Variety (June 1949)

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^xclusTve ^ sour m l^ttPy*’ I CROSI^’^ CAtt W AHXMOR6 HAL OTIS TRIO CELTIC ROOM HOTEL SHERMAN, CHICAGO Centiiming liid«fiiiit«ly ITedneMUy, June 15, 1949 OlirHESTRAS-MIJSlC IRISH DISK CO. PLANS U. S. SETUP IN PHILLY Dublin, June 14. RETAIL DISK BEST SELLERS Irish Recording Co., which has been flying disks of Irish folk- music over to WDAS, Philadelphia, is now planning a new setup to hrintf Irish disks into the U. S. market. Prexy Bill Stapleton plans an early visit to America to organize a company, to be known as Irish Recording Co.-Philadel- phia, Inc. Setup here has handled disking for several of sponsored shows cur- rently aired over Radio Eireann. Survey of retail disk beat sellers, based on reports ob- tained from leading stores in 12 cities and showing com- parative sales rating for this and last week. National Rating On the Upbeat Continued from page 39 Week Ending June 11 This Last wk. wk. Artist. Label. Title Hollywood Capitol Records . . . Anson Weeks opened a summer spot of his own at Fort Washington, Cal. . . . Leighton Noble band booked for Jantzen Beach starting July 14. Orch getting $2,750 weekly guar- antee against 60%. Pittsburgh Tex Beneke plays one-nighter at West View Park on June 28 . . . Dick Brown, ‘‘Stop the Music" ginger, into Bill Green’s for two weeks, first of them with Gene Williams’ orch . . . Joey Reynolds, one-man band, added to the talent lineup at Kite Court of Fun . . . Bob Carter, m.c. and vocalist at Nixon Cafe for 11 years who left that spot six w'eeks ago, filled in for ailing Jackie Heller at Carou- sel, only other nitery besides Nixon he’s ever worked in Pittsburgh . . . Organist Jesse Flaherty has re- placed Dolores Clark unit in Bill Green’s-Cocktail Lounge . . . Bill Bickel’s Starliters Trio out of Ho- tel Roosevelt’s Fiesta Room for summer run at Pines. IIB 16 MUSIC BOURNE TO LIVE 16B 15 BOURNE, Inc, IT'S A POP HABIT 17D 16 VAUGHN MONROE (Victor) "Riders in the Sky" 1 1 PERRY COMO (Victor) " ‘‘Some Enchanted Evening" 3 GORDON JENKINS "Again" 2 2 “G. JENKINS-STARDUSTERS (D) "I Don't See Me in Your Eyes".. . 4 D. SIIORE-B. CLARK (Columbia) "Baby, It’s Cold Outside" 6 5 RUSS MORGAN (Decca) "Forever and Ever" 10 M. WHrriNG-J. MERCER (Cap) "Baby. It’s Cold Outside" biNG CROSBY (Decca) "Some Enchanted Evening" 7 BING CROSBY (Decca) "Ball Ha’l" MEL TORME (Capitol) ".Again" J. STAFFORD-G. MacRAE (Cap) "‘A’—You’re Adorable" 8 “DICK HAYMES (Decca) "Room Full of Roses". 5 .. VIC DAMONE (Mercury) "Again" ^lARGARET WHITING (Capitol) "A Wonderful Guy" 8 .. PERRY COMO (Victor) "Bali Ha’i" 9 .. MEL TOR.ME (Capitol) "Careless Hands" RUSS MORGAN (Decca) "Cruising Down the River” “orNAH“SH0RE (Columbia) "A Wonderful Guy" * .. GUY LOMBARDO (Decca) "Everywhere You Go" "“DORIS DAY (Columbia) "Everywhere You Go".^ 7 "“(ilTiPLOMBA^^(Decca) "Merry-Go-Round Waltz" .. ■“FRANKIE“YANKWiC (Columbia) “Blue Skirt Wal tz" FRANK SINATRA (Columbia) "Some Enchanted Evening" 3 FIVE TOP PACIFIC KISS ME, KATE CARMEN LOMBARDO'S ALBUMS Broadway Ca»t Broadway Cast CONNECTICUT YANKEE Columbia Columbia Bing Crotby Dccca MANHAHAN TOWER Gordon Jonkin* Decca TO MOTHER Eddy Arnold Victor BOO Disk Best Sellers by Companies {Based on Points Earned) HOO No. of Label Records Decca 9 Victor 3 Capitol * Points Label 212 Columbia 189 Mercury 89 No. of Records ... 5 ... 1 Points 66 15 SHAPIRO Inside Orchestras-Music Maestro Naturalized MUSIC bourne wmmm TO LIVE The Eddy Duchin Piano Studios last week opened their first layout in New York and will follow shortly in other key cities. Keyboard maestro has developed a new method of Instruction, the Audi.scope Sys- tem which is built around a large electrical sign—something hke a king-size pinball machine—which lights up whenever a note is struck. On it the pupil can see the exact note on the keyboard and its corre- sponding note on the musical scale. At the same time, fingers on two hands light up. showing the students which digits to use. Students sit in front of the electric device and "play" on plastic key- boards, following the instructor. With this visual aid, Duchin says, learning a melodv is a matter of minutes. He proved it at the cocktail party opening his studios, getting some unmusical muggs from the trade press to pound out a few bars of a waltz in seven minutes flat. PLUGGERS MAIUNG NEW PACTS TO PUBS Music Publishers Contact Em- ployees union began mailing new contracts to publishers Monday (13) for signature. Agreement, worked out after months of dis- cussion with the Music Publishers Protective Assn., was finally clear- ed only a w eek or so ago. when the pubs rejected the MPCE’s request for a change In one of the clauses. Latter, the pubs felt, would have given the MPCE too much latitude in deciding whether a songwriter was being used by a publisher to plug songs in place of a regular contact man. New pacts are for four years, ending Dec. 31, 1952. Music Notes Page Cavanaugh Trio joining Frank Sinatra on crooner’s up- coming tour; first date at Steel Pier, June 24-26 . . . Leeds Music cutting salaries here, with pros- pect of two employees being axed . . . Victor has recorded Max Steiner’s score for Warner’s "’rhe Fountainhead.” with album due out next month . . . Yvette and Joseite Roman. Freneli piano duo, will cut Capitol transcriptions . . . Frankie Laine cutting four fares for Mercury . . . Artie Wayne and Dottle O’Brien start June 16 at the Sundown. Phoenix, move to Golden hotel, Reno. June 22. Max Steiner scoring Warner* "The Story of Seabiseuit" . . . The Skylarks cutting two 15-mlnute shows for the Navy . , . Hoagy Car- michael will sing his own "My Cliristmas Wish to You’’ for Ron Alcorn’s "Johnny Holiday” . . . "Meet Me in St. Louis.” Margaret Whiting’s audition platter, making the agency rounds as possible fall I network entry. FRANKIE LAINE CURRENTLY LOEW'S STATE ST. LOUIS THE BEAUTIFUL BLONDE FROM BASHFUL BEND From ZOtK Coolwry.Foi'* “THE lEAUTIFUl UlONDE FROM lASHFUL BENO" New Orleans, June 14. j Massimo Freeda, conductor of j the New Orleans Symph, became ; an American citizen Thursday (9) | after taking the final oath in fed- eral court. rocordod by THE MODERNAIRES ..Columbio ART LUND M-G-M TEX BENEKI RCA Victor TWO TON BAKER AAorewry MILLER MUSIC CORPORATION ABC MUSIC CORP. IDONTSEEME IN YOUR EYES ANYMORE Included in the International Federation of the Phonographic Indus- try’s proposal for the formation of a Berne Convention for the industry are some factors, which are not mentioned in the articles of the Berne I convention. The federation is concerned with those rights that do not ! come within the sphere of copyright but which, on the other hand, represent something more than industrial rights. These include the ' rights of broadcasting stations or authorities in regard to their emis- sions; the rights of performers; the rights of commercial record manu- facturers and the use of commercial records on broadcasts. At the Berne Union conference held in Brussels last June the con- vention declined to admit any of these rights as coming properly within ! the sphere of the Berne convention itself, but in each case, passed reso- lutions acknowledging the need for legal protection of those rights. LAUREL MUSIC CO., 1619 Broadway, New York i Not since the start of Variety’s "Talent and Tunes" chart has an individual such as Vaughan Monroe’s "Riders In the Sky" so com- pletely dominated that field of exploitation. In the current issue, bhe 1 platter grabbed 17 firsts and two seconds in the request balloting by 24 I disk jockeys all over the country. Not even Nat 'King) Cole’s Capitol ! platter of "Nature Boy," which last year rode roughshod over all air . performances, reached that point. 1 anagemenf NG CORPORATION JOE GLASER. Pres. Chicago lo. Waboth Hollywood 91 51 Sunitt B(vd