Variety (December 1949)

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Hooper Has New Measuring Method; ! Slams Nielsen’s Inadequate’ Survey 2 Step the Yde From the Production Centres In am*Her bod to Meal a march< #n A C N»el*eo C. R Hooper la«t «trh itm n mar H a Rrw method oI NBC’l Xnus Dav Spread - »*le* impart rat me* Hooper* latent i« a 'ardituk to determine iMtw r IV k tent a program i* in in- Muting ttMeneri In buy the *p»n Per % o «rrt the method uwd «a* to trad M> te % to 1 114 families mth queotwo- parfer* on their etunomir »tHn» and •«kiNg iH« fo iv All m durtu «>f & 0 «k » dialing Tbl* v»a* f*» !•* another letter apfnrralty P a tied b) another or gjrhi ration a hmg for a rrmrd ol the ueek * pmi have* In Ihi* nay it brono p»*rblr to le^rn foe instance the pruporlioa of Jack Rtnnt IIMener* *)o bm lank) Strike* a* corn- par id otth the mm-listener* uho uointr l.utkte* The result me pro P • toon h Benny % "ante* impart 1 ng to make foe Mat **t teal are near*. t» irtteta me r e dtdnb drd peo- ariipHiralh arm** the roomtn lie too sample* listener* and two lotrn o to a partienlar pm- ft iwi* •ere pared dt.en a they mere appro* imale It opal I* c«*m- pt%tiMO lie geographical area 0 «>mi mumt \ vice* and economic aiaina * ’** 1 »|m had ahoo* the aaine expo •me to oMHet ndiriloiai media no re handling promotion and pihet aW« factor' \ ii|Mrol r»i«n *m a **»ap opera .onoon re ct to M««»t*t Tin* ahooed that the na d p e r had name than tohre the aoodienre on farm* 1 * »n it did tn large retie# and more at a iall tn loner m» me groop* |t also re*rated that whtle B V • of na-IHraeM uwd the product act eeti*ed 41 IT# of (•« liMeneto u*ed the product gmm It aa im- r-1 «f M' i•eogropboo al Area Data The data H aln brute* 4®*b foto ge ographical are aa conn pnPIi «i» and me <noe te* el* 1 hen Moaned a »»0 high impae I i .nag in the mountain Pari Ac • i among farm list e ners and m Higher in* w ar group* H iiper atm tank a btaat at M»e»- are laM Orel in Ht* kith letter al- ia king the oppo-ing audit at* %er> • •me lex el* high MM Main Pari he thot Klein* i Hen Yack fill TY toting* ace hawe d on 11* home* Bee au«e of the small MO|de Hooper claim* the i a*e* *f a PMTtn rated l«»* |teoMi« jam the line rating ran range hrtneen 4 N ood Ilk 2 and in the remaining 4 • of ihe «a*e* the aotnal rating gui he new me»ce «*g To odor ans thing n madeopoatc to intelligent ado ertt*mg and H< oado acting peoeple f oeothmc • >wrt of an a(fr»oi ” Hoo»qm do «lore* Bcitet un .boutd gur*» XBt ntll < elebcate fUrtstma* DH9 ••th an Hanr-tang pot hup from the \ at k an in dome celebrating the opening of the (athollr Holt Year Went nil! be marked by Pope Pin XII knocking on the Hot of st Peter * Cathedral and Mngmg bx the StMtne (W of the < ha toe mi of the NalhM) Shoo mil hr Mntted in the f to S p m *mt otth ‘AIM Theatre ~ which moally m rupee* that line not taking the alt that *eek tr«m noon to 12 2k pm (VM ma* Ibi NRt ha* planned a ipe cial eotntainmeot tlw«o featuring it* tsmtiy "• performer* at home otth their children Schedoled to hr heard are Phil Hacta* and A lire fate and the familir* of Nuked \mmf t.oedon McRae and Prank Sinatra WMGM (N.Y.) In Talent Grab r >. i nmIi hi po i* being given WMGM loro* ooned md»e In N \ mth the addition of Ted Reoon being taken a«ai from v»NM» Hal Tom* mm at WVXJ Neoack and Ken Boheri* free Ian roe • ho announce* TmMmI Cana era cm « BS I \ and other oek airer* w M(.M program director Bay mc»nd bail h handling negoiiattona foe the neo platter * pinner* Beoo n oho n Mated to do a 7 t JO a m urn t he-baard Mint, mil compete mtk BBFB • (mo Bat burn and Uee finch B o berti and Tom* mil get afternoon assign me cut* Turn* a former F.ngtish tear her tn Philadelphia high *e h o wl * ha* been clicking at the \eo in »et at at ion oifh a direct bx • e lephono aalea pitch. Parting of Hubert* mil reonite hun mth led Moatng, ohocn he a*«i*ted m the lata Togntiea The rtatmaa Jurkex viable mil lorlitde No*mg oho doe* loo doll* *r*'*o««a in day* a oeek. Jack f *gen ftooa the Copat abona Bea katime* oha oe igioate* from Hot Iona reutaoc aot and I eooard feather oha *pe«taller* in pro than p4atmg ft to death a mg a m ong *tatmna here Baylor WJMO manager be maifiaenl after c o mplain toned to the pre*eatalM «o ing version of Silent ater WEAK BNNVv Samtael B Saf banned playing of I hiolm before the oeek of Dec It •tat km* are e» per t ed t< aim liar ruling* IN NEW YORK CITY . . . ton of Other ™ NARBA CONFAB 5 • hnh oamlly ABC : to give in » WSx TO CUBA B " g'titnglon Dec • There a a belief here the Ameri- can delegating la the North Amen-, ran Befyonai BroadcaMing Agree ment conference m Montreal mil acre pi the laical Cuban pcopo*at* father than nperatr withuat ag in- ternal maul treat v agd reonlttng than* in the u*e of the air ware* lh*e ta otnd up imminent I*. the cinference n fared otth the rhmrc of giving in la the third and Anal ( align «4<. abb <a • ‘fit ag poaed b* l’ ft clear channel Ma tton* or breaking up u it bout a treat* The I uhan delegation ta A Stale Dept wooree *ald three till have to be a declaim ihu oeek or the conference mM fold Screpta n re of the ( uhan de- mand* eoold hit chieAy BBC* <HM» hr rhannei u*ed by VHRC Hi Neo York CBS* 7AO hr apot of WBBV in Chicago the I 110 hr » kilaoalter of BBT tn (harlotte N C and the 700 k« channel of WiB in Detroit Ampler Mart Prankel ta lecture ol KYV Bad m TV B arkakap ta- mac raw . TBgrt i f arl MulHo ADC' Bark apoke an bcoadroMmg aalea and aerrire before Pltt*Hurgh AM TV (TuH veolerday Tue* » Jane Hoffman jam# roM af NBC • Marriage far Tun" BOB staf- fer* ta Mage Xma* part* far tbeir kida Dec 17 WVNJ marking Ma ArM mat today »Med * at S p m *HI hour .og( HraadraM featuring aaluteo from celeb* Bruce Stanirrman a CkrMmaa Mary Journev af the Magi * ta he aired H* < median BrnadraMmg Corp It o*a originally abld ta Columbia BTockaHog but neeec aired by CBS be mac of tbe aboo « demt*e Merrill C Joel* ag Theatre Guild af • he \*f“ stieet ScdBO Sunday n:ghl II* Tee lob Airdu* «t NBC agd otth the same middle Initial -make# It a #i«tk «m*e apeca- lua foe the *o|tc hboard ta ideal ily if M l far the production dept lr«lie Har»i* or for the vale# dept LM frank Btaataa. t BS peer ta be latitated into Alpha Delta Sigcoa. boaoran marketing fraternity. Friday •!» ABC' program veepeo Bod Barr* lectured te Maine BroadcaMing Aa*n Friday 2 Bert IJnd neo aaanriatr pendurer tor Ted Hude# P r oduc t lent Joan Bar- ton la go e#t on BOB t Tr eaa ur* \arietiea Dee 17 Gi u abrI* dept •lore •p.«ci«M*rmg 21 guarter hour# and 42 *pota oeeklv an B V\J Neo- ark ABC* *ale* service department gal#. Mildred Marrta and FKie sc boo both got engagemeot ring# on tbe aame day CBS Hallmark Plav hou*e * ohlrh uaualK air* adaptation* af naeel* ta do M« ArM original •« rtpt <bv lean Boflooay• Dec IS Cart lengtey. e* BOB re *e archer resigned from BMB to form hi# oon TV parkage out At John Karol CBS «ate# recovering from spr ai ned ankle aumtamed at the Chappagua itnirkaa Hen York* railroad rtaftem Arnold Hart lev hack from foor-eecha Pa«t* Home trip with blue print fur e% pended ip on llalian-cvciglnating bmafb aM« F ngene Fran eta, theaper became father af W* Atepbeo ■ ooa Id. Monday 20 • . Kenvon A Fckhardt v tBrlatmaa gift to editor* coo atala af adapting too children under the Fortet Parent* Plan for B«r C hiMMeo m o u . rear ^ ^aa ora a«4 tn t tis *r Mtrk**» -CoeofradVof ^kmUrj^VST IS BOB a Dave DrWell to ait Name Yaur Pwms * 4aruoeatan on Meepmg pill racket Saturdax tn* The Semak Philawophrt ' beard cmaothe bamd aver wVvD^haa been reneoed far tbe I2tk m n an utive year by Carnation t'a ABC • f«ene BaaMWoo and BNYC• Gearge Baftaek noo #port.nd bear d * Girt f'hekaitna Bo*, bar# to tbe Lee Ottae# t'BS neo* r«t Taeodav 20 Beet footaa mta Godtag Light 1 Phil took ha* launched hi# annual Book* Far Caah" drive l\ HOLLYWOOD . . . ('aba a uve of them net* o ill depend m# I and the » o *l w mei die v« t try ('a Dcm i nghou*# Fort I and kPBC. Houaion I mllmg ta arrept ( ABC. MUTUAL SET LONGHAIR STANZAS Kati* programhvpa Include * I Nr mi t » ao*c i thrd M fie* of Mt*M H **!*«» Attraction* ohuh feature MHra viac* mnN i* IjuucI Barr* nun e Mm hex B oo nex leoia Stone \ivo No* hem and at her name* In- die ha* »t«« bu«H an ympremive iihmIx hiveup ohlrh tmlude* rol bee aud p*u h*»hrtboll from Mad 1-wN Vptaie IniAn and the 00lh KrgitMeot Armotx and Ivy l^eague Hmij game* all bankrolled bx a |i««*«p i*f Axe »|MHi*4iCA la addition Iw# .. e #'*• aw»alei.« ai.d p«o LUInlllAIn Jl Blttn*; hovk#' ln<e »»*C («atdeo sod N \ \ H< «od Mutual are going tn he t,i*nl |».n tvaUhall game* a ••nghan Aina MM •* signing l harl ht uv ger t«u mec mchIiu for ut the Ikrirod mphonx ftu a kl ndai riffling verie* otth the im(h«n Art* OtxheMra Pn» fiatn oould range tr*«m ehaothrr I rMt|n to wt h» ut TY mu-let. n* *•■■♦! nil! |Nub’bti he «ked«le«l in |i< IP II pm xttN Meeting Feb a MBS oiN an the I •** Ytvge m |“ ilhei >m*m< Ort heMca *m v .i* # ** 2 20 pm *tart lug Jen INogfamv mil be • 1 - ru r# and o«i| in* ludr a gu« intei mu'um failure AltiVd Ballen**rin mil «• 4ivl Oo B>ili e Mcx* Martin# J .n II ii«e vtb mil air the •»*!• Imniu Nx ••x!»•♦«*»*v tiom M' tn to 11 I im • ilk Y iv tor AII**a«M»i«* Mlnnmg (omyrdhoa lor Calkin vi y I . • ILL a * «n*eot to *ale of a 40' . inter V*ro Market m Unheat ^ **' b m Bo«imgt.m u »m . w . ;" :W kmumn *«« >nt mntrol »o tbe Bor- *mhii oould be affected Another major netoork oaa believed to be on the verge of o ilhdraotof Ma op- puailiona Other# oere aaid la be oavenng 755C STATION SALES ARE GIVEN FCC NOD Ba«hmgion Dec g Three nation* changed hand* lav* oeek ohm the FIX' approved transfer* mvotxing mn«»deration* totaime *'Mev Jt.*«r«t of »*ir* 1 1 an mm t uoi oaa Bf'HB of (Yiarle#- lon B \ a at >-kiluuatter olurh oa« void hx J*«i»n A Keomdx for inVtinni to The Tminev to. mine ••f«e i *•#»(« ot Blue Ac Id Kroocdx i« pcltutpal ooner of BSA7. and B s\y 1 H\ in Muntiogton B Ya Grant of Hao'let ohoh al«u n f Ixcde* three i com Ur po kup Ma t»«m* oaa ma«W «onditional ui*m the voliei vubm itt>ng and «erotvmg appro* al of p«onf of p* i I«h imMM e of Bf HS t MO»eni to %ale of a 4g* . Inter oork out a summer sch edu le fur CBS Jerry Devine taped hi* *heo a B'ashing * «>n Xeke Manner# also worked the tape overtime foe a three oeek re spiff m n Y hNX la Diving Ma Jerk aeoaiun lMfB Fatal Manleraao an miematvonal Altar and fur 7S minute* on Satur- day* he II apia recording* of the hot I cut faxes ta the uortd a amusement tenter* Nscrv Ytrairt taking tune mat from hia direction of luaaie be oa* Yogi Yaegeoauu on tbe Al Fearer aboo Mai BelB luat hi* father last oeek Jack Benny tape* hi# Dee IS broadrart ae be and bit troupe ran da a bcncAt to Hearten at the Sham ruck Duel Breoaler Morgan around to Mart af the neo Fireside Theatre serve# fur Prorter A (iambic lack IHIW maced ever la Don In neo* bateau from Armed Force# Radio Service Ranald ( atanaa mil be narraioc on L A » aaaual (liMoimaa broadrart ta tbe nation e*er NBC ABCs Blebaed Moure appointed member af L A dwobei of ( o mm ervt tele* mien rommHtee ebvck la dedicated te tnakmg C»tv of Angela ihe nation a TY • »p#tal Mtbe BMMeb oha apart* title of hNX apart* editor oill be ‘ B*u Baal Deportee an four oeek buildup af Neo Yeat a dav game a* if it need* H or have you tried le bux a pair oo the W* Bob I oieaoa na m ed (*aaM rep ef AdxertiMng t own* it Pout Bah Mope, Too more gusher# oere brought m mm hi* leva* Arid A Ira mote milium la ourry about fur Procter A Ga \Z~ 1 \ ( IIIC 4 CO . . . Gikkcrs Shamrock Pick Muuvrna Te# Dec 4 B aitei Bmrhell Bruadoav t«d • <nM « *mm mental««c and Ircau *•1 the Damon Bunion Yleaumal fund foe (anrec Bevearrh •* the In ihe i hemcutk Charity kali game ta be held be rtrordmg la Ihe gam Glenn McCarthy BmrbeU and Jimmy IW 17 Ciunpititlan far the X^gru mar f ket'. in Neo York t itv »v bring %trppvd up Oa Moodax »Y> Betty r * t*iaogCA fvmoer mvmcn# editor of A t*Mf H«nM nuf tauiN hed a »roaa ’ fhrtw*a<«t aiiiev tui B| IB Stan*# ** heat *1 liMa * * wt a •»• o«il m»xh *** ho al lUtNUMiiiit ptltvitte# child '* ia«r -l»*»pf...ig neo* r«nnuir.H> and poii*t< al r<e»»tv a* I hex a Bn 1 M»« a unen BBHI. ha* tone in ihe part .wuuilh imreaved ttroc Iw it* Yft ci no o n Noing Nrvma vanduvted bx |*ini IMidoo and the piugiam «r own so' »d 4 o ith neo vpanvoev h u* h ilthf H' tklx law* t'lothe* Mu J *x Hall Jeweler* Shoe*. Btn-to** Telex ii*.n and Carolina Bice 'Malum ha* eBected tieup* *** •»*h thiee Ntiokix* theatre* in " Nv*io a iea* a herebx u * the house* arreen a 2k rrand Dl' B B Bl» If ailer at every ahoo ing r * Outlet ha* a promo t ional deal otth "* *Ne N Y Agr Negro oeekly and pact* o ith vexeral theatie# in Hat *mt • » rlcim I# nfixing A morning stanaa beamed ta the »H Yep* maiket max be maugutaled da shortly bx BBBL r o m p # ting mtk ,»he BUB num. Imgtna to aaa granted Yl*a tt'ca approx al oa* *he vale of B DAII in Indiana Pa lo« MY* run) hi Paul and Aloe Mmni to Thiunpum h t atolxn «Od t Haile* t *w«eil Kaiser Fruer s Tme Bay Oa Laktr-Likeral Ndwark I nu«ual atturtmn of an autamo bile maaofactoie r •pv*n<*ocft*g a program oa a neiootk ohuh la cludr* f mled Aulooudwle »«h er* Matiun* ha* drie lo ped *iU K a kaet Ftaarc buying a eras* tbe *p»*< ua tbe labor liberal net owri Sianca Ha* not xet been YVegnaxonCa la gomg all dut lo promote It* add-a tele*»*»oa featurp oBeird in their ud m p hon n unit* m time for the ('hcuu**va« mle* iu*h Marjorie Betake. B BBM «-«mtmuity Maffer engaged to Bavoe F t*«bbo Jr . of Bnhman H Ya Matt Norvamok af the Fedetal Be«c«ie System B avhmgtoa mil gtxe IY min talk oa genet el rrumuou «orvd* lion* m the lountri Dec 2 oxer B IMI B BBM nrvuadrt Jutx«o Benilei la sued at a neo lime I 12 ta 2 2k pm ‘(NT* Mu* thr*«o h Fn frearge MiwheN Ml state An an* t dire* tor guevted no BBHM • Know Yaur Stale Dec 4 Dv Herman N. Bow dew o rttx a Bo*id •d Health prevx tame up mth on e fart hah* talk Yti 2 nx r BfiN a ‘ ( «*Bee B ilh the helarxa mom tag shoo MouHoa and Svtvia Aehet expect a hahx to March Daa (<eb promotion own ager Inc BON to hooptlal lot rhethnp BRRM a half bout Mchofx lime I or* t Jk p to noo ptuduted hx Jerry Dee I *y Howard tieator of Mx friend It ma in toon tn roofer with F K Brvglef •'tr new •iMfOxoi «t ip of Lite B ilh Luigi ohuh be tlu prodme* Visitor* ta Mutual ( eattal Ihxivom «*Diee* last week were 9 tank B kite prestdent nf MRS and Bit It ate 9 mcahrtbcc Y P to thatge of pt#i« (iuevtmg *m Nua d ai « 4» Crime line* Not Pat program o»*c JM.N oa* Jaha f PeeadegaM t M c poiue .ota.oiv.Mint ilth f'hrtMavaa show for ihe Cht Municipal T B Sanitarium vhtdded for Dec If Jack Holden mil rower Joe Boland 9ot met Notre llamr roach and plaxet mil btoadtaM a Ik-game baaketboll *ked Horn * Bt Stadium met Bf FL BBRYf # f IMV Jnbnaan and famtlx acted Man through Sat 7 9k to t a m an Ptrk I p Time am • toned ihcM aibuwi .»f h*nn« and nan a'ion* lart Nox 2k* 11 Vi pro* red* went to l am worn >t * 9 mid l\ 1 iSHI\CTO V . . . la the Detroit scaled CAW i K F ha* *tgned a VJ week ran Iratl far the neiootk u*mg KT *G#« B|ai urn* la be used are BFDB NY BYfM i hatianaa ga and AFMI L A all outlet a barked by ike Internal tonal Indie* Ghrmrnt Worker* Ltuna BOFT Detroit and BCVD (lew land CAW Mai ions and Bf FM Ba*9- mgtoo tooperalne data* Bek mas instituted by Jdacria A Mavik f.eae Klavaa neo humor trt d.*h jmkey on BTOP ( BS rluAing wa nell on hi* Vapdal Punishment 12 9k-2 am alter that Maiioo jMxunoiing him as local «wt»uw la Artbar Imdfrei aa alum of B TOP S |exa n otll pa aa Capital theatie Mage work beginning Dev 17 * 9 om Bjnmaoa NHi new# carre*p n ndeat far part eight x rat * ho* •oitched ta BTOP ( BS where he Alla Ihe 2 22 12k new* mu Bnaaa Bask special exeat* director far ABC bet*, la kri Best ta toxer the We*»deniial tatatum far the web Dean lace B M41 AIM anaoxmrec i* nan a* mg a senes af ttaiamg Alma far the Na»e Mkrare Heidi • optional hosts airer Breaking Through to Mar- dnm ptua a three hour veude da# bedded far ( Ime a Ateoa Dm It fae henedt af Janmr Chamber af Commerce Youth Welfare 9 and Art Dab • * af lark! Mil— WINK baa switched la W*n< DuMont auereedmg (larbe Thoenioo aba move# la WO M t umber land Md . where he baa takea up dude# aa program dirertoc D*d mil daukli a# tfHimiaver and new* and apenal events mmtoroia'o* 9or Ike TV station Fddli t.allaker WTOP < u> dim mko l.uoi Hus week via lug