Variety (December 1949)

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4 # ft % TKIftVI%M* 7, IHf State of American Radio ef la«t ■jpttd- bu‘ that tatoeeliif'' a*ec radio and marked w the ( for broad* a*’" g " 1 km end at one June relax _ aot Id and the brtannin* mi an n»i«m eel lh4l a ha h St tier ** teem* ft am editorial!/ fV«jMir theme due rommen'* hr attend atth H Co* asset led * Imertraa hmod Cm thought the rt«ti«| remtinaed to fhmrish iod*e hi'kpeirtrk la the PmiimvI WW<e aa the *uh)eet mi network \anla rmmtklf eaae la the •peratlnci* Co* took ores**** U| re a teener u< a (trfhua b> the S« iterate hn reeeat statement* Hot a P******* * ,Hir1 * derialve aae le reesamtaal ton of rhatn pe w t»e,^ t« 1,1 d>ee In H*fHt **f th# de* et»t»m. nt* Hi tele* imam and FM It t» en tu^ly paaMti m additional regulation* are •o penteet ate in *« mo rim No Fooling for Coy \mher*t Per • fCC Chairman Warar Co* 1*1 acree oitk the Arm i« l.iherfte* l ama that IPa*»d or William Paler ltd appear aa the radio aalt a* private cttiren* aa ar- < aoioaai larotu* and no* a* of h roa d ran nt «mn defending the C om Miss. B’casbaf Cornet h S itpcs fN Srstesce »riM nMHi ran W altrart** F<H H 15 llltgll AlTlllJ Bargain Radik ill tortalinng again*! 11*1.1 rrMl- rt«o for told an AmherM la* lege "Ami Mr SamufV rhainrea a tho hoerd of Hi K ar \l» Pair*. ri «oimmm mi the hoard mi CUN 1% no« oreop^ing hi« pnrim* •« at a ti«m« ruaipaa* rod i* a pri*ete rrcrea I do me km~ I do harm thi* It loot rani hep pra the! «i* The ICC reeotai/e* thrir ndri to hr heard ere a though the* h o l d there position* Sin h a pnertam huoever due* not give them the right to divert red to to thru pnv ate latered Hr tditn i raa ha awl violence to the • of aa>oar b* permitn ft' to tarilttte* qwmag them to hr fair if* the of all public Prank * v a *•% for il I ’• at ii The MU termed ait that the federal government ha» rwNi^M u t* •« t fie.4. *| ’LIT, regulation H* radio Inrlodmc thr r*r MW tH iHdd Of censorship Co) deviated I think Judge H irk pot ink read the Ctm*maairation* Art M» it* "* ; clear and omalatakehle Ian Tnaae (dvesam goagr The %ct says their *h*M Coy al*« luurhed on the C«m» b> no cen»or*hlp, the Comn*t**loo hiwi'O * han on giteaoav pro ui« there that I he no ren*or»htp greta* ruling* on Math** edi Judge Kirkpatrick *a*S there shall tor tall/tag and the Penr»*.*t\ am* hr no ivnorOlp *Hig the *tate THr rtt (hairman mM hr oa« k*t imdlon p*v- , f) | aoare that the I mmoao tore Rim* used on tele* i*l«*n «| broad*aet licenser* ear Throe and other problem* hr *aid rir% ttMh M me ganger N might hr •II contribute to the complireted UHil t9 , imtrol ohat la >nh of the Commtmma to *afe fh0 , t< \ rH Hec the radio go.irdlrtg freedom of etpre**hm |M ^ me ( mniutsalna *h«m an* 1 he main quest*** before the dt«p*«*deor to alloo *orh akinr he Court* on the giteaoa* *h**o * the a dded hot eternal »IflUar H in chairman %aid k* plaiwi and di*pen«ahle aimpl* ot*ether the i .wmul**Mn N<r ral , IH# industry hr monied reguiattor.* fall o It in I’v uu ta d.wipfuu it *elf again *t a be ae torn of the crtalisl mdr In ^ ra dto fa* tittle* lot private ad Hrtalhr otu sinter a «»a> of the PCI rale* outage he r«w*U n ued Only the por e d la a dart hr noted the Industry raised the goternment raa prevent larh ark* after • ■* miringement at the Con lrar% re*trlr1loa* dal M moat hate aa editorial r af i*w*mn de*pfte the fart that N ^ # |g g an enlightened pahltr on • I* quite clear that the poh'tdtta* mn wore Par the private mi latler * Infm milled k ip • t ftrhf protected h* the Pir*t lMrrr med M* are fatrty I The mo* t* he adde d otll he* e tod* to «ee that their t«* d vide ohrthrr lhe*e grandko*e *!eo h gr i-iVi* program* ohlrh aoard ( m *ald he a a * ashing machine ar a dtp to the ^ fH#l af the C ammt^ TV. then the PM hnrth Pole f*w gaaeatng the h«*a- mm * artoaaa realmt the torn af the repttar are *‘a le«i«i , #Uf , , f therefore t w o under the umbrella a iihhatd^Tfma thooe group* •i the P»r*t Ame n dment or ohethev a||MI ^ happens la dtfei « mm meet the tear af the nt^Natum aa^'aa i*iere*t la nc 4 r kh reapoaottolitsea aa a t oy aatd he did not pansripolr tr over | ft - * ta %M la lh»* mnneitiea gmadrao Ad *rrtl*«ag Bureau come* up for rrtlhum from aorne artoark tale* chief* The* g * ant that l\R U dome a hangup |ah o»th Ha mam* . . veiling* ai d * dealer co-ap data 1 - the aeoalettei ‘ Pltrh it* atrip fr ®* Camp Ri« an the Mate • prm Rim leader* and the let rut ten! aa farm The mot e ne e aa* um WM*"* t*4m b. ( 1 ^ rifMtat I «•<■* lirerted at hunl *tattaa* o.«omg naan *n nr ine «vata retail at ore* Tree the oeh* *ay »nf are* me nt odh ial* and th# the kAR m e mber nation* need Mi** state parole hoard >**e iko..v kiltr %*««wt^ * otm*e Ih«V ♦* p «M*fg* their large HafV* hot Vt\ft should f•*• \«i** near here aa* *cnt ’da mare mi aa overall fad Ylg tn the Parehmea Mu*, pen item add ihat the all mdoMr* permoe tier) an • seven * ear «rnim - f nr tnm Rlac *ned ta ^-•*’ the ea ridrhrr* He tried to esrape on tire ordsa. Ml Mean a long time three d*Reret*t artanai la preparatioa an«< oill ham t been Ihirtng !•*( Urtsk r r an FCC rrtraard o*onitaring team tank three Hot H * aim argued that the ta«k aa*e hroadraMing pntts is r hied* the aetnork* reapooo Mond* at the prison ramp , iRMfy. th at the* ms* go after aeo topectnte n den i Marvin P Wtggma arrnoat* ofth aeo terhaiqoe* sork uwl not* nne mi them oaald na» as ABC' s teas than ll-oeeh rvrW M prate _ _ jO _. . - m \ _ * * a _ . a m *a»d at the tune (hat aae af the a til he lot tag Mg H t ha —- the ger and other en la the < trow hie «i and had gt* ea ne rets 4 *ii --■ M l. . W«*rking a* a trusn Moadv^aa I nor poatahr d in gap oay h* prtsaa Mkigiff gf FMA I ■Z/'ltoZ'Z wVT, 2ZT2Z i .wuor from o« it * taking a correspondence morse ta * o^a radio ahile a prtaoaer MXl* had attacked a Cdm*< »**n*n report Iasi June ro- ving Ms preview* han ns the right af tad^. *tatu... to rdi* m 1P4I I OSged la km k tk* PM V has keen porelv • r a« tis *t * v hick ha* r *ed H« porpase tt is ta the lot ere *1 af all k roadra*ter* t . m -r- ■ |M>. tm PM. fc '. . .11 1001 VICE (OY z. ’z.'zrz-;z. i .. . I ...i...-. r. trjasr.iass: as cb aefiuate s r -r I n w. m I sr.*w ™~:- sn , __ s- • - •» 1 — -_l ^“xr. 7 r-s-=. .ir..rr: rr/rr. The Nation's Newest SINGING STAR! ta* la IM egevlive Jmm I atth K<H>|. Rggg thinag H« evlstenre the fVA o*tler ammd h* Cnu Amir\ rm- - m fth la lentma an the prohietn* of a groa f* ar **f Ktl\ a* the ( olumbra Hah • of eper at lea oifh aa rn< l*4w«ir ohlrh «r heMeve at letter statioa wilt ho o k aa oiih ag aattripatma at ta tlMr time ha* reached a Mutual KtHM. ha* been hhC ElJJLi* stave af o H n |e*ame mat aril y aRi Irate taoe going aa the arr m 1 ^. yy 1 . t1l1rft - ‘The Imied efV«srt mi all hroad IRi? , . WkNI. PM aard olll out used ta ->I A >k * ( “ »^4ed la trrmm , hr 0 , y M #l , fM make PM aervree a real it v »a every regraaal aet* ko<M. he* statioa «eria*aasrnt mturmatnui or adier r — » * *»a U> la Ihr l R" far r Plaas otapp* <t h* a mrat PM S feed C HA mUlee fi*r fhe oork mi T latent rail l*o *ei*uing teal setup far RltV t A •n 11 • prog work oill arc lode RWH ^ re * of PM aperatum* in. lading and KTM nmg the INI set A dr that loo < 1 af A «M W \BI PM ohlrh a da*time \M stall imposes on The AM rh al*a operate* JV* ~ —?5 ! ns pv«igia and KCKY • III KAMI! erat he Mi op- a loos ~ m Sim y jgp Lucky Strike Hit Parade NBC Every Saturday Night JIMMV RICH. HU T«rk City, a UVM thuogh at It ronteodvd t< » *erv»ee to rarrv Reation ad d ed that the AM A«w . oa the proposal Is the spokesmen for the PM tadartr* heraase less of the PM stations are ■«aose PM U mus to he dra [ h* a merger atth NtR I not end mi making additional PM to th# ggtftkl 't Alt I PM declared the C seen proposal on have th •ttr efVed through forring PM «ta tions to tom to ’Heir out Hon* rather than fare the U h AMI Xu ^rnight* ^ver> eo*ll) he red Ihat heating other thioga nets *4 k pc nm i it ion mi PM. positron Manufacturers \«on an st t PM S stellar tr* af PM 4 • effective sale* plan* de oa PM station* % eo tmnal Idea* 4 i mat «tadie« mi PV operation It also provided the PM reo her* he given equal seres* fa all material i m ued hr other depart l* af NAR ^r* at the PM carrotiv* lire ohlrh ski suprrvtse the Jo*h I Home* of SI; C ; Mattheor of tlktahonui CM* Pd oard A Wheeler af PvanMoa III . Pverett I I hits af tk lOiinflMt, IJ C and Prank 1 Ptetchn af Arlington \e the future af PM and «fe*»rahi|M* tahli*hing sucking reiatioas oMh of r eg a trsng aHa to «*er these ior»j da«U the horoalk ta PM tlation* la areas »m* charged the I the> ha*e aa AM afhl service* is to *1 at ion* in areas ^4 h«< ihargrd the aroaggggp • here the) have aa AM afBl ial ea • f |h pvemartag I Nr lif tk#f|« gslff Mataarp Chi, L. A. I sH* 'V jrSS CoaMorw# from pu« h ^gj do* asking for tafa aa legal dn- ^ rtaiah* r e gardin g d**rrim>aaflaa kp «o Made a give! deal mare aet prem agatoM radio But he w»*d TA rr * df SMB park- y mag sad brought hark ,t a* 1 hn all) I rei ft 1 * mrmher* oh* a gvvat deal mare ae* prem agaiod rad*a Bat Ur *»«d I um* M I. A hr r «rM»<d i hahv laagusgt lettci ad •• str aigh ten »ht ng< oat I realize fh«i \ AR has . — agiliaied oMk eral Wiad* CM) at rev* are la the neo»i»aaer* but it thi* u • arks a mupie m nhnh have Tayi the rust vpTrn ursktg Bfkhirs .ng the laleteM* of «r*?T MMM>> m sll Sf Hi e»4.'»rr •• »' M er» * a eh* Mt,>M * w* »*•*• time fur Mat urn* like our*rl*es la Al K P Bl mi the lallev ^ wt g ^ g r |p gRgpwPMlB ~ (••a/shurg rlana* the Ing net ••Wk* ate latere*ied ta Rghliag the of a JOE FRABKLDI'S WJZ show the trod* N \ B had m. the artwork* la the Rght Joe Praaklia oho formerly ma th* PIT gitno it darted the * \ntyque Berord Cal *hwh the WYIJa chief hetieveo lertarv Osk’ aa WM4‘ % A V. ta the tatefeat af small Me otll start a cram the hnard dt*k «r ’mn* «*e* on WJf ABC’s \ A ootlnt k\| K oa* the Rrsl ta Connecti- on (In IP Rtanaa a til hr heard rat ta lake ad* *atage af the from II M p a to 12 midnight FCC stand regarding station tepiariag hand remote* ’orialiriag The Mat mo k BJI spat ma* he a prelude lu a reread war reread) e«| la lull TMf SCWfCT XMAS GIFT SWISS TIMERS $ 12.50 fO* RADIO TELEVISION RECORDING MMWI.T1 ML..... Tot II. R f CA Mil’