Variety (December 1949)

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7, !W RtI MI BIVIRHR SS V»*4y f)»«rrri • $ * mi Taenl. L «• Mf HI rb* n»H |N \ Aftim Nor !«. V, i K«l| P r^Mii fft • t» f* (*»•• 3 O* . • «• • it theatre bo« ««l Mmrtx Canon The new platform designed by Arthur Mimmt appear* to he a* w aatile a* a troupe of arrohat« and a lot prattler tea The new add! 1>oa can prime a mahiiutiM ahrll and boat • htrl house* the h a nd •'<* JttXMLh !• m earn a4r It ran hr moved fmaard la fl*e been hacking la • •inert ar abided la the rear la pro* dr the needed space for danrv and no* elt* art* The decor la e« t rente I v tasteful suf Arirnt l> mala d.ird nat la detrart from the farna anrlinf In front of H. and at the aa*ne lime sinking enough la add lustre to the pro* rrHinc* In thla atmosphere ('arson mode her bnw I'nmporatteelji on known until remit I* *he estab- lished herself «tlh a recent < ope cabana N V date aa oof! aa \ it tor rrcurdtag* and an tM thnre-weekl* «u«iainrr Mnngstre** ha* a pood deal of warmth ta her *cure and a Ane interpretne Pair Abe a lurch poo nrd and carries a C |id s*nf purtl«4e thus giving all essent «*« for a rousing nut and Mit^t hinfrii Tune* were well mtsed for tenet) and ahoo net off to ad* am agr The Rau ha* aim thought both another act The Itehwraire* aha ha* eat been on Rr .tad* a* for a long time her a oae of a E uro p e a a lour Mala quintet Haa an • magma mi lerp routine deputing the ma- chine ape turning out larmn prod urta until the engineer feed* iiq «o*r ta r • • hot • and la *ub* roue nil) beaten b* the mechanical men It pue« a*er neat I* The real af the program ta al*a aoftd The (headrg IUi> darner* aitoo M»me petaremuc Javanese Jt* v Their routine* are tael) and a* age AI ling and make It ea rn er far the red of the *hoo Lea Galas pro* tdr aa espert arra dtagD) tot ting applause lack putt atth a three high a htte Tommy Treot also Mores oilh a Punch and Jud) turn and a p uppet da are a* an en He Path da orll Joag Miami Dec 4 *«.»••* g Taft* Hob Swdwgg Paul A. .leg I fi, The Peekee?, TV! las • fkottop ( art I n Rhode Wo-*# Oerh; faty 1 u«*y KM) Tub* ia the marquee lure he»e this seek with dual appear ame on stage and sicca He • a pei%waahte pri former hut b* no mean* can hi* »ti*g ng be labelled am k Mather hi* ta the I* pu al p a orth h*« a mi a Me apptoarh aiding In glossing the nb* mu* oeaknrsars of Mint In »p»t« h# is wir* np tn a fait «wng*elling siandard but o*erall the tone »u*t isn't there Me *1 in hi* x • i **oo of It' pt <ao Kile Shoo stealer* «>i IH llan * Vhit log fat* and R**H N*d*»g' Ihe feline fan** mgs in a img raise Rw« u ami nulls N»dnr% l««r a •moot hi* nothing emcee and m os n slut gat nei % a *tead* K».s I * »a fresh gag* and mu incisive ru ptrsbr* of oreen and radio oell know n* Maul M* • hiev soh* *»» on the novel*) side oith hi* lightning land* * ape sketching* f«c health* and iec-e prion ohile the I'aihrt* h«. a mint and must le control hit the groove le* R hid t Ime ot«h handles shoo bat king in a Me UK » % pall*. V % • l f l"M act r> 4 A of > h . • r# 4 \w f • a ; 'h t*i«tc Ifotw a Ime of »n le m me ■ three »n*% %* Veelr s Noiert hPaws ot It'd large lv ie rniMri a standard 4po h* *Hm* it ot mat Ml* R«k Inn » hand *up Me* the **o%*t • Hi le *c*mr h* e (TheT ■ Ttmt^r i -allMT Mil ' HP WTI Their • a fair amount of talent n the la*out however and for he M*o*» pai t » r <||»» %W« • et ft* n the pa res lokaer a ho u*ed to pound the *orie* lor l.aorl Hampton ru* Toni* bis non aggregation of three hi Ihm ms Mas* and three reed ^•adei t* no Hal a* * AR thr *vh*v M proses to be mu* h heller no he tP On the latter instrument ie onrb* up ptent) of steam *»a Mitt * Bogie “ a tone obarb •Melts him applause Smart I \ attired ie»p teatP of Hand A 4i»ggll click* oitk ft* hall Lari* with lift* and spin* ddrd grate and preci Ihe couple larked ia a Pf i tW dial Here Mmur tn Rirb* oho ool* pta*ed the a couple seek* ago col carbon* of more than a half dnren top Negro performer* De spite bra quirk repeat Kirk) earns a o>l id response ( n m rd * slot is held down oell tn Munerhean* A Mump g rami nat act at this spot Veteran couple sack across thru m ug * and patter and regtMer handtl* oith a jtt terbug routine at the otodup Girl .and bus rhnru* competent I* due* a Minyic number that brings in aa unbilled lad and femme far t»«' **>»>*•. * H * *. %. A (Hirer 5u»ft». fdde B o n a n n , R*rh A Tmm Medrrtp •• 1 Kepr Lmkr 3 fr»n r«o«. l Md rr • } >, Jt+mmm Mueke fh.w gtbrrf • A Ou*e "Thr Thrrmt \ sain* (Vt rbork tHR the ' ft MO *, rrtirtrtd io 2B 4f King tall orth vnprnqq raaar aongs but should up lloe Ihrouhe" III ■ lie* »*r Ha a re r s g Horn* " Neo n ea l l * Johnn* • ith * Muth PaUce •tit b Mu i hr stage la*uut ■art* m Manstni v o mers such a# Tom MaRerlt and thr Edd* i at €' The fshirti «|i, imo« He na**» Trrru a Ralph Rm 4i '■♦■♦uMpo /v. Khis U • ' i H ar m? M .w... y Atnal R‘m»ict “ C*f' Sbada (KiK * Asoa 1.04 OS to* I Oof* t.R il to he % eee- lo Metro • ' Three little h«»rds’ , JarA Smith tees m frbnuiiv m Man lhrg*> on a Cuad roauert tout u«mg frank tW Id'i onh g»rt sing*r and tpirti aits in the porkage He's t? dtl n |‘MI) bu the • aa a other pi« -I* lagged Shoo Musmrss Steele rt*o | aa intr o dur t m* spiel fur this tequenre hut untorlunatel* much of His r« (foment* are partial!) drowned out b* the band M*it on the whole Rueknrr » outht cols the shoo oell and al«o *bmes with M- r » Mtwagie at t.'ie Anale Strele • length* Smart 4 A air*. ’ incidental!* would he a tut punch ter if it were trimmed down IS minute* 3 a net %a* re ter per and ' m ib-M*e*a Mahet , ScoM are re **ewed u n der New 4ct* femme for '* •" aodienre pleasing TO mm •* n * , **r »'"ncr* How* . •-» * *"*•- *«»• »- t»—*■*• *"*''* ' ^ lined and *otidl* paced ,ter •^ridune Mule t «o ld«b and • Hirer Sisters Utter hrr ** ,Sr *b*+ ‘ ^ r *» • t «trd«u hum gats open the rehearsed \.» Reviews ping the hell wrth a Aim name m ,w ,m,r ** u id *® »He length the person «f ke*e l.uke Result lKr •ddrd re*ue of the Hua Ti H an audience pleasing Tn mm • m * , eur winners M«mr*rt lavout Three Jewel* — Ibrt *-• f . J|f *;*• *"4.It » i«m mile trombone «nlM« Hirer TTIitlrr Utter " rr m ,v hand "hum er med on ' Hard-work mg gu* on the rehearsed. stand Peart draw* cm this a**em- The \ntalrk*. two men and Hlage l«r Hs full *prpt* the pnrl• three gal*, rate High loc their f**tu» ctnrrall* Him *• • red tor .»«n*t*at»rs. with qoatic * grttina rb*tbn*s in the «oeei «otomert lal heft* hand 1(0 then «Hi-miag up Mtrr* with a generous *|»r»nk* P«d* • aid turn* op ih* High hat* »mr #*f pc.p «tandaid* I .atm t BwiPir M <k» i ha‘ cr*«t*tp*d her and i itrrent lain the ha! the RkR. Rosian ion lire Cu**V«hs>r »4i, thru C Ptjuue Ta«ri«tc Tru* -T r *"R Pin* tmrvffi -Rods C< f»eoepr Mage Mitle **fM ro f Ur*') flier Howie Or*». N’org of MofU X iff slump lhae to u«aaal pee X euirent stanad wind* up « foe a few weeks but tins la*out fries it a neat bow cdf that sh oo Id have fan* wanting tta prompt re turn foe rt add* op to fair!) solid fare threughotet Highlight it* is the toothful Me a lean import Rod* Cardu Math spot and our of the a mating rogaler* seen •omr time Got ho* a Ire amount of ahefrt* r no p ied wrth agilrt* and «ork timing and i* a master of haUoc»ng twirling bolls Neatest Mont was ha louring three twirling bath two on bta Anger tip* and the third mm a stub held in bis mouth Rows id with mft> lop hot toggling Pirn hois landing on hi* bead to strict ib* thmirol two Sturdil* ho ill gal* Ml! orth moot impress!* e anting feat* in* ig maml* di>t«Rrrs standing on l^uis while he porMtr* up and d*#wn M«me *ta«rs I h Re rent imNSi* of »he routine m nor cd which Hr Hand* lend It emwagjl tariei* to draw Heft* apysUuse Macoomoa rtrtint Rdd* Manson grinaq Hratft a Anr sore noted tecHnlcpm it a mtstore of classic and pnp tune* tupped H* hi* outstanding •e< itticm* of IniMct Moldanian Mhap*c«d\ and Nl Um* R»oe fiu) Ha* c ompl e te control o f bt» inctnmvr n» *r.«i hr of -the Hrttrr oonriHorg around Marjorie Herts a« PMRprtrntl* at the guano t ukr the No I N..r» in (>arT*e pictures fto a nnmhrr of mftg act lot hi* cor ‘Cwnual sgtpearanre lour maml) b* some e«ce(leot> I* done imptes*i«m* of pi* stars Mil* of fureign dialect he t o sses Ml sound snfArientl* surprising rnmtng from a Chinaman t# get the neressae* laughs (nub Si* tges aim score with their local tnng and slapstuk Rt her of the team • antes the load orth Her uninhihned edin hart noil, he* some of the results M spots Hs punching loo »ng H»s (Naa * ear* Ha* a Rot Id with few lines to trace* ap . iso 4IHrrt sod • »•- .ttk llw mined aepca qoar bo gi»e «u< with give out *.« hei»r» i* «tlll Mar I draftee the esrepticm of tie io the u parent I* base * r rial at aft ( *ar> Howe err since the were Are lines and his well pared drllcer) still ge* i«|i Edward* and Ihane the hall with giacefol bail leal ot tog wot «4 ard and nrativ d»m* lift* Om 4lberl and the Palate | orth bark the show tapuM* N»d! ptferi f hrts< ro** one of the tros mute* neatt* with vinging du m mies the Ink pc esh a*i net »ng neatest applause rVgg\ Tax loc Trio a cute femme with twn male partner* return* with scar tuft* ttw 4* the gif taking quite a tt mg around f i td Nanhoc n w got «cowbmrd a d* adfum iwkm *» it wtih an agtl rt* on Ihe * * togthoue goosed to be a neat Uugh getter with hi* fan* antn* Pais* f.airett late of the Fred Raring fatml* a hi* localised three tu*p* with I II Re Heeing \ou »*rMlt* m the groove iesrp Ha*e a romo in ne«t tot losing got >H«xed returns fo«t his gab bta pxihilreixl rout io niiMnm I* rs* «cob* Patleoherg « Rri pis' ids Half niggling and rt hikr* make a oral tlosef for «•«» oxtiall an *»4av hill Fine f gal Io 4ng« Jo* 4 Spot 4«ua k*op # uai l*lflget**4(. Arlhor A N*f»e* A \eh«*u* At, R* >.f R tfl(gv**i • | Rt ny* r I Hveta fwCaltO WITH Morisv fferret, f*i R«c»*< • Hoove Onk mtfc H* rh K*r-I icsf* 1 1 >f*fw »n, 4s II f ve i .»• . ■* * s«s*l I**, ter nftr nc epl io ci and bepHR* «ith rU*ton«er *• unaMe to ge 4 enough of Dee nd id santMorer* M»**s do mi* h standard* a* I tger Mag sort NhasH a* h *ecp«e inter L***k* <*d hui* and Ihm 1 * f f»«* and ’ten « ',nn w*th Ih* Boitev and Mole line Tractor guilt* •*« a w«d -vrw-rrr a re r» -x-dH gill* in mt ta<i»i ioniumsv tor ».*kv and «tep*n*t .pangMiea with The! -ns f t i.c ! ‘c (#f I*m *g> *.’ed g *m 1 M 3 rov * • t >mI to Ha* e R hat Ickes' Brae Noxde* «coe gg gA t ,* standard panto act with ter A I oc ilie u*er lug* rh'tbmits art ht ed »*and« I Ha# ie* i hoerographec ha* grih ha* A • otcetx • isinifMit rvcpretatm Ma*el a Rcdeio ' to Aanre eRert* * th \l*de .e *•# | sis rt. .ng a Scalar wand dasue R minute ia*uuf • *v .ft » Mf ggierftimp with eseA Hm g » WUMS) l Mar the on t he* h O'* and f rcegor > ■Bar «f af hit material and o*e* all tin img hits tf ppwl et vest* in « riper (ond\ tlh Johnnv *T IN tit mi«* w ore* dh 'Three* No I nose lie Lo'' MpiaMt Terr* and Ralph M*o Uhile stall Rnthg the s a me rowtinr ab o ut the child betklrr orth thr s*ratgt.. man pet *«ok* laid «mt right on tip aerrthet (.al attired in romp er* twalt* minha**.Dc% to- e- part ner I Ho* rink with ‘Mr Me* Making fje* at Me." - 4! Mrwgao hr«d : mr t k « I Ihe h ere nest pr rsem. lit tr* t this stage in *c * rr al mooth* Me resembles g H o man d* na m o a* He Ravs the ptano kc** with intro ' WHen You re Nmtlmg “ lie re prises an oldie, 'Ever* a Heir > ou f>o and In a Happ* mtu«d get* the aodteore Humming with ' ISh» der \(mr Face Rhi **.,»».h.o 4 fter s o me engaging rHaltec •inper and pianist dor* a medic v of t u ne s pop u lar It w IS vear* a smart eunlra*t to art* who •r out Ihe lop ttt SoeH a ‘ Nos# ot R .shingtrm ■* *Twp a Pocket to I of Dream* * and **G register with the matinee * aa welt a* the oldster* follows with a Half a Heart similar in rein in Ht* best selling terord "Jealous Heart wHnH He wR aliet Kelt* ap lr% Roprmet ( ho ago Sin T* columm•» make* an eas*g*ong mt Hut doe*n 1 Hare much to work pith tn tbt* irop of Marred stoner* with (Hr eareptum of Deo ban iso me sii lout mi C O a tilt Upbeit o# * Ire* at M. ««pco«n po 4ed gxi« Gardens if* May bet It • a *lok la* out I hi* week the ttr pMdiit hut the appeal at of Pat Mi«m» * he alocae is (lent to cart* the enieitati h*ad Mr.wexei sprinkled ac the nspcttr* are *evecat vaudv act* whuh help »oabe the time pa** hicel* while *«*ailiitg M««*nr* « riming 'pot Mo o we x w cm k* with ea*e sure of himself the wares ha* to odei amt hcvw the aodu will accept them Me pmot* op tart that white vaodr i* showing op mme smart newi nmer* to the tour a dax d is RNMI the cddtymers oho i an take (u>i a fair twit and wi#p i. up into omul tong wocth er img Show * oft • toe Io 1 No*ir IT Glad' It Vcwx I «kc Old Tone 4 and 1** tag Ted (* Ron »u \ (., hrvi a (.rt Dr * r*|S«| • r»g #•<<)•>.» O' < a’ « »ii - how Still a pe • "ooailt * kid after tlh ... r »...«• (... - ».» , -...g «»< lime Ha* melKcwed w.aa rather than .Hditg rt 4*»i AAqp a *i»iM vile la. k spot gets tkr mifwd bill od to the pop* • t..(t a d #.,»«»• 1. >e|f a S«md i.ii'.l S' lta . d •' •• a c.«i l(uo die from Ho'cia mggles her «M' thc(*(gh even minute, il n«et len t palm pounding Ga! * noil dn hufing in ttieNC part* Na* tog plaxed nde# x and nth* • date. H» hr . R ♦. aereut pert piutu.o < lid gel over l iaid Paine tasted slow wrth • - • .1 • a (i iat <o build io a *ma«t re«ep«M«n Vftt.'tf A M*.(▼•.(♦ Ma el aude id* get user with a w of 'cof’touI lull, i noetic uta# lx ydeaetog with then tut* un a hosing tesscsn and way writing More rwmeeri than * aude ere MuAmaa A Mgfmhgl s p»ano team bevlcoard nock »* ••Ha* *e« Hmcgll) hut lack* rotor her l «udr In the recital «la«* t« lne»da | i*h danrei Her work ta tout mild l) twee l e ad Tecpri does hasp g polished guitarist , *w V 'tar.n* 'hough Hi* oork a mteiwwimg m sen t*g .meg *•"• ei i> the ( KlCRfO •ru« into lH*htc« R f ••lomhace «t toe t 2 Single low a vear a* x odder at i** t hatet Mi maick hotel and recorded one of hi* I ( tied and I Piaved wc whitt . mufoest tertrtor* m !*a Ditto He nr. Bo or end fin* Itacklr Manker* mhu kII' at Sir vans hcdel wife for two week h»« «k 4fa»ter* Ha» vear -tand in the Rot* FJHen wrth Mt 4 f Hi HoIIewooaI In ac'cfrtictn to inrl for dam ere nightlv radio time eta RD4F • •»■* ha* the assigni u-n* here of b kmc tbe feu, r * r n o I d M* " " • n l« r 'ho* .no a three ads* schedule R <*•* ad* ent uf the IVarl ootAt %rnc*<d w hos# rompan* b«« held AgrtR in the Gtll* for A* r months m*w I ame UR with a itsised lAlkM ' EmR *t*irk* th» %how a* m «- on h or show »s pcov mf • omho foe this defuse w iti t,, h..khtiy a Me nd * r puto. S4NIHMR (til N ITI • « Joue* Ranoaa < H» 1 Clew welt known on The Coast through the ssucthwesfl flandifer **ctH ia pla*m« rt* dale m then area at the Drum M.a.ui of the President I *•*€;, It e* iifentl* is drawing the pound twntnnom aa tbe D M Ha* lifted opium twice and now ha* set tba etww th rou gh tbe balance »' ih# *egg rf cbvtbm* la In tbe uft •ti hnga wrtb Nondtfer irk mg fhrout bo rt on trumpet im and in arranging 4 lime prwfesuu of mu*tr at leva* R»*le*an f'allege Sandcfer turned handleadgr and Haa mure • Han a decade bebtnd Him an (He af there Do tenor* re test# a* I part e instrument at Aax ... • rt Ret** ore H n In tbe x.« rt de- Hal Ne|.«n welt - w oc k *i#r :C «« a e •• rt * putting out 4IR Ma* < . ^ tRe Htlving ttg V“ '** to ! Iso (da with %ac a*H the he si taken due log hi* Hctuiexacd Room l aekun Mati#« we «oitched tn iw kill! department fr Marl SchaeRer. n>*r*rc puMi*H m apfOMOtcd to ran • M 1 *♦ c (.» *#•.,. H* 4s* n Iron* Ncrwaa »#t toe M«»!land* n hertet f‘le~s« land laa H tog a mo nth follow mg hi* i»uieot hw al frtrfM Mat f (*ngi»** lortel .tint In k wake* Howard Mil ler pvAnFRa In R lNIt and a ne • d i *iow . 0*10 * tt*e h*.ant Iw /rmth • ado* d**trit** end Mf• M ms<4* M»Mr r wrfl also l# at.era phone «»m alum* with most* at na m e* •nd the It** Mead *e t for P» aHnd* forte) M* (UpHl 1 * I h • ti Im thegw-- weaker law renew Me*b Hack I iRqaigl ur i.nartn 1 Ih* fit slating until Feb C Pet* 1 i.iauri l((* mo H« «1 Mokomec I net the |A foe •ac s.cIm Rea f.rrfh* *a t for THede MaPcb Mam*Moo ft few two • » 1 to g(nnin« lab t hud I e Winter* nerh »t tse Key Mme of the i Ha*sartc.' >..,*» hn#e| releHcatg. His (ouitH ar m at the spert Dec 12 Ml 4 MU ReMevue I 4fter xtars •me of tbe top M«« Me lair w rwermti* fuctheung Hi* feputatom at the la* i*H (, a*coo with Hi* suek ut ••etuctooi mu' n and in between a4it(h|. Rilh He (air tcatuied on tn pet Hand relies on He a** «e• 1 1 of two Hu m pets tbree sal liMOhne fog its neat acr< i went* He lair uiiev hi* tone* neat!* i4cuiay H»4H *.*ung and •del R (IH two elatouate show* a»ahtl* and featwciog plant* of *»w al oRermg* Me lair »t ax * on 'he .*‘t«*i#(.e Mai «ide to* (iHmur Iwa.hng a*».idmg tbe M«oai (hiipeC and ro- i ll* kwh \. r. Ilf «N HI MM!) R ith Mem I Ink PHiHi In an Med ia l*»o(*» I * rH> t e»w* h la*ur m t «f college ^ i 1 *ha|(c v up as a • Hit N < 141 pee olio* .a * Ho h l id hotel #oxen* Hut me H aim :H*eW Hand to# !i listsy V'.irt.t. |i rtmt of tta UidiaiM O'al ea M one 1 1 >(io pet and ftn*g 1 1 oec.hocae * >n h# as* t»on • Ho i »e). ( im loc greater cbptH of ueund leader ne#tt* dye-oWY op sen* he « • IP pe e *en'al arm *t yie * In*i* 'and fame «lep out of tbe en • a M* •ladoet t* w-i «• •t and tiuo.twme ti. gixe ...»t Sir vandei s Bay* uoe f 1 >«*. |l «;-V* h Indies n The w Hcdf tv lam t V c M* max the •a al if ihg •e • n I an 1st the fReetive tt«e It (Wipeter The glrix P au la t hnerr gfg dp foe i*ter He*l with tbeii •He Mi filer< i in mad. hand leo a i/'X on '»o Maui f Ml aeiol t/Mh Huxc pian rr) N. |e»s Da (g »• Robert l is ihe «( ■•wen xhilDCW IP g HtMbell* it em with Maori •Mb