Variety (December 1949)

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MRU's Two-Wsy Street’ No Outsiders fMlytnil, Dm • la* hrtutf lnSie>inr IM H*r TW p r 4 I Sr 31 It »* nllre § m viM-d • IMllMI «lth Is me* far I »rr* nmvH Sar i sent 11 amd •• mi RiHil majar rift trnd Yari mill IS tSrei irt IM m% fulfil the ntffMn« M 9 WVlr IHriteU HtUrthi • wire In c l a ef W f et • uif mUta m •OSa B |i iniftifn ■■.l.. N(f lM I Hi tr«tl It tpriac ^ «t*ai MPii pm Kmitti attnH- irt *wt ,.p|w.«■<! i 0 uiiitig the Tt»i Si MileSeM will ra upr %he* he h »* m irt.u.TwT *"“ w * » w *. 11 "* •* m malls iaa» • ***~mmm” to tmarS will TKr * o af IS* arts irr •>•»!- la I Ha it I Hr 1’ % I Hr 1 % full Sr Hr \ \ MMMMlt l« Hr Ip l«r«t|i art Mhmi af MS vtll rtntr. .a S«rfl« f if ty i •rlliaa VSree fprt * Hr n faw m mi Hi art>wm • It t« if«|Mtr Met art * tSr M Mi lM ntard ** tHr ♦It'ft Vri' fra«* eeapHsm* m til Hr la’d M> tHr Im« that tHr\ ramNMt i« I Hr AatftrM marirt THat if a Hu•<arm MMtrt aHaS Sill Sr SrpraSrat tipa* tHr fSate mt the farrtca pradee r a t . and tHr q»*lt«% aad aoaptaS4l»*e af He* prfHii i la trialK*a ta Kmeru ee julirmrs Oar eel tHr paeaU tSr rtaamit trr rapart* sill Sr bmmM art|*fal •• that it* pa Hi etee Hr ad Hill Hv rapt tHr ra*tad> Ml Saad at aai Imrtffi par iHat • pradarrr aaa«* la trad ta iMe raaatr> Mr a ill •la areanfr «rrrmaa* Srrr far patratial (tidriSa It ta antnipaird IHat IHi* will Sr Strati) apper rtatrd fiarr aam af tSr faenca prmdaen - air Ml Hi Smaa r ltf dapr |»* Sr I ad tHrtr pr«ediM t ta He* Yari tKnaalm A* a rr uM IHre ritHrr Ha«r diUrults gr ta i*S a drai m «a«i arrrat a Mar i . nl Kmeiusm dtUrtH- i« fiaal drtalta af tHr pla* •• pram aa fur r, fa pradar r r* that ti r Atmmraa SMa tadatars »• ia at at n la rrrair a tarrat Me •laird fm apprearal ai IHr arst Mrrtiaa «d tHr Haaed * HUr (Hr a rheme mhem arismall' Hi* grtard «*• ertttnrrd a* MaprM-n- ral IHrrr Ha* Srra Marr raarf* ar rapt aa. • a MS tHr rralira*H»a Hat H ti Hat entire!* aMmttair S art up H* gtaStm » *• I. "THr ewmmittee Ha«ia«t>« *H»a.» 'Hr peamfHttitia* at lit* ta ntifmrlt pet Hi a retail tty door Hoofers. Hcalets, Scribblers end Tycoon*i * * I f lot lor sfNlf thot you knom I on o mo of too So, Nrtlsr, 1 fUttor you by this*Inc Shot som of your boos frlond mre quit# lllto no. If oo. then telling you obot 1 sould like for CbrlsSMO «rill simplify your problea of «0ot So get Shorn. but tttii If they or# not Ilk# mo — if your friondo oro grooo fellomo -- even louts end oofs -- it mill still bo ooomly So pro sent Shorn m\ th iho on# gift 1 my to If mould mo Isom. For no mb son si ok oo lom thot his oonoo of apprecletloa io dullod So Shis elonolo kmm rlosn sontrlbuSlon So good liTlog! 1 spook of 014 Crom bourbon> o Cbrlstmoo gift mmdo up of qm or moro bottloo of thot boSSlod•in-bond KonSueky noctor. Horo ln do od is o truly gront Amorleoo shiskoy *. Donlol hobo tor it ro ported So boro sold Shot it is -tho finest tdilokoy lo th# morld.” I 9 homing boon virtually mooood on 014 Crom. cortminly hovo no roonon So dlopuSo too roooonod conclusion of oo oalnoot o otoSoomon. Of eouroo 9 1 nobo periodic quell ty eheekupo on oil mb 1 ok 1 bo ond I do not bool tote bn soy thst toloy 9 oo in the poet, none surpeoees Old Crom. Lot this letter bo n prod So Sleklo your nenory f oo Shot Old Crom mill tiesle your polote ond Shooe of your friondo. Tboo. on uoooabor 2lth, mhen X dedleote thot oreo between my musSeche ond board to So oo Sing She holiday eeoeor., 1 mill knom Shot you. too. i your good friondo. mill bo oojoylng Shis traditionally ploosent cl -• mltb o corol on your llpo oad Old Crom In your gloosoo. Sincerely. Monty Woolley Wfmm- JL w ft Apu im m* iiMtuctf tvaaiemt souseott wmictt sown# m some • ies seoof • mavtomai ettviucst peoeecit cossosariom. m«m mmm