Variety (December 1949)

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11. 1M* VIDEO’S ACCENT wmii. Tempers Flare it Cmey on Political Loose Schedule on Kines Hampers Time Clamed Denied on WLW-T ||[[| |y|(]<jj jpyjf Web Trailerizing of Programs Nc« Report ta the ^i/mJTwLW-T Iim Krinli B. Ilrfinork P Wfo Rnul\ to Ihm Srrrn-I.ntfue Roof* • • • 44ik 4i V was her l> (hr the lagla af at brlter Thai It i hr a# rldm an I hr la*t balling far thr naMhi at I hit timr thr prabfens It la tloorr none af thr tHp natiaat aa ipti*h (hat cat I at ta • hat thrt dunni Ih4# treat* I that ild hr HNutdrnd art|1rul ar out .landing A dm mine that TV Ben (>ran(T Too Murk Y i«i n ? • • • 4 fih 4 m >Nti4rf au>rd hr la ha- aiaaet tlarH They ft fi ■ thr tl thr f vrtt a TV *«• atf % thfv helicr that Mhl P Ha tvttBf ’.banal (mm t *tep further w»*t they ( tth fro tirrptn tr • •« Raytheon Bid For "£££? ;£r.r”£ ^ ay a Haf that, tarh t plug la More Tme on Hub 3= Auto Makers. Dealers Biggest Coast TV Buyers ‘SriHST 3 i TV Nixed by FCC S 5S&H H a too aril la throe dewrlmpnirni af * "A at regular trailer. They muU U have partially that dram bock by rltpt arr playing thr pi thr «uptn>n af t Holts wood iVr (MlMlrr. ."d «».*»» •* *hr .teadth Mlonline • rilrn With a for oar of thr ho Ml half thr m hr (i ei limr nhlrh rould "♦her client In • It* rrfuord a »egrated lata a Mat la Irylh r w Mil IhfTscuMy in the ar d ■ to than | 1#Mr# ___ iitf a« hich at thr tmplm Cm la raonplrfc Mt TV ouiat »« at VI rTn Mplllli nan aa thr Thr artlaa reversing an ha* Beat JT ^ t — >i Tie! —■ Bi dmithr hPI Iwhhi Hwf — flw >1 I" Dun. ill# " arr pndttic.l hyr luna I r»ftin Via I Miaate Pie Serin In a yard they will Ml W NBrt Spot the Sponso P H - • • • ng PM mouth Ipma.ars thr P*’ \ Nmai ( lirnt t omf Ol 4d*nf* Ihrrh. rarh huedas la ad arinna draw bosk* thr net %amm .ryd that a dm Wat of rilraniM „f iKr kinr I ■ " KM \ Hr ford ! mn. ""wh' pew it K.-ton t. .mobile «pol. '*~ »•*'«*»' af rapy ine rarh other » third Malum far a (Mm »« .m tor f ord arr «Norr pew ..f thr oat* r.mne* up failed la imprem thr ( I baa KUl T\ iM«t*m«Mle p*rh> up • *►• pmeram format that Pr rural Malu. af bar a I thr lab an * * • Thretrr aod aun^r^ful. thr athen ruah Mr art urn thr l»a. M.dor Sale. ford car »« •** Hupluale «h»oi at a apnad material " bar aaod PCX earn inr ..Ml ram sal hangup rveo if * *»• V V. Hagahbp alll laanrh rtr* I hr raon cummstmrel aa a •• — h«hlbr They raa furl thr r ampany labd out fund, far am arailahfr nan Aa a rmuM a am than aftrr thr fkw af thr arrym af WngltMi HI am thrrrabn « r4r »aa^oturnlly that thr plrlh raulpmrnt alnr bt» (art rilrn.tan Ihry plan la roalna ftrfw>| pra- of apanirrrd thr € at. ( afbrpr fnathrll ^ drnanalor praeruna. an thr rapfrrd hr%r a Wm aa Ihr la- iranw eta Hat far %alu# Int • rV> rr , nhrlr b arr thr • dry Ihr thr at at Ian a t thr prr _ • fff®>* rnr.*apaT? rrrh"umh a pal an Ihr hart far thr a hyr a • eel nrn. InMrad it undrtl a. rr hMHIrah phaaU .ui dianyriM nart %m ihr mar of about tad OHM 94 B ^ ,,M I nprnmr. a npuria ahau and runa With thr rarrp tl rn af a hy a ill ahaa nbninn hair, af ^b apul. aa thr alatian H u daan nr tjiai l piay« aa thr fhr pr adm la and aa Ihr Hrat aar ( , hri»rd a p« off ram rarlore la thr thr art day. a ham ■.pi yen no did rbr.ratrt Hum h alar .pelifM an. am i Idrnllfy all hut 1 ' • thr Aral y|rarr la phonr »• Ihr forerrl anaarr a. la ahlrb pH Id Third Chcey Nay Reaefotule ^ >1 that Ravi me aHh thr aaallrr • owffine ta a third n t raataa af Ma 1TTJ Sbcka’ ta da.’ Sei Ganraway at Pkilty Gets Ad ( mb Award g m year aa d«d fhr. ralrt Huul alaa apnitteht am a Urd .Mb thr Philedrtpliia flat In * far hUaiae <ra tnala m irir- thr .a»i erar Men CaMMnimmn artma auiomatuelly *'**•• arttlae h»eh daadarda fitom Hoard am aftrn arrr N H» TV. anartird awl a Uu%g prndine a»> 01 •^•ttaaliti Ml aa ad.rrtlaaac ar- l«rrtoa a« at lar«r aad Du ^ ( p> |« hay Ihr ua diuan ** Da.r fiaremay ana flnuihrd iialMi far aal-af pnrfcrt 'hr Philadrlphir Ji nprntr*> «od a rnairhme hid ua >fl < t ‘ah a award of arm Thum- drr thr aid WIT! pnoaduir h% day -It* at a dinner in Ihr kfunl . It aod* af Murder Fat a heir N I t unwpoe ». mill a ant phi All t tIt and thr fanartli Schwartz’s lande I s <’ ,TZ **K ifinmoted Ihr I C t a ill Mr M». * pMrhMa « ’,z. r'"-.. ...I.. •n Ihr ( tirynlrt an caarrllrna and aa V Aa a r raa li af thr Fan to obtain Mai mm in ha boral rafr-rhaaa fieaway mtd be \ aia m c hua««» Mm Hwr and f *» 1X . In.utr l h V Mtlb thr da* a* Ihr ( Ke« rolet at the rwt «d lt*e rut | af maaa haeb frr real ryrlr Ihr P—MbolMy lor rr /> A f P.-rromom' am at af tlw pragrao. o. Mill eroul brilOilirOaB NfrOWS la hr rtwN an Itadw rr \tibur Nrhaartr dr • r a >».■ »o ««■" 'oo 1 ' no o. rlaird tha. week (bat thr roal r art UoSt'd > i U! AJfllllOd ^ ntmUMe Moo ex e, rtf ha. that ! * f V-jTJirV# ■ir»iu!a^ii > V> Mad af ISA **la happy there and !« . J TIIT^ JTT- r J. .Z < ». rraws X‘«.' .'.T. “ ^ •“ - . i. . rat altaratma. there rbannrl* are , *" w ** ) 4 “ ' %4r **‘ r * "wtutmak llanr %%Meed ahnat rlarrd thi. arrk I bat ine roariwi UOStG 1 i 111 VdfJlIOll •♦••'ana hall an Imu* wparl — HmI thr. a non brine rearp a tsated aad that prapa i rf ta ataa Mf Ilf. IW »IM|> ■> » W ».*"•! •* ,k *>"" •*“ "* . *.* * !L*t ■ V *1 tH** terymaae pramraam flMefpu u hr ad array C ampbell F.aid far a •**d»t»°n ihr pmirrtrd Aar an - - - ta« porhaged hy NumstII Varary nr* ha... f« roatsauatma I WH armHaag *haa xta • rbmard sur~ is: rr trj. *cr w.™ t — ju Jud.on Hat lev aa. aaaord la dami C'taali af I r.s.i II work, far Ihr ihaa 'hr rrmndr P*« kup ffra frrd W .ring DICK TRACT 6G SHOW PEDDLED BY ABC TV Euti Wanaf Sb.a -Sirtl^ Pud U nark, fnr Ihr iktv. *•! ktl Barry ’• TV ahuh ». uuu atrrd aliemair Thar. Ahaa la lo Tele.Maaa produce, Barnard Hay. from • 3» la • p m . riptrr. trgM areMting oken ba. parted t«rnrdmii hra in March Pvisftan fitw • »»• arena an* try far n .»n. or Mmai km —t 9m latent aad p rud m -ti o u nut aad djjhdJBdJ |M| •4 Ralph Warrens thr rma anhltag thr I. half haur Keith Pali Ml War aifl to ludr thr (trip s recenti IT y night i haiarirr. much a. H (» Plenty f.tavrl Cirri»r aad tiuk nss.r* the ■ ilk npM. Ilka .twofting i igan Hi# u*ua M»iiM rlasr^ le. - a« * •«.! ..i ' h it p a bv the a eh la lakr an *. dnot... »*a< kagr " t ryhmPrf u si I *-»l |.*r I ihr budget was Id base beea upped hat if t pro* ex suimsfn ( Hs far the aril Marrr «rrk. At that M id r AAORA a arek AJU pat by amt fall Mad h apr y M raa aria opr la Mat thr time Bah Banner non darmtmg **A (ouple af Jar. * nhlrh had a I# than weekly la thr T unday b*ehi BfBC-TV t C.arra a ay at large hern dropped hy thr neb return* Ip. CWxxv report, at • *irn •• apportion ta MtHaa program from Oirago a til paa so thr Wrdarndny rsrniog lineup thr rdty frit Ihr dm up ant a poad Brtlr s Teiara Atar Theatre aa ( BA la N V aad meet.e ihr War* at • p ns It Albs thr «pM .mated yiaxrMmrat daibarmim ' * ABC. XV ibag praeiam aa a permanent baa* b» ihr Wradi Bari a