore VIIUo Barn Red InKia Ore Karen Tedder Masked Marvel l>Iystroin 3 . Plut* Pete Allen & Noble yniasa Vailfluani Josh Whlta Roger Frica. Marian Bruca C Williams _ Cyril Haines S Waldorf-Att«rM . Morton Downey ^ Eddy Du«Mn Ore . Misclw Borr Om CHICAGO New York City Caoltol <L) 21 Enric, Madriuiiera : Donald Kich.-irds Fred Sanborn Sibyl . Bowan - Lane & Claire Music Hall (I) II PaulHaakon'' Salici Puppets Harrison & Klsher Gloria Lane'.' . ' Jolin Scliickling Bockettes Corps de Ballet ; Sym Ore 'Paramount.-.(P> 27 - ' Duke Ellington O 'i.. -Ore"' ■ Billy Eck^tine Howell' & Bowser Peck & Peck Roxy (l) 2* '. Vivian ,Blaine. . lieo. de Ijyon ■ McCarthy & Farrell Rookies Joan Hyldoft : Strand (W) 2» '. Lionel 'Hampton O Red. & Curley.~ ' Mantan More land Kitty .Murray Amstardam . Riaito (I) 2«^10 ': Gold Tonv Staiis: McMann 3 Shii'ley La Valle Milt Douglas Co' 3 Reddingtons AUBURN Auburn (1) 2S-3» Adamson Duo : Musical Johnsons ..Tune Tattlers O'Neill & Cathy Gaudsnklth Bros BALTIMORE Royal (I) 29 Cab Calloway Co Tracey McCleary O Jackie Mabley Clark Bros Peggy Tomas The. Latino.s. BUFFALO Hippodrome (P) 10-3 King Cole 3 Lloyd i Willis Sonny Sparks . Jack LaRue ' CAMDEN Stanley (W) 1 only Phil Spitalny Ore CHICAGO . Chicago (P) 27 . Victor ' Borge '. Janet Blair Blackburn Twins Rudells Oriental (I) 21 Dick Contino Richard Melavi 3 Peppereltes: Harold Peck Tommy Check : Mystery H . Melster & Kreig Glen Pigott Don Mclilvanie . Ben Aval one CORTLANDT State (I) 21-10 Tselaks , ' Miss Adnenne : Morey tc Eaton Neal Stanley - 1 to fill CUMBERLAND Strand (I) 27-2t Glenn Henry 2 Nivelles ' Al Norman Plutocrats CENEVA (»eneva (1) 2>-30 Val Eddy Kay & Aldrich 1 Chprds Henry J Kelly Beehe's Bears CLOVERSVILIE Glove (I) 28-30 Hollidays Watts Sc Newman Anthony tt Rogers Neal Stanley Dolinoft & Raya ,. - Sis • Holyoka Valley Arena (I) I . Frank Marlowe ' E Lawrence Ore Tune Tattlers Jacky Bright: Watts )k Newman dOLIET RIalfo (P) 4 only . I»Bsi Arnaz Bd '/Pat Henning . Vic & Adio KINGSTON Broadway (WR) 19-30 B Sc C Robinson Al Stevens Janie Stevens The .Graziano Bros Bedell & Matson LEXINGTON Beil All (I) 21-30 Bud Carlell & nosa Gloria French Keaton & Armfleld 3 Radio Ramblers: 1 to ail LOCKPORT ; Palace (I) 2(*30 2 Hearts Betty Hampden . Fielder & Harriett Buddy Ebsen . Arleys LONG BRANCH PARAMOUNT (WR) 3 only . Jordan : & Parvis Anthony. .& Rogers Al Norrrian Watts & Newman ' Jan Risko ' . MIAMI Olympla (P)- 27 Pritchard &: Lord: Keye: Luke Lewis & Ames ' Mandrake Magic -' Show ONEONTA . Oneonta. (I) lt-21 J & S Taylor ■ Lane's Birds' . Pat Rooncy Jr Wilfred Mae 3 I to fill PERTH AMBOY Maiestic (WR) 27 only B & C Rol>inson Al Stevens Janie Stevens..: The Graziano Bros . ' .. Bedell & Matson PHILADELPHIA Earle (W) 29 Phil Spitalny Ore PLAINPEILD Oxford (WR) 2 only Jordan. & Parvis Anthony & Rogers Al Norman Watts ■& Newman Jan Risko ROCKFORD Palace (I) 29-1 "Hello Broadway* Bob Evans Wesley Whltehouse Vic & Adio Ruth Nicols International Duo SARATOGA SPRINGS Congress: (WR) 1 only B ' & C Robinson Al Stevens Janie Stevens The. Graziano Bros Bedell tt Matson SOUTH BEND Palac* (P> 2 only Desi Arnaz Bd Pat Henning ' ' Vic & Adio ^ SPRINGFIELD Orpheum (P) 3 only Desi Arnaz: Bd ' Pat Henning ' Vic & Adio WASHINGTtXN Capitol :<L) Tt 3 Suns Marilyn Maxwell Mischa Auer Howard (t) 29 Chubby Jackson' ' Ore ■ ■•.', Vi Burnslde 5 Buck & Bubbles Johnny Hndgins Co Herb Lance Coco Steve ^ Eddy WATERTQWN Avon (I) 28-30 Qlinlans Sliver Rhythm C Fredericks Co Barney Grant 3 Edwards Bros CANADA EAST HAMPTON Granada (I)-2S Schaller Bros .' '^ . Barney Powell '. Babs Dudley Banda & Vickt MONTREAL Gaiety (n i Peaches: Tommy King Neal Stenley Tselaks Miss Adrienne Siegrist & Isabel Keaton & Armficld 4 Spins - Empire (M) 2S G H Elliott Gertie Gitana Ella Shields Lily Morris Randolph Sutton . Talbot O'Farrell Billy Danvers Struthard Sereno & Joy LINCOLN Royal (I) 25 Cycling'; Astons Bob .Kerns - Mary Lou Tony Walsh 3 Lennox. LONDON Palladium (M) 2S 'Danny:. Kaye' . Ted Ray . ' Andrea Dancers Dunhills: 3 .Choeolatcers : ttcbbie Kimber Doriithv Cray Co Skvrockets Ore : MANCHESTER Hippodrome (S) 'George , Formby 7 Ashtons . Arthur Worsley Jose Moreno Pockord tc Doyle LeM Clifford & : , Freda Kr."7.y Komedv Kirks 3 Adairs Newcastle Empire (M) 2S .:Len Stweart Sfiiela HamUton Maurice Barlow : . 4 Eskimos Fred Brezln Rene: Strange Wondrous . Mariorie ' Chase . NORWICH: I Hippodrome (1) I Phyllis Dixey ■ I Jack Tracey David Musikant Varga Models Eric Marsh Stetson & Pat Ed Porelle . Aston'.Shires Sc Clayton 75 Agua-Revuette Tarzan Jr Hazell Frogmen Australian Air . Aces ' ., Charih Indra . Allen Bros &: June Piet Van Brechls Elizabeth ■& Collins Gerry Leader :■ .■ ■ PORTSMOUTH : Royal (M) 25 Allan Jones Irene Hervey Eddy Bayes : Sirdanl Rosinas ' ' ■ Stevano R & M Lamar SCUNTHORPE Savoy (I) 2S : Syd ; Seymour Bd: Constance Evans ' Curtis &. Lavole Barbara Leigh . David Williams ' Adelc . I Speedacs I Madliattcrs Bd I Danny Grav, ' Seymour I..ovlies: ' SHEFFIELD Empire: (M) 25: Larry Adler ' Max Wall' Tommy Jover ' Raf Pat & Julian Bill Waddingtott y/iQ Angels:: : 7 Volants i Curzon 3 ■: SUNDERLAND Empire (M) 25 S &: M Harrison Bob Gray Patricia Ic Colin : 3: Imps Pamela Austin Shiela Dalv Josef; Locke Singers WOOD GREEN , Empire (S) 25 Donald Peers Russell Swan Cycling Brockways Frank Preston Johnson Clark ' Blackhawk Al Trace Ore Bob Vincent Jackie Van Red Maddock Dave DeVore Lee Pines Hotel Bismarck. Gypsy Markoft' Joe Isbell .'. J Brewer. .Ore. Helslngi Al Morgan. Evelyn Terry Lenny Colyer Frnnkie Hyle Billy. Chandler Ore H Edgewattr Beach Henry Brandon Ore Marianne: Fedele.: Preston Lambert D Hild Dancers (6) George Tapps : The Carltons (2) Chex Paree Joe: E.. Lewis' : Geneve Dorn Barry Sis ; Blair & Dean Chez Paree Adorables J Rodriquez: Ore C Davidson O (tl> Sherman Hotel Margaret Gibson Gloria Van Harry Hall Kirby Hawka Ed Prentiss Bill Snyder Oro Charles Tate Hotel Stevens "Skating Circus" Betty Atkinson Charles Hain Wonder Wheelers Bi'inckmann Sis.. Skating Blvdeari' Charles & LucUle Jack Raftloer Jerry Mapcs a Jfe B Du Bay Gloria Bondy Buddy Rust Palmar House Barclay Allen O Dorothy Shay M Abbott Dcrs (lOi Blackstone Peter Lind Hayes Mary Healy D. La Salle Ore (12) Vine Gardens Lind Bros (3) .Ada Lynne Ruth Day Mel Cole Or(! Pancho Ore Silver Frolics Marie ;Lawler Jimmy Ames Frolic Lovelies (4) lliid Prentice Ore House Reviews Paramount, N. Y. . Duke Ellington Orch with Kay Davis; Billy Eckstine, Howell V Bcnvser, Peck & PccJc; "XJnderconier Man" (Gol), reuiewerf in Variety March 23, '49. New Acts Andrieva Dancers 'i Inger NOTTINGHAM \ Beryl Rcid Empire (M) 25 ' Musical Elliotts Cabaret Bills HEW YORK CITY BRITAIN 25 ASTON Hippodrome (I) ' Jimmy. Mack: . Francis Whitmer 3 Loonies George Alex Peggy Ann Taylor Spangled: Beauties ' Raymdnd Barry Terry's Juveniles BIRMINGHAM Hippodrome (M) 15 Hex & Bessie: -Julie Andrews .Ted Andrews ic Barbara Bemand's Pigeons Roger Ray Reginald Dixon Suzette Tarn .3 Massettys Joy Nichols. BOSCOMBC Hippodrome (I) 25 Joe . Stein : Max Carole Bonnie Stewart Fred Sloan . Jackie Farr Vicki Raymond Kenneth Allen Archie Usher Cyrus : BRADFORD : Alhambra (M) 25 'CAica Marx Gold & COfdell Bert Copley Dick Henderson Jr U'.-lda Baker Cook's Pomes Fi'i»da Wvn Alun Kay & Gloria BRISTOL . Cvkpire (D 23 . j Du Barry Lovlies Len Martell Wally Wood Lupe: & :Velez George Williams Dutch "Serenade i-s EDINBURGH Empore (M) 25 Jack Raiir-iifta Bert Yost Co Mervyn Saundei-.<t . Jacqueline Djniui Helen Morgan Agnctte-* Sylvia FINSBURY PARK Empire (M) 25 Vic Oliver June Manton Jcanette Hughes Ernie Brooks Elizabeth Gray Maureen O'DcU ' Lionel Smith Les Trayner it: Betty Alan Kay ft Gloria Fred Ijovelle Slovil Sis Bunny Doyle ■\ ictorla T)>e GLASGOW Empire (M) 25 . Fuineoisc Flore Jackie Hunter M.'irquecz: Raymond Girerd Helen Grerar Vivian Et Tassi Troi." De Mille ' .GRIMSBY Palace (I) 25 Albert Grant Renee Becke Fred Hugh LEEDS :'.;'.■. I Bagatelle I Dorothy Ross Day. Dawn A Dusk Jack Prince Jack Corlies Blue Angel Murray & Owen Wally Cox Ellis Larkin 3 Martha Davis Josephine Premice Bop City Machlto Ella Fitzgerald Herb Jeffries Cafe James Pat Harrington: Ha-/el McNulty * - Benny Martini Cafe Society Golden Gate 4 Ronnie Graham Geo Shearing Ore Diamond Horseshoe George Givot Lucienne St Ashour Jack Gansert Billy Banki Chora) Sextet H Sandler Oro Alvarez Mora Juenger Ballet Line Hotel Pierre Eric Thorson Sujata &: Asoka Stanley Melba Ore Ralph Lane Ore Leon t Eddie'* Eddie l>avi8 .Marion ' Powers Tahja Gray . &: Hess Frances White Angle Bond Trio Art Waner Ore Danny Sullivan . Sliepard Line Old Roumanian Sadie Banks Bob Fitzgerald Carmen Montoya Mickey Freeman Joanne Florio - Joe LaPorte Ore D'Aquila Ore Hotel Savoy Plaza, Howard' Hartman Irving'.Conn Ore Hotel Taft : Vincent .Lopez Ore Latin Quarter : Frances. Faye Jerry Lester . ; Florida 3 Tanyi ft Biagi Steilen-MarteU 8 Eltssa Jayne . Ruth Brown: Margot Brander : B Harlow Ore Copacabana . Martin ft Lewis I Vagabonds I Penny Carroll { Jack Cassidy ! M Durso Ore I Alvares Ore Ilaniona Lang China Doll I Kanazawa' Troupe t Jadine ft Jackie I Met Ling ■ Noro Morales Ore Jose Curbello Ore Line (7) - Florence Ahn ' Wong Sisters . Et Chico i Roslta Klos : Oaniirnn ft . Chapuseaux . VTina Ramirez J Los Guarachero« Vizcaino. Ore. I Hotel St Regli i. Julie Wilson . Laszio ft Pepito M Shaw Ore Hotel Roosevelt Lawrence Welk Or Hotel New ' Yorker Nat Brandwynne Ore :"":,'■ Johnny Flannagan Mona McDonald Joan Walden Aileen Graff Elouise Christiana Barbara Frazier Bruce Mapes Jr Dick Price Tony Bavaar Michael Meehan Bill Knapp : Hotel statier Eddy Howard Ore Hotel Plaza Hildegarde Salvatore Gloe : Ore Mark' Monte Ore Payson Re Ore « Nycola Matthey Oi Le Ruban Bietl .. Bibi Osterwald'': : 3 Riffs Kirkwood ft Goodman Kitty (Ji'awford Norman Paris 3 . : Julius Monk Le Coq^ Rouge . I Sara Ann McCabe j Oscar Calvet. Ore Jack Towne Ore I Old Knick I Jerry Bergen I Bobbie Martin : I Evelyn Ward Walter Klavun Nancy Hanks Clara Cedrone Havana-Madrid Carlos Ramirez Raquel ft Rolando Kenneth Buflet Mildred Kay Line Trini iteyes: Sacasas Ore ' Pancho Ore Hotel Belmont-Plaxa Betle Blaclii Rich ft Gibson Kay ft Nardo Eddie Stone Ore Castellanos Ore Hotel Blltmore Phil Waynei Ore Harold Nagel Ore I Hotel Edison Henry Jerome Ore I No I Fifth Ave Fletcher ft Shelly Hildegai-de: : > ' Hallidiiy Bob Downey * Hazel Webster Downey ft Fonvllie Hotel Ambassador Fred Oliver Ore William Adler Ore William ScottI Penthouse Gigi Durston Mark: Sebastian Kurt Maier Riviera Danny Thomas Vic Damone Judd Ijvnne / I .leff Clay ': . 1 Walter Nye Ore ( Lecuona Bovs Ore > Savannah ! Billy Daniels Tcddv Hales I DePaur ft Toulag I Manhattan Paul .' . I Ida James I Ruth Maiion . I Pauline Bryant Shot^e. Davis I Rnsetta I>avi$ Estrelita . . < Lucille Dixnn Ore ' VersailTe* Jean SabJl94 TINY DAVIS ORCH (6) IS Minsi Apollo, X. Y. : Formerly with the all-girl Inter- national Sweethearts of Rhythmj portly Tiny Davis is now fronting her: own all-femme combo com- posed of trumpet) two sax, pianoy bass and drum. < Negro group has room for improvemfent insofar as its instrument mastery is con- cerned. FortunatWy the .basic ap- peal of this. unit lies in. the blues shouting of Miss Davis.'' Leader, who also doubles on the truiripet, has strong pipes which she uses to advantage on such num- bers as "I'm a Big Fat Mama with Meat Shakin' on the Bone." Lyrics on these tunes, while okay for the Apollo, would have to be toned down in more staid situations. At- tired in a drab tan jacket and white skirt when caught, Miss -Davis would help her visual appeal by wearing a snappy gown. A fair novelty group, the orch's appeal appears to be limited to the Negro vaude arid cafe field. Gilb. Duke Ellington's orch, abetted by Billy Eckstine's : plushy croons ing, top the entertaining: and well- paced layout currently at the Para- mount. Addition of comedy and hoofing items round out the pack- age. '■ Although Ellington is the bill's crowd-catcher, the orch doesn't contribute any special kick beyond the superlatively rendered "Creole Love Gall," with Kay Davis doing her off-stage vocalizing. Band opens with a standard medley, fea- turing trumpeter Ray Nance and sax player Johnny Hodges. Mid^ way; crew delivers a couple of numbers that fall below their usual classy style. AVhile Elling- ton's policy of . avoiding the pass- ing musical :fads in favor of studied arrangements and neat instru- mentation : has paid off,: it might also be a fact that this orch is getting islighty stale from :an un- varying musical diet, ': ■ Eckstine Is a smooth performer with a sliding baritone crooning style that sends the bobbysox set into a chorus of squeals. He works easily before the mike, not over- playing- the personality stuff but still projecting as a. distinctive singer. Although. Inclined: to slow ballads, his pace is good and his repertory covers* brace of surefire standard pops.': Howell: and Bowser register sol- idly: on this all-colored bill with their fast mix of vocals and"'com- edy, Their gags range from the sophisticated to the corny, but the lads have worked out a well-timed routine that tickles the payees.. They impress particularly with a hashedrup duo on "It's Delightful." Opening the show. Peck and Peck deliver a fair routine of comedy hoofing topped off by a slow mo- tion boxing match which: is effec- tively done for nice returns. Herm. does their leader with a throatv treatment of "C3lloway Boogie" In closing nlclie is pantomimist Johnny Hudglns. A vet comic h» has an amusing teeoff in a feiKneS skating sequence. He then dons a straw chapeau to ape a floozv out for a stroll. Best of his bits is a finale scene where he mingles with the audience to dig up three gaU and a lone lad for brief terp stintj onstage. .jVs a novelty these stooges clicked strongly. Also reviewed under New Acts are Tiny Davis' band, comedy, dancing team of Alston & Youni and crooner Herb Lance. Gilb. Olympla. miaini Miami, April 23 Little. Jack Little, Coco, Steve b Eddy, Fravk Payne, The Irelands (3), Man/ McClanahan, Frmkie Carlove House Orch: "John Lnnpt Afar?/" <WB). ' There's a mild, albeit .satisfac tory session of vaude on tap this week, with the topliner handling , snot'in solid manners and rest of I the lineup coming through for neat returns. "■,.:. ! Little Jack Little hits with his personality and delivery. His rou- tininffs comprise songs he has been, identified with and garncF full ap. plause. " SupDorting lineup is just that- I The Irelands, with their midget- I dancers idea is. effective, though j not exactly .sock; with the femraej i in trio supplying the palm-rousing I via their subsequent acro-work, I Frank Payne in the emcee spot is I affable enough and soots mimicry { and gab in comedy slot. 1 Coco. Steve and Eddy, with their knockabout dance-comedy, offed to satisfactory returns and Mary Mc- Clanahan. with her drum stint pro- : vides a zingy sesh. Freddie Garlone's house orch I backgrounds okay. Lary. Karle, Pliilly Fottr Skatini] Macks, Peggy Manii. 3 Stooges, Peter Loirre, Frankie Jiiele's House orch; "Siren of Atlavtis" (UA). PEGGY THOMAS Sinffing 9 Mins. Apollo, N. Y. Now on her own as a single after appearing with Louis Jordan, Peggy Thomas is a lively bundle whose: f orte is a hot tune. Negro gal • opens demurely with "S'posin',". then sails into "I Know How to Do It,'' dressing it up with a behop twist. Miss Thomas' talents aren't all confined to her voice. Encased in a strapless gown, she augments her numbers with bumps and grinds that register to perfection with this I house's clientele. Songstress has a I neat flair for turning a note, but i for the better vaude and nitery dates, which she rates; her vLsual routines call for a; more subdued approach. Gilb. . Palomar« Sratllff) April 21. Jerri/ Coe, The Martins (2), Jack McCoy, Frank Radcliffe. The Montynes (2); Ray Watkins House Orch (8); "W/tiitperiiig Smith" (Par) and "ShockprooJ" (Col). ALSTON & YOUNG Comedy-Dancing 9 Mins. Apollo, N. Y. Alston .& Young are a zany Negro: team whose comedy and terping don't quite reap the results it could. As a- opener one does some brief stepping while his mate accomps at a piano. Both then shilt to an exchange o£ mild re- partee. Hoofer also sandwiches in a stipt where he massages two small drums in bongo fashion. Windup is an Impression of Bill Robinson doing a tap routine up and down three steps. Boys' turn is inclined to he too rambling. Tightening up plus punchier material is in order before this duo is ready for better bookings. Gilb. Return of vaude to the P^lomar stage gets a good send'off with a well-i'ounded bill topped by top pantomime of Jack McCoy and the I standout balancing of the Mon- ! tynes. Resumption of vaude in this I Sterling chain flaghouse makes it I the only house in area' running I vaude. I McCoy , handles emcee chores and does a fine job in the trey spot with a: panto bit on two freshr men attending their first dance; which is built up for maximum laughs and applause. Jerry Coe opens with an accordion and danc- ing turn. The Martins do nicely in their ballroom routines. ■ : Frank Radcliffe, a fave here, scores in his song stint, compris- ing "Without a Song," "Danny Boy" and an impresh of the Ink Spots on "If I Didn't Care." The Montynes, in the closing spot, have an outstanding bal- ancing act, put over with show- manly flourish. Man does a sus- I pensetul routine'in building piles , of blocks on stand while he switch- 1 es balance from one hand to the I other, while partner does a bai- I ancing routine on a board plated '.across a cylinder. ! Ray Watkins Orch is okay in I backing the acts, j Fair house at afternoon Show.: .'• .Reed.- ■•- One of the smartest of the tour- ing HoUywoodians. Peter Lorre has a routine that clicks right from the start. The fllm menace stays right in character throughout, holds the customer's attention, and in ■ a darkened and silent house winds up with a shivery monolog of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell- Tale Heart" for solid returns.: Lorre's impact is ■ heightened by direct contrast with the Three Stooges., who precede him. Trio has been delivering the same type , of low, knockabout comedy for two ' decades. Since it seems still good ' for laughs, there's probably no rea- son for changing it. Combination of roughhouse and corn goes: over well. Peggy Mann, who has been vo- calist with half-dozen name bands, registers in her solo: song stint ^ Garners hefty returns on "Some- . body Loves Me." "So In Lovej" and a medley of old faves. In the opening slot are the Four Macks,: three well-stacked girls and male, who offer some rollerskating thrills that are hair-raising. Show has plenty variety and: house was virtually sellout at Saturday mati- nee (23). Goffli. Capllol, Wash. Washington, April 23. , ! Woody Herman Orch (16), Mel iTorme, Mary Ann McCoH, Wefll Stanley; "Bad Men of Tombstone (Mono). • I 'Apollo. Y. , , Cab Cal/oi«a?y & The Cab Jivers I (7), Tiny Davis Orch (6), Peggy Thomas, Alston Sc Young, Herb 'Lance, Johnny Hudgins: "Dyna- I mile" (Pa~). HERB LANCE Singing 8 Mins. Apollo, N. Y. Herb Lance is a broad-shoul- dered Negro warbler whose mel- low baritone won him whistles and shrieks at this Harlem vaude house. He's no stranger to the customer.s since he has a fair rep on record- ings. Lance does two of his platter faves, "I'll Always Be in Love with You" and "Close Your Eyes." For a closer he dusts off "" with good results. His style shows possibilities, but more animation in his delivery would make his song: salesmanship more effective. Gilb. • Although Cab Callowav is the only marquee name to draw the payees, this week's layout emerges as a fairly entertaining package. Minus his usual large crew, the Cab is working here with a smaller combo which he describes as "The ... J'vers." Comprising three rhythm, two brass and two reed, the group gets off a torrid tune as an opener to pave the way for , Calloway's stock vocaling of "Min- i me the Moocher." ; After introing songstress Peggy Thomas (New Acts), Calloway re- turns to polish off "Why Can't You Behave" for solid returns. Mae.stro may not have a big ag- gregation behind him, but his own personal artistry is as surefire as jever. Jivers" also register with ' "Ooh La Fi" and "Easy Time," as It's a bobbysoxers' field day.f^ the Capitol this session, with enough bebop, ■ jazz and crpomng to satisfy even the avid ot town's younger set. Those who come to hear remain to worship- giving ste.dy, audible display ' they're getting their moneys [worth. Despite this, biz is on the disappointing side. . Woody Herman has packaged * fast-moving, varied : show-.into ' J , production that blends well ana I maintains steady pace. Star of J«| I vue is beyond any doubt Mei ITorme. Though he gives impres- I sion of lifting entire show wun i him, and gets major portion oi oohs and ahs, he gets able bacK- 1 ground assistance from the ppyj ;in the band and plenty backing I from masetro Herman, who grace- i fully Steps aside for tlie young crooner. « I Tonne displays a stage presence all his own, and one that may weu be the envy of his seniors. H« blatant youthfulne-ss, casual ati, j and good-humored way of not taii I ing it too seriously, project tnero selves intj the big house. Uoe» I okay with romantic ditties like J Get a Kick Out of You, om I (Continued on page 61)