Variety (Apr 1949)

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62 CHATTER Vcdnet|day, April 27, 1949 London central provinces imd Benfcal from I near 33% to 50% despite press Phil Dunn»ngs celebrated their I trade pro^^^^^^^ ?Oth wedllng anniversary ycster- "^q^ulXn of starting raw'film;'3orVe;idni*ho?se"record: manufacture, suggests setting up jgarpo Marx to Empire. Glasgow. June 13, after whieh he comes to ^ "Oklahoma!" entei's its third The government committee prob- jyear at Drury Lane theatre April London Palladium June 2Q,for two weeks. . Paula Grey, popular stage and radio singer; married in London to theatrical scribe H. C. G, Stevens. . ,' B 0 r r a h Minevitch Harmonica Rascals due at Palladium June 6 for. four weeks, with Moss Empires day (Tufcs.». Joe Laurie, , Jr.,, is a grandpop, J.equig*ite'pUnt1n^^^^ for the iirst tune. Ihis makes it ; „ual production of 30,000,000 feet Joe Laurie, 4th, of fjinj, Arthur Sachson, Goldwyn sales i Oriental Film Corp. completed manager, back this week from 10- shooting picture dealing With In- day tour of south and midwest. dian art of catching elephants. Lo^ Peggy and J. P, McEvoy back cation was in Indian State of My- from an extended European tour sore. Shots are to be linked with with daughters Peggy 9, and Pat, "The River," directed by Renpir. 10 I Indian Parliament passed a law • ■ Leone's restaurant's 43d anni requiring issuance of two certifi- tomorrow (28> with party to be at- cates for fihns censored in India.; tour to follow, tended by sports and theatrical, Certificate A will cover films to Charles L. Tucker flying to New notables be seen only by adults. Certifi- -- - - - - ■ Si (Metro) Seadler fiying to cate U allows unrestrained exhibi- Paris this week to join wife (Dodo), lion. who's already over there with Mrs., M. Lincoln Schuster. Joe Vogel, Loew veepce, named, Knilll*' Amusement Industry chairman for j hwuiv the coming Greater New York i By Helen McGill Tubs ■Fund-raising campaign. ; Anne Stewart-leaves-for Paris Jane Wyman arrives in N. Y. shortly. Sunday (1) prior to sailing for Kng- Ann Todd, actress, having a holl land May 5 to appear in Alfred day in Rome during the strike at A^f^Ij^^ Hitchcock's "Stage Fright." ■ the J. Arthur Rank Studios in omened York June 12 for indefinite stay. While there will line up talent for West End show. Willie Shore sails for America on the SS America May -23, with Howell and Bowser replacing him in "Latin Quarter" May 16. Ethel Smitli, after two weeks at the London Palladium, goes to the Lido, Paris, opening May 3 for one week, after which she returns to "Oranges and Lemons" folds at Josef Gherniavsky back from . London. , . Johannesburg, South Africa, where ; The Gregory Ratoff company off \ the Globe, May 7, to be succeeded he conducted for the premiere of to San Remo on the Italian Riviera by John Gielgud and Pamela "Oklahoma," at His Majesty's. soon to start the Myrna Loy star- Brown starring in "The Lady's Not Timw iinH Mmvswfipk rarine to do <'AT« . r».i,,VTii t'or: Rurnins." for: Burning, /Larry Adler, booked for 12 weeks with options in Hyman Zahl revue, has his option taken up after first show at the Empire, Birming- ham, April 18. Time and Newsweek racing to do , ,.ejr, "My Daughter Joy cover stories on Milton Berle, botli | Adriana ' Benetti, Italian film with accent on "Mr. Television, actress seen in "Furia" and "Four Both may come out simultaneously, steps in the Clouds," is' in Spain Marjorie Barkenlin and Michael, making a series of three pix. ' O'Shea hosting for Bob Garland's, Mordecai Gorelik off to Paris, ^ , -y^ „ , birthday party tomorrow'(Thurs.) i and London to get material for! Js'^k Hylton has two chances to at the Barkentin studio in the Vil-, book he is writing on Euro- i win the- Derby this summer having lage. ' pean theater for the Rockefeller , bouglit share.s in two French horses Anne Au.stin (Vahiety) whc j-'oundation He will be gone about t™*" Leon VolterrS, owner of last weighs 90 lbs. .soaking wet, can jour weeks ** . I year's winners, aboiit lick her new baby son, horn Ellen Neuwald formerly of the ' Jack Jackson, ex-bandleader who last week, Parents named him ' j ej-jud Havward' offic^ in New i turned disk jockey for the BBC, Kenneth Howard. York lias gone to the island of i^^^ ""t into a single o*(-o?"H"i^l *>iru*S*''^''A''^ Stromboii, off the coast of Sicily,' £9«».':. with vaudeville circuite May 21-24 at-.the-14lh Street Ar- secretary to Ingrid Bergman bidding for him mler-taitil j„-!nB tho malrina tho BnhBrfn Mountain" getting a run at the Carnegie Tech drama school. Charlie Baron in ahead of "Red Shoes," which opens roadshow en- gagement at Ritz on May 12.' Sammy Walsh has Doreen & El- lis and Suzanne & Tommy. Valen- tine on opening bill at Ankara- Larry Berill, WCAE announcer, had . a close shave when truck banged his car and smashed it up. "Anna Lucasta" coming to Syria Mosque for single performance May 5 under auspices of local Frogs Club. George Neikrug, Arthur Kubey and Sidney Cohen, Pitt Symph men, playing with Ballet Theatre orch in N.Y, Nina Korda, wife of Sam Han- delsman, business, manager for summer opera company here, will head' the cast of new Playhouse revue, "Of All Things," which opens tun at local community the.* atre Saturday (30). Madrid HoDywood Harold Lloyd celebrated 52d birthday. Alan Hale injured in fall while taking his dog for walk. Screenwriter Martin Field doine jury duty in L. A. superior courf George Sanders, English-born film actor, became an American citizen. Charles Middleton's right leg amputated in an operation for- arteriosclerosis. Alan Young, born in Canada, re- ceived his final American citizen^ ship papers. Laraine Day planed in from Ni Y. to start work in "1 Married a Communist.'' , Dana Andrews ordered to bed by doctor after collapsing on set of "Sword, in Desert." Taylor Holmes celebrated his 50th anni in show biz with role in "Copper Canyon.'' Raymond Massey laid up with flu, with Warners' "Barricade" shooting around himi Jane Wyman made reservatiohs to sail for England May 5 to ap; pear in "Stage Fright." Lionel Barrymore received the award for 1949 of the National CouncU of . Rehabilitation. _ Roy Rogers and Trigger planted their hoofprints in Grauman's mon', proceeds to an micr-iaun ^^^-^^^ j^e making of the Roberto center in the Stuyvesant Town- Rossellini-Howard Hughes film. Peter Cooper devel"15ment Gianni del Re of the Redel Film *x.^^^a}^^j ^f „^^^''^^fu?J,!%'^?^ Co. in Rome plans a film to be n'iti^^^HV^a^llnn^QB^fihlnn' »"ade in Frankfort, Germany, S!wf ^7"ii/H^^2?'Thoofvf] « about present-day Europe. Distri- «m™w ^i^Z* En«r „n"l^ be taken care of by number of Indie houses on the Rochester Film Co. of Rochester, N.Y. for America and by Anton E. Dietz for Germany^ Budapest Coast. Hollywood lawyer, Martin Gang, east on Edgar Bergen's new CBS pact, meets another client, Bob Hope, in D. C. tomorrow (Thurs.) and flies M'est from the Capital the same night. Rv i.nnU Urilna Hank Linet, Universal's eastern p , Rohe^Sn slated to visit ad manager, lectured last week on ■ p_f|"i CzeeClovakia and H in- the working^ of his dept. in a film i 'S""' «-zecnosiovaKia ana Hun- ?h^KrfcU'Tht'^e^M^^ I Alexander Korda is expected fession'al to"ni^gp^^^^^^ ' i^,if ^eSe^" '''' "'"^ bu?e?«fd.KeiSblrrt^ fi}- continuous efforts, hindered by I ^c^,'!^„*"?fi^'"'U,i^" legal and other complications, are to study film production being made to rid the Times : t"^™- „ ii 'n i •.. , Square area of the "carnival" and Pasthy will play the chief "honkytonk" atmosphere '^^'* in Oscar Wilde's "Ideal Hus- Having launched Emile Littler- Tom Arnold's revue, "Latin Quar- ter," at the London Casino, Robert Nesbitt is now vacationing in the south of France. ■ Nicholas Bros, have been: booked for a series of dates in Belgium, North Africa. Spain, Egypt and Lebanon, which will take them right into September. . By Geeno Garr Lalla CasSel Swedish Ballet has opened at the Fontorla nitery. ■ "Ice Follies," Anglo-American ice revue that. Joaquini. Gaza presented in Spain, has loft for Portugal; : Italian actor Amedeo Nazari will, Chinese theatre forecourt, probably make a film in Spain | Charles Laughton and his wiffe; before flying to Argentina to fulfil Elsa Lanchester, filed petitions-to ' a new contract. ■ ■ become American citizens. Ten Madrid theatres have! Shirley Temple celebrated her opened with new plays for the. 21st birthday by taking over the spring 'season and ' all are doing , money she earned as a minor, reasonably well. I Joan Evans, recently injured by Impresario Don Francisco Mo- a gunshot on the "Roseonna Mc- rales has taken over the manage-1 Coy" set, returned to Goldwyn lot ment of the Ballet Marlcy, at'Sol Lesser Foundation estab- present touring Portugal. | hshed a three-year fellowship in Paris Opera ballet company will; J'^Partment of Theatre Arts at probably visit Madrtd and Bar- \ UCLA. celona in May with Serge Lifar as I, Farrow and Betty Hiitlon choreographer and appearing in i^d a group to Long Beach to en- dancing roles, ptertain sailors aboard a Canadian Pepita Serrador, legit actress; cruiser. _ , , ^ from Argentina, has again post-1 „ "Joan Crawford returned from poned her tour of the Spanish 1 Pa'"\ Springs siesta for huddles provinces and has opened at the 1 about next picture. The Victim," Gran Via theatre 1 at Warners. Actors and theatre people in' ^Sean MacBride. Irish Minister general are getting 40% moK than ' Foreign Affairs, presented Joan ■ - 'Leslie with annual award of Irish- SHi. imu jeintiiiui.-i. thpir nrpvimis salSrv apr>nrrtinc» i,, M-iesUe WllH annual award Ot Irish- a?lH^::Cavalcade^of ^ nerrgreeS'vlnched'lusi Catholic Stage and Screen Guild. Nancy Kishler, exec secretary at at the Hungarian National the Cape Playhouse, Dennis, Mass.., ^"ff''^^- , _ , , last sununer and former secretary 1 ...^^^^ander Syed, Met bantone, is ......^"".e o..a..6,.x u..- to Sir Laurence Olivier and Vivien Budapest for a visit, then jer new management and direc Mystery" making first continental tour since the war. opening Am- sterdam month of May with Brus- sels the following month, Tom Arnold's ice show opens at StoU's tlieatre, Kingsway. end of July, and will star Cecilia CoUedge, with Richard Hearne, legit comedy actor; making his first appearance on skates. ;. ' A. V. Cookman: (Times) elected president of Critics' Circle; Camp- bell Dixon (Telegraph), vice-prez; A. E. Wilson (Star), treasurer. John Parker reelected secretary for 25th successive year. "Twice Upon a Time" will be taken off at the St. Martins May 7. Play will then tour the provinces as "The Intriguing Stranger" un-; before Easter between managers and the theatre workers syndicate. Elena Quesada, Spanish song- streiss, comic Niguel Ortega and Camoidas Bros., dancers, are the stars of a new show at the Madrid Miami Beach Leigh, Anna Sosenko and Hilde- to Rome to take part in his garde, and Robert Morley, to be nrst television picture, married-tomorrow (Tliurs.) to Ar- Geza Radvanyi, director of the thur F. Goat Hungarian film, "Somewhere in Jack Diamond, ex - Broadwav Europe," plans to produce a pic- publicist and latterly with Warner ture m France. Radvanyl, together Bros., returned with his actress- with Ferenc Hont, received the wife, Frijnces Henderson, from Kossuth Prize of $1,000 for his thfee months of leisurely touring • fi™. , In Italy, Riviera and tlie (Sontinent, tion, with plans for a London re- tuni. this autumn; Cleveland By Glenn C. PuUcn Buster Crabhe's Swimming show at Al Sutphin's Arena. Hanna inked "High Button Shoes" for tvvo weeks. opening May 2. Statler Terrace Room inay drop _ „, Ti\i,. ,T • J « Iceshow policy after Dorothy Ben Blue, Patl) Moore and Ben Lewis' unit closes Lc'sscy combo at Hotel Statler's Pee-Wee Hunt' orch inked by Skyway; Club. to follow Frankie Washington By Florence. S.V Lowe and now en route to Hollywood, anxious to see their 8rmonth-oId baby. ; Morton Downey who has a fow li'l things running for him be- sides his singing; such as CVica- Cola and LeGalion perfum,*? ' piu't- Knibas^'V Room nered with Sherman Billingsley Antliony Muto, Fox Movietone : MaJVr.f., f.rmv"MTv ^ and Steve Hannegani, is in on a fnonpr liwp hark aftpr * niptiir<>. i . S", • ■'^ .. , , "perpetual" match which Axel stint' in Greece I ^^""' 'l"' • Lakewqod Wennpr-Grpn thp Swedisli tvcoon V.!vS„ ^ TMl^ V Tur^^ j I repertory company director job Producing'. J^^'L}::}l:.^bJ.°:t^l^:^} F^^^^l fo.: imU,.trial .k.biic relalions ' : Michael Wilding who arrived on the Queen Eliza beth yesterday (Tues, with Alfred Hitchcock deal before the latter (Wed ) on the same ship, ueai ciui-s ^cd Depinet. Max Young for Wilding to make a picture lor s,ein Spyios Skouras and Gail Brttish actor ^'T^/jIfk^mTritrS fi-tmeel By Lary Solloway Frfeddie Calo's brch. into Ciro's. theatre called "Zambra "i^oii ■.Jf^^''ll,^^'^2, lS^^^l<^1:u^\^^^ Nick aoing Amer ican popuia i numbers, gchenck at his .estate here. 1 Charles Skouras in to\vn at <• Roney for some spring tan. IninneaPOllS Jackle Heller in town for a va^ ; ^ _ „ i cash, and making the niteries. . By Lcs Rces | Jan Murray sunning while await- Mario Lanza soloist for Apollo ing upcoming Olympia theatre club concert at Lyceum April 25- ctate; . ™ , -r „ . 1 Alan Gale back at his Celebrity ^ Mel Torme and Jean Carroll into club; with Sylvia Froos co-fea- Club Carnival with Perry Martin tured orchestra. phu Foster packing them in at Twin City nitery pertomiers de- -Kitty Davis', with Jessie Elliot voted services for SI Paul Ancker ■ lending an able assist. tubercular hospital show. ; paul Benson, flack, in town, at Streetcar ^amed Desuc" into ' the Shelbourne, also Sid Shallet, Lyceum for week of May 30., n. y. Daily News radio columnist. It also plays three days in St Paul. "Duke" Stewart, long time resi- Wayne Fish, who backed ''Desert dent manager at the Roney Plaza. Song tour eastward Irom Mmne-, replaces Neal Lang as managing apohs, says he took a financial director, now that Lang has gone m'^t^^r.Mt.^ r, 1 to Park Sheraton hotel exec , Metropolitan Opera here May nnst in isr V 12-14 for annual season to offer ^ " "Otello," "Mignon.""Barbei- of Seville" and "Le Boheme" at .$7.20 top. Minneapolis Musicians' union, AFL, contributed .tiT.OOO to park board's $^6,000 fund tor 20 nights of open air dancing sclieduled for in Paris public parks this suminer. - pa^i pgimer in hospital after Antal Dorati, new Mmneapphs ^eart attack. By Maximc dc Bcix (33 Blvd. Montparuuniic^ Carol Reed and wile weekending Symphony orchestra conductor, Hitchcock'.s Transatlantic firm lor siilliran among indu.stry toppers Werner release, lie,.p jo,. kic*:roff dinner of "Oppor- When the Tort Friends moro- ui„j,v Bpnd." drive last week. thy Kay) lell for Frisco five yeao ago. they made tlieir farewell'p.ub- crawling with tlie Earl Wil.son.'^. The Post saloon editor had just started, and Friend had juKt ex- ited as tlie Mirror's amusemoni editor Now on their first retiii n east, the Wilsons again squired ihe Friends around Gotham, seeing tlie night life through the eyes ol »- year-< absent Broadwayites. Vienna Pittsburgh By Kmil W. !\laass By Ual Cohen Mel Tornie playing return date at Copa week of May lli, Ual DavLs. president of musi- Otlo Soyka. writer, back after cian.^ union, ruined his new car in many years' exile. , a crack-up Kddy Polo sprained ankle during Maurice IMysels named local rep rehearsals but will appear in Flot- for .reffersoh. Miiaic Publishing. Co; ten Kino show. of .\'ew York. Walter .lacob, Buenos Aires prO'.: Artie Dann. Vic Charles marion- ' , ,i rlucpi', in town in search for Aus- elle.s and L.ynn Fader topping india Irian legit talent. , Carousel .show. .. "* City of Vienna awarded honor- I-aurelte & Ciymas and Sonny By N, V. Eswar ary medal to Ralph,ky and Howard headlining new floor show Indian govei'nment sellins vip Kai'l Maria Jaeger (composer.^), alTerrace Room, ■ committee to conduct film nulusiry Olto Scluilhot (pianisti and Oskar Martha Short doubling between inquiry. ' Maurus Foniana (authori. "Inside U. S. A." at Ni.von and First conference of Indian Mo- Cliflord Odcts' "Golden Boy,". Hollywood Show Bar. tion Picture Distributors iranslated by Luise Anna Eisler' Fred Spooner in town ahead of held at Nagpur. ; , (who brought the play along with Joe E; Brown in "Harvey," com- A film company has been slaried her when .'ihe left the U. S.i. was' ing back for second time. In Calcutta to turn out picture.s . pi oduced here by Skala theatre.; Dancing Evans Family home In the Bengali language for jii\cs Wolfgang Heinz directed, with from Las Vegas; father coming ■only; sceneiy by Ileinrich Sussmann. ■ around after serious illness. Enterlaiiiment lax wa,s upped In and Karl Paryla in the lead: ■ Bert Pollock'* "Across Big ing with orchestra since back from western tour. Orchestra is seek- ing $184,200 from contributors to keep it out of red next season. Australia James Merrill Herd gandering Paris shows. Garry Marsh getting winners at Aut.euil racetrack. : /i Marty Schwartz back in Pans I after Palestine trip. English .schoolboys and gii K in- vading Paris cinemas in di'oves, Clem Humpries, of V aiuety s London office, giving Paris, the.O.p.. ot after 20 years.. Francesco Negrini, publisher of By Erie Gorrick Metro briiiKing in revival "Great Waltz" at Liberty, Sydnpy. ^. Williamsons will send a troupe to Buenos Aires' La Ijira, in tor a Perth to play "Victoriif and Her couple of weeks'stay. Hussar." \ ]'. Red Strong, formerly , of Debo- "Walter Mitly" (RKO) ran 1,'5 nairs, to tour Germany willi his weeks at the Australia, Melbourne, wife for two months as a nc\v act. on revival. McCreadie Bros, have completed second Aussie-made pie, "Into the Straight," a rjicing yarn. Billy Meyrl, British pianist; ar- rives shortly for a run over Dave Martin's Tivoli vaude loop, Costly overhead is nixing musl- Chicago Ralph Berger. former o\\:ne)- of Latin . Quarter, bedded b.y pneii- nionia at Michael Reese liospital, „ "I Promise, Bride" Italian-made cal comedy revivak at Cieinorne,' had preem at Cinoina. April U Brisbane, under the Will Mahoney . with proceeds to benefit ot Boys management, Sydney nightclubs arc ni.xing talent importations because of high overhead costs. Last, in was Maxie Rosenbloom for the Celebrity GUib. Dave Moore, Ealing scripter, due this month to work on stiidio's new pic, "Bitter Springs," starring Tommy Trinder and Chips Bai- ferty. Town In Italy. , j Cornelius Vanderbill. .ir.. pacted again with National Conceits, ano wiU resume tours aftci' present film-making tour of Europe, Loretta Young and Dr. Maud Slye, pathologist in cancer re- search, will receive American Brotherhood Arts and Sciences CitatlouK for 1949.