Variety (January 1950)

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PlCTinUES Jamutty 1950 ■ Eased Coin .€|iued from pajfe 3 ■ to lure indies Is a limiting factor. Wihdmg up ■» hot internal AvtrAmATv^ilht^A never khew Slate in the annual election of Of- Bandit;” (Rep). $21,000. ^ ARl.,film white- week, ”I^ce of.Foxes” (20th) (2d ;^was coming from, an^^ there was ^ oy wiiuain iviaciv^mcw, Companies ottering vanea oe- nh<t<! although Idsinc the veepee of Eagle Lion in charge of gj-ggs financial aid to prospect* nv^Lffipnov ' ^ ' boy and Pnzeilghter . (ELK Stiong operations. With $1,2(^,00(K in ar^^^ Who reh aboiit cash as a fulcrunir EL has been iiia, Republic* Eagle Lipn, ;Fiim 1700 pninlbvees at Warners Bros. ^ a rs!icf»» fl ood niv^ ih thlT Past 12^montlS Mae- ^”add^ -dhiversal- Republic, tlhited Artists ^®St?FYanciV (Par) (1^00;^ ?/i^r 4.1^ Other hand, not interested lA add- ‘gn^several smaller companies, are ^^Hasty Heart” (WB) (3d wk). Fair Millen , revealed ft?s Ing any inore indies lo their slates Grtntoy, prW: !» Oestreictt, $^00^ Xast week. $12,500. ^,5!S^ «rf.h .?"y ^ ■ vlcd^prexy: RusseU M^s, exec vice* prphew (No. Coast! (2 448; -55; 1^., -iS IX.. . -i t viuc-urcAy* xvuaacii a»*woo. cAcv v*vvi- . , vyjipucuw vawu. v^vn^v/ onn Metro, 20th^FOx and yniversal. prCxy; Gilbert Forgash, treasurer; 85)—”All King’s Men”^ (Col) and hanks, the $l,2pQ^^^ RKO’s Offer Mary ■J. Rosehcrans, secretary, and (Gol)_ (34 wlO. in the company s coffers. ; .RKO for months now has been Herman Lemler,: sergeant-at-arms. Big $22,000 in lO days. Last week, MacMillen’s disclosure is of con- offering completion bonds and Mm-ris Schiff and Nat Kriss were $15.W^ . -./v ^ /i 9A7. •Iderable importance in view, of^ fi in getting bank and second named trustees and, in addition. the forthcoming operations of Na-; money to producers in which it has 13 new members were elected to f5-85)^ Mrs.^. Mil^. tional Exhibitors Finance Cprp. in been interested. It signed Edmund the exec board. OestreiCh, together /tfA v ^ ' the same field of indie production, Grainger, highly successful Re-- with Hy Blaustein, who was defeat- . Rosener) NEFC will have a minimum of $?r ^blic producer, last week by of- ed for the presidency, headed the 000;000 to bankroll Hollywood feririg him complete financing. opposition slate. (3d wk) ' Down to $6,000. L^^^^ fllm-makihg. ^ .. .. Columbia pulled a coup in Pre-eieCtibh fight of the union, ^^eeir big $7,400. ‘ The key to the entire situation signing Louis de Roehemont twp which is affiliated with the Inter- Clay (Roesner) (400; 65-85>)--- of indie , production is the ability weeks ago by similarly offer- national Alliance of Theatrical “Devil in Flesh” (Indie) (3d wk). to offer a bank loan,” MacMillen ijjg^ him bonds and help with Stage Employees, centered around Fine $3,500 after $4,500 opener. , said. With our money, we are able Bankers Trust, Y. It has p RusseU Moss, the local’s top paid Larkin (Roesner) (400; 65-85)— to give a producer a straight 60% similar exclusive deal pending exec. Moss was' charged With “Devil in Flesh” (Indie) (3d wk),? of his film ;budget, iii place of the with Edward Small .. which will dominating the previous; exec Holding well at $3»500 after .$4,10(1 banks; : That is first money, of completely eliminate him .as a board With unfair tactics while he, in first.' (350; 85-$i)-^“Fallen Idol” (SRO) (3d to $6,000. . Last Balto; IwiQ Jima' 3G, 3d Baltimore, Jan; 17. Good product lineup is paying course. In return, we ask for 10% uA fixture after :many years, in turn, accused the opposition of of the profits plus a fair distribu- Republic Was able to get the being '‘left-wingers and high-paid tibn deal for Eagle Lion.” John Ford-Merian Copper Argosy semi-executives” who were alleg- MacMillen is still on the prpwl unit a couple weeks ago by taking edly disrupting the activities ' Of ■ _ ^ ^ , to develop new banking Interest in off the producers’ shoulders all the union. Oestreich was prexy ; |I2 ||Ia9 ' |wii III11B XG all production. He now has a verbal problems of financing. EL has of Local H-63 before Its recent UaHUi iffu Jiuia understanding with two banks pre- been moderately active through its expansion. Baltimore, Jan; 17. viously nori-participant in film tieup w^^*^ Rathvori’s Following, the election, both Good product lineup is paying bankrolling. These are expected nioney setup. FC is in a position sides stated they would make an off at the downtown firstruns here, tp take over EL’S loans to N. Peter to offer bonds and bank support, effort to patch up differences, with best action recorded for “The .Rathvon, EL consultant and head and topper Joe Bernhard has been Major point on the: agenda is the of Motion Picture. Capital Cprp., extremely aggressive in lining up drawing up of hew contracts with on his three upcoming produc- gome profitable pix recently. He got the major companies. Negotiation tions. : Additionally, Detroit. Na- “pirates of Capri” recently, for in- with WB for a new. pact havP been rohhds at Ma^^fr tional Bank and Fidehty-Philadel- stance, by : giving producer Vic^ going on for five months, and it’s 5f tonSes i^^^ phia TriKst Co. have already been fbr Pahien in $200,000 advance expected that any settlement with torV beinr chalked guarantee. . t^at comP^y will f^e pattern WaW starrer. , Res^ of list by Rathvon and MacMillen. , Although FC appears to be gen- for the others. shapes , Wally interested in less e^enswe v-..;--'-, ., ? . . Eslitaatesior This Week to. its recent activities, EL now has product than UA, the fact 4^aof ireiitiirv (Lopw’s-TlA) (3 000' 20- 45 films definUel^^^ ownership-^and active manage- 60)---“Somh Sea SihneriK(UL^S^^^ lease m lOoO besides a number of luent—is centralized in the control Ellfflish fOT Indic Pic tomorrow (Wed.) after pleasing reissues, MacMillen added. All of one man makes for a startling AU-native cast is hrnshinff „nonn wbck of ^'Mrs. Mike’’ these pix are either completed or difference between FC and UA. .. 1^^ “On Town” (M-G), in ahead, before the cameras. Company will while Sears is continually balked {if. mopped Up in two weeksnwith $33,- probably wflrd up-jvtth-®r for the by yA- owners Mary Plckford and 000 total. ’ y®*''- i J ,, . , . Charles Chaplin, Berohard Is com- p. ^ ^ ® (jjgppjpQj.jy (2,240; Because of the “surprising flow pietely free-wheeling m being able “*^*“*0 25-8p)^“Story Mollie_ X" (^ plus se upcoming produc- gome profitable plx recently. He got the thajor corapahies; iNegotiations Sd. ^ ^ Na- ..pirates of Capri” recently, for in. with WB for a new. pact hVe been roiSnIs at MaS ntid Fidplitv-PhiladAl- . v... ■ rriirint* v^rraHiippr \r\o.~ .onina nn Axsa mAn4.h« '44.f« AOr; Drsi tlire®. f^unuS tti iviayiair. ^ T 60)—“South Sea Sinner’’(U)."Starts rillffjiSh tor Indie Pic tomorrow (Wed.) after pleasing: these pix are either completed or difference between FC and UA. .. "if “On before the c^eras. Company will While Sears is continually balked ihp^iJvHwiinc? probably wind ’up wtth~6a for the by uA owners Mary Pickford : and wjj|^r*;^®^^?JJ8,,Ehgljsh-language OOO total. year. Because of the “surprising flow pj;i;iy^f,:c:e:wheeUng in being able 255())-^tw Of independent product,” MacMil- {q make whatever deals he thinks w vaude headed by Jerry Wayne, len feels no pressure to reopen the the exigencies of the situation die- v Stageshow helping to,all right $14,- company’s nowrshuttered Holly- tate ® wood studio. “If we decide to pro- Bernhard, for instance, was able OGol) and yaude, $12,900. duce in the future or If we can ar- to snare the hlghly-profitable“Lost .The technical vvork Keith’s (Schanberger) (2.466; .20- range for simultaneous shooting of Boundaries” last spring because he handled by 60)—r“W6man in Hiding’’ (U). a number of films or the lot, by was able to offer producer Louis o , Opens today (Tues.) after 12 days Indie producers, we will open the de Rochemont complete dMerment of‘‘Thelina Jordon’’ (Pari studio.” he stated. Meanwhile, of distribution fees Until the nega- Rathvon is headquartered there tive cost was recouped. Sears 9.Uro^well, former legit Mayfair (Hicks) (980; 20-65)— t and Samuel Goldwyn has leased hasn’t even been able to offer a o^Rt^are ‘‘^ space for storage purposes. deferment of 5% of the releasing ■ vYr ■ ir ' ■ 1- Holding house record trade MacMillen heads for the Coast fee—which would be an important $8,000 this round on.'heels of is week fpr a 10-day visit He hareaittine weaoon if he W it Uuigan. Cromwell, who’s org’s preceding weeks at smash $9,300 11 huddle with Rathvoh and re- Despite the compkition fbr indie and $12,200^ Jlolds a fourth. B6sf0n,^j;aii, 17v Not much excitement around town tWs stanza? w^^ about aver-; age takes reported, /‘The Outlaw,’^ in third Boston, hypOed by p.a, of Jane Bussell, still shapes solid, “Inspector General” at Met and “Malaya^’ at State and 0r- pheum look okay although the ior- mer is below hopes. “Womaii' in Hiding” at Pilgrim ■ looks nice. “Red Shoes” at Mempriai appCars to be huii: by loiig tun at Majestic last year.: / Estimates for This Week Astor (Jaycox) (L266; 56-95)-— “Prince of Foxes* ■ (20th) (4th wk). Down to about $14,006 after pke $16,000 for third. Boston (RKO) (3,200i;74-$LlQ)— “The Outlaw” (RKO) plus p a- uf Jane Russell with' Staeshow Od wk). Should garner neat $30,QOO after socko $48,000 for second.. Fenway (NET) (1,373; 40-85)^ “Lady Takes Sailor” iWB) and ■‘Panther Island” (Iiidie). Fair $6> 500. Last week, “Great -Xoyer’* (Par) and “Radar Secret Seiddee’*; Indie) (2d wk), nice $4,600. Memorial (RKO) (3,500; 40-85)?- “Red Shoes” (EL), First time ^at pop prices but slow $19,000 looms. Last Week, ^‘Dancing in Dark’' (20th), fair $18,000. Metropolitan (NET) (4,367; 40- 85) — “Inspector General” (WB) and “Blonde Bandit” (Rep). Below hopes at $20,p0Q. Holdihg over for three • days. ■ ? Orpheuiliv (Loew) (3,000; 40^85)— ■‘Malaya” (M-G) and “Prison War- den” (Gol). About average $20,000. Last week, “On the Tovvh” (M-G) (2d wk), nifty $12,000 in four days. Paramount (NET) (1,700; 40-851 —^“Jiady Takes Sailor” (WB) add “Panther Islaind’* (Iiidie). Fair $11,- 000, Last; week, “Great Lover” (Par) and “Radar Secret Sei*vice*' (Indie) (2d wk), $9,600. Pilgrim (ATC) (1,900; 35-85)— “Woman in Hiding” (U) and “Wolf Hunter” (Mono). Fair $13,000. Last week, subsequent-run. State (Loew) (3,500; 40-85)-^ “Malaya” (M-G) and “P.risbn War- den” (Col). Not bad $12,000. Last week, “On Town” (M-G) (2d vk), ofce $8,500 oh four days. this week fpr a 10-day v: will huddle with Rathvoh While Alexander Jay will direct. New (Mechanic) (1,800; 20-6(1)-* figur jl-sQ starts this ■week while the S"'upis”duele''th7UiiirtWS^^ PHILADELPMIA sfcTOrt'^Vhrif4oa\t^ to Ing flnancisl aid. This put them , (Continued from baee lot nice initial round Kt' .■61.5 500® tn Zdh’ in MevtoTn Kw ^ financial aid. This put them , (Continued from page 10) nice Tnitiri round made in Mexico in March. in position to be more independent :CosteIlo Meet Killer”'(U), yanked ahead, “Inspector Genkal” : (WB), § :■■■ - « in setting the percentage they take after three days with $2,500. $17,700 in 10 days. Off the top. Mastbaum (WB) (4.360; 50-99)— Town (Rappaport) (1,500;: 35^65) WR ChAllffiOeil UA, although it: is not offering ‘%ady Takes Sailor’* (WB), Dim —“Red Shoes” (EL); Pop price- liB vllUifvilww financial help, has. been forced to $14,000. Last week, “Inspector Paying off mightily with best- ■■ Continued from naee 7 ===== rai$e its fees because operating General” (WB) (3d wk), $15,000. in-weeks $15;000 looming. Last ^ „ s, 7""'" costs have risen so much. Whereas Randolph (Goldman) (2,500; 50- ^ek, return of “Jplson Sings” possibility of appealing ^again to its standard charge used to b« 25%, 99)—“On Town” (M-G) (4th wk). (Col) at pop scale was only $8,800. it noVv claims its actual cost is Still clicking at $16,000. Last week, :• ■■■' ; '•'■■— the RKO and Par deOrees forbid 97% fancy $22,000. ^ aale of any theatres to anv de^ ;Stanley (WB) (2,950; 50-99) -r TORONTO T WB Showcase ; Continued from page 7 the RKO and Par deOrees forbid 27% cale of any theatres to anv de^ fendant, including Columbia, Uhir versa! and United Artists. DVA CIlCC DACC Ifit While Warner gave no Indication tiliU ijUM iVUijiJ lil of what he meant by a limited ■ iirn alTAT t? AlflPD <DADC’ number, it j.s believed the figure WKANilLt OVfcK KUob would be in"the order of 25 houses; : ^ ^ - t If the four other Big Five menl^ « K; bers went along on this proposi-[ filed m tipn, there would stiU be Some- Federal^ court ^by RK(> ag^^^^ thing like lo6 or so affiliated de-> ^^^nk Ross, charging him with luxers scattered through the U: S. i f^^fnre ta parry not a contract to One surprise sprung by Wdrner produce 1 he Robe. . wa.s his statement that negotiations j Company ask s a return of “The Heiress” (Par) (4th wk). Good $14,000. Last week, hefty .$20,000. TORONTO (Continued from page: 11) Stanton (WB) (1,475; 50-99) -- . Last week, “Undertow” (U). Mild $8;500, Last c.?S5f® of Foxes” (20th) (Sd Wk), week,“Pirates of Ciapri” (F(j), trim V $10,500; ^ Fairlawn, Odeoh (Rank) (1.200, , Trans-Lux (T-L) (500; 96-$L20) 50-$L20)-r-‘‘TeU; To Judge” - Los Angeles; Jan. 17. . l^ans-Lux (T-L) (500; 90-$1.20) this nrotirtri f Suit for $1,173,420 was filed in. —:“Hamlet” (U) (2d wfc); Jammed t Last week, m Federal court by RKO against ’^veekend, with socko ,$8,500 Lady wk), $10,500. Mm^^iti? likely. : Last ...tok. ^9,000. ■ (tS;^ w 1# Avtoics ; negotiations j Company a s k s d return of (Continued from, page 11) . . imperial (FP) (3,373; 40-70)— “Wore Yellow Ribbon” (RKO). Ex- cellent $20,000. Last week. “Great Lover” (Par) (3d wk), $8,000. - Loew’s (Loew) (2,096; 40-70)— .5 “:: ‘J*® »gi (sd Wki, had not progressed sufficiently, to moneys advanced for research, of*- $5>560. Last week, “Inspector Gen^ “Wore Yellow Ribbon” (RKO) Ex- perriiit action by the stockholders flee rental, costumes and other pre- era!” (WB) and “Racing Liick” Cellent $20,000. Last week “Great at the annual meet in Wilmingtoh, i pifoduetipn costs for the picture,. (Mono); big $4,500. Lover” (Par) (3d wk), $8,000. Feb 2L Previous reports indir i which never, was made. Ross prpheumi (H*E) (1,750; 50-85)-^ Loew’s (Loew) (2,096; 40-70)— cated that the parties were Close i bought sereeh rights to the hovel n a?*' ^M-GV (3d wk), to an agreement. ' [for $75,000 several years ago from ^EL), also Ormntal^priash. $^5^^ week great New Warner circuit, divorced its author, Lloyd C, Douglas. Last week, The Heiress, Y|20th) zt \ .yxAvuAi., 1 • -I .fttin “RvaTl ITptPPflVpV (rTAlV < TTfiiAitm /.T.Ari.H,V /n.rjAO. nc d.-i -.AV crates without strong coihpetitioh. | Frank Ross :Prbductions has alwa^^^^ $7,000. , . “Samson Delilah”' (Par) (3d Svk) ^Government has again indicated > been, and still is willing tp., abide United Artists (Parker) (895; 50- Lu^y $17,000 after last weet\ that it seeks to trim affiliated by the agreement it has with RKO 85)-^“Adam’s Bib’* (M-G) i4th vvk). smash $19,000 which w'As below chains rather than break them up. for"The Robe.” Big $5,500. Last week, $7,000; hopes. ‘ /Miuitana* Meek $8,000 Seattle, Jan. 17. Most terrific blizzard in many years is shattering grosses an d shuttering many business e.slab- lishments for duration. Even ferry boats oh Puget Sound were hailed. “Without Honor” at Coliseiim is okay, and is as good as any hew^ comer in ah obviously dull session. “Montana” looks only fairly good at Orpheum. ? Estimates for Tliis Week Coliseum (Evergreen) (1,877; 59- 84)--r:“WithoUt Honor” (UA) and “SarabandV (EL). Oke $7,500. La.‘^t week, “Great Lover” (Par) and ‘^‘Trapped” (EL) (3d Wk), $6,600, Fifth Avende (Evergreen) (2,049; 59-84)—“ H e i r e s s ” : (Par) and “Blonde Bandit” (Rep). Fair $8,500; Last week, “Prince of Foxes” (20thi and ‘‘Bodyhold” (Col) (3d \vk-5; days), $5*000.: LibeHy (Hamrick) (!■ 650: 59-84) -^“King’s Men” (Col), and “Girls’ School” (Col) (4th wk). Slow $3,000 in 5 days. Last week, $7,600. Music Box (Hamrick) (850; 59- 84)—“Bagdad” (U) and “Fice for: All” (U) (m>6.). Here for extended; run; Mild :$2,500. Last week, “Is- land of Capri” (FC) and “Fabulous Joe” (U)* good $4,000; Music Hall (Hanirick) (2.^6;j-59r 84)—^“Mrs. Mike” (UA) and “Apa- che Chief” (Indie). Fair $8,000. Last week, “Bagdhd” (U) and “Free for All” (U) (2d wk), nice $6,100 In 6 :days. : : Oirpheum (Hamrick) (2.600; 59-^84) —“Montana” (WB) ahd “Square pahCe Jubilee” (Indie). Only fair- ish at $8,000; Last week, “Inspec- tor General” (WB) and “Bomba” (Mono) (2d wk), $8,900. Paloihat (Sterling) (1,3.50; 50- $1) —“Beyond Forest” (WB) (2d run) and ^age show topped by Mel Torme. Okay $6,500. Last week, ‘‘Red Light” <UA) (2d run) with Nellie Lutcher, fairish $5,600. Paraniount (Evergreen) (3,039; 59-84) ^“Iwo Jlma” (Rep) and “Belle Old Mexico” (Rep) (3d wfc). Tapering to $4,5Q0 after big $9,700 l^st week.