Variety (December 1949)

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7. 1*49 I M.ITIVI VTK IS B’way Legits Account (or One-Sixth Of Approximate US. Production What’s in a Name? Drtrmt, l>n I *h*t i in « name? SHI. ffe« If of strange things Ml "\wir of the Day* ** the Hm H*r- Rr-dman Marrrr ‘Blondes’ Lists 70 Backers. Has Production Cost of $163,000 theatrk «l ■Ml i of In the U R Oat of an approximate nwatry total nf 1S4 arm a •anted thi* year oah SO nm Mala Ata-m ftitnes The remainder were aa by little theatre rwllegp and straw hat group* Figure* la* p i,,, pruduoa Not Knuf I’vtron* for I Son Antonio Stwwinr San Antonio fhr t Itheatrem.n in rioauimi the Will Anf of m * A Streetcar Named Ur hrre recently five *everal ahlch are rwntrihuiin* far- «L*£t --ibasls aaA «?r sight . . . . I . . t ... tor* to the bm tahe of the £5. r r 'r: stvj into the Texa* theatre hrre for the Ac >o »*• Amen, an Na (h*r of the factors occurding * ttonal Theatre and Arodemv at is *rre itv amateur and the fiimp. la that there are not igh lor a I legilgurr* to four A matin* * roHege theatre* throughout »hf AM | # night performance nmlf However. thi* total I* not ^ m**, f||#> lnffc „ , , rH Km . laaive. but onh a.rm.n»* for reason given na* the high* l« on which A NT A *od t,.p oa* MSS fiolhry In addilKm there llcfcrU Mold at a SI and »n tilled Man 70 plan «'••* out a| rmh # ,| lb * lmir p, r furmoo.e on the wmmrr circuit Tho*e pro - durttoa* offered la barn* or b% amall group* and later brought New York are ia« li ae ■5 R4H Nix Tab Cafe Tadic' Version are not figured in the ratrgooe* from which they originated l / A% Hi wsuollv the i o*e I he nirm- her of neo ydsy* *c»il*hie far **- J reed* the number of production* J Thi* la Indicated by the S41 pU»» Chicago On • •uhmltted ta ANTA • *cnpt dr Move la preoral a condensed part meat ware the beginning of %rr%kl « „f S>mth Pari Sr in the the year AMT A arranged for It of of the Rlort* the little theatre prwduriiuav s* r | here Thursday night Sr on* •even af which mere i to Ms abruptlv dropped la*t week when heoe Yorh Invitational aerie* to aw Richard Rodger* and Am o ng tha St neo Rroadwav of tKea> Hammer«tem II heard H tna stemmed from horn tt m Rea Yurh «• and one from s am- prmrids from the I “ 7 .**v*r d ■».* i..n* i. Huntr •"*»•»"> KW«'C •' •*'* ,K, I hr r, mine am la U . haohtagtoa under the title h You J u•t I tuu UcfcHi for ih -T Pari Sr,* plu* hotel III ttarlta . artfRMall^ Ii^g f,* I wrekend fta Rew \wl •* the We*iport 'Cana Thump*wo rurreatly appear pia\ hou*e and t lutterbwrk orig- |ni | a Mai fair room »a* Hated laaU» put on at Flitch Garden* %m the lab edition of the Draper mahe up the former due mu^al aith stager Julie Witmm '"f 1 * rurreatly in the tor#! Km Me *> hate’ I, film legit artor t*hr*tr« twa before the yeat run* out They .here la Detective (lentletnea Prefer, Rlandra, jUocy I, radm aanouacet Mike tag tomoffve ‘Thors • at the Wallace and di*b yorhey Hove Gar Zftegfeid TW Rat Race The ,***, t>dd angle of the Mtua \e»*et Glove sad 4 Hoe Imag Till tom I* that Rodger* and Hammer •terns lawyer. Howard Re«ohri the new Main Stem ea- m0r M *|»o attorney for Ml** trie* there u ere ' Shop ai Rly rimapua Comer * original I > presented la Refusal af Rodger* and Ham *“My Rama la Apuiloa meeelem to permit from the French^ Rla« h- their *how* either in after playing *evea tear* an the her* * in niterie* or el«eohere t* C'oaal Ye* M Lord and The , n imr with their *trirt polnv of i Hi ' prr^»»< «in* tne right* *- I. Mg i» > lea* Moatmrrat * and **l properties * For that irsowi thev Raon M> lew both originally have refused tu r*a»idrr an* Aim I tenth present at ion* offer* for their mo*«e#t« tibia — homa ” ~t arow*rl ’ Alleg.v or * * | the «urge at 'Mouth Paeifi* And rVmbfMon Advocates •• •* ^ member* of their •h*»w* !•» do the AksreSale Pricw 0* ZSZZJZT *"‘ M ^ "** » hi. h cim?p»rted | frurmrat at the In* Theatre management *a»d It *** hroildered h% the virv •hiv name* the plgy ua* railed m advanre order* for tirhet* Order* uere received for "Henry VIII.~ "Anne of the Tluuuaf Night*"* Quern of the Thwu«and I low" “Anne Rolevn I <md Night*.“ "M .n of The Thousand llnv«,** and ' Anne of the Hundred Night* " Tallulah Mad Sare Lave the OT Soalh. With Those Sellouts Uttartotfe N C Ih* i Vpprarame of Tallulah H *nh head at the ( .rotma theatre here ti io u mp Wed m Private l.ive* ha* r»u*rd a hi.vofhre no* Toon ha.* par id It* ru her and hm«ght »ut the »h»e ueeb* in advance guaranteeing a gram af •* g Mr • iimrr and rvrfiing In M* 1 fMVtrat hojM*r Mat after the flavor and thamhrr of commerce appealed to the *tar to piav the added p» rf.»rm v e to meet the puhlir demand On the Wre-agth of a «iagle ad mg the performance the a* void .nit on mail order* u« n.i *raf« orre evaiUhlr for Ininfire *ale That uaa »hen the Mayor and the hw*tae*« men * group utred the arffem a«b»ng her to reverse her stand tag rule md to piav mattaer* tm .me Olghtem Her telegram agree i ng to the iftriUM* Mkootag ua* puh’i*hed ia the ho a I daitie* M«mdav ‘21* and the mati- nee o a* M*ld out that *ame night Moreover manager ia*b F. Au*tm intend* putting 4fl • hair* a the or (hesfra ptt and e*p e rf* to have hraw turaauav* at both perl* ^■rea. Karlwrii Sprrdn From \ irnna for Citizenuhip < War kart net* rau*ed the tern porary *huttering of too \ irana *hou« • hen he mode a hurried re turn tu the i R la*t ueeb tu he *e.un m as aa Amernaa rHlrew Al«uut** -Si Prove to b»* departs the a*tor hod been m*bmi: *piit ureb appear an. e* in *1 *1*1 Night* and “f*re*rnt Ijrughter * of the Mat# and J«v*ef«tadt thr.»lrr* ie*pr«ttvety lies tlafed to plane tui A to \ irnao the toiler part *4 ne *t *trk when per fornuo • * o ill resume Karlov i* i* alu* rvm-ntning re turarag tu Rroaduav th«* *ra*«m ll« • iv ading a nuhdnr id ** M|«t* If n«> vurtahle Mam Sirro piav turn* wp he l.«r«u»n and v«it«nha4 in Harvev Kariun* iliirid m the > U me dy » V m n*»v -e v er u v,rr..“ r ‘Detective’ Fails To Get Chicago Rormiagham tier C Tallulah Raabheod ft h oo ve toon Ala • util turn out m foere to are her «ben *he arrive* here IWt Mb Jf> m ‘ Private Idve* ’* Two per for mont e* ta the 2 bd *eat Temple theatre will groaa about |I7 MO f Hfiv ia f announ. emeat uf the ea TTmtmued ua page Sg) Esfhsf's ‘She H*Me H«*livwwod Her A hen Fngiund left for New Vul .-leidav M«*n to hwlfh Uith Mi vv art f'hamv on pw*atbfe ro INidolHW of “Me and Ate a lev or om the ( oa*t Fngiund and I none* hod originally pl a nned H tor Rrwaduov t nglund orvde the «hrt«he« *»»th Yernna I tube and tlgdvO Na*h thong the naur and lyrtr* ( hoago Hr* A < heMer l iru r ts rompoa* of |lr Irvine %t«M* o hi. h never really gad rolling here etoar* Her 17 *1 the Itlobrtmr and mane* on to the I lev dun Miluaubee a loir --.jR o pe n * Iter IA for pref hrnti • rcb It then continue* it* ten* Meapohile the H<*«K*r. a ho h hoa been darb m«*l vd the lad tuu sea**m* *hotter* tor s eeeh hrtore getting "The hludent Pi mo e fur s Itir. JS Origioel f a s IRf* Net AHhvmgh the tvmitng editom of 'Ihtevttve JMorv ho* foiled to hurb *U> of M* ft I pro rtvo to o rod tho* flar the original ewmpuny. rurrentlv of the Mud*«n N \ . Ha* a I re ad v made a prvdbt of ae*'*' lljltAM egrtuarve of rev mue from the Atm sate * Hi# mat to veal voent of §7S <nm ua* paid m# ear K loaf fall |>«»fnhutom uf the Atm *oie pro «o tor pa*d AA>ui amt of the poor anier d fjnA nan oad wilt oMimatetv pa* an addrlmaol IS' * of the pr* tore • profMa The aegofiotor » 1* • fee • i awH to Ab N td m * K mg* lev gel* t'tspai of the remainder ^ . . »•» fulta.l * n..M Thv prvatvotion get* the other PC . or A77PP IN that am o unt P* », or III 'd*» »* bring withheld l» r tu lute d««tr*hurom while the remom mg PC'. , or API Mb. »* bv mg di* If *tor*ed The general partner* prudwtcrbl get PC.». or 171 vn the limitrd partner* he* b tt** get AIAA24 Seals I* Hits Ur Ouritv h.l* fthrmld ‘South Pa. Rair "by a front seot* thortfy. Riurb lug At the porter* Theotr* l.hs tu see -Eggg** Ruayun uf other ■• oadwav hdlwur the example of Hr’* snd ‘ Ki«* Me IItr*g tw bet* for down St higher ptnr* for ding tu Speeding v v S * hr n. h 1 hams Hr*b legit re p the l>ogue of N Y aord thol hr 4 the pr«oeed* from *uvh •ole* go to t herdct ProAr* from the South P*« go to the n Ire s own Into the hi sny credit lets or the C w.mM rod Ih «he lhea hut would rut rl morhet Pemberton 1 gout Wish tu take *nd Mam tee rf The I * mar tug lid t»*e •neb *etup for veor* having s prod for Bigot* for a tu whatever the frrlh • rll While defending the recent Id ward f Rert - * I- • » IU state of the theatre HnAHhn r* C oined that the Rruodwa* theatre two ‘ individuali*lu to tab* ad voutage of the *ud 4 e*tmn* *n the survey He added that he will do nothing tu pu*h W» adoption he the longue snd that fur my money, I deal core unof fto IL* OUT SOON! J Th« 44th Anniversary Number CH !! \Lii>h ai . Citi! i«»a—of f.mi rr rf Prvfrr tlhmde* ’ which open* tm w vo cn w atght Thar* at the /‘eg* frM \ A ..will involve a p ut ar * tom i***i of atuvut AlAtttun* rb hp m. of b o nd* hhrvw ua* fin h« tor fJW intti hut made a profit on it* fw.v and a-half mreh*’ tryout m f*t»i.adr(phia l utctiRi diffkaltv m rat«iag the ( 40 w< *MV • * •«»«!>< *«, M «J( • hr lart that the %how ha* 7A ItvlHl ha.k«t« a number uf whnni have luokwihf. riiv farmed out part* of their vharr* tu rdher uolt*»ed m- dividuat* Amvmg the mvwJoc* are Marie T Ara-vlem wife of Hamel Ara*tem Ih tail fleet up* era#or % t «**r their iiaurhfer An- *.• o. i -. m %2 nan g. < al manav'ee Merman Rrravtem rvpre- Mgtifif ptovlwier lelitif Ha*ward. datoeC 140 M I 'ha*e fl toSt ■oMu id Ai.-vander t ohv-n %4t»et. M» * • r H im re p re *entiwg[ a **mfs- < dr A2 «nn* Aim mvluPriolt-t p«.otw«ef An- tha. H Farretf M <•*• vvavttv * 1% . ** f« it* A4 1 ««» I * nn Fruit- arm* A2 mu> gen* fat manager Fd- jlis . U. KaiU %UmmL Anne C *m- oadlv I a*ter daughter «*f the late W .Her I .rmoll* fl tom Hr H t‘liR«ud lam* brother **f auihtvrews Anita law* 14 MS AriW« Main gan Ml* J o * ht*r laucon AI •*•. av» nt flanvui IV.Ian At tkm film evevutlve* Arthur Rapt and Mm harl Riofin M» Richard Nidirn m po«tner*hrp with o*ar Mammv f-tern II AliRR Ri!tg H.-»e Fit gfvM ttuatre «*wner. tS met V t*a* rev or drug e«*« utive Marne So* b* AH turn aderv wper at or Jar A RtfverVnaa A4 mm Rt. hard SmHh. hr other vtf .e*-producer Ollier Suvtth AMI Mautlre Stem Uhel Stine Wm St*ae and Stanley sr*ae re la t tv rr uf .ompoaer Sam- my Stine s total .d HW ai*ret II.m* M.' Il.rtwit Kav J| s*, Al ys Selma Tar turn Sutdo t A Ay Haiti agvnt I an*t drrertof A4 imu I heat. • Mil Karaski Wsires $9,100 Fee (or N.T. City Battet; Herd Ah* is Big Assist otd tw the Form cl*ti*f shortlf Vi**l Mortm** rUn pm*il Special exploitation advantages Coffy and ipo<* rm tetvofient may be sent It ony Vontfy new vodf it t Ad w «m At. W C I bill VMM If A Af 9 ■f Rt S#t‘ have r«o» ta light m I,.,, • the R ' t * RxiiH. performing at the t up . :* t R i Mine Ha.tvare Karin* be dc*tgr*ef artd legit mu*lrol er w at**d her fee and donated the Mvaienst tor the new ha I let Hour ire Fonfo*wue uhfch nee* meg at the 4 enter lo*l *hI lt*o*at#rvg her d* *» ».' tor the rn iluWMT the hollet pto* the lu.iriial needed Mr* Kafir* Sa thorgvd Mill the wage* paid -a-am tre>*c*, thu* *Ov irvg tl «4. m• |r»a»p ah»H«t is l**t M. Kano-ka *aid her nvo*r w a* 1 g* !*.«« to r h»«rc*uft at-k» r -ep Rw I am tune the ballet troupe* *r tp.**r i.H a* well a* • d» 'if* tw .Mpfwvrt the Redglmg rwmpanv in Net #*«»%• romr from hsd Hu M«k hallef loiervaf w vrho brought over Vadiei t Well* Halit t leveuHy fio*o t Kgta«»«t to N % Ha «o*hroe warded to «t*f* a rvew f irehfrg ’ !»#Jk4 I*, the writ fcmmn olravia- *k* but the R Y 4 tty .t **d f-e food* fl.u r-- '-•< or -#t* M .n»b maned* F.reford■* |Ood«*et ion u Mi h he bod comhv * 4*«*«ed rU IMA for HalkH theatre w h»r h he then iw a waged Ref* a.-d to r worn* were by Marr 'hagai! and »1 net If or **b A-A to put *•»* ta-n-t *m Hi pa>d ‘tig. . dd it w»ne!Jy on the pr.otuev. ho e 4A kht* Ha lam hr nr r«pr« **ed S * »b*s f -I t n t.| » ever .*».*.»* iltee wp ■r*w>k»4 M-.r-w fo •-‘i*'*wr I ,.»'•« a •er>*»ed m e.d.t f tn# ‘«.i #r**t I t*a a t 4.1 *hv at* i. 1 t«.i 14 •’•‘t f * - id h »• 1 a one *4 »hu \ Y. fill Ha I let * UggeM hit* ^/g'kljra’ Scar* Sat kf.ttoa Fa-ra ¥ til •!•• I h* M >*• 1 hi* I* R*m* Hov*v vet 1 '»» pi* * IO *t .n f m t hat sway r*'ry. 1 dA| for I dd«o I lav kiya revue ' u ripter ivn aof