Variety (December 1949)

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il r?/ K L A. Sti Sloppy But Foxes’Faacy Seattle Hob Still oa Skids Albeit Bagdad Fair $ 7 JHj .. M . ,A, Mvn An , ft. JIBI UUI . vaw ■ ««vj ‘AMFlirROOO PX.HO.T 1 *AL OOf OC $7(1000, Battlegromf Big 36G ■ 2d; Hep J18JII; Tokyo Oke 28G, 2 Spots MWNSH23G,Tfedt*8U0t,D,h» [sSZsSxik Broadway Grasses •M 4 » 'tin •PC', Mr 07 170 nno Tell Cncy's Best Bet I IOC SIS. w v«le tar» <1 •CM* *0111 Mr« •M-t> « iHI’ I [I M 4 •IMOi < 0(0 eftt I>»pv» flee taAr OS SOO lac ettk oar airs o»o»» •no* s i •WBi 11 797 S 790 SJOO; Orvtl «i> r •M-G» ?<i eftt Hlllilrtf I OKO* Oiler Derft -Cel' M 07 ft’ ta i~ MCO <1400; SOTO*— Immmm" <M-C* <00 vfe> • ailing 'tuidv f 1)000 *» City tav I IMS. SO-TO* Teat Vtd U MHO ■ I wt< 017 •S SIS. I f4M> 3 300 I 451 00-01 STi In Slow St Loo M- •COi*. C»ee| <RIO> <3 100 (girt) well at •WBI «l »t/> <« wo 2 > <00 eft* • IOSOO Jee' *Cel< •cop 4iitii 'SS-® 1 ( » <1 Ota 50-00' •MG' Ml* eft*. pe4> *4 OH Ota. |j*4 • Loow» • Mer- it* • 18 Q Trr AT Pee MC III 9 Wfti 2 •UA» At wfti I so- I * » <1.171; KUrln •HftO- SC eg Sen 700 led eeeft mi •mell 0? Rae. Bryef Begc Ifits "ETVlTV «? . . . ^ ^ aaa WerOee C elt SC el tar 'Cel' Tell le i leCpIs; Drettr’ $ 9,000 0*7 • Km ' »!•< eft*, i riM 4 MO' •& (*m l e 4 I W*w. T.«* V NO Hlftniy Del. Has Pre-Xmas Blues But ‘Bride’ Far $15,000; ‘Pink> Steady iOG -d Itriret Det. 13 MM H< mi | 4 Patei <UD* iiij Itel § Hue eeeft *i Ce • l ury Uft* MHO itS •MLO* Ita •It' M <rwc» *0101 •M4i< 2«4 •! I tag 0*0 4 f •Cell. Oil •P»r‘ *1 < * Perl I iwn'- «fe» HeMl • Per • 4 r (Ul I 0 M e 0 » *4 01 30