Variety (December 1949)

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ftmm the ( lllv l.ibrcl* legiler r»«l Vdell Sum* 4*4 (Mr mi dof haUartii an iflrr A*dell l>rf • presence cm thr o« rv T~ , * pe.Is. atone Htth b *•"*' ”' * i?, him and khe Ru>ni»* helped *t*r Markmail Cl ImI foe a hi|h|i«4r Kail to, tfn (*•■•» < jriiy nr trim *•*«• (Hank* hi a g««nd adaptation h\ Nohrit (Arrtpl* «hir«<th po k H I Hr mu«aal and *«m*«d*« high I ght» mill Keno* iWmai and luting SmiOi sorking i»»r» lhri( *Jkal«ttr* 4uH and Dnnm M Holt ■ >d \lart MafeHet wwtim in (Hr 1 »*♦ »hpi 'rtfurUon nombe* H r and R * F»*e Fmft«rt»i •« I am *rn» a |wm geg» nr r Ka» m •r»<1 hr«wt% In tHe pc'H eeding* In giie H time Too ramnrMut* fnr f»o-le* at (Hr beginning and Inn «n.» <* at I Hr end oCt# In mi it •n a little thick H*«rvn 4Bt TV* 1 hiikt Tfln Kt«a Pta»hog«» attempted a wwdi dia main parr# based an F I t.rrtn » Mi«t an I hr Ratm Stiadat 4 It an I tatrl that called lm ma* • erf ul direct ma—the Rind tha* John Ford g»*e thr dim cta*-w The Informer l a king sue h »are|»l detineat tan at rkarntei •Si building at »tm«**p**e»e and •uspenar and other Rantitr V alters It (allrd la rg . i« i •tat»ona thr \ Y Dvllv \ f », d n\ Hat upped Ha rata far spot* effective Jan I ohile maintaining thr old Male on program tiiar While the station Has Had an t«. rrra^ lo program a pone ru« dining the last tear, If la no secret mat moat ot it* rrvmor la dertvrd | fWa •f*nt advertiser* Same situatum la belle* rd to Hold It ue S -ruin artnrdiog to the a**or isttoo a err * tea rd OO all I. A aider* outlet* during I Hr arrti earept Ml TY Ip hurra li» rath «*f t*»e *♦»*-*>*' i Hr gionp sard T\ «nan into (Hr Ho m e and man? children are kmk tng at thrnr program* Wr belie* e that a itHout Ion mnrh effort > aur station mold ftuhattlutr anepc»Hie program* ohuh would Hr •oiiahie s»of> (urwernrd a B» lr»* la>b« plated bt Tnrm Thai* He* ahe* kept a batty old trami a* an.nd Hi* •hup a* a budd* The t am met mg old mao oho an t heaped H* lira Morgan talked the taiS mto Me* kmaiiing a rletk When the tatter turn nutted %od ide the strange Intend* suKered a n*o* al di-mtegratma That* hr* bring h »>« nted h* ronu egrr and Mmnn «aed bt fear ot the polne Thr oenbnea- ot th# rHoracter* That• hri a tnderlamn and ¥*■ 1 1 antir panic made an esaenMatlv unpleasant fate and the** ngatkl enough itUight into their per*#»n alifrra and motivation* to make ti • ortho bile « pa tng for a full hour Kate hike mark* thr Ar«t be w rl\ ***** r it oent on the ate Jima IS IfM \e« rale for a mi aura plug rcthrr liar or Kim H |>ai ram pored lo Ikt cur r ent rharge af »IM» Toent* aorwnd atmuwi. men! W f I.Yii rompored lo the me* rent |h» tchnlirrn pari mg for ■pot• before Jan I get Sd »n* I ur*e Kalner mak*ng He* !*.»*• in K tt*h «irfeo br«*oghi rare eharm 1 -* M r Marring role of H- C andle* h *» Ar-t atrecf Nunds* and » i»e«t*-d la** Thu* *da - *1 It t* e v 'matei the «S* alt* a* led an a * audienc e of almost | mat cadi a • *•«» on it* initial pceaentafmn 1 m* lighthearted frolic of a lad* a vuv*d a Ho page* aa a r oa m e s s to a * » et oho lead* Her lo Heitete a a boron •* an id* a>* H p *e t and deft predaw turn and • mapitohed all rogand acting r* *-v It a U militating pnminute* o entertainment f a*tmg nf Mm R net for thia rote a a* a «m< r Ogam that some o ne ahg ran t-u the differeme betaeen a good • nd bod egg doe an I bate lo laws hoa to lav one loo (.a*land* one aster on iRr TWcrcMet Tele Then lie Honda* night *V oa« of medi •nit c allbre Titled k» Night 411 t ala Arc Cra>~ the plat oaa a dcl-her atelv art i Aria I romedt that dido I base auffieient oit lo rant H oft The arnpt etidenred erudt turn hut (he plat Imbed the mote e**4-ntlal IhontrWal kr**»* H**o Paul Rath bone in ooe of haa %ian«iard urbane pert arotaor ea plated a Rrotland lard m*pr*toc aH« (rap* a femme pad thief after engaging m some romsr • *»manlar patter odh he* Paomla ( tin rot at the gal everptated in a*«**r*ianee nilh taro* repoire '••enlc hut the perlot maat e a • <»utdn l taKage the ptay rat torn believe the* oitl ge bt putting np a united Ir the netoorba and ad ago* at a national oegi feel mg a* the man oho aur«wo«h* lo the lure of * a*h ml* to regret •lutcklt Net* oere natuialiaiu and lighting oaa suited lo the loo bet itm*«*|•here H**»e*e* there oere a fro nm*a ohen diterfton audr the a* turn more ludu *wr* rh«a pathetu tad the hnat o eoe ohen the tallm ahop oa* *««»»»w-ed to p> up in danticao etpho»«»n failed to carrt a rraT»*t« p**m h k Aimed arouen* r ooulct p«ntuM * ha* r * lelded better revuli* do it better MM ga a prapoaed fat* peart we* .ode and a rode of ethic* ohnh otll be submilled aftr* apfumat to the net* and agom *e* k»«o $ «rr*e* of legal seminar* oitl be held in N Y ondet I Hr , Henman •Hip of ITFA general counsel James t FI* Runilar series nnfl Hr Held h* *He Hof I* r o d ouMH odh lhe lectures lain to hr rs changed btod I* noo Headnuattmog m \ \ and otll Handle I *u*i pro du«er*' prohlrcna * »a ro# mpood me otih arting TTk cHaumao Ib.iiae tbeert in Hollvoood Will Da Anything i .krn part In RfTt meeting* H ha* brtmr allied oMH the vwc; ohirh glee* that C oa*t g*«*up *ep rr*entatian In (he ra-t aod luitHrr • ••**• pi Hates I He pntuie tme of the fartms muting to said* an rart) %etibn*cnt **i (i*r H*r lulh t tonal f|Ue*twm i« the need t*. organue T\ u r*f»cr«^ M m« m the league ki p re spn i the* r*n her rune Al k no* nlw*» * at tafgr Hut Ha apparent that H * idro orders are In di** *»'* their caw- m o o problem* thr* mu*t be a Mr |p get together obefHei the* *e In •me guild ar amUhe* NTC h dl* Hied mto tbo hat*es I litrts d»%i«t*H* membership to • !tdr* Os* ar Hammer Meiw II Ai k |Mit' f Inter K*.re f*t*ill|* lh »0 MiH«ut l%sil aod Vtuhard I ** ||- Iftr ll»e I M « It **!*•'• I | «odi * «od Hubard I minder kf. Ini AUr nouO I* le I arm N4*eU4*m Hart i Man Mtaerman KtM. and I «• Hr i g lias W ilk and ft nth b f . »>d'Mh Till t 0*1 dl l«HMI **• Sire Albert Malt.* kf* H u b e rt ' . r* «ml Dale Fu* *oc* IN. Ttue l. *idmab kliltun kle* lM* and v*« ••ore IWC* and Morgan fug Valentine lb*le* O un H I* f*ai H He rid a m labor • f*4*« I a* km t.Usenet I a* er * aod Mat * M l *11 Jr SW<; taking od*aotaga of bet heart too dttmo tried to make he* »igr* her fortune to them Rhr*o o-ight no* Ha*e eluded all the ao*peo*e po« •rble from the pltd bu> the s«tiog production and dirortruo one *«c soli eg it stity I# glue sieoer* to their aet* Alias Rainier lo he* «ei*oH p* r foemome on the Fotd ahoo„ oa* *••« k s* the Old lod* aod H* hiM kraut oa* *uKicrentl| oefaruMi* as the gang chief T u pprng the a«<p r rlmg plains oere hnu **a I*an* dt*mg a Ane hi a* kl Ramter a maid and Folia Ta -**a aa her be*t Irlend Othe*« thr* " •ng oell oere Jack \t «**«*•*** Flame Nil* Rrtwe f*o*d«ui M«m i*o Met ro* ami Aim* d K *lw t so Aa u*ual lO the laid uru' Hair Daniel* dire* t low a*« *ore t »ant to take nd Hi a h«r**t the pelt* little details ace «o im p o r tant to a s t o * hut oHlrh fake up too much ot bis saleable time f oitl be hia buffer It*, girl Viftdat and i o*i*e up • rtb an id* a e* er* ru*«* aod (hen : o ho H OiH pontc a nod of approval * kun** a g**od radu* and tele *i*iun *h*»o obrn I see tor I* * He* aii'M I see cm* lr« p*«) oir* these da*« that I Hoo«*«ih feet I r an make an import am rastn had urn in sretpe m Hires m tUNt Other O al * • . dro lor the right* If that gam* it.tough im H eon* Moed the thtee o«t paila* rd 'lore W*nu aod sports ulll And a ne« un rapped audeeme armu.g Haturda* night sla»-at homes. Npride| § Ar*t IS on k evrle on the * *nn shoo rsuuludr* odh the fire 2« bud i«i «o that the pro gi<i« otll rootinur umt« r t am* I* Hawk*idling odh no irUeti m*mg lap*e Mum otll continue to be *! aged tai I tot I vo *wwt nil* a nnre oeekfR bo*M and kinrs**»pr*t l»w « .h%es|ur nt fran*n»t«-t*m in the e»*4 and madoeM Web h»* nut *et tie- « *N«t ohat to to> in*** lie Thurs dai night at t proud a***- m«««|ued b* k*M bed ndl pcobaHt •elect It wo among several hsn**e park ages n**o (wing o iappv d up Im a a tor audit mo im lading . F * « a pr ** \nu»s fryl* Jufmn* |H»|1ai Mage Damr aod I Ho Heart* here Young and f»av “ | atte* loo a*e being produced b* I ad lioin in n«4Mla*um odh f l*i wof that Halo da* might be a •*md Tk night ba* been drumo Mrated b* DuM««OC a t ovbh ode mi Mae- Hour long Vatiet- aboo ai*ed team 9 In Id Fr*«g«a«w baa hd I he llmspef t««p to *r*rcal time* n l He lot ho munch- Nile brass hilr la Mill *dlmg on d* plan- Im a three Hanac *drw spread haloed*! OCgbC- 1 hat otll make »»>» -a ai i •k like pert * ta«j kb** produced b* l.aitl. M.m*i ■ g«»uie*v oaa replete oith i**p p*»« ilu4ti«m * aloe* ln*lod»«>g V»*n leu * d'* and C f r .• ■ ba• v giuund mud Ahuo plugard the neo Mrnurv tor* H*«t the Aimed *pNi oere not half a- § «mt a> the usual I urd CNUNM-I« la' • f hat 'better than e*n rag*p# «««* He rmoe as irrftatNSg as lawk* Mf!ke* CVflYN (UASOM SCRIPT *7)4 ly Carl Jaap I TV fare oith Hi* dtaMg ^ ** r *‘* ommumJ teoaation and panf nm t a i i n g l»d otll cud be appeoved out it MMa>lnf **n Rt* Ir.a'a a.*M* l*rH j- mI IjihiSC' unh's* a -pr-r>*t * j*** ^(* r •*••♦** % e» *a*a» «l me* ting I* railed *»• I va rm " rr*.| l *. . ,K * * •** •*«•■ •' ">'• umr .r Z — ** — -•» e-e— •• »a»r»i Xu? r"'* |rr • ahruggirsa r«-i. «d m heoed fedeerst N ba-*ad <m dbat tl and Ms 4rlc*er* Heine es * r^bs i dees k Mead* «# .ahi> »mpru*e eaeefui InMead of ub«im*-l* ***** M'l ten peek* icsg pto* the fart that it* rating- Have gram rom tawed at ft- high Meadih being entertaining eke*rt aod F**n repuriedt* omind up in da nr pt><>ne\ »v -,| ... I . ; • ' .le'*d i t. • .* " '••• • * •*> •-. •. *"“r i*r u * s» ... . . ... **• •« *•*— • »- km oaa nbetM. i*. gM* a * m4W *'**'**- Mote the m k mt emuantu pin |H« w pr fb f lu g al ll*a< liine oa- on!* red H perfecti* o *th K* • *'*• * ^ T onl • d d* • *ded ng lllkal fu g*e« »Wu (be ranrelUdow Netooci rat i* Ham lo leVite g«oef«l| t S|*|dmd too dsv* later Im.s • Mage that c•oitioue* in *vh shooing a SI 4 Hut in# • an H* » *e* * u r* ' • *■» «•#-«• *'*'•*> 4**»' »• e ad at* red be* m lot Aioei w «n« n 4*4* la i a* * *p*eg ^ CRN CAST Archig Aafrews Sisters a Free Ckristms Party Platter lft»4l% o Mud |le« A e o * Scde»» Have Man I Alt rtuc.ult «t*4*« f body fi*4 *' i* r»*f It 3ug turn- tor free Irakucfg made up of *evm ot I Herr h including H***u made .« I -..1 i»-.» % .* Wop