Variety (December 1949)

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PMTIIM 7. I1W Reviews * tr Nlr%«*W UlM » ha* (hr* H fK» ortfilUi' hum !»» • Ihirf whm He wwt He* young im • Nuwi« nooning lo hod the Ache brfei» nightfall -» i-.*» hr wwil Hr wltHeoff a mo »hen tenors lime foe-odrk »f« '*«» dw> fHr |»4«r tt«M Rseme * secnml- h-nd Hm %rl« mpri get m»« *a exjinarllral trre-Jum H mi**iidi mmI •■*••» imet a hrcrfhrl time* ore the Hike acid »fs tlwf him and lh*n .am pr«Ht Hr % •■ It Kwrvwhere ♦ ♦*«•* *»-• »HmO" k 4 *MI« •♦< Ukr« rw* •»« tow «.! w parked met *ide | dadmm wheeling 1 * 4 vt |rtf * .tr in •♦a!t* »’oa%* siMS haunt ini khewt in t* t* ratine i« Hn»fH «ti sen *« »ir«|lK| MU Hi*t h» » no thief It • c Ium*i1t dense and Hr * uuoks raught Thr re*nHaM errnr with tSr lather hratefl up while »hr • hiid lewth* • m »* nvwilidM.lh ire- toe rd«»u« Hut mr» Hr *t all tee n # *%urr fir die a • true » tr1iw»Mti Inaaer hf wm * «• know aiwass )ti*f hna far to to lie l»Otur»rtH pH right lo thr hr ink n* set get* nixed* nr «'n e*»sofieo»af R>r Hh f.r n M »*<»Ja i* i^r *t »r o» III# Mm >t i Ha* mm H « I -nrii lae ■ rti> >j> Hs » un hin »kr n inner and abtUlt in o »n lautH* m*h fhr minor trmihle* Hr f-1* I n ear ft into rank him a* • 1*0 prMrpprt prc former despite Ink of 0 f% pm m»* r'OfrwnM |,i|r* ter • ro ohn turn* tn I matn>H * i tiMirfuni prrtnmemi »» IJWlrrlo N*ag#»or*pi »* lo*»n*!ta I irrfl to eeniafl* H» in ,iWr and *p- p Iff 'Hr t?**oe lee* noT tnlt of kui A 1 • P i lie V if f nr m \« tMOiait <« *utieHi» r'our f* .«• ful a* thr hnot-d thief f*eturr nmn i< >nt at an #» * odeeene ef S meed parr ten a f /O u* *de rural f»*« *»OT etarl lM>f mdo .41 fort wiiale-K them •m ptegH* of !etf*u tn holacsre thr p me *rr»**»»* drama lhM*»«i|iai*H» t •mahout »• Hi *1 • dr m 'Hr Hard amarf of thr t H d.w n»m nlar s few pridin' Nut e tnrtfV’OMe eie d f «f|i»h *«h I Mi « Has r Horn pro* id* d ki Alfred * k«f« r 4 »h «a I hr \ >a Mamm* wa torgl ha*t seller in the* leeuotrs If# »h I Hmm imr U«r »l <uiii«ni laenehen Sill i.lP i»l»»a r |a«e »e i*Oeii »♦ m *■ ••• Thr an < allrd three w e an l M.htnlrd Pec Kafliek for gfpteside if eee mil hr thr Urol •a thr multiple tr • at in nard ( ceilent dudy a* ah Minuter and M dwell «4 inert* I Hr re turn i« on fjhr | prtcnf xalr that * Her acteneed the eerher ctomdif* and mil Hr large l\ r»spoet«ihirf for thr* on* * i'le***. ml tk ar Denham io K a puPRUnu* mlenel ro arr fi l led nrth oh Mpm feranrf € ant *M>N(.H» n >( * art I •« t*fi UlM ■ efn I tr* ire a* Wentt deM«n I tat ikraeco h t ^e.t f Un»e rOepi *4 MU* • ft | t f > e i e rn IkrweM R*"ke *•■>•» I'uSomwIh *H ei ei >e t**» *rtOr^* *• ivt ft nt*»fc<e«e \ % •*•»•»*»« ho I «a Ha «»rel Matea frlti i ' U r fe Haei teraaon frn ’• 2»nh Fo» Initial *alatiro and met am 1th h Point in# met •ht% ilt*lM« *Hr affirter# *Ppl •« *» feOOR, s eH-rw k •i thr In r»* ' •* thr htlgal Meet lee H t tarots rd Twi H 'Hr ee*r nf n.r n ev tear* I mi* I irtM SO e f<*« w« t • **•*• l a Ka« « fc*«a * l.aianfer !*•• ‘•>rr»|rlr fc» a«*tr»e e rot tree s«*a»a I* -a. sr*>«'taO Mil** if H Kr«l ^ aaoaa r-aen* 1 * • n**a*e # m . aOr we er.fc War ■»••** t "•* le * l» %• tea*- • H**ewr >* • r • «*o *>*i imo kl mot SrfaO* Heft l.rtsta «*eet *• **»-a se#i •alt fH «piir a diffrrmi (•rand <anx on pnnris -matnsrd. satnv IM "p»re« firmeral refra of n4i«i fun at artma pit ia a lord nor Hot • »*dr from a let mfrotpeont lauch* tf*is Rohrri I. Ijpprrl preedsertsesn ultra heerdrrs on imium dith thr Rears of raM t n parr* Nm hard \r le-n and Mars dorh llwikrs of dnnhtlol itu r g m • \ atser fhr flint market nfcsteMtsH Itm a* MipfOriIOf left for fhr srtteadan s'f«i«*Hm* f limed in thr astuaf I it and I an %n*t area thr peeime rrsntse^ irmimf a Ifni vu root frmipr m I toot tv »Hnw* a snirnt latesr* lie an «tar of thr nfnt* »mw»r« Hi* irf and H irfdoe ed h* ft w Hard \f e-n a Um at «•»*’♦ mangier f hrrraftrr a den k uf omu oniim • ertsro e*n*eer m ohieh kr'er trad mg lads Ml** Itufhe * and dtrrr i*m Urcd llat'rv Mfugglr half Hrerledl) In makr at hunmeerw* a* pouMr dr*l of thr thrsp'ng it prihap* 'Hat of Hr'fk « Mi** Hoghrt o I orris t rrd t hir m uifpHMHI thr ro i taolu mtrrrst otiilr Millie on and lladlew arr fatr in thru mpriu- r .e»:rt I Htn Honttn add t.rads dstt lem handle thr corned* rrltrf IH rrrttaen and rdltmg ed Pessl l-eod»e-* a*r adeuyitatr liar*! d Millet t um*mg Help* eapturr (He wreset * alter* of the lit and ( an no am ll»r kpldrr and ltin M% fk SjnmrH fefltiH Tilirf' Thi* is the bent Mr so an »*«a to route atemg i« itha It represe n t* a mnnn for the firry Maria Pelt* ifmmdartg hddiiMmai Is H hat been lra*rd rspr* tl* bs (rahnel Ftcaema fVtpte a tend in ntror-emphaaiar thr lose ■ tfpfral of mans Me«u prndurrd pit' *< *HeeeiId dp at r o t# les so I II arts Henanra and trrtftrails in i*h I miaage tbratrra I ai'ltf an rpi*e»dr ip |Hr Han rrmlatton of III? film f#« «ta r* on the lorn of the irhr lew i Hr daughter «*f a napllbf Me sm an londnmsrr krmme&aitr a« the rebel leader » *i. . *nii* intended In be a foe untie of Pan • ho Villa shnntng him a* (*od> tearing and dr reat under the «lw f'.milm Irmeniiri hat dirrtird mtb wrnaittrtts. mtheoit gloitfstag r ihfr sidp lie h.a* (Mtatamed m »r*r*t nsterb <d the lime aifH«»u|H there t a teadrai * tn drag nut the Hate affair Mist Fr it it anprrh and krmm ad rareHmi irseelo thief Fenun«H< in nan up hit end a* f He prse*« of the rebel 'supporting •*n* little In Vmeri* an audi it all bate been pwbed «are tut Is Picture It Helped In a great r» lent Hs the fluid hngltth irtlma b* Hermoa <• d ember a Mecir de"i t mat n der fr e ast •MIIIMI' f . Wr> rawei CU**< .de«er «... 1 . SO* *.« It "•*•** e H»e Orirlao **»•■•*«N I '.»«• PWIMM P rte i 1 Cm n* » a* I* e *4*r • I atgh J 9 Mm* t-- »i« irliwe* . a .or* |* roe a«*4tn P«~> • S* '4r< Thi* I* * Ughl heart* d «ee f i reeve the une -I a hie *Hal • I'RMpwt lee Plioltee* k« fsiierer amt d. Hi*ks (rahesr It P« tree I• lHe ad* enlure* e*f •** detab mirnr* -to n«s»nv a das m |.««Oifcrn after •*.■** m« o#*n a um |*r > »f Mrtl Htueeiid |*m»» mU groot lae i tl rnSeeIalfetoe O* •*•*♦ like pr• detraaaee * It* •pr* ubrrf dlaheg gteet alHM»*p He tr u>a* IliMll ft* ap p> *1 abeeaad * trt H«eUh«-ie win a naHeMtwieie ro r*1 |«»t Iter pr«|i U tMil|ml rd • • a hf* h rise* them a • a*b Hf»»r a*erl a da* 1.0 l/wdaa fr* a Hoe** d «u-a ingi and Mwah* • ««•»! Hall aaner **l*ent I* I « e n M M eel |»> a fee • »po*o • e ♦*••»# fet*ce»en«a tl* nluri them a» 'he datum 'i ♦»• ten get a |ui a*rd m ubei » * . tree faee»e eotl he*rh H •* r a ... m *•*» * -i #.|»««le • t«r t IHi i 4> • ! •• vied i*n *'•* I** * w at it tw>ue*d ll da la IWUH.«I for* gel* in* uls ed e » 41 d* ******r k*r»»k*nc R«*ld ditcver tt He* i tie* i« tehee e |uu« rid lem I Mtr^iil* -leeieed* (R aettiAg Hit pi'l- int « aHet iH# elite« mw nm a I * T i n*H honi !*»• In* biSetHee meet* an **M t» *end fnaa hi* *»l * ■ * 1 * • 1 ivirer m f*o I it ev P-MMI »«wM ait this ttieir I* a w»i i' rsevd if * j e **ne H>»* eflee f t** nt fret ft*r ** -e I psir •ued hs Hrf s uilm aewt i* ii a* ed perm tr*.* s unis triMil iu e aptnre Hf' Wiu e«o I f O rofaaaa d t into Pa* >on n«*Ov*». r>«4 *mti as«»s iaiaMs ***** nod* \r*M, n*«* twee* R.a #.a 1 fc««o«e AeorOe Mr lUr* >*4 o* 4«a*r»f ff«.aa« %**e •at art * CrOfl W »**.*' Urn HkO’MO *4f*t S»U fSof* o i e*x if tow it * ea« > i u .a i w< •a loi*«s 'ho tt owl e len s *w. DOC t *•• Nana •# Marin tMana the Mtlw> ilRIM M Pae i* \«»* 14 Ve>«**oa i.W.w of Sf IM eOo • «• l*.r««wa w* rimea S i llewr* **#•• St tei.ei « ii«»»o o »raoir*«« S* ••a e» .1 waa •*»• leio h eu e S Wow Cjpoeoe I US f > l ou .••*»*#* W*< ret fotsw * oeo sa*« Refe* Ow Mov• Smo* 1 eaw*. i. RM*tMo«.e ^i Palra* ear** Pooo.oa *woa RR Pro tei'O Me* fa**# **- ■re U«i «a » lem P low tia#. rl h«tw Sr up in the weed • id Rt f*a’■•»* of I • r f‘kara iriv ate teoiiato alls de r M 1 d wi»H »u*ftu.. *fi« 1 u ’ • de > ** fd irun situateean rather 'hall »o i -*•#» pit firs fbeesaid ffeo'lon and Mrte d th f'dward* make ffeeeed reenli ad* a* the dr as in# «Heen »nd Meeira l.iirr fpeefull* undw i pia* ■ the l*r'e rtf (be rR*Ra*iRfl femme (lee f*Minne«t give* a tees* ewf a pc* t«*em pn*e at the rel*ar«ant m« Hwwr( Coined cm none and Jwm# l rep Pan* imfetediaie i* p» ou to d .«• Id dull* Ha* kai»ee»A*l «»t lHl« Irttilg wing *t*#i * fhr toee pt irtt tpol char aetett aie «n aee *at*ttaeke« and **f m*tmr and the haute **f sH* lotwren (He inn ie*wH« m ••ite i*»n-e esc King drama It ie • t.URiiwels *eade RwwP*l pioetUe I «m nhoh wifi do •* a dualer m • R *»*e«n. the spf ee i .. krr Ph«tip»*e tius builr*. tw .ulhi it wll* .utiil fo *ee IH«t tHeie 1* afnasw the pifrti an Hi wH*h i an i He ire inf Time end again Hr • H.-I.I H* P**lue ( H»ef M«iihe-t | file PmHluR Hoi al w a* * Ha* lee he ielea*ed liw I •• 4 *ef e< tdrSKi r i . t<o*k •« «H*.iH'r • tee «eM hs an irtfesi• reerr and while *»i'iRi a I nr sea* sfreteh i* irlrv*.H fwitR| the •• a* lee t a« k an en* us *afr «w*t II**** »**•** uie the a#**ernoeenf wiiH a 1 *• *4 me ••% «gmi* **|ietafirta >R Pari* Fhr li«f ie*e«ie that PI it Pl M * girl f»»md espial!* a«*tetn*d h- I He p*4mc »h ef »* an rurol •crtl I He two • >m * «»♦ .Rg i ♦,«• a* ter t • >r detti* it **tee>pre4 H*«4f* tw mi «r «• tl . » .a* »t# til p*»#t# an «r*e*et and pftif a *' « \» ihri a » O' *s4ng a t al and >**«* # ««* « i*telif tint' s e .pirfu i drag* "a fls gHw H * * • 'i s<i*piue Rtruit < 'he p».*dsMt ♦ti « kr* prrirtl Ife • t HiO i*htfip;o i pWRf ftitIM R •wap* a de pel ate getawas ti atgiRg an n* et h e od girefri •Mkugmaili when break mg t .erTfiart Cre.has.aS wale w Mh petiue thtnf a* t eg «• l.<« | sm ifetwer* frttl f krit IS o rtpe •light tinpen* men! n leanpu. •« w| the at.d hs and the the bgh . hr Pu I* l o aded with ma’cpeee Rp- pe»f in Matia Monte# I ills p«i..**i iron Pierre kumeuil and ha* segh deansa and items it. make •t a pewhabfe *u«e^e ater eotrs uf m n u lh on familiar ae toe* in R fiurtgp actual teen will help tail pee three tmo Is n*u «.hiir« emeeeffh In fake full ad%aO<age ed the poeiis inherent in the mete deantalMW The lee*r of tike Mile leer the pceewfilnfe and his reset If ing angoiwh aren I fulls rspCtMed and as a irswH the «lsmase« Hme ihei* peine h Pled has a 1 endem % In i sen Me and dwell on iwuepitR Hal* lli.wrser pec Has a M of l ei ie e i m the tart sing* no in the tow-r depths of Ms*settles "Mews ilent i »a* a Canadian saiHo k.eeeuuif in Marseilles few a neghi He »s em han*ed h% the imir** ■ Mi*w Mmo«i t of • lew al dise and Ihes hate ■ tew. id rnahe uf’ heie konwMRt alow* hi* Ins* and 'He pceemrsr* ».. • nl ISn the was to He* dtip he i« .»ahhed and * ubhe d On leasing the hee»p«lal He Cadi Hun elf aleenc a rut hreeke tie i an f bod he* heied over and hnalts ftnd* w.»ek a* the »nmr e*n tew a •dec The pul »• oil with • Imn and be few* em tan* mg the truth In the pem-esa be Has a iee*e abac# Leith a g*p»* |aMt Palme* ktll* of »He own wla a**a* Red Him i* ♦ amended hi the p**l»e e H nails tt*e gir l r n me * Hat 4 hoi He f.odi d.iflu H*R and deepen I foe H r 1..* fere Bsdlm and drw>R » won* Hie* He >t< angle* her a* *h# rndne |ie in * rfll.Rf out .lie M»‘* Mi«n*ef few *akes Her u »i«l dead|»mr tn do a hit of rood Of >a a Cesg scene 'atas' i* ' oe 4 *. • he f«Usfw«ed *a4Uee Ml i Pet'irer ha* an til Rihag rpie a* • add nn#i I aed »o a " o4>‘* i*«M C'He pr ••*•(.§ I t|. * in '<n high a Res in hi "• mod of Use bin f»e oi liW l*a* a <et*drpMr >s he w*ei ia*tMrw( and • < *des upon some of ’he diamafw wenes f.iirnnit »M »n Mai weiiIns ace welt dame aa*d help the f lo • wa*«drI ahes Mtsma »ec and ••alweer p 4 a fhr.wgr- ae reptad 1 1 ' p4 f :lee |e *1 p. e ni dm# ng .a hs s* . In Fcane •» (sgiifi TtHed Ife* pile Ihe arras of fop C tenth lHe«pri» ib Its# rad lame Areomd I He Onk ' is a medi o cre import wifh little * Ham es in the art house Film airings together a srriea nf separate episodes Imbed b* a co mm on theme of man a rein Hen in time Interesting as a run cepcwwi the Aim la eseruted at a creeping pace wrtih a tifmn of the mtrd Out of the eight epsnodts mlv the one starring Trpmel has dcamalic impact Ip Ihtt the serf Frene h a* In# pia* % a pet Red husba n d w bn unan*«• sat pits tries tn break met of Hee rigid daile rowtme Through each of the ae Ritra.e^ Psernrfte ( ai'tnl main aa ••taking commonplace re.iaik* a he mt fate. CectiRt. Intpiacatde cboSin etc Rfpirart Insniiing Fernanda! •s a deed heat in a rr««awranl •wseTnl good ttrue He* Hoi w up limpis with the comedian Rang- ing a rough mi bat French baMada w it hoot much manning few 1 4 Fjsgitsh inles are omitted for moot of the nas durmf H*e i.wal The I -ident star ring Charles frenet as niters amget »• also i mi enter *.mgs and ao •mgti maudlin senpf < Harpm walks thrnufb a bnef epe««Mle aa a n ad rel nvilwmaire who And* pern# an His deathbed (.ah* Marias p»a*s • negHgrni medher who HnaMs «|Uits her lemer IP lake ppa# nf her son and Jean 1 he* t ter Man MR a modeiair ) ef Ire tise .c gur a i e as a d»w.m. d rime mal who dies white making his cm ape Other e pi swale % iri ohe a Hack and Held dar who rates against the e hat k and an mdiotnal wi*.ke« who submit* to the dead rami pattern ewf hts life flcrm. In »'< • Che g arm nf fllM N Par* Rmmts uleea #C N ape « mm ».«w w# s< He w I*. < WRR esi iaaeaa C*ao#uw 4 < l een i. ow sent •a !•#• (• 4<e^ Ut.ecl rC***. l«w>i lew • • w i I » • . a«e*r« • • • RC Mr IW. 4 W I lbe al ow penning kmle OT^H BPQghI list*•• *er .n rtitnf ~^r^i mhuI hr nr Hts reaped tn the e*e fenei.rt mepneatmna from the settlement. Us# inarl held H is element.) % iHai 'H*»*e wbnae arr*ire* prswiewrwd ihe*e HeneAts are entitled In a tair •hare nl compensation fo record ronetnres me that the ot*er of sett lem#PC w as induced in tar ;-e measure be searching sbilUut and mtensise esaminnHons before trial which oere conducted b* gen. . mumwl Milton Pollack* with ttw a*d ed H»a arrmatakli Nsd only the hatters nf tawi..« fur " e plamiig* wil^rcN* w . ..« ■u • He CMG. bad sph*i«t\. M t.*« deteneiant dire.t. r tr..i« **iad » granted fees i. *. • t. * «f a'tomev* w Hie h repfwd I’-rtain sdber defendant derre ten * 1 *• %• allowances the court said were appeas ed in lakapa s < pa He had no re s po nd Cm tits «M* hr aac af the »»•» i*. • •eta tompiained oC In this h< ga- rmn t*ii 'nrat« in add.i run #•«# •ed tor. beferce l«*.f» s who oka* ed the ** m# we ta li»r and r\ UA't Yea it* PIC R New* • s* ***«• #••• •• i*e*.fe * ••» 4>*rtC Pie r.W I flU RsSw tl Is film is the Arsi pittewi • He t ea aim* Film Cestriat it* awn merit is a debnite ail Hei THeMigh a rewstumer • He life mi a little known pbteieer tn Napa I raw * it • an I socpensetnl dire, led and nried Niors i w R f CTR« i He murder nf • phleceer FautlauH (nuclei • Hen at the »noue*l a wrete* of •esen Aashhm ks thteeugh the r*e* cd seti ant* friends and wile ere ••es the pecsewnalds of the %u-ttm and leads to the Anal denouement rkc Atm Aaihe* hoe k amt fewth • wi*ed whethev l i i an ope »nwee«eguIts on a psuet* fr«a. h*. ■d R g esen It the Iwp al borsHrs »i i Maced 1 neiecsiiwad Hie inngyRi ha fewertgo itepl ewsethead iteO* * H '•A weekly Tn mere this pe. tl wusiId hr toinprlied Inin *•* piirttw i netting m i.niai* aCaw •hNtmn week Is nsec sen* nc ll •••• •Abe yearts It » regarded a* a H.g H gee re tww the rei eopaii i In po it C.set * compute the fP*t «U» wee kl •n the ba*ia Hint the mm pun mul •mis iswflecl about Id* # of its pi raining* abeswad if it* m Hamhiwes Th# |g'» auuid irpii •ml the nsetage pas able te. I after the Isw al framhise holder «n the Aim pewdurer are paid n# I I at in l ueiHi lew a l folnh *»,..♦• he gold a b out IF * Mo. e 1 ( gee era'ty i-ntlects k» , ftmei »he pe* da* er Jew Handling Atm* a I < •orra«e l* that then IP* %• »• Rurnpe I k • IP • charge •« It. prodiuei is also whittled te* in hre ause di*«nh* em the ( emticsef muai he paid at leas! /•' • I Mil the pa*t seat I t* tore«g resew oe* helped keep the isuopan it w * lie di*o‘e»t i« return* * • the mllar Past II m»mlh* Ha • reset*al uf form with de receipts cocsaidw r able *.| • fewtetgn drop weighing «H » ihe nsecall lake kethur Vi belli Ik* rsee see pee ha* been studs mg the peapwkwat feu seuesr Mae He followed the ft am Hi*# pan#, m the poat few trek* when h gi anted F ilm* Cine rlgM* to IN i*m r in shot i pies Agure • Hal iRir Her t ual Ih* • l ill a bi ai m if* the ail J the ceuwples ( nuclei Claude Wmm,w *• ihiewugr Hei • ’WRia and (went## (ires ace com '*dro Ifn*pb*ms np*«a h# - M pa I be illle *» lessee* and ^ legriimale stage Janne* IMAllfen few p dandwnd pa tbe ,m< ' - Ae iclesised Cm (bpptic gentle «tltag# idspf The pfsuCwwgra enre« and mwt* rosered h* aP phi IS Ane and most nf the Aim «nn while charge* feu H*««*• W slot Out mi duoc* IP • 1 ♦ ’*e. •' • ’ f surd peifoc ** an. » M-ni#»g I hat rape ores *hp lo prohtHifuc feu peicecd Apsor Tbe Rnmr is a Mi video sponaocshin aaid Urih t* esceitenf a* ( oswciei g# (I ffy ate lltRe I IIS If If ere as alipble in g«*’inn ! S tard euhucal inn slack cos*Id in pnfenna tbinwgH | Hea mate siane *" • •owe leased in MMM* hetl Ailing and • twwmpeienf The real ciedif be Hus#* tn dieesIwo Jean flrsacsre •bn n p new Add M Fremb Afsn* Hi* *1*. k i . age* i and rmiri are ao.ewng the Ane*» tn insne out of Frame rises seat Mo*k Just tilled % well pc end sgg nnlakb ■•fHintim in (mt u i he*»re r i’<e m"i | in retrain ed dhtrb if »epr»* • (» • lire O f fee* f •flee show rng # pe.t.f w m rtaeeeufef Fucs a Al t h. ..Re md In the pm tee • um hock wf the F » * A i R gi theatre hr *e N rrtmsdn art e»..nied to |MRW ^s. MO# was miseirg. ( Ham asserCrd |1 is huM' ur I Hal MaUwgl will he few.-' f«Mr*eeiMe lulu c in a main* • 'He \nginia rmaMnunHo> n chan nets will he atloratcd ( learn s prfil ion said iuiM lown sd iHeaf.e lele ’ a* a «*»<» i fise medium In leles «*um h saMing wifi undoubtedly re*. making Mdh secs fee* m w u • tl u. csonmstRit) io**i*