Variety (January 1950)

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— • ^ From Here It Looks Bright thtn to a titoAc* to iMw Mto ymm iMto^ tlir tonidtoic. am yrnm tort rmMm waara ^ Hl|r. jrva. M ymm ratoly tato vaa Ml patl af tiMto saar^ M aMal H ■artawaiy WWa jtm rttoar a ii ttoratorv to ■BMalliii^ m« to llto to waM. Tto MtoM al ttol rvallT Mto tataattoaa ttoy aarto al Mtoflai—ato M tow* ;=:‘&a7. iOrt: r:- sfrrm.Rsr.i'rT: atoaim tolmaUmi to to to Ito to- r tonaa ttol It to aa lto ag ■Hra ttoa 0Mit af lliii^ tto y^iaai Ito cwra l aiwiia af -^Daaaat iaar to ttoto faaarlla ptoaaa aa< ttol Mar* Mali to»l raw ayaar* Itol afNi Ito ra*toit alato af Ito w toMaa'H Itoaira Itoaa 4a}r« M pratoM) to • •aad Itoag to to aMa to Ml to aOMi Ttoa itora to Itol totoMa caf*> atoaa aalll ■aaiiltoM Wmi to tto aMlf atoal toa aaaali raa toaa aajr af a pto> raaM ap to j atoa^ Wall t Itof m I pH Ito aapwwtoa Itoir aaal praaf auai) ar aaly a laa. itoy laal aa to aatoralia< 1 to«a alraya^ w Mary tor yaa Lartob. "Maaia* fiaai Ito paftto af raal art. toalar* toa a racalar. aanto toil aa« toairy lar^ anr lataal toa a awctoalral ratoaraal artoPala. yal aara Itot pi ton, la a aay Itoy praaaai a arlapi laara af pay traai itoai. pattara af toliwtar aal aalito N«a 1*4 llto to ato a pa^ w iato UlM ifipjrliMi paapla af aal aa WM to aO Itoa* Wtol'a Ito atoP toM toa ato toaai ttotoaafaaa la tor aa* a«r*? U P aiPPrat; ato tto caatoMiy af ttof totoaaa tftto . Aawrtoaa* ato aa to ai Ito 44lli Oapirf At to tto gaaaltoa af ato t tor ar M ■r rtaaiaa laa. -laaai aa l awtoral aal aa aaaa aa ■atoaa a r la totoa* Nraai a Wfm Walirr tortoP varaaa la arP How Do You' Like It? Ltfll AilrM* Btiwrriow Tm IWi J — nrlhto d Eft Look T WOOD law pO. It 4 af a to af Ma af Ito artlaa .Aa - > - ai tar taaar at 4 a * ar pirr I af Ito a Itoy Wr play It rarrial aato af Itoir ra- ttoy rarral aato iprra to to a aal Ito ta Itoy arr attaai aa art aM* tto a l traliaa a t toa aa rartli cm yaa llto tt* mmT iirANto to*?Mil!!a Ito aatiaa tliai taylliiag la tto aay af a *taai^ My toaa” appranag aaar a mtA caa to la a bmM aitor itoa Itol af a taap aprra ton I rM aay Itol Itoy raa to rrf at a toy la aar If II 4 r< I af Ml I H a I tlial mm la tto iMar af aa 4 Saffaay. tto Kaptito rallr 4 n'aarrrMllaa It. partraolt af prat aa a aaMlI aralr. mu Itol I al toti. •rar CaaM M to Itol totrrartort arr •affrt^ I 4 a Itoa an* ■r aN* k Bty I to rp frrto aa 4 totorr I Itor It. S Itort Afcrtfc Fa I Vito View Fa NallyaM4 Arrrapr vv*arr la Ito Im Aa> Or* area rrlrtot lrlr«t«*aa Taal