Variety (June 1949)

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“Happy Talk ” blCK IIAYMES <Decta) “Room Full of Roses” ^ SAMMY" KAYE't Victor) “Room Full of R^scs” . . MANHAHAN TOWERS Gordon Jonkint Decca CONNECTICUT YANKEE Bing Crotby Dccca FIVE TOP ALBUMS SOUTH PACIFIC Eddy Arnold Victor Broadway Cat! Columbia Broadway Catf Columbia MIKE REILLY Currontly and Indef. VILLAGE BARN, New York •readcatting 12 Timos Wookly, NBC and MUTUAL On Televifien, Mondays, WNBT Wednesday, June 8, 1949 CAP’S JONES CHECKING teefunken reaction Dick Jones, of Capitor Records’ i classical Telefunken staff, is in New York discussing the company’s new longhair releases with dealers and critics. Jones is making a sur- vey to determine what d»‘alcrs think of the new product, buyer reaction, the sort of material that should be issued, etc. At the same time. Jones is get- ting reaction from various top- flight classical music critics. Com- pany is making every effort to get the most out of its tieup with Germany’s 'felefunken. perhaps the largest European producer of classical music, for obvious rea- sons. A good longhair division makes up for many of the ills that beset the pop side of the disk field. Eddie O’NeilFs Orch Chicago, June 7. Eddie O’Neill, accompanist for songstress Dorothy Shay, will or- ganize his own orch with first book- ing in the Empire Room. Palmer House. O’Neill will 88 for Miss Shay at the Chase hotel, St. Louis, before fronting his own unit here. July 14. New unit of 13 men is second band for O’Neill who. under his | real name of Eddie Oria. played location stints at the Drake and Palace hotels in San Franci.sco , about two years ago. Music Corp. of America is handling the unit. NEW HOUYWOOD PLATTERY Hollywood, June 7. Good Time Records is name of a new company formed by Lester ^ Koenig, Paramount screenwriter, to produce platters. Scripter has put $15,000 of his own money into the venture. Record Changers, Inc., is the distrib. LAUREl MUSIC CO 1619 Bread *s ay Nca "Tork I Andy Perry Resumes Saylorsburg Operation Easton, Pa., June 7. Andy Perry, Allentown, N. J., dance promoter, resumes his sum- i mer operations at Saylor’s Lake. Saylorsburg, near here. He has Hal McIntyre’s orchestra set for June 15, Ray Anthony June *24, Vaughn Monroe, July 10, and others to follow. Perry has been pre.senting top’ names in Allentown, Reading and Saylorsburg for years. ABC MUSIC CORP. 799 7th Ave. New York onrnKSTBAS-MiJSic 51 t, "Xi Upbeat Continued from punt 48 ^ I covering from serious injuries suf- fered in auto crash in south ... | Johnny Desmond opens at Click. | Philadelphia, July 4, Diny Gilles- | ■ pie band preceding him for tuo weeks June 17. ^ I 1 Chicago Max Gordon Trio first unit in on revised-show policy at the Sil- ver Frolics. June 10 . . . WBBM putting a line into the Sheraton hotel to pick up Leigh Barron, pianist, and the Sheratones . AI Trace makes his fourth visit in less than a year at the Blackhawk beginning June 29 . . . Buddy Moreno into the Claridge. Mem- phis. from July I thru 14 . . . I Bobby Peters takes the stand at ’Eddy’s. Kansas City. July 4 . . . Dick Jurgens orch returns to the .Aragon, July 12 for four weeks . .. Will Osborne plays Forest Park. ton. Laine gets $2,000 guarantee St Louis. June 12 for a week and , against 60%. then into Lakeside, Denver, from = June 24 to July 10 . . . Harry Meyerson flew in to cut two sides with Blue Barron and also several with Frankie Masters. Hollywood Jack Carson waxed ’’That Was a Big Fat Lie” and “Give Me a Beau- tiful Song With a Melody” for Capitol. Tunes are from Warners ••It’s a Great Feeling.” . . . Llberace planes to New York for an appear- ance on the Standard Symphony Hour, returning immediately in time to do his Friday night show at the Mocamho . . . Jack HaH- strom head of RCA-Victor artists, confabbing here with Walt Heeb- ner. Coast chief for the plattery . . . Constantine Bakaleinikoff han- dling musical direction on RKO’s •‘.Make Mine Laughs” . . . George Anthiel winding up the score on Santana’s "Tokyo Joe” . . . Anita .Martell into Billy Gray’s Band Box . . . Frankie Laine making one- nighters. beginning July 22. in Russell Pt., Ohio, Dayton and Can- . • * . > 1 I I« I Disk Best Sellers by Companies SAVE!! SUMMER TUXEDOES RICHARD WILLIAMS, INC. 43 Wo*» 23rd Strtot Now York 10. N. Y. T.abel Victor . Decca . Capitol No. of Records .. 4 .. t .. 2 Points 56 15 15 Diroct from Manufacturot $20.00 (Based on Points Earned) Points Label 335 Columbia 197 M-G-M . 63 Mercury No. of Records .. 7 .. 8 . . 4 a londgemenf* ASSOCIATED BOOKING CORPORATION fOE GL>ISER, Pres. 1 I 9151 745 5fk Ave. PI. 9-4600 | 203 No. Wabaih Chicago | Hollywood Suatet Blvd FRANKIE LAINE CONCERT TOUR RETAIL DISK BEST SELLERS PSRiEfr Survey o/ retail disk best sellers, based on reports ob- tained from leadincj stores in 12 cities and showing com- parative sales rating for this and last week. National Rating This Last wk. wk. Week Ending June 4 Artist, Label. Title 12B 15 14A 12 14B 14 15B 13 16A .. 16B 1^ 16C 15 17A 13 VAUGHN MONROE tVictor) “Riders in the Sky” 1 1 4 1 ■pERR^V'eOMO"I victor) ^ “Some Enchanted Evening” 3 .. I 2 "GORi)ON"jI^TN^(becca7 “Again” 2 2 .. .. RUSS MORGAN <Decca) “Forever and Ever” 6 6 9 "cr JENI^S^STARDUSTERS <D) “I Don’t See .Me in Your Eyes” .. 5 .. .. 6 PERRY COMO tVietor) “Bali Ha’l” 8 D. SHORE-B. CLARK (Columbiai “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” 10 5 .. .. M. WHPriNG-J. MERCER (Cap) “Baby. It’s Cold Outside” 8 10 BING CROSBY (becca) “Some Enchanted Evening” 7 iMARG'AR^WIimNtrri (Capitol) “A Wonderful Guy” 7 .. .. BING CROSBY (Decca) “Bali lla’t ” 2 .. DORIS DAY (Columbiai “Agai n” RUSS MORGAN (Decca) “Cruising Down the Rive r** * 9 ~MEI. TORME^i Capitol) “Again” ... .. PERRY COMO (Victor) “ ‘A’—You’re Adorabl e” 5 •. "^EL TbRME"(Capitol) “Careless Hands” . 3 "^AMMY kAYE'(Victor) “Kiss Me Swe et” ""PERRY COMO (Victor) “Forever and Ever” "liUY"L6MBARbO (Decca) “Everywhere You Go” ""FRANK SlNTf RA iColumbia) “Some Enchanted Evenin g” 3 ~V IC'l^ JVnJN e"( rcu fy') “Again” 3 “BLUE BARRON (M-G-M) “Whose Girl Are You? ” “BTLLY"^CkSTINE (M-G-M) “A New Shade of Blu es” 4 “FR^k~SiNATRA (Columbia) “Bali Ha’ i” 4 . . . . v A I f ITIO 1 TCf ' ACQUIT BIUIE HOLIDAY I ON OPIUM CHARGE I San Francisco, June 7. ' Jury of six men and six women last week acquitted Billie Holiday on charge of possessing opium. Defense .Attorney Jacob W. Ehr- lich had emphasized singer was framed. Concerning her alleged n;ucotic habit, she said, “rve never smoked opium in all my life. Two years ago I volunteered for a narcotic cure, but it wasn’t for opium. 1 have taken no drugs since 1947.” Singer said she was now entirely without funds. She said that John Levey, her manager, flew to New York last Saturday, taking not only all her money, but all per- sonal belongings as well. i Clinton Noble Snares } Cedar Pt. Ballroom Cleveland, June 7. Clinton Noble, band-booker and “society” bandmaster here, will take over managership of summer ballroom at Cedar Point, near San- dusky, O., which opens Its season June 18 with Bobby Bergen’s and ! the Debonnaircs’ orchestra from Cleveland. Bergen-, who recently added Bob Marshall and Julinnne Bishop to outfit as vocalists, was ' hooked as house leader for entire season. Resort on Lake Erie’s shores, which kept its dance hall inactive last year, will return to name policy with Tex Beneke for June ‘J,*). Mcl Tonne for WQck of June 26 ^ and Charlie Barnet for one-nlghter ^ .lune 29. Glen Gray has been tagged for July 2 and 3; Milt Hcrth Trio, week of July 8: Elliot Law- rence. July 14; J'rances Langford and Jon Hall, July 15-16, with Frankie Yankovic’s polkteers the week of July 18. I » . . I I I ■ I Col. Sett Vagabonds Columbia Records last week signed the Vagabonds, vocal ■ group, to a three-year contract. Foursome cut their first records next week. Welk Sues Singer Chicago, June 7. 1 Orch leader Lawrence Welk I filed suit in Chi superior court last week against Oliver “Bobby” Beers 1 for $75,000 damages, j Welk claimed Beers, his former vocalist, broke an agreement with him, causing recording, booking. ! advertising and arrangement costs and upsets.