Variety (December 1949)

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7. IW WWJ-TVs Turbulent Career Itched In Charcoal or Helplessly Marooned’ Earl Wilson s TV Idea Ho HUM lUMMII On FnWa^. %** 4 M Fight h- ur» 17 minute vcnexh pw«t n«rrHluii fjKtrrn v^nndard Tim# WWJ T\ emrr**-d Irion thr red Thirls lir mioMh lalrr we him a No VTO tut# amt niirritMUs mrnt h»< h into 1 hr re* «r <H» fbilurdai \m 12 at the hour of I Ml p in «i faird |hr rhecrful prw|o>it «l an aflermxxin In WaHt nhitr «r r n UWi thr MmHia m trrtni Indian# fxwrfhell fraia» hut at 2 21 l> on# «*l thr transmitter rnfinron dewelx i p o d a •rserr ran# of cieu«t ra ph nhi and had to hr trnl hour in an open lasit h. nrrroitatmi an ewertime rey»ta* rmeni at timr and a half • h du n ked u* m starlet unfit 2 42 Id a tarn «r ana# amv nswlrd Into thr Mad Thru jm»I »hrn rsrftthing braked rti|iii ltrl> etumx disaster aUml again \ Ml Ml i «lage hand matching thr gam# on thr a»M»n«tffr in Ntudro T got rvitid atrt a t»a»* inter tepimn and plat* fulls diopyxed a Itsr rwgarrf on a hum of tit to- rard« Mat ur urn! Into thr rnmMM **•• it • gf»nr atl thi« pa*’ nous’ h 1 I in thr hart dt*wn in thr rod Km etched in ttiarmat non hr I# Runu n#d Rm’ grad-.ia’* •tor prt fta*hr* arr amiMnniof u« to «nlsriH IdrshoM and or dream ad thr time ohrn prriMNmtli ur Wax ale thr vermilion Therr i good stuff in our dreams A'•*•«!oral stuff l oan# IIM ur II h-sr rW to ITVtndt fede#i'**n f.*m«lie« fo«r an audtrnrr On Feb I oh ratr g«r« to •dun an hour Cr murii Ml content stands at € 5 ' uhuh isn l far hr ton thr point Id lehr tu maintain It iad« ahnut Utt an hour tu <lai on thr aor It Sou on all these ingredients a- d t««ss em into imr of those thr channel catrulatoor* uhat do sou Demtiu Jaamru W rr*#frr« l#i*rr Srriftin,, Tint.' n Y Reals ssnduated rdyoaot Carl Wilson and ht« wife. Roae mers arr pnmtng a Mr add Mrs Broadway sidro shoo It mould transmute thr breakfast Mr and Mrs idea to night!imr trtrsiaron Rddir this is and Al Roh«n harr dour a script on thr idea uhuh Ted Ltosd is agenting Mullen. Johnston Join Fairbanks In Sons of the Pioneers \IM i tries oua operation la • hav# h ratch a s idro man around the network arr sou VI find he r pul a dad uho s am hramh of agencs rommunaratiuns «hos A partial nmdouo of the NR TV rra km of the inrt for r sample. Dus id Ramrdf a* urn M AtK* rii« I Ilk faaircraars 'anker y\nTFTr Major TV Pix Setup Herbert Mot 1 let mho cheek* In at the web soon*, as pf AtherUw b Hohtei «h airmen of the hoard of Rmtun A Route Paul harmiek Jr son of Paul barwuk se n ior partner of Wae- • irk I I egtrr agencs lee Hustol son of thr Rnatol 4 Myers tapper Herbert Rasard Amopr Jr lairrs Axhwab ms «d lavrmrt Schwab ew legit prodsarrr (hr* lias is Jr wm of thr ptawmright mas an MM' TV pa diner until last summer sties hr mas hilled m a moto rbo at ax* l- thr Cturi Tmsr Rs held Jr , mrb until too mrehs >as oith the get* It * a Mach hoiamed hudg #t prartu afls askmsa lime dass r-pee tails in thr high finance es» • I** of Washington I) t That • whs I m certain that soon mill roosr a das mhen me II look •or thr last time on thr ink which I* red and owr hook keeper oho so h*-If me is name d Rubs sill hr rime knwon as 'Inks or Thr Its sou * Hut then m hat a ill me pawn trie b i «e« do lue tons r« mat ion * Pbonevision In Bid for Rank Pix Chirag# the • « # Zenith Radio per# I k Mrlkun dk a*d Jr is currentI* pttchtng to the *he’ J Arthur Rank lH gastiantton for u*r of the British film mag lilt mate s A rat run features in Zenith • ,r * Phones i*mm plan Aerxxfdrng to dea M«lh*nald the fart that the public P™ milt spend oser tl nu* wemw for the TV fneivet** in I 9 AR Indicates rug there rs «Htt- enough rooirmec he ones a\ at fable to bus 1 t.*p enter tr«t teinmeot ohurh is uhat he hsipes V to pros xte s ta Phone x )*mhi ter Arixrtk ha* a rssntract proposal Mo from Illinois ReII Telephone for *t*j the proposed Phones ♦ sum testa in Jot I Hie ago (outran has been sub- m m it ted ta the PCC for approsal I and (eats are srhedufed to start a* sn< soon aa the I suoixum gixes the m mncd I nder Phones •• ton t truer* sek mould be charged through their bin regular phone hills for special pro dex gram* mhirh milt not he available tiniest thes dial the operator and am ask her to complete a nr« wit rat Molls mood Dec • Reorganise* H*n of the ewe*uti*e setup of the Jerrs Fairbanks Atm produrmg operation f*»e telesistom to meet Ms program of rspaS»HS ha« hr might into the rompans two ol widens top rsm Thes arr trank Mullrn fformerts head of SRC's TV setup in Srm York and Russ Johnston mho resigned last t t id*s as head of NRt s terser dt Sudan Rstth Mullen and Johnston base bought substantial stork tn the TV Ban From College Grid Games Staled For ECAC Talks Tomorrow Dm* Mt# Girl* other interests to *« the Rrm i pi Ana fur llarr a i himimt « ( iirrr (»irl lribuling organtratum in the (tun irs Fairbanks continues os peesi dent and mill hr tn charge of alt production Mullen is chairman of the hoard and mill administer the fompans * bu*inr*‘ Johnston mill he s p in (haege ol sole* and dis tn button Mullen mill make hi* headqnar ters at the Fairbanks studn* in Molls mood and make otumsuI stsits ta the Arm s N# s V ul oRue Johnston mill hose his wperatM m* in Manhattan 4 #«A fnnrtrr \m no her Wynn, Murray •r^vr: .a*t «sa <iislril«tiMi sad d J tensing of f«oU >et up Ha m an dt MR MM - don t base the rj^rr: s kin Sat Parky S £r£ a a .j a as. ^ m M" lil ' ^ * Coo pro oue Nears %eke* agetu ie% Ahoos «ill be Aimed Iks the esunpanx s resent lx dew eloped three-camera tes h n iseur A ^pension of farilttle* both here and In Acs York are stated In • at'x nest xear Repotia*tuns M* progressing low the Aiming of sew rial top shorns m>m on rodio and oioutams non turns kmescoped ■emmi • Aiming tes hnmsae mill he la TV Scene Strike BERLE TO FLORIDA. i HUDDLE ON SUBS go |tni«Hd wo mho mill replace Milts* Herle a* row re on flRT #J Y \ • Trials htar Iheatrr for rr the nr at too weeks is ripolnt to „| few made todax Red • bx the P »l liam Mhiu oftue and the hudner tai ml a*»m‘ K* ' r is m hedrnied to base todas Aor a two meek tai lu* in Marda but the whom «ill | t< fee MOlmued *% it when he ^ V««*k a fnm meek aark lease las* m >oar mdh gssesi ptisonaiittes s««b M •I’tut mg 1 u spots the me r es M *f of basing i, to line wp the «tw>s low ne*f for* b d •% IV a* a* pn-itir spodirn r4 n»en fow town hminer and the M«w rt 9 «« agenos sad Mo de« own mooutd T be made unlit last night s shoo bad b een finished Don Ameohe and l*htl Aoisers base b een men turned to All the spot hut no ism tiaots base t e rn signed Hsite under his •ousiiaot is entitled le , foour week* saoation during the , 9 b aesk • x( le g Cocy TV Um ScknMes ; IR If JLvWl JtllRC errs both here and in Mem >nt Aaiuidat f hancma for an earls settlement ,K# *'""*• f '*'** «*a of ti»e I nrted v m»< A>k>i • sir a* hr ' n * '^exerted *•» »po»o**i against Rem York sides* slalom* Mullen I* one of the gtiirrrt• «• « ame< t rwnuderabis brightened this week hotmock lelewtsaon and Mum o%#» «a* An, as both s> 4 r» indicated millmgne*. »• »•» HfH dage* mhtle emeo m ilium to compromise The «n*np«n*e* Mine v p and general manage? of ivAnti m ade a prmgu »al (ic i reported .V# • He uepn nieed ’he net i trie | mage uscreaae to the menu destem '*’*•* operatum lartittut t * 1 ' 1 twits “ s era at • meeting Mondax nieht S’ perwmnel Mullen tell R*R* * rt ) Jan 7 n Aalurdax nigh* osue the slowest nigM of the meek for telex Kion \ tenets mill sswwi base ensnsgh good shorns to keep ans setomnev at home if ( ha* H’ max Rrb ha* tefdatrxe’x de« idfd tm the Kd b x no stw»m in the I I# • t* *tof Aa’todas nights start mg Jr* T TelewisMm « egrst on thr eat* rr. teipts of college football fame* mill get a thurowrh kukmr aio««nd at tomorrows • Thun i wet «.f the Fasfrm Collegia’* Athletir t itnfrrentr in N V with t o m mm •tuner 'A** R mhn rll esposted to ptt«h for thr laamplele hnnomp of widen cameras from alt fames m the future If the R AC tuteg against TV Rushtxeti hs*pr« to haxe «i ml la t action token bx thr Art mux..) Collegiate Athletir Assn ohuh »* scheduled ,ls meet m \ \ m Januarx on the assMO*ptwwi that the ban to he edex t ixr w«>w'd base to few natioumtd* to sropa Ritshnell reported'* h«.« an t<tf po*n\ p«t of facts and Agnres fop submission tn the FC AC ou mb s r wbsmls to pruse that T\ ha* mo- sMlrrabl x burl at I end am • a* gawu« durtne the last tmo sea** Mi* the. «»r* ts that the roHpge* ohwh box# no s idea are arts*# I lx morse «g than T ho s e mhuh now prvnxit tete> tensing of toadfeud 1 »»*<* them d*m I base the fees paid bx a *t » work* and ad*cctiser* " |«w Me rights to games lo *-g*et thr«r at* t ege d csd m re c eipts Also op l« r argument is the c o ntentum that smaller schools are especialh hurt If TV fan* m the some area ran watch one of the higgei earns* haf me set »e> veaod anxr ( >i n»s Awurrs broad adualls aided and not burl game alImdam r 7 hex |. .».i i« »j .* soar • record lake of some of tie top teonsa m the co unt rx mm h *• Notre Dome, Muhigao and a* uth em Calrfomia all «4 w hose §«*•<•• were teleslaed Notre Doom North Carolina clash at V ankee Atadium toi eaampde drew a lapswits iiowd fur Ihe Aiming of AM Most In ’he «ben Camel <iga«ets tabes oser as process of bring «on*eded to TV «pun*«u from Apeidrt Deal foe Mullen ts one of the p i wors t • of Camel to puk up the show i tab netwmk telestsmo and t*w*k ower «a* Aoalired last week through tele in Its earls stages while eae* b ilium l.sts agem v utise w p and general manager of DHtnMrl) set fm CRN baturdas NRt Mr wc fanned tRe nets tele nipht* u ben MatTasS Ate s ao<’ M ( t whuh i» also In he Uum bed *f T 4 MHI despite the game haw mg i t he a to t hr ax Sri under been aired bw DuMont hip of A is be me * Rmeh -- — 1 t : „ r drugs DiMONT OUTLAY •oct* esewts letter deal t* cunt mg* ot uo the oeb fkbsubn Ffi^u* a hawk m* I lei lo pns the enn^rtstng I mau»r d»ug . „ 1 hams throughout the nswn hee •oitwued on page JA . .. ^ parted ter a new show on the Du- Mont web whu b is I* (Mai♦ we le U/IIITUtl I Mill I HI wheduted lo etarl Jaw IT Tuee- WinUILLL ■ULLUf ba> • IU the I lo Id P OX *ts*t t h*t OR NBC EXCLUSIVE - ■ ■ 1 Star* and will spend name lhao •• *• ! h# prnrese of «eg*» f 2 lUUI 0 M» in time and lalem *m4s » . x» iih Rau: b the l»e p(g(m.> duix.f IF 4 whuh wae met Ted hx I mat Ajm to hew tune pr*%utcw( the A ap*uxs*w»hip of Amxther moetmg whuh i* e«|*e« ted Rickecda rad*# pr«»pe»t’es whuh Rudweiser Rm < iur’Muii Dm g I’tw taiiWS M>*d 4 i'r» *»t b| b T awxi b h Hi t were Nuidxtf »w.« b•** k fin a*Sxt»tu<n wf w« w program* b K Hr t axbhd a hHltuitw w.l'; t* * t < l*u \«tlx w RxiX* with Du«ts M u* row w lm f O la 1 p <% mexkdes •• %*,«»•>* *trefx t,»ng *t* !'•# % an tiw«e three tunics per Week 4 e* f Alb f rstended d« 0 ' *** *x uhedub an hsmr and also tar red U» ruOlilrx «wMe Sal.»r das pigtemmne ugnmg wd at m«d h’aht with Aimed mxsieries to tumg hot h part (es r law f tu- he resigned a short time *f« To get her ts *c be d s* led rodax bed ; represent f»irk*sk* in »sep**t I at »x*w* t xrx x txf the I ntted s* row At • ith J a mes C Fetnllo and bPIX list* hase w peoert Ihe dm»r t«w tele statuxn tn S A agreement with a *'•*<(( reduxtuxn -— — * m mage demands OngmaMs id hTT. 70 *(U\ C tw* for standard pax stales opera ftl.V. S lo < vU JflS ■»,>—«» Owr*. mW l«e * to a 71 * htke unum spuhesmeo 'nr dex l a r ed the* would now he R#mrd ante* *4 tetex»%mn re re*dx to acxep* arm*nd a IV' , «n reiser* here d*i# mg No*ember crease loxulwed m Ihe e»thoot are the number of arts In the TJ axopu hMfsw» baahtngtxxn rm’ropsditan area on Fnnftnr’a In. ala Renal I wn* ■* 1 ** •» •• ■ S mM( MTMtVyi c*tlaute Inst meek b* the kak* CHixagt. Dex i mgtnn Teles uun Cirsulafson Com h»(l Foetec bistro mnn lus nuttae rwricntiy bore mitb , Ro*mM- . _ ^ . .spades has hero pa.ted hx SRC Drcemher kgure repceseo.ed a tor a tele pa« kaec tailed ln«»dr frd*V B HI *h abut R*' 9 *t I H tw.aixn based x*o Ixotet « wtwrxr r ' ,l,,u,r xkilt ahxxiit the home mi' the Capitals four sidro station* mow lUtdgers should hase a Urge en o u g h audi- Matf hour ts heiwg pir’ef at erne t»*r pcxxdiable wperatmo* keener m the Ftathush sw inils Dade prexmu- • umairf outlets wi’h shorn skrxfedx d tm catix Jans cxnttd pet »wtx« thr Max k xxncr the ai s sieoiwg n u mber of sef* te# bed TS Mb Jan 7 in t he I t«* t hr ax ket under »p*u«sxH ship of Awtieuser - Rmuk (Rndmesser Reer In addition, plan* ate still u nde r way between 4 Aw and the Mdixxa w*j f»ardrn Co* p for a pu hop of Satu*das wight apocts eseot* I aller deal, hx.wexrt It contingent uo the oeb signing a hunk (oiler tn paw the (< i*oi tn wed on page Jb PAUL W INC HELL MULLED FOK NBC EXCLUSIVE Matt hMur Is heiwg pit’ef at turner 10 Ihe fUitsixh xm twits wr*tx show sgedxlxd to* ran* Jawu af * sieoiwg MM Is tn th# pcttresa of nego s • Mwotrart with Haul bin rbetl fur his nrtsUse aersires mm telesisuus bin*hell ye currently heaid along with Duoninger on •he CRN TA RigeUtw »h>w ►•.!» the latter client t« *nmetliog out bin ihell was original!) showcased on VRt w.dew The negmutuu s are fur the serxices of the xeniriUup«i*i and his dumms Jetty Mahsmew and do nut r mfeu a* e a Dunmngrr leeoiup Cross Section of Viewing Habits in N. Y. Area Noel sen report for four week* ending box Like taw air ode ~ the new pro- gram mill he a x au d e* preseola lloo although Ihe title talent and •pec 1 Ac fxumat haxe not wot been determined It ts lo he aired ower 12 DuMont Inter* no n e* ted si at urn* and letetrauacvibed foe »o b ae« » »e*d traoemi«>*oo 10 sis Uk*r cities Farh of the 17 dvwg chain* mill he ideniihcd hx lot al cut •*** lo the rtts in mhub H maintatn* *tx«** mftb Whelans getting the M in Nem Vork Agecuw nn the account •• Rt >h ton R Fhxher mhirh ma* mel«u mental in setting up the d*%«* »tut pcnduxlHxO* out At IhiMcnl xi «** i Fraok Runet la ta esprx led is d> reel the new mmimi Kf ATOR 1 TY iOW Molls modi Dec • Ruxier Rratoo make* hte tele bision debut Thursday • mm Ihe W b s nn shorn ^Un Dec 14 he lamer he# kit own Frog ram Tnut* Mar Hwxlit W 7wool uf Town ( R v Talent btuuis «t R v Ihe fioldherg* ( Rw FhiUw TV Flaybouse A A wtpoosr •< Rh • Rain <m# <CRh Undfrmt 4 Zfiends f R Fun for AM NRf> Fireside Theatre <KRt 1 RRC* M» Mm H » •• 74 » Mi % 4b 2 4b • N 1 17 1 M 7 9k a 941 1 ’ 1 1% Homes 144 Vcleceet t% •t kj t 72 • A ’J 79 k 71 9 tl 9 9 k 1 917 999 t2l Gnagt’s TV Return Artid Joe fxnagw oho atoried his ftrsi tries 1*100 p«wgiam to 1949 was scheduled to return M the air last ntgRi 1 Tue* » ’*# b NRT 9 NRC N Y » In the 11 is II IS pm tint Ahem is spuuaswed hr Doubled#* 4 Co on • 92 sceek contract ihrougk I be Hubei Hs*ge 4 Aon ad agenry. Tilted * You Arm An Art»t tha •## tee ta in ha basicsli* the some aa Onagy | earlier widen •fu i*