Variety (January 1950)

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WeJtiejHlay^ laniinry 11, 1950 WILWAM A. BhaDY WilUam A. Brady, 86, Vet show^ mail, died in New York Jah, 6. further details in Legitimate MONTY BANKS ^ M Banks, 52, actor, film di- rector end husband of British comedienne Gracie Fields^ died in Aroriar Italy, jan^ 7. Death rer {iiilted from a heart attack suf- fered by Banks, while being car- ried from 'tlie Arona railroad sta- tioh to a rtearby, hospitaL The ac- ipr^director >vas ehroute Vvith his wife to. their home on the Isle 6f ' DeMille in 1913’ For a time Hick- man Was a film director for Thomas Ince but later returned to acting. Outstanding among his pi ctur es were "Blossoms in the DustJ‘ "Gone With the Wind,." "Watch on: the Rhine" and '‘Three fleai'ts for Julie;^" In addition to his Wife, his son, Wally, survives. While in, Italy, Banks was sched- uled to begin work on the first of three English-language pix tb be made under the Monty Banks En- terprises’ banner; Initial venture \vas to have been based oni thb life of St. Francis. vBanks, born Mario ; Biarichi in Nibe, France, eaitie to the U. S. in 1914, working at odd jobs prior to going to. Hoi- lyvimod; Banks appeared ■ in a humber of Mack Sehnett shorts and silent films. In 1928, he left for England where he made iseveral stage appearances in. addition; to working in films there as an actorv producer and director. Among his British film appear- JOSEBH jARRETrr HILL Joseph Jarrett Hill, 44, a direc- tor of radio shows for the Castor; Farreii, Chesley .& ClilTord ad agency, died in New York, Jan. 9 after a long illness. Hiil previous- lij^ had been Connected with the Lord & Thomas and V^i'dung and Rubicam ad agencies. While working with. latter, he served a.f I director for the "We. the, Febple" ! airer., Bprn in Charleston, W. Va,, - Hill came to;-New York in 1926 as •assistant music critic of the fe- .cently dissolved N; Y .Sim. 1 Hill also served as a dhector for CBS and; NBC,. Amo the shows, he handled ,were. ‘‘Duify’s. Taverni” j “Screeti Guild Theatre" and "Man- j hattan at IVfidnighl/’ A wife and son survive. York at the age of 15. Her per- formances included roles in "The Prince of Pilsen,” "The Merry Widow” and "Woodland” under Henry Savage’s management. She also appeared with DeWolfe Hop- per in "Wang” and "Dr, Syntax” and was at one time a member of the McCall Opera Coi , Surviving is her brother Mack Hilliard, manager of the Coronet theatre, N. Y: HAL CARLEtON Hal Carletbn, 53, for many years I advertisihg and publicity director of Metro in Australia, died Dec. 25 [in/Sydney. f Carletph was responsible for the success, here away back in thie si-, lent, days of the Carroll-Musgrave ace Sydney house, PrinCe Edward. He was; also responsible, for the success of the first habe Spanish- type cinema. Prior to joining MetrOj ;C^rleton headed a small eompariy; operating cinemas in Sydney and the habes. He . later . sold the^e interests to Hoyts."”'-' door advertising manager for Shn- berts until he retired three years ago. Survived by two daughters, sis- ter, and four brothers. ' *» C. B. C. R. McHenry, 66, retired thea- tre operator, died Jan. 4, in a Dal- las, Tex., hospital. In 1922 he erected the Rosewin theatre in Oak Cliff. Later he acquired and built several other theatres which: he operated under the name of the Oak Cliff Amusement Co; He re- tired in 1834.” v MONROE LATHROP Monroe Lathrop, 86, pioneer mo- tibh. picture critic, died Jan. 5 at. his honie in Hollywood. He, was drama editor of the old • Lbs Angeles Express and the Mornr- ihg Tribune. ) -JACK OVERMAN.:' Jack .Overman (34) film charac- ter aetbr, died Jan. 4 in HbllyWbod: fbllbwing. a heart attack. , He was wbrking in "Jet Pilot" at ' wheh stricken. HYMIE GOLDSTEIN Hymie .Goldstein, 61, vet yaude- ville and cafe booker, died Jan. 7 ill New York of a heart attack. franklyn a. batie Franklyn A. , Batie, 69, actor- singer who had appeared in maiiy WILLIAM L. WHiTNEY productions at the Winter Garden^ I - William Lincoln .Whitney,. 88, N. Y., also with A1 Jolson in vocal teacher of Met sopraub "fiombo" and “Big Boy," died Dec. [ Eleanor Steber, Louise Homfer ahd , 31 at NorAlHch, N. Y. ‘ other operatic stars, died Dec. 27. i He retired from Broadway in \ He is survived by his wife and ; 1939. ■ : two sons. Born in Norwich,, he began his : stage career w i t h pockstader, ! Primrose and West minstrels. For 115 years, he was a member of the In Memary .of.oiir: dearly belayed Brother JAMES J. BROWN James J. Brown, veteran ’miem- i ... I be^ of the International Assn, of ; : Jack Wilson vaude act. Survived j Showmen, died at his home in St. ; Louis., Dec; 31, His widow survives. ] by a sister and two brothers. . Who passed awoy January 12, 1949 EUGENE. SAM. RAY and CELIA ! GROVER C DIER ./ Grover C. Dier, 56,. vet Gincin-; jiati projectionist, died Jan, 5 iirt^ I; der the wheels of a motor bus antes were rbles in the Elstree Productions’ ‘,‘Not So Quiet Oh the Western "Charming De- ceiver" and "So You Wouldn’t Talk,” Included in his directorial efforts were "Queen of Hearts,” "We’re Going ib Be Right” and "Keep Smiling," all of which starred Miss Fields. His most re- cent film portrayals were in "A .Bell for. Adaho" arid "Blood and . Sand.-":- Banks, who became an American citizen in 1940. had also been an associate producer for 20th-Fox in England. Banks accompanied Miss Fields on her toUrs during World War II. He was a member of the Picture Pioneers. I Gbldstein . had been ailing .,for some. time, but had been well I enough to attend, to his duties until i the day before liis death. He col- jlapse'd in the apartment of agent Sid Leipzig and died before aid could reach him. Goldstein, for nearly 10 years was president of the A-ssbeiated* Agents Of America. He took over the helm of the group shortly after its; organization in 1940 and' held it for nine successive terms! He had been aii agent for nearly 40 years. • Survived by his parents, son and daughter. Mrs, Dominick Serrao, widow of vet Pittsburgh district exhibitor i and theatre building contractor. , near the Tiriies theatre, where he t died at the Citizens General 'Hos- worked since 1945. Hier walked i pital in New Kensington, Pa., Dec. j into the side bf the bus while on 23 ;aft:er a long illness. .; hi.s way home ;after being relieved Among .surviving children are j at his job because, of illness. i three exhibs, William G. Serrao. ■ ; Survived .by wife, two daughters, l AVhb operates the Kent in Arnold. TESS GARDELLA Tes.s Gardellaj 52, singing come- dienne Who had appeared in Vaude, and musicomedy, died in Brooklyn, N; Y , Jan; 3 of diabetes, Miss Gardella, althbugh born in the mining region of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., came to New York after the death of her father, a miner, and Settled down in the Mulberry Bend section. Shb. matriculated for IN FOND MEMORY OF “EZ”KE0UGH Who Postcfi Away Jan. 15, 1948 BOB EVANS SADIE JACOBS GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM George Palmer Putn/am, 63^ pub- lisher, writer and explorer, died' Jan. 4 in: Trona, Calif., .after four [ weeks of treatment for , ufemic j poisoning and interna I hemor- rhages, , He vyas once president of G. P. Putnaih s Sons, century-bld publishing! As a writer he turned put "Smiting the Rock,’’ ."Southland of North America," "Hot Oil” "Death Valley and its Co|untry," and "Hickory Shirts"; As an explorer he vvas associated with Admifal Byrd, Sir Hubert Wilkins and; Roy Chapman Andrews. In recent years he operated a resort in Death Valley. Putnam .vvas inarried four times, ; His seGond wife was Amelia . Ear- hart, the flyer who w-as at sea in 1937. four sons and two brothers. ... TEXAS/ jack: ; . Texas Jack, SI, reformed outlaw whose real name wad Nathaniel Reed, died in Tulsa, Okla.; Jan. 7.: Jack,. who rode with the Daltons, Bill Doolin and Henry Starr, toured in Wild West shows billed as "Texas Jack, train robber." The one-time outlaw was pardbned for Pa.; A. Fred Serrao, the Circle in New Kensington, and Rex Serrao, Ihe .Roxy in Ford City. Gpeffrey Chance, 56, died at his home at Saranac Lake,' ^ Jan, 1. He moved there 20 years ago for his health!. He was formerly the owner and manager: of Chance’s Restaurant. top nitery in Northern New York his crimes when he turned state’s! during prohibition days, ^t the evidence against his confederattes. [ time pf his death he was repre / —7—-r,—. f sentative of the Baldwin Piano Co. CYRIL SMITH | His wife .and two children sur- .Cyril Smith, 46, singer, died in vive. New York, Jan. . 8, Smith, best —— known for his English dialect spe^ [ Father, 80, of Joe Goltz, foreign cialties, was associated with Riidy 1 sales manager of Eagle Lion Film.s, Vallee when latter ‘ had his own [ died of a heart attack in Dallas ,orch. Ambng the platters turned ; Jan. 5v Wife, two other ;sbns and out by the two were "The Old Sovy ! two daughters also survive. Song” and "How the Fight Stm’ted in the Salobft," Michael Angelo Antonaccio. 22. what afterwards was tb become a stage career; singing at political I'aliies and dances. She later satig In hiteries of Cbinatowm, where she attracted the attention of Lew l^eslie, an agent, whO: later routed her in vaude house.s as. Aunt •Jemmia,../. ^ Later, she; appeared in several Broadway riui.sicalSi including sev- eral editions br George .White’s "Scandals" and as Queenie in the reyival of "Show Boat” in .1932. Her last Broadway appeararice Was at the Palace, N. Y., | s e v e; r a 1 nronths ago. Survived by four .sister.s and a brother. DORA DEAN JOHNSON Dora Dean Johirson, 78, of the ' Negro vaude team of Johnson & Dean, originators of the cakewalk, died in Minneapoli.s last week after a long lllnes.s. Born in Cbvington; I<y,, she .joined .w ilh Charles John- . soil, her husband, to become a dance teanV which, won consider-. . able, fame in the Tale, ’90.s; The ; team Ihiroduced Ihe cakew'alk in ''n Sciiiai e' Garden in ,1895 ; arid, sub.seciuehl ly.,. tiiey toured Eu- irppe fo.i: 17 .vear.s, .I'hcy reap- peared intermitte.ritly ih vaude- ville . and night clubs ’up .to few years ; ;ago when Iver husbarid Sul- ' fered a leg i:n.1ur\\:; ' ’ . Her, hlisbaiul. .son; and a, brPtlTer survive.'..- Smith also worked in television a rnusician with Woody WoodnlI s and radib bn Vallee’s prograjiis. band, died Dec> 29 of a gunshot -—. wound received while hunting near ■ • STEPHEN'.W; .McGRATlf -Youngstown,' O.. Stephen W. McGrath, 51, United ^ ———. , Artists’assistant contract manager,' Maude Bowman, 77, member of j died in N. Y. Jan. 5, following a the Warners research departhicnt 1 heart attack. McGrath started with W 25 years, died Dec .30 in Los [the First National Exhibition Cir- Angele.s. cuit, later First National pictures. V —-- He was also a production repre.sen-i D^vin Charles Freeman, infant tative in Hollywood until he came .son of Mr. and Mrs; Mickey Free- east to join UA 23 years ago. man. died Dec. 31. in Hollywood. His Wife, mother, three daughr Father is a Daily Variety staffer, tefs, a sister and brother survive.; —y: : HOWARD C. HICKMAN Hpvvard C. Hickman, 69, stage and screen actor, died Pec. 31 at his horiie in Los Angeles following a heart attack. A legit actor since 1903, Hickman made his stage bow with Robert Mantell and later ap- peared with Amelia Bingham. In 1906, he married Bessie BarrlsCale, .with whom he co-starred the fol- Jovving year in " of the Rancho" at the Alcazar, San Frari- •ClSCp,- ^ ^ Their first film together was ‘Ranchof' pjoduced by Cecil B, ROBERT HARTMANN Robert Hartmann; 52. 20tb-FDx Moylelone Nevvs’ mahager in Ger- .many,' wa.s . killed. Bee.; 22 in. an auib accident, riCar Munich,. .He was to have headed his company's new bperatioh.s in Geiinany which began .Ian,; 1. Prioi- to that date the U! ArVuy and Navyv handled all nevv.Sreel filming in that area. Origina 1 ly a ; cameranian,. Hart- manh was an indu.stry piorieCr and cro.sscd the Atlantic bn the^^ G^^^ Zeppelin when the Gorman dirigi- ble made its maiden flight in 1929. He was 20tlfs rep for over 20 Germany and worked for the Hear-s'l as a Eiiropeari staffer. ! ' ■ -——^ Mother, 88, of jazz violinist Joe TOM PATRICOLA Venuti, died atherhome in Phii- Tom Patricola, 59, former vaude- adclphia last week. . ville performer, died Jan. 1 in ; ■ ■-t ' Pasadena, Cal,, fbllowing a brain, Father, 63, of Robert Busch, operation. He toured the bigtime :manager, of Avalon theatre. Chi- ■ iri the heyday of vaudeville and : cago, di.ed in that City JanJ 3. ' appeared for years in Broadway I . _— musicals, including George White’s . Mrs: Anne M, Shaw. 54. wife of “Scandals." Frank Shaw, film director, died i In reCent years he plaKd .sup- Pec. 28 in Hollywood, port roles on the screen. : j '• * ;Widow, 54 ; :pf Edward E. Shu- MARGUEriTE BITTER • , :maker, former RCA-Victor pro.xv Marguerite Bitter Clayton. 50.; died in Merchahtviile, N. J,. Jan. S ■ .concert pianist who appeared, as '• ■ .' ■ . ■■■.: ' : ' ;■■ ■', ,. . Marguerite Bitter, died in Los An- ! geles, Jan.. 9 frorii injuiTo.s .re- ■ cejyed in an aiito aceiderit pipre - than ..Iw.o months ago.. Mr.s. Clay- j ton: had made coricert touis of the I U. S; and Canada, besides provid- r , \ . ihg muMc for films. . . . . th® holiday, sea.son, ; Her husband and a sister survive Hgot ® number of holdovers. I • . ■ • UA feels that these good grosses; z ! JOHN.E/ST. CLAIR . ' .prove; the poifjt that: it Was the ;Jphn; E. St; Clair; 7.5, 'musieian,. bustup pf Miss Temple’s marriage died at his home in LaGohia. N, IT., rather than picture quality that ac- ;Pec. 31, after a long illness. He ; counted for the poor getaway. The had /played with, many prcheslras; : reason, therefore, that a reasonable ' ; and _ bands, inefudirig ■: Sousa s wait before sending it’out into fur-- i ^ • 1 ^ -u! Iher release may better the b of i Survivors include hi.s Widow. pQtential two sons, a step.son; and a si.ster:;^: Afi.,s j'0riiple>a.s in another ftib;; Warner Bros.’ "Story of Seabis- . ! cuit," which went into Temple Pic Cpntinueci .from page.' 1 ; ALFRED >Vally . Mrs. Loulda. HiMiwVd .Walle, 79. former le.gil -actre.;! ; and. singer died in New York,. Jan. 7, She be- gan her theatrical career in New CHIC THOMAS ' Charles T. North. 57. died An Chicago, Jan; 5. Vaude comedian i; papers ; toured U. S,. arid Cariada for 35 years under the. name of Chic •:^ohn Agar, did unduljy Thomas.V weakly^^t the b.p., giving strength Survived by two .sksters. to distrib.opiniori that the divorce publicity wa.s the rea.son; ABRAHAM NELSON Surprise angle in the divorce Abraham Nelsori 59. died in.Chi- riicku.s hurting grosse.s so much is cago, Jan. 8. He wa.s formef, otrt< that that is gerierally not (he / 69. \' •.•■■■■■■ i with other players. A$ a matter ; of fact» some veiy serious legal ; hassles that stars have been in ; (Errol Fljmn, Robert Mitchufn) 1 have sharpened interest in their I pix and pyshed up . grosses. Ne.xt j test will probably come, however, i with release of the pic of another [ player whose personal life until • recently Was held in very special j estgem by the American public. ! That’s Ingrid;, Bergman^ whose } "Stromboli" will be sent into dis?* ; tribution by RKp in March or April,;'. (through June, 1951) ,; so doiible bonds will have to be posted .\yith Actors-Equity, Rehearsals are slat-, ed to start Monday (16), aiid the play is to open March 8 at the Martiri Beck,. N, Y., after a road . ;tryout.;,;-' '.' . Miss Hayes; reportedly \vill get 15;% of the gross, plus 25% of tfie net; . Only other star . getting such advantageous terms is Tallulah Bankhead, currently' touring in.. ‘•Private .Lives.” MARkiAdES AJarilyn Maxwell <,tb Ancler.s .N; Mclrityre, Saiitia Barbara, Jan. 1< Bride is a screen actres.s;. Helen McDermott to George Aryantes, Hollywood, Jan. 2, Bride is chief accountant at KLAC, Dorothy Hurrimitzsch to Bill, Schwartz, New York,: Dec. 31, Bride is with Arthur Goclfrey's singiiig quartet, the .Cordettes; he’s with N. Y. branch of the; Alorin- Schwartz talent agency of Milwau- kee.;' ' Bess Levy to Harry Hertdel, Gharle.rton, S. C.v Dec. 28. Groom’s a Pitt.sburgh, theatre owner. Betty Annis to Jeiiy Lynne, Pitt-sburgh, Dec, 31. Both are cafe/ danp®f’s.. Marion F.Ogel to Stan, Pittsburgh, Jan. 1. Bride’s With Republic exchange in Pitt. Ida BOnato to' James, Tucci, Pittsburgh, Jan, 7. Groom’s with Baron Elliott band arid bride’s a pianist. Estelle L. Dick to Seymour C. Freedman, Washirigton, D. C., Jari, 1. He’s a.ssistant/director of ad-publi ity for the Schine Circuit of G lover.sville, N. Y. Helen Gerald to Jimmy Dohnn. New Yprk. Dec. 26; Bride is NBC radio and film actress; groom is 1 ibrarian :for NBG Syriipliony oi'ch. - Arine-Mafie ; Gayer to James Heriderspn . Lee, Ji/, New York, Nov, 9. Bride is. an NBG aclrcs.s; groom is a televi.rion actor-Writcr. Avis. Pitts Dear to .Charle.s IL Garland, Phoenix, Jan. 7, He’s general manager of KOOL. Margaret Carroll to Irving '.A! Maa.s, New York, Jan! 8. . is v.p! and generaT .nianager of Motion Pic-lure Export! BIRTHS Mi*, and Mrs; Harmon Stcvc.'n.*:; son, Los Angeles, Dec. 29. Fallier i.s a stage and screen actor.. Mr, and Mrs. Charles T, Mar^z, son, Rockaway, L. I,, Dec. 30, Father, i.s With State Department’s, film diyi.sibri. Mr. ancl Mrs! Paul .Brady, dau.gli-' ter. Flushing, N. Y., Jari. 1. Mothi. r; is the former Roberta Lee. dancer; father is mem,ber of vaLidc team of Barton & Brady, . / Mr. and Mrs/ John P. William.*', .daughter, Dayton, Q.,. Jah, 1. Fat her i.s exeC-veepee of WING, Dayton, arid ,:WiZE,. Springfield. O, .VIr. and .Mrs. Stanley R. Weber,, sori. Dec. 28, in Floral Park, L. I. Father .is:. assistarit tfeasui’cr •• of .Motion Picture • Assn. pf America.' .Mr, and Mrs. Tex; A vTry , da ugh- tei*. lloll.v\vb6d,.;Dec. 30, Father i.s. . a fi 1 m;. cartboriist. at.. Metro. Mr. and Mrs, E:dwjn j%sher. .son. Culver City, Dec.. 31. Father is a technician at'Metm^^ V Mr. arid Mrs. Jay. Michael, son; Jan. 4, New York. .Fathei’ .is head of pi!blicity dept; General Artists 'Co'rp.v. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Maitland, daughter, Pittsburgh, Dec. 24. Father’s radio pfoducer for Walk- er-powriirig agency. Mr, and Mrs; Vic Lundberg, daughter, Phoenix, Jari. 9. Father is chief announcer of . KOOL in Phoenix; y Mr. arid Mrs. Manning Cl a gett, daughter, Wam.irigton. Dec. .31, „ Father is flack in Wa.shington of- fice. of .Motion Picture A.ssri. of America^ Mr, arid Mrs! Robert Garland, son. Phoenix, Jan. 1. . Father ig on the .Sales staff of KOOL.