Variety (December 1949)

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M I JiMTIM *TB 7, l«W Plays Abroad mi the the ftrl imw ftp the Is H the wMrti to rn< nuinhrtt nwM etoilt to Iulvr 4 Tberr * rw» folrtoini in lHr tune* ^ *f*r€ I .I - «»f w fitch an<1 oUtotod Part* Nov n v * «(•* fc- !'•>«' • ’ I fcl «H »o I*** '... I. • m> %.;*«. u* ' • - * • ‘ *urr»«* N un * s* u*ca> toff v* to-.ce toAoto**. P»no _ ■ atr ,t i*«« rwto »•»•••« i«» «»•* V»-ael OrOr!»«■ • l» • itlitt mir Rrt to D Ann the* re fine t**r (to h fn>«d tonAmf Cavalcade and tovw to m Alee Ten t> .*..r nmr« elegant aiid toirt Via J*JJ*JJ**{ pi Imc the rarmtaH number Mi the mude*t side H«vA ™*®*‘.** , eery difficult I M I i* • • u * llrltM A idW* Paul C.-uldy add Weberf SptO**f • f be f.lH 1 no ne * *>.«»■• >* bulb Aftot ti • to a way that • Nadi me Alan «|e l*elile a* the bereaved wife to a*ft that ran be desired Jar near IMN Pier- KVK iMk and Marfa Ijaa aa the • Her Bert in lac., co^ 1MI % tolar t Pam 24 h ., the.. »• ...-m r.v* 'tzrt.ISEi Z 712 m \ %-u Him .Aito \>«« *#»»• l*4(* la < 4* Ifc. ** turned' taut I date* jv*t mo- « i Hadrlnar I* w.irrod to« .Ur hef hie Hand Inward Ha* a mi.trr« and prr*uad»- Heart, a fit** i**- «a deal Her aua* V . !• t'i • * '!» th* »i -* a V , - 1 »• • * It \ . .• «*» MaatH i harm but in to* »n.i t- \ reunited « th Het hu'h*n<t It t* »* fin al pttn *»f • Hal ftot.d t» I bn * n a* Hmabevard * «uuc<t* || t f* -m -light today (t it w»r*nt lat Ito a*tinr there would b. little ju*ith«*» on it* re . a' \nd while K.W**' |H»»I ler* a« tie- wife and |.ixt.«*v* Ha% a' the *'4rr*« Pierre An wn f l on«m\ in* tn the idher t)aud toOK Hi a ■» > f td d r r»t.*fn s n*ei* the hu«han»t and a* HipMMg tdUNiMi to Ito* v If In the la t rl t* nne •»( the hCh |ai at* *«f th*- Hi* TW re tu***e« an 1 *rrt*»n are taste f u' an«l the K t*d* w tton mi the uholr i* -Ink "dentally rmaa' « 4it-dwa for rraooa* heal known t*» h»w*rll I* ta**’ mt** that to t«* mi to* tarar be* not appear aa th*- gr«m althoueh It is no «n-rd that to d»d dire* t He made a y*h of rt f '.*d l a ode Saiavai handles well the oc the part to Jt rf a rt C aatetoat Has a me r e imsar- tant part a* the rorune r and plats It sery fdausiM* Apart from a MivuuipfN beat the borate la aided b* the presence at time* of tun colored «mgrr* d**ne by tun Ai lean* current to en the Wind* sat a to ftotr bemuse it *«« Hf tto sde nf OuiU Emtlu de Torre words Albert (ame de Campo art to Ricardo Fdsard Marls Mu*m Carp 1 ten /Matt Wallace a Tht* c*»ewd\ take* place in Nes (lrlr*n* and might a* sell be be rated anvw'iece Tbaouih it is a drama it i« ptret* funn* r*. .rr e«rWI.-W Jr, n -•"•' VH N 1^1 . .. Oh . - >* '* ”«*■ J j_r «ur L Umi -1 M amd a MrcfrUimi nf smut . . -■ ^4 Ahmr all ft »* a sannaH hit Mt Pans Mh jail the rarmarb* nf an inter nati*»nal toTfo' ln*th *<•»« And since it pack* tooth drama s relief and Hnlds for the laSeni p. rt* that are an* a^^'s The plat to a u a e se t ter the tomtiltt* mi a Ncs Or be Heath A I »»*»' Ito Ah*ion s'e ha* a *mall pail as the maod • unrequited Imer uhlle J. PI sillun da m . a bit ns the wife’s men and Anu Hit as the nallremaM on the Heat .As prodsorer Satmal Has uell bv the pla* thnwfti nod dre*ae* and cwstumes as well as a ref rr**hmp «vt Mart — n. - / w R- I. Symph Pro* idem e Dec f l«la«*d Phitharmonie | franc i% Madeira util it* fifth *ea«u loda* at Macbenrir Girth Mmifamer William * irfr* MasseiMA 11 Publication* In* , cop im lalltuc In late toitb lane »Tbe Ho»s af Hsraenort. u . lamu Hart is Rtchprd Rodpei* Chap- pell A (a In* . cop in Aess 1 , u m Marolft J Chappell A <». Inc cop lt3A The Plat foul Ptouften u Aim deiltard. Hlam Hteuart ( Grrrs C.reeu Im* A KmcHt IP3t -Sm*< r**s« |*wb Jeuet -* lf l^a' i M Auditorium Here - Kl * .m her Urr sJ^VftJ Z** 1 pienisl utfe of 1 pro. JLpI^o tlJ I^t^n iod ' MrfAM TrtHune erttu Fran tK *l aHuoi* Himself JjJ* ** Ham Wi Nest act shous the utfe of the . f*M*e ^ pruRTi* in *u true ding 10 jA*p % rsa I osirllloorla * <« eMie* In Itoe Air Oenoa 20 ms • •* i»a tpeurUi e* *tfsi •I * m* * i - mI res* vs «**• •»♦* *U •• to I fSI Soy4 4. *o4 W*a MMfo*** I m t mss**. I »• c «eo*» l«e • * «k «»~S. IWm*. toll * •’ IS Hen pH WHWOq Hf oil d Wf J* tosneudinA id man m mg to §uI Her too- duys in \eupocl Paslartot. West Hand out of the fftrl'a rtotr to s and ^ Wuunaurhet ' after find inf be Has com mi tted so* ftoeh nou in its fifth «ode Yr*tn« to get Her Implicated eetse* a P«to In the rmnoeir in a fabed murder fur arhuol runrerts It util I «a*t art sHuus the • *ef Out of Tuuu Heate ft to Me* u . m Cole Purler Chap pell A Co. Inc cop t*M I Married An An«el «| Oarrsed An Angel*, u Intern Hart m Richard R«**ic< - R>*t»hin* All IM t reapers if I* » J«M»nnr Merre* m Harr* Warren II Wttmarl A I out an espotstteto urttteu 4 ua* respected tn het uui The Camnal of Ruing, at Ran- dall* I s land Hem York featuring 25 hand* dre* over rt m ptt*-r bog* wHu listened for Ace and »tocr , -*u*»etee Honrs utth soeH ns- retrained enthu«*a*m that police and part officer* had all the* could do accord*at to a report in the Time*’’ the following morning lo protect plaier* from de*trurtMm to admiration ** of Ml doe n sinker* PI tac factor**** of Cen- tral Motor* lu Flint M*ch It so the Arst maton r*«nftut of a u*de- spread otto tadoMnal sir uhtrh dcieloped into something akin t« mil sir Something neu In r»dtn »r • uuiff program of mature stature Informal*** . Please utth John R ler nan Franbltn P Adam* and guests l i ban Clifton Fadiman added great to to the «mooth paie nf the program a* quitmaMer H ngn became the new rage n»n4 ea*rx the mod pupulai mon* % game In the I A and one u hit H genet alto met u*fh the ap- al of rhun he* II N. • *4 Sm S.ti* % ••*• * •h.w.ii. 4 A* •»*»«• t» Sou ■aiwato v | a it i*s Legit Bits *1 4«t* tlmarta Miprf p« m ettsalto a* a sehirie foe up and rooting r**mediap I to To*na/*t Wfe^e ~ rapid Ate gag routine* pta* e him r ise r to the I A be .si of rooted' than lo that of Its <an Mofrete* i* a *ho » lo plea**- a p«d sisare of g« toalian ru tom.-i but one uhuh ra te* g>Mot o«a* •-rial b* spreading it too Ih si* r rt it* long nena st time Ha»e<4 pretest of a pbo rural* th * old one sh ow * the rtorb Amen* tan wo i and the p>»o Italian rssiis shot| inherit the fortune Hu* I 9c»-n*«pott% stra* * from I He ft.. r • uoiktnf u <tt Kosl ma- in *1 m**-v of H poillwal and net fe* • limine in hn ib'ivm r <ine* the *how A m ong oth*-r* ief« R i Rov «ns* and f hi u ao. eeuaftdii reto on their a< -*Mto I ia f «rirv> t« s* »•* to a to**het utth a too-e l et!** P« • Hi tn fut too wo#« bo*h« K *dee wi» D» Mares *i » r* no l>» • * in an aero-dam-e hn uhrle Vbas A a bit ansaaes uitb an un- nnn near uerieet tn%itali«*n of It ale isos Tele Red *4elrHe* are one on 1 ideal fa*io*\ *• iih all mmfo * t*w it* pa <<<«cred w other* and another with Tornarn a* a high-r)«*« hrg f* I r~lH and slow no* e of the Wornrw Juliet dance ponitwolme V tid eg g*<* estepfiou of a Reno di**»rre gourt number tn uhlrh • oun l e* danee «•**♦ their tro u ble- all danee fManaanmamagngnmHHBHHaaanganmp »•••■* • a a u« a am a e • % ★ ACTORS ★: ST. ItRIlIVS Kills: AR( IOCAI CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR ARTISTS FRlffiOS OF THf TH(ATR( ANO ALL GfNfStANS Mil WRAAl 4 f M - 1 i : H w ‘ir j 1» UNlVUt ’ I PATRON-SAINT- I OfTHtTHiATRi - gueen- 1 g ifi ' O r4 t Fv'tai: CATHOLIC AtTMt MUI H Itoll Ct •au Yak It A V. Iso Hooter uill pla> the male lead m Heart nf the Matter the (*rahem t.veene WasM Dean IimIms si Itor toruu-r i m*sgl Windsor lewis u | 4*UtHr1e Mrf Uaitr s Velvet (»bo\e produriion A in rent tAaedt Jr . en ro ute home fro m Florida vara- turn mailed Hi* father a postcard from V*»di* (la and too the rvn- taufatewr t* planning to base hia c hr i *4 ma* raids ma t b u d from there MssuuM Anderson la sorlunc on a Oco play uitb a to 4 hmicn.n locaie t*r*uie* As m< uilb Hurt WH Ms m oul t so i di atm Isua i «torie* uf \|is*i«Mppi life las ben will design the ornery for Martin Mere's The Criminals" Peter late* stow I ••n« 1 <m diama The Wind to »* North mil b- uce*ented De* A-14 b* the AmHeiM CoiUge Masquers ir- ri\ed m the t. A user the ueeh- esd to attend the perfor manru Me it do lerture at Amherst, smith and \|i H*tHcA# In-lore re- turning lo ins land fur Terrenes De mar net s prwdu* turn uf his The RumtUs Mask . . Shout ase per f«u manre- ot promising talent front the National Theatre Confer- ence util be per Mew led I >r* It It at Nes Sfagu* theatre m (ireen- uuh Village N Y R* it ha Wet more mm reed* Margaret to m Reel* in 'f ae-ar and Ctooftalca ’ letter artre*« gne* to the ('oast fur a Atm a*-imment Re* aw r of dliferen. e* Utth ra slat Hit f edn» Wardwtrhe Nam er has uithdruuu aa d* 1 the RlrHacd RI*hard Miees re*nal uf C and I (•••♦•i»ra Harduirbi taken uer the stacmg € I H Rauf mao direetoe of Metre pole ret towed to (< the sh**u to audit | for *’The I nr banted * uhlrh he * . g| Aging Rot her % of I jfe to '* . - will prtth.IWi gei IV mum on ihetr •inn omu m vest • nt Nes p>iu right* roo fuiiiee of the llramattot* fluiM had a dtsntunnn me e t ing |ut nigh* 'Tire* open to all GsiM me m bers Speaker* a* the F.aOeru Theatre < . *o t»* * w * held at lwi*« | Neuarl Ikrt , met the ueegend Muluded f tar rear llerueut perfor mam e* at the Muter t Iff, N V beginning Due 14 Pan! Naed of )Mh Fog s Are staff authored Haven Ml (Hu Dark *iated for cdV-Wruudway prodcutom h* Ori|wslt (Inly at the Chat le* R etdman theatre N Y Monday 12 . . , Iht ki han Nsiooia) Theatre H mu in ivorulMu taith the Amer- uan Theatre Ring mill begin Ms off Amadou rourse nest Tuuudai on de* f*euege rhaumanship with Hard artmt a* instructor AlHert Maree .if the Hi at tie Hall theatre Cambridge Mass, in town la*t srrl on a ra*tmg a*«tgnmrwt ( ac roll Met mar ba* k from goe** p* ilornung n The (ilaaa Wenagerve at Vgw*tana college hum* falls S D %p 4 r at the AST A rn ws fiable Friday 'J' f o author* Ruth and Vug ret css fmefa returned from Mott* oood jHWuuek after rump let mg the treat meut uf Theodore R II liam toiler fauurg Its*id I ipahi a* pre**ageut lot 1 ong Till Sommer Deere R unaa ha* rmoms Miriam R r uuurr la rompasg the «r*»re too a plat utth mins on the Helot*r and VbeDrd tor product mu nest seasou Tto Pres* players af the N Neuspaprr (.wild Hub mill •eut Paul f oiler s reined* lair •* • Nioiple Thing" Jan DM lotoee* Rlarbbars uf the f brtalapHrr Manu author- agent* lamdog sailed Una ueeh fur Fmg land after several eeeh* In Neu York to see the shows and huddle with the firms l % K*e I eah suliabnri ibe Vl.wtk ( tub has sold •AilMB to previews theatre party and swhmnptiua tickets lu Geo tlem c a Prrfc-c Rto ndr > . The Owar Sertins sail in March to take a house neat M.paito Italy ». * an rt'eroied * H M. .lor n a-soriate to In « wyn FaWl M * u . Ira m George (*ershu m ( Cu Inc . cup IW* Radr. Maestro Merh Magidsnn » VIlie to ruhel Irving Red in Im rep IKM Nu rr e saor Pub Rout vie Im Ms Nearl Rel •lent It to Me w m Cole aar ('happen A t o Im rep My Reverie u m I arr* Clm ton bused on Detm- Nr- rttr Rohtuns Vluwr ( ore tup !«•§ The Night Is tilled to Nh Kulr <fMm ( arefree w m Irving Rerun Irving Ret im Im L 14.14 AH the Things Tun Are (Vers Warm fur Wayl u t (lurat llam mera t etn 2nd m . Jerome Rem i • * t*pe 11 A Cu Im gup IfW Werr Mar re I PuAa » m tew Nr own Wladlmtr A Timm Jarwmlr Ve)enda Nhaptvo stem A Cu . Inc reu 1AT4 to J»* Hedmanog naaigned and rep*»i»M 1439 by Rhaptru Wrresteic A < Inc I nt Mao Armstrong and lilaer T Nani it Jo- Im I ao Atm , m Im . fut ‘ Alive Ted Mabiey I— Aeruard Mason N \ press agtwi Richard fur Ravhmgion Pud dc#osa ert.ior Francis Cgam f the Tu ‘ • w are ■Ugh Fagi John Hopkm* l *s dri and Joan lee to CalHoItt I i fi mo Ifbung »hr sags fu » the Abhr P ar it. a/ Work -top l lien af J M N»ag* s mjjgAWf' <gf the horruut. 1 t her tl I raofurd « Hr ■•»•». «nd "(m • •eurte !•** Kps R teg »ng Neu age* a--rgu»wrnt* out uf Iasi In elude Ahte Mef artt. at the pie mouth Rodun Warn gl wty. Co outai Ho-Ims law “fniM Her ns Chi. ago Audven Rtoh |. Nr I w' n f Tin .p f OS ( totRftdi Wi»k the drop p«ug of one stagehand led ueek by l^rt m «be Mars'* Mh’olng I be tutting of low i m me dia tely after the opening the Playu right *’ Cu •• rw-dut t«g the running espense nf the WrsoeM A< in an ednri to afford an Mir m « |H«g< no r apartty l-tie - t <f rut te No f* ortoe (mold Mills cup I4tg ’Published foe | tra Alill* VIu*h Im . cop | N mall Frr y . Hank ft m. Haag* Car mu heel fa Attasa I acp cap IgJg Nemper Paratus Official I A < east f.aard March song s . m, Irani* ha Mu* Van Ro-gervk 1 If G (’ievelanr 4 ham lay Pub ( n rop 1*24 b* I N (a*«t (reard VI agar me assigned 1*24 lu Asm Fa* Pul* to km Aung iRnhkrrburkrc f 1 - u Via*we.i Andrt wu m Run to etli i i aw ford Mos* (ore rep l«Ctn Ning fur tour hopper I The Roys uf hrreruar u lanenr Marl m . Richard Rvulgei* ( happrftl A Cu . Im ««m I AM Au Help Me a Rddie De Imp m Jimn)* Van Heusen. Revi.Mk Mu*m Carp <op |434 They Aal a He. man m Paul Vftann and Stephen Ret** M A ii mark A Son vap IAJ 4 This Cant Re lute 'The Rays *f Syracuse* w f • n/ Hart m Ru heed Rmtgers ( liappell A Cu , Im rep |«2ft Too Sleeps People « Imesae* m Hoag* Car Famau* Ma*ir ( orp rep 1414 Soeet I Mile Me tm Rohm and Ralnh Ramger Par •mount Mush t orp rap 1434 %uu (a lu Mi Mead u Ha reu (•il’espre m J Fred (out* Reiniek Must* ( orp rop | luu Must Mate Rem a him Hard ta l*et n y Metro m Han* War Rrao. k Musa ( ore, rop I mmrnni^Si ^8 HHPHHBPB Fngli*h u< Ru*sel1 m A Rarre*o Sm.n era Musa Publishing Co Im rep 1434 b* Ire*.os Vitale Rm de Janetru Hr art I. and S o ut h ern Mr sir PublHdivng Co Im . aaMgned and reps right IA42 h* Peer Inter- national Carper at am f are less u m I are Qoad mg F.ddv Howard and Ihcfc Jurgen- Irving Ret ton Im . rop 1434 * Am - resanr Pub . Routne Im ' f a* air* uf the Steppes Soviet Army song Russian word* V u-tar Guar* Fnglt «h u erd» M I. Ror* m Les Rnipp«( Worker* Ijbtar- PuMi«hers rep 1434 m s«ug* af Vmertea P 34 fTN Also wuh H*hed a* *1* - Meadtvwland* lag tosh tanrda h* <H«a Paul ifsitf N Marbs Mu-t. Carn rep 1*4? *2 Meadow land *’ Fngitsb words h\ Harold J Rome leed* 4i**i Carp . reu IA4T Darn That Dream fSotogla the Dream 1 *» F<idre De |A Jimmy V an M*-o%re \ arm A Conn Im rep 11 Da I fuse las <DuRarc* Was a I ad* K s . m Cole ISsrtet Chap pell A Ca . ter tap ltd » rear 4 Span ■ -h word- and owe ate Alberta I turning*, c/ f.ngli«* words Rat Charles and S R No- vell Anu I bent Vti««M ISrhlt.btna Cu tor .rep 1RR. a m sig n ed and ♦ apy right 1441 hi Prei H'Wal Corporal tom ( ad Rlesa Amerira s m lr* - mg Rerf to In mg Rev too tot . I Can rent rate On Tan tNNn Rroadua* Mr tod* af Ik44* a m Cole Pane* ('raw lord Mu*o CnfRJ rep 1434 I IMduT Raow What Time ft to as (Tna Mans (•irks*, s larrsi Marl m Richard Radger* pell A Ca^tor rep 1434 R alt f h*ne* White * uhlrh railed the ha •rest Him • hr* uorid the AraiisiMe laotav* set (he humming ‘ Heigh ho Heigh ha “Who s Aftsrd uf I he Rig Rad Wa«r and Whistle While Van tor i de nt o ff y the pseture whrsT 'he ^ ^ ** *3A bnrd Over 1494444 Rl** ** • ere sold aad the I-ate* fartwrv Ur a keep up with the bee i rpr "dart tons df FOR SALE S1S.OOO CASH