Variety (January 1950)

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*2 P^SBSfv’ Wednetidaj^ January 2S, 1950 Washington, Jan. 24. V FGG scored an Important Adctory ] yesterday (Mori.) when the U: , Court of Appeals of D. C. upheld its authority to refuse a newspa- per a radio station because it in- dulged in monopolistic practices. I In affirming comriiiission’s denial 1 of licenses to Mansfield arid Lorain ] tO:) newspapers, owned by ^ the i Under-Cuttiiig . J.. Donald Wilson, who re^ signed last jriorith as AB0 vee* pee arid national ptograin di> • rectbri was with program yee- pee Bud Barry when the latter vvarited to pay $500 fbr'a paint- ing of theVGra • Horyitz Bros^; court held agency ] , ‘‘Don’t do it,WUson^ said, “i; determination Of' ‘’probable : Con-1 »» t «o*-. duCt” of the applicants in operat- j ing broadcast stations Was proper/ FCG action was on findings the pa- pers attempted to compe- j ti tiori by /forcing : advertisers into r exclusive contracts, to.the discririii- ■ nation of • local radio stations, and [ refusing to • carry local radio pro: [ gram‘logs.-■ Court held as not at issue argu- ■ ment that commission action aiiripunted to eriforcement oi‘ anti- • trust lawsi, but declai^d agency, was fully Avithin. its jurisdiction . ip inquiring into alleged nionopb- ! li Stic practices to determine qiiali-; fications of an applicant Case ha s a / bearing on pen ding deterinination by coirirtiission of; eligibility of motion picture viola-V can make one for $100.” Last , week Wiison gifted Barry with, a canvas:he did of Monument ■Valley, painted from phOtps ; he’d taken on location; Wilson left Saturday (21) for the Coast to set up a package, outfit and convert some of his properties, including /“The Croupier,” for filmis and TV, Band’ of Wfilary^ Govt. Brass to Be FOature More Power to WCCO Minneapolis, Jan. 24. WCCO, 50,000-watt Columbia outlet here< ha$ purchased new 50 kw. Wpstem Electric AM trans- mitter, Wendell Campbell,, general manager, arinpuriced. . New equipment will be installed in existing WGCO transmitting building, using; present tower. Present equipment will be kept as auxiliary transmitter. New traris- missioii line will peririit switching frorii one to the other trarismitterv tQ Washington, Jah; 24; A “tramp band;’l parading here mow before 4be house, includes a i leur Hour show Feb.;2 Jortti^ri provision which would prevent the } fil of the ^.American Heart. Assn.: s commission from investigatirig Nrihual fund drive^^^ anti-trust Violations of applicants. ! Combo will include Retired Gen. Separate action was taken last j Carol; “ToOhey” Spaatz^ former September against the Lorain j commander of the Air Corps; gui- Journal by the Justice Dept, in an i tar; Maj. Gen. Giark Riififner, man- anti-trust suit charging the Hbr-1 doliri; Vice-Admiral Clark Wood- vitzes with practices similar to • ward, life preserver l5Te (they are keeping it clean); Paul A. Porter, former. OPA/ Administrator and foi^mer chairman of the Federal Corrimunications Co m m i s s i o ri. w a s h t u b bass; Navy Captain those found by F(i:C. Case is to be tried in; March before the D. S; District Court in Gleveland. Court of Appeals brushed. aside “freedom of press” argumerits of the * Ohio newspapers against FGC’s action. 1 Ghristian Erigelman, Washtub;.Maj. Opinion stated ’‘the way the news-' Carl Hoffman. M a ri n e Corps; paper is operated, in relation to. i kazoo saxophorie; Col. H. J. Micli- other media of communicatiori. is j enerj Marines, tub drum; and material. _ Mandate of the first/ Congres.smen Sidney Yates, 111,, amendment^ It held, does not pre- j griitar; Frank Boykin, Ala., kazoo elude the commission from fonsid- ■ uriibrena; Louis Rabout, Mich., ering the cpiripetitive practices of i souzaphone; Frank Chplf, Ky., . an applicant. Only by keeping the washboard; Mendel Rivers, S. C., dissemination of news free from kazoo; arid Wiliiam Wheeler, Ga., monopoly,” It declared,“can the constitutional guafaritee^ of' free speech and free press ever be fully achieved.” Bout Pickup After Beef kazoo trumpet. Sen.. Estes KefauVer, Trinn.; ridll GO n du ct. He wil 1 wear the same ; coonskin cap in which he made his !; colorful Campaign for the Senate : in 1948. Finale, of the ABC radio show i now shapes up as a chorus which / i 11 inelude about 16 Senators and an equal number of Representa- tives; Statement commending the Of T • T AmatOui Hour show, which Avill be Ac Accr.o5.Jii u field in: Coristitutibn Hall, /was fimn P*^eed the Congressional Rec- lhO wTtP ® week by Sen; Alexarider ; - Wiley, of Wisconsin.; Statement bioaacast the feathci weight cham- . j^Qj. onlv nlugeed Ted Mack and and Chailes Riley, a local Negro,, cicareK fo- nveek was the tipoff that riin ^ cigaiels to. enabled natives to hear the blow- . by-blow stuff Via a local station. Mans Bernsteim the promote!/had i-L-. announced as late as 6 p m on the JLOllCning lH6 lOWfi night of the fight that therie .would be no telecast. Then the AP dispatch was re- ceived here and the. heat w'as on. WIL, which carries all sports. . , .. „ . events for the Griesedieck Bros. [ columnist for th^^^ morning ■ “Bl ew ihg Co.,, throughHutliraufi: ! Post-GaMtte-atnd'-V^TEoY-mti^^ Ryan, squawked to Boxing Corii-I fi^J missioner Charles P. Orchard; ’ with his once-!^ekly busr After cbn^der^le haggling WIL ' ' w as permitted to ah; the pibceeci- ; f If ® ings via the ether. The btlier Ibcal : J? ^ In WQRL, Bosku, Issoe Washington. Jam^ ]Fbreign lariguage broadcasting is: iri the public interest, WHOM, Jeiv sey . City, told the FCC yesterday (Mori.) in a brief requesting per- mission to .take part in the hear- ing On WORL; Bbstori, skedded for Feb;-.-6:- . Hearing is to be on an initial decision, involving six applicants for the vWpRL license, which said, in effect, that multi-lirigual broad- casting retarded foreign-born and: second-generation groups; from 1 earning English and being assimi- lated into American culture; WHOM’s bnef, filed hy Cohn/ & Marks; D. C! legaLeagles, claimed that WHOM has a “riiajOr and di- rect interest , in the question ; of foreign lariguage brpadcastirig,” arid asserited that the pbteritiai for- eign language audience in the U.S, is estimated between 15i00(),000- 20,000,000 people and that large liumbers of foreign speaking per- sons “dbpend almost exclusively’‘ on multi-lirigual broadcasts, / ‘’The Gbrrimission should adopt no blanket policy tb the effect that broadcast stations must merely add to the already humerous media available to the English language arid not serve the seriously unsat- isfied needs pf the fPreign lam guage minority groups,” the brief declared. It added that wdthhbld- ing foreign language transmissions frbrii non-English-speakirig persons will cause withdrawal from .certain activities. H buttressed its plea with quotes from Jacques Ferrarid, Of the Commpn Council for Amer- ican Unity; /Prof. Carl Friedrich, of Harvard U.; the President’s Committee on Civil Rights; the Fee “Blue Book,” and statements by James L, Fly and Charles R. Denny when the latter were with the Commission/ Returns to Pitt Air Pittsburgh, Jan / 24. Harpld V. Cohen, drama editor sla t ions, relying on Bernstein’s piigiijpl statement of no; bi pad- cast vyere caught short and WIL lion in Pittsburgh, where he Was a regular Saturday night feature fpr five yearsv time being, NBC outlet taking pro- gram on wdth an eye to showcasing it conimercially/ ! had the local field to itselL Sid . Previously Cohen did his quar-' C Keener; Sports Editor of tire; the GB^. sta Star-Times which; owns /KXOK. a ^ " - Mu tual outlet, blistered Bbrnstein in an editorial .the day after the light which was copped bj’ Pep on , / ;■ ' ■ / / ■ a k;o. in the fifth of a skedded 15-, ^ o i. m A round marathon, Lou Viscusi/-! iVai^S, OCnoeiller AS PeiVs manager ^ ^ to be MBS ‘Europc’ Guesters 1 espons i e. 01 e ’ Antbn Karas, the Austrian zither player whose musical backgrourid lor the:Sir Alexander Korda film, “The Third Mam” is hypoing in- WMCA, Ni V!, has signed con- r est in the/old instrument even tracts in the past two wrecks for before the pic has been released $116,000 w^orth of biz, bringing its here, will guest on Muttiars “This total since Jah. 1 to $210,000, aq-/ Is Europe” Sunday (29).. cordirig to general manager Nor-, Featured . solbist on the ECA- /riian Boggs, Figure doesn’t include supported Bhow, which is saluting; its N. Y. Giants baseball billings. Austria^ on the broadcast* win be Sponsors in the new batch of; Paul Schoeffler, Viennese bm-itone, , pacts include Dranow Furs, Com-: who has just arrived in this coiiii- : munity Opticians,, Saciis Quality ' try to make his debiit vvith the Met- Stores. BrbWh & Williisimsori, Bress- ropolUan Opera in ‘ Salome” to- Her XV and Theatre Time. morrow (Tfiurs ). on as Washingtori, Jan. 24. City of New York’s Ipng-pending i application for higher power and ' fuUtiriie operation for its munici^ pal statiqri, WNYC, finally got ac- tion last week from the FCC. It 1 was turned down. Commission I riiled that proposed changes would inteifere vpth the CBS-pWned- ! and-operated station in .Minne- j polis; weep, Which has prioritj^ j on the 830 kc frequency. / WNYG filed over tv^m yearis ago / for a boost in daytinie power from j 1 kvv to 5 kw and amended its ap- I plication last June. It also pe- i titioned the Commission to change I its rules on the use of clear chan- ■ nTTs^o perriiTrfireT'grant. ip JuiyV ■ CBS with a petition to FCC to dismiss the/application. Caldwell, Ex-Lawyer, ■Takes Over ‘Garden Gate’ Nashville, Teriri;, Sam ealdri^ell has been named to. conduct the “Garden Gate” pro- gram, originating at WLAG and heard Over CBS netwOrk On Sat- urdays 9; 45 to iO a, in; (EST), ; New series of timely garden in- formation will be. sponsored by the.. Ferry'-Morse Seed Co. of Detroit. Caldwell, a lawyor* succeeds the late Tom Williams, the old “Dirt Dobber,” who Originated the pror gram 16 years ago at the NashviUri \statiori. . He turned his atteption to gardening after finishing law school arid being admitted to the Terines-. see bar in 1933. CaldweU’s articles bn plant culture, arid garden plan-. ning have appeared in many farm riiagaziries, special publicatioris and books. - '■ ;■'•' Paul Oiiphant; long associated With the program at WLAC, has been named producer of the pro- gram/ iiCon Levine supeiwises the series from network Iieadquarters in New York. m ^EW YORK WJZ’s antique platter collector, Joe Franklin, to guest 6ri NBC’s ‘‘We, the People” March 3 ... Sandy MpVarish, MBS audience promo- tion manager; and bride; Mary Plummcirr of promotion dept., honey- mooriing / /.; Leonard Feather* WMGM disk jock, recuping at Knickei-- bOcker hpsp for :another two weeks. His wife, to juried in the same auto, accident/was released last week /’. .ABC’s Sigmund Spaeth making two' speeches in Schenectady toniOrrOw aind Friday. ,;, John Deirr, (jes’ associate sports topper; due back today (Wed.) xrorri three weeks In Miariii. . . Hubert C. Sberik, ex-MaXon, new to Biow^^ a^^^^ soap ac- count exec/Eve Wygod, of Telewise Registry; snared a spot and a sporisor for Joe WMCA; Fpririeri WOR insomnia jockey now doing a siniilar shoNV on WHOM, which has added three hours tO its sked / - Organist Rosa :Rlo fuguirig in her 0wii' show on ABC Mori/ day afternoons . . WCBS manager Dick Swift arid sales iriaftager Don Miller to Atlantic City over the Aveekend fori Food Brokers converition . / Author iviunrio Leaf iricluded/Oil Queens College, forium ; oh chil- dreri’s books Over WNYG. tonight (Wed.) ;.. AB.C’s“Quick as!: a Flash” in promotiorial tijeup with Quick mag/ ; Ed/Kobak" taking Off six to eight weeks in the spring to tour Europe. With the missus. .. . Morris Novik sun-tannirig in Cuba, to return Sunday (29)..: . After • delivering a commercial for his real estate sponsor, WNJR disk jock Ed Bonner succumbed and bought one of the homes . . /Helen .Wood;^& reps, have changed the tag to Lionel COltori /; Jack Stewart, whilom head of the radio writers at Morris office, has, joined Frank Cooper Associates/ as pxec.. .^.Metop tenor Ferruccio Tagliavini cutting traifecrlptlon .keries in Italian at WHOM for March of Dimes / .Twin girfs bOpn to the Andy Rooneys (he’s on Arthur Godfrey staff) in Albany Tuesday (17V; . ; .Red Barber/ (5BS sports; boss, to address seminar at American Press Institute meet at Columbia U. Feb. 15 ./ . .Edythe Meserand in Benriuda for week’s vaca- tion frOm /NyOR. /,;. /Ed Weineri, p.a. and author of“Dairion Runyon StOrj',”,..started jockeying disks On WINS, in the wee hours yesterday. /. .John D. Seymour and GcUc Leonard new to ‘’Romorice Of Helen Trent”.,. / Alex Sconriby and Charita Bauer join/“Gur Gal Sunday’’ / Shirley Blanc to “Backstage Wife”.;. Jacqueline Billingsley and Iriene Hubbard added to “Just Plain Bill” . . . Daniel OOko and Nat Polen new‘‘Frpik/Page F^ Ciariden City Seed Go. starts today (Wed.V sponsorship of an hOur- long cross-the-board riewsreel on WVNJ/ with George Hogan and Jule Laberif announcing .. Mike Everett, radio actor, opens tomorrow (Thurs.) in Theatre Guild’s“As Y0u Like IF’ on B'way - .W<5XR AM and FM will connect with the FM Rural Radio Net for a jfive-miniite daily weathercast, backed by United Fruit, starting Feb. 6. FM I'elays are beirig used in all links except Gotham/, It’s a boy for the Ed Becks (Vera Larkin, head Of casting at Comptqn agency) bom in N. Y. hospital,,. . And a girl, Sheila, for WNEW’s Jack Sullivans (Joan Dillon);.. . Walt Franier, Who produces CBS’ “Strike It Rich,” observes 20th anni in radio Sunday (29) ...; WVNJ transcribing celeb interiviews and brie-minute plugs to be used by metropolitan stations to hypo N. Y.. Heart Fund Feb. 5 benefit at the Mark Hellingcr theatre :.. . Julie Beniiett into lead of ‘‘Grand Central Station” this Sat . (28) . Albert Taylor, formerly with the William Morris agbrioy radio and literary dept., has been named Veepee of Nasht productions. IN HOLLYWOOD Jack Benny, who already has one, goes to N. Y. early next rnorith to receive American /Ileart Association’s heart of gold for helping raise $1,500,000 as ‘/the walking man”.in the Ralph Edwards T or C teaser, lie'll do his B'eb. 5 arid 12 broadcasts froin Big Town .. HanS Conried and Elliott Lewis, two of the busiest top AFRANS in Holiywbod/havirig rip move acting worlds to conquer, have turned to directing house shows tor CBS Andy White, one of/the ‘’Ghdersleeve” writers, went sled- ding in the mountain snows and landed in the infirmary with/a busted vertebra arid multiple bruises . /.Tony Leader, whose directing helps zoom “Suspense” to its highest rating, worked out a deal with Homer Canfield at NBC: and will have his own .show on the air this surnmer.. Bill Robscuii another of Columbia’s ex-aces, is now cueing NBC’s new mystery series opposite Jack Benny ../ Paul Warwick (& Legler) arid Walter Craig Of Benton & Bowles around, but take oath it’s just routine. They must like that 6,000-mile ride, . ,/Mann Holiner, ex-Lennen ^ MitclieU, ill M home and deriied Visitors. He and the missus, prpfes-r sionally Roberta. Nichols, are writing the book/ words and music, for a Broadway^ play... .lack Stewart has joined forces with Frank Cooper’s agenting outfit Walter O’Keefe capped 10 years of dabbling in words and music with a pair of ^nes being recorded by Crosby, Sinatra and Hayines. His collaborator on “When the Sun Goes Down” and “Think It Over’- was IrV Orton, organist on his strip show. . . Marian and;Jim . } Jordan taping, a couple of shows so they can hit a few spots with the ■ “Fibber and Molly” basketball teairi. winding up .in the home-town of j Peoria. . They’li take , in the Mar.di Gras before homing.. . Edith Xodesca, who has longest active service of any femirie exec in radio, tak- ing tinie put from her CBS duties to convention with Zeta Phi Eta in Tucson, Ariz. . The trade is wpnderirig how Airios ’n’ Andy will get but of Aindy’s marriage venture without offending the holier-tlian- tliou’s. They’ve been in tighter spots and got outwithout impairing their popularity.;... Groucho Marx gifted his agent, Bob Braun of the MQrris_Qffice,.jyvjJiL^J;ie..splattei:ed-4vith- m CHICAGO Ben Park, who won the Peabody and DuPont public service awards tvyo yeaes ago for his productipn of “Report Uncerispred” has jpint/d : the NBC Ghi TV prpgrani sta'ff to produce and develop new program ; . • Jimmy Durahie, skedded for. a threeweek appearance, at Chez Paroc. Fep, I t. will tape, his Friday riight 8:30 Shows for web airing .at Wi\LV(^ I . /, - WGN’s studio one to close for: remodeling Feb. 5, Face lifting job Is expected to take a year, v . Willard C. Worcester, g.m.. Pulliam Ne.wspapers and.Radio Stations, from Indianapolis, addressed Chi Radio Mariagemerit club Wednesday (18) ./ : /The ‘’Dirk Courtenay Show. ’ WB/INB disk jockey feature, aired froiri 12:30 to 12:45 p/iri.. lias inked With the ABC affiliate for a i3-week renewal. / . .Glii’s WLS shbwei'cd with 1 092,039 pieces of mail during 1949. . /.Recent addition to the WGN announcing staff is Robert McKee who has been active in Chicago radio circles as writer, actor, and producer for 14;years ./Karl Sul- phiUf sales promotion manager of ABC’s Central Division, will take QVrir as account exec of the CD network sales dept. Feb. 1/ Stepping into Siitphin’s shoes is Dean Liinger, who has been promotiompublictly director of WX YZ. ABC affiliate in Detroit ... /Paul Gibson, WBBM’s philosopher and riacoriteur, has aired more than 7,000 broadcasts over the Ghi CBS station . .. WMAQ is promoting a letter-writing contest with two “I like to listen to Station WMAQ because .. . / :” Avinners awarded trips to the Coast . . .NeW sales manager at WMOR is Marie Mason, forinerily of Abrahairi^^^^ Rfeynolds... . WLS cowbov Bob Atchcr was recently honored by Everett Bbriinah, “World’s Champion Cow- boy,’-in Wickenberg, Afiz., when thb latter presented him with a prized buckle from his trophy collection... Roy McLaughliiri WENR manager, and Ell Henr.v, publicity director of ABC’s Central Division AM and TV, to plane to New Yolk this week for biz confererices With the home office., . .Mary Elaine; Cherry is newest addition tb the WGN public Illations staff. . . .Genell Doherty, formerly with WGN-TV/ is stepping into the WBBM Sked Dept. She replaces Ethel IVladis, who left Jan. 20 to make her home in New York.