Variety (December 1949)

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7. 1«M ■■ ■■ - TALK S600. 2 lUfoo-Mde Pix With Magaai HARMON S PLAN Only $ 11 * 100,000 Estimated Njr WisM Bergman May Hit US. al Same Tine jg RNNKflOLL IT ^ ^ ^ roin Englauid in 195 C WMh in* deal Anally rM Ihive i — ■ - " -ta Red tR* Ad*er»cen Indud- P R. BUDGET I Only $ 11300,000 Estimated by Wilson WMH (Hr 4f«l iMily f l on H lh»*<' *i*l for Kandllnf of I ho It alian #>_ «■* n •<k “VatetM it iiot n iio One Way to Pay Off mtioo hrtft Sakt (ora race o K Pittvburgh. Orr • •it* mi Ntoii a that INC and %n Mhikilor in I audet*p.*i (Oi Strom boll** to art tn«o tbr Pa Mt found nor •» to reell* M RKO* ' * •ires ArO aboil to art lot# tbr Film* are similar in tbralrr pa> for the f naodpratiaa of • MOOM to* «HT milt a? rttf*! opera Imo of tbr olMeduatry publn relation* pmfrib boa b rr a trot a tivety art boon oa initial Hem on Itth l.lmcl Huron for tbr p r locale and tbrmr aitb Italian alar M-etf C S Fltrkangev obo ,* oashington neat aeuh Whether Anna Macaam in Volcano' and non* too bon art there, baa | M frtd Bergman In Str om b o ll ** ban .me dart for aome lime Both Bins boro t r o oted great ao be a fuel ranted M to form- no bile In terrat through the reia era m the area for potato alor - tranship of B obe r ta Woaoellltu He Me directed fefltaa Bergman in "Strom ( nu d erapa rt la n the Heart tmue to lead (be agei lime the tan-day aea neat M.mdat W la Inarm itarf there I mil ram a by t he 7 lie Olthim e 7 irta-Ker/ ( #»mer/% ei * /Vnrini i.rmtmi ihile Mtaa Magnam bod Of a port ta to the o-gtootng are Ananr mg before deriding on the ated a itb him in the farmer a lumped at the swbstame of the program In be both Alma and private Itle prior to bta recent profesaional and m •»nt>nrtimit \ of getting a plere bankrolled In put their pmdu«1 for ante- 1% _ Uniting aitb the Hotly aond keepong vme both p«* aelr m »dr ..r, land* t* ^nly and are parallel (I | > U T ::; rs igjsvrs: Schme moves To •lea and p*»Mtr M m ii IH a ’&JZZZZ Sel 7 of hs 10 • here the* are being rushed _ tbimagb d ub bing arortng and ed f\ A I I s ss nCSTi jr Rochester Houses ••hie William tbftnk atw made tbe Magnam him la attempting to R«m beater \ V Her € d-» tbe awk oo. tbe ('•*•*! and at In a M latge %«a»e mi»e lo tbe aome time Anish ap Nrplem meet tbe di*e*tMure revpiirement* bet loan Fantaioo decree far *d the troesent drarer aga^nat tbr Hal H alim a bile an RKO studio S hioe ttrtuM tbe rhair la toffm rt ra m bnndHrg ‘ Km >ng to oil aeven of ita to tbr at cm aetlim i« tn Borne •< ♦bm cM» Tbe theatres boar been Roth Alma present a diAWwJi p«b turned **%et t# real!* brokerage *1 onttnoed aa pagr It Aim* a rib mat rot toms to obtain ...i.n . •die# % for fmmedWmg male „ Tbr n l» l am - 1 Nt bine .....sent dec tee retpur* on DfBMl S IhCJufS Uadiryg «d a large M«nI *d h P . throughout Sea >ork <H»n» Ken Support inf HoUSUlf »urh' amf Mao land a« a meim of ^ opening t l o ve d aitoationa SSsttSK Schme Moves To ■i:rj Sen i of its 10 :~ SHr Rochester Houses It »a wadmlmd tbat tbe tmai • mat hooded ahorb ta larger than anvlbmg set menti o ned for tbe induct »* p» nroyeet he* lorn «t» 4 ) n op b* rfa».»u s Hornom % p of the Motion Pwiatir ioa <d tmetm and aerretary of tbr •**r.iw r nnfrretwe mmtnittre ealabllabrd at tbe initial pobrrlo lt*«n% pnaaaa In C*borag*t in %Mgo»l IIjniMO aa aerretacy baa ilo been oollatmg auggeatoona a bob boar (area mode ha tbr aaroooa p.ih. i|>iimg graapi lo «boar toon .1 I I lego net aoad t% dranMg %•»» tbe ag< rad a There la opfneottoo • tiliia 1 4 »t». \ir\t »i bo lam. boo ram aa Ortl a« from tbr ••ot^odr •I «*nimto*d mo page 2^ I ilk lanieeraart Smtm ~ With Wilby-Kmcey :s - Sale, Former Due :£ Be«i that the American indoal»»* ran e«pe«i mot of England and* the Vr^lo l S agreement ta I • negotiated eat 1% oral year la It • represented by Britain* deaalv lion of tbr pound Tbat H l pauriedla a bat Harold H I loan pr of tbe Hriltah Board af Trade lo I Krtr Jo. nai«m Motnm Put a • Aaan af Ameiira preay and Cll * (i ArnalT Norteli of Inilt pa ndv I Marion Pittore l l r.datm toppo la talk* ««tb ibeon during bm « rent at%u lo the I H The tlTdguima otino* irv • ••old egoal 911 PUUtaai Amertreti pn-tore boggoca are mol loo dt lorbed ai tbat Agore if they mo get uibet »**#♦« e««ion% they deaifg. Mtarlt a fteeing d aot of tbo i ...n Tmern in f ngl #«d . * tNet ran uMtre tl in bo«Moe«% deala ootsida «of Aim* i aea are iwa real rid ed »•* aea** a»*e* lit t's«M tried aitb the po« lore mdo«iry f reeing of tbr a realrtdiong might bnd him t ««••• pontes trading tn rubber sled Hwirt* to doarna of wtbrr t ••naonodillea aim b mold ire eapnoted from Ingland lo (kg t _S ot other montrrea and even- loallt be It an slated mid doflarA. t .tdtotaaed «an p o ge II e e , throughout Nr SiMOrtlRf Hod Sin f »M«k* and Marvionn as a means m t lin ^|, i, r«aer l e> J ,t. I Opening tlove d vitoatHonv kdaersita tbrnogb aH».t» tbe ,i tNe vio IWnMUtlti Flfki 1 B fbr r»rm« baa 1 * 00 . •' J*5r pwii ntintaiivii tfl 1 OHM.itrsa* m 4 i r M be% s po ’vdt d »l*« .toning «of age . H«rr» H». T«l ntnM |.i»l M h» M IwrMw •*»** ♦ » .'■■■ * *" H *"* 3 *er»tr» ." “ **** .?*!! ■* . et« » tkrmma M> lull rSiin W|M , „ uulk asmrnu '«**«. e< IutmI m Sr« kart U-l *•’ “ “ ** " Agb« against dtvrrimination m < amen Ibaie (.rand I .a lie liber pnmipal lending open* * lo Uanos to nr mem H^mong Brandt (hi. aeek donated H Met.oa Monr.o Rhieta hide kl«* » oas east from r^ |r . t< 'TITaJrJmlTCe'be ^ll^m Pttnai h. in. to tbe N 1 Atate 4f%< | p r% | | H,% Vb ** Tramioo bead««oarlet. Im * 9 arginmmi • *v» ne am nm ... a. a a ... Vi 1 J 'Mlt »»•!»•»* *sr hit toon f.ttntei Giannini Sees Pix f t •« Coming of Age’ Atlanta ffeet g r tleaJ under • bn b R.«hrrt H llby sells bis lorlnr^ts tn tbe lift Ikra toe • tiaon «of Htlln A Km«e« to Pa»at*M«oni bands I be erslnbile paitnct a brngler tn eon pitts me ot • S • ' * ' ■ • ' • 0 •bal ing !**••* iMt U .has beam W arned H I Kmoey bra partner t M i n es m noth H.lby to ton tbe nr^ r od for t noted Pg r am ooont. the RKO s Payee lasaraace Stunt la Pay Off With Mere Baly Thai Refnds g»ituai lirkrta ta the V > Vale and Meat Ind C mWirnrr an Dan run motion »a w t>| (>lr ^ M ^ , Housing tn a perronol appearanre . . muZotWotoie "* m '*-*<• •* 2 • ShM .Sb ,W •* • r an.patgn fond Twketa a III be good anytime In Jevo^l'm Neat the month af March U dder mil *raem ■ twit be entitled ta admiaafton in any ItainraNmd Rt and! boom an pat met.* mi (He ( " H «* lrMrl 1 IAr admivaion ta* Antidivrnmi F^uitna maiRMWCf _ . business m Nen \mk and Hash supervise bis man former I be right , # ,^i ti4 , bates bo! aim tab* arM tbe dr ► d»% i*m Tbe Aim industry is <».»•« In •*•*"** "* • number of I hem res m ^ at Age mo t*^*** 1 f(«« the mapos under UJ ndcr nprrattng rnadMi-a. Iha«t ,Kr Imces A Jenk.ns rin toil for being hep* as af tbe gmtiTnael decree brfmr * banker slated It * .^*mse bo*r» aae (m ated m T* — ■ has mu reeded m shaking 4T some ,H#> lemNot a% tbe H »ftn A Nose! guarani re m (be ■■ nt r rlam- M«en( values .» Mb fat s Ftrery • tent* Hors l! Hv the KkO n «»m .in tn! m Net* liNi ov not mthout pn i d s O t im I be same Aim oaa similarly guaranteed at ir a eof u reenmas at tbe#1 rev m I avion and t beviet Pa av net I av at H.« tievter N > and t.rand Rap ids. Mu h ( oat owner noura nre * to a future MKtl Ummi lo I Have oho a*e bwtrslIt able lo say that Ibry didn I m p»t * I br» I* In (be <*o4 m toon tests arrotd* n< tu imb and MKtl spdrsiam. Iran J Vetera* Jewish groups • mi of the eueevvrv that are tbe aa*u- kmrt g.ioon •JBBBBf A Iwtt raI levub of early and rapid dr Intuited in the traasnr«i«m are Hotlyousod lies 4 »el«*«wusen! tn an% industry I base tog boo«c« *d I be H itbs Kineey Rnnag an payment af the f*eorge Je w el s nevl Mk Par complete fartb in (be future mi i Ham m • bWb tbe loo paid' held l‘b admission ta* \nlidis 4 nmi RAPRaAMAR assignment Is Tbe Aim- a» r sidemed by one goUn an interest along oiib the e>v#(e nation org ha* the barking *d the Hairy l.ork Nimt ' romedt drama ties la that held" ol krlbo* I or as estate of * rH«v N*«»«mai ksvn |.s (be \dtance under ••old he kg r **ond f.ianmnr revealed (bat Ranh of Hill Myhrara Raorn N M Ken ^ j niorref People (liter Phoebe and Harry Fpbron are (meroa baa made a mom bet of neds and J It flat r (soon N»one Vmrr ... «' ■ ,u...u ^4 u, Mr - Mr U rARiETY 7 .»u# Vel ft*ea***U r> • i»<« nr nni ui.« gaauv rwnw o mwv u « tmttt iu * V a a*;*# «*ra y ■ n» »u « » ' lo a os s »* b*« i-o •• n • ill lee A merit an lee and other SkMrat-Zaaack Pr*i Powwows the Caul T vent »et b-Fo« pne# Npvrn* P Ah .mu a* plane d to (be ('oast Nun dry I* for • series of huddles stik pfodurtum see pee fkarryh F Fa no* A and other vfudro races .ot nest year * lineup id pulures lie'll alor resume ronfabs ofth J.isepb M s. hen. k «m the latter s future plans So ben. h «bt Is re. user mg from • bead mtury rereised m an a« i iden> *n bos h are last • eeA has delayed bis v. bedufed Varri»un trip In N**ufb hou r** a m 4MrARi guru mo* of N* ben* h t p»uif ton • Mb Tilth »n r ase of dls art * mrpl is dill unsettled If the «..mpanv •s furred In fltr up Ms theatres be repwsricdly oants lo leave at • be a spiral not of bis rurtral • «n li art *« June la devote hr* full time lo bis o«i I beat re txddmgs N k u u i « % and JLumMiJk. hr*r bad se* riaf lengtht'’meetings • lib him *n an rRuri fa ruMHir bum la re mam •Mb tbe root pan \ dormg previous foavt yfsrts b ibe Mib OUT SOON! ft*. t« • •*st y • ». * * W«m a «g tbbvaa I . I- S s M to Iota ill S V Ms# >• a r. av V* M u RirtMO i e<vw*«a* • *o » i« r It (Vm. The th Anniversary Number \oi I TA NR\ boil ^ f *b#lte« I lk* Res tea * lt«M*-e Re«te»s Inode IjrgM Instdr Moso Instwie IN# I o. ey In %tde N adm Ms IJ — I — — L .L Av i| a 11 , rt I I ilaettK IBM am^UO aaMMlI m% cftBUBf sMrtiy vsmi aihiuiiai fiui Fttw Special exploitation advantages Copi 9 *d ipace rtwrtofKmi mmy bm %mmt fo o*y V 9 ** 9 ty oIk# lo lioily tvood by tQtb shorts vales manager Peter let afbes iv due bark at tbe hvpndu* tbo* aeek and He tl thee return la (be C seat fag a I a Med Jcoiab Appeal dinner Ikes It af a bock be la »«w toe ■ it 194 W Re 9» ION 9 V WCI !h«*dr Tri. ; v i »***n Inlernaf nopal Jvt I «mi is Jr I >git|m ale (<•#•» a** Mm o N-" a (. • « I Iwh It i *ea I Rno uar *e» fNltWr- Rado w N ad#*. Res % He* ds I rank s* u««y T rlrvtvMO fetes ><im* Re# teas Vaud* tilW 17 . 42 Al 11 I 12 4R { n*M « «tVM •Pa*-. *V 00 #M» Iv r t#fSM» I ll( m t##. k a • ft a v~4 kill V