Variety (February 1950)

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Weflii^day^ Februaiy 8, 1950 Yuunfii if an Willi a llorii (SONGS) ; Hollywood, Feb. 4. . Warners release of Jerry Wald produe- tioii Stars Kiilc Pbuglas. Lauren Bacall. Doris Day; features Hoagy CarnnichaeL - Juano Hernandez. Jeroftve Cowan. Mary Beth Hughes. Nestor Palva, Grley Lind^ ereti. Walter Reed, Alex. Gerry. Directed ftv Michael Gurtiz. Screenplay, Carl Fore- man; Edmund H. North; from novel by Dorothy Baker; camera. Ted . McCord; musical director. Ray Heindprfj musical advisor, Harry James; editor. Alan Cros- . laml, Jr. Tradesnown Jan. 31, '50. Run*. Hick Martin . . . . .... . . . Kii’k. Douglas Amy North.»*. * .•«• <«.Lauren Bacall ■ Jo 'Jordan ■■.....' . . ,.«• • i v ■:. . Doris Day Smoke Willoughby.., Hoagy Carmichael Art Hazzaird ..... Juano Hernandez . Phil-Morrison.... . i ». ^ . - Jerome: CoVran; M.nrgo Martin... v.... .Mary Beth Hughes , i'*-'V a.i t-• • • • Ncs.toi’ Rick (as a boy).,.,.....•.Orley^'Lifldgren Jack Chandler.;. ...... .... •. ./Walter. Reed Dr. Weaver... ..r /........ /. A.lex Gerry Warnerg shoots for an Americana * of jiizz with Vyourig Mamw Horn” and very nearly hits the mark. For the jazz devotee, it is ; nearly two hours of top trumpet notes. For the regular filmgper, it is good drama,, using all the tested dramatic Irigrediehts to as^ sure itself top position oh any biU, Tile foOtage could stand trim- . ming from the' present running tiiiie of 111 miriutesi blit thore is little drag to the telling ' of its story about a young man, whose alter ego is a trumpet and his food ' the notes that he conjures from the horn. in. presenting the Dor- othy Baker novel, producer Jerry Wald has made some changes but none with which the readers will hecessarily quarrel. He has cast <*Yoiiiiff l^an With a Horn" (Songs) (WB). Saga of a jazz trumpeter with fCirk Douglas, Lauren Bacall/Doris Day, ^'Champagne Fbr Caesar” (UA). Wacky farce satirizing radio giveaway shows. Ronald Goimanj other names. ^‘Chamv (WB). Bogart in sock. jOtplane thrills er. Strong b.o. - . ,*‘S.torm ; Over . Wypmiiig’V (BKQ), Okay .Tim Holt' west- ■ern:-"-; ‘^The Eagle and the Haiwk” (Color) (Par). Good butdooT action fare for genoral sitna- ;tions. : “Girls* SchbolV (Col). Weak programmer for duals. V“P o w d e r River Rustlers-* ! (Rep), Okay -‘Rocky” Laiie western for ohter followers.' “The Wolf Hunters” (M()n Outdoor moller for supportiiig situation in nabe bookings. ‘^Bclle of O!d Mexiqo” (C:!ol- or) (SongsV (Rep). Secondary feature for lov^rcase book- ings. A dull comedy with ■:songs. “Miss Pilgrimfs Prbgress” characters commonly associated with radio and Hollywood. Production has been nicely fram- ed by George Moskov and his asso- ciate, Joseph H. Nadel. Serving as‘ executive producer is Harry M. Popkin, through whose United Art- ists releasing deal tlie film will be distributed, Paul Ivano's lensing gives the physical values a lift and the players ai good display, and Di- mitri Tiomkin’s music score is an unobtrusive aid to the farce mood. ' ■? ■: ;■ • ; Chain Li^lilhlng H6Uywood> Jan727^ Warhers, releatie of Anthony Vellleii production-. -Stars Hiiimphtey Bogaii:; Eleanor Parker; features, Raymond Mas- sey, -Richard Whorf, James- Browiv, Roy. Roberts; Morris Ankrum, Fay Bakei'^ Fred Sherman. Directed' hy Stuart Helsler, , Screenplay. Liam O^B^ieni Vincent Evans: suggested by a story by J. Redmond Prior; camei-a;. Ernest Haller; special fect.s Williahi McGahn, Harry Barhdollar/ . directed by H. F. Rbehekamp Edwin -Du- Par; editor. Thomas Reiilly; Tradeshown Jan. 24. *50. Running time 94 MINS. Matt ' Brerinan ;. i. i. . Humphrey Bogart J6_ Hblloway .,,....Eleanor Parker • Leiand Willis.........; . Ravihond Massey Carl. TrbxeU. y,.... Richard Whorf Major Hinkle .... . James Brown General .Hewitt -Roy. Roberts: Bost.wicfc . .. i i.,. ... . Morris Ankruhi Mrs.^Wlllis .;.., .‘v . Fay Baker n TrnViiftore Trovatore,” Italian-made which opens at the Little Cine- . Met, i N. y.; today (8), was Re- viewed by Variety in Genoa, - Aug. 24, 1949. According to reviewer Hawk, pic, based oh Verdi’s ppera, **has all quali-. ■ hcations for approval by opera and music lovers,** Review; , noted there were Some addi- - tional features “intended to appeal to less specialized audi- . enees,” ; but it was corisidered doubtful whether they wbuld be enough to satisfy. average patrons hot used to an op- eratic diet ” . Film was credited with be- ing “a ; strong , entry”, in its field. Reviewer also mentioned; that for the most /part, pie manages to “steer \clear of usually btatic filmed; opera . techniques/’ , Picture is being released in the U, S', by Globe Films. • I saddle iban many regular^, film cowpokes, and his well^^Stablishecl TeRas Ranger character provides a good contrast for the government agent role of Dennis O’Keefes. Time of the plot is 1863 during the war betweeii the states. Befpw the border from Tekasi Napbleoh Ill's agents ate doing the spadework to move iri Maxlmilliah as emperor of Mexico. To eRect this, they are duping loyal followers of JuarM, great Mexican patriot, into a fight agaihst Texas. Payne, despite his feelings agaihst the north, is assigned to. get O’Keefe into Mexico to break up a brewing attack ptt Texas and expose Napoleoh’s agents. Ifatr urally, there has to be a beautiful girl enter the plot, . and Rhonda Fleming was a wise choice as the femme. . Wife of Fred Clark, prin^ cipal plotter, she falls for Payne and/ in the finale, helps hini to prove to Thomas Gomez, / fiery Mexican general, that he is being taken in by Clark's wiles and "money. . Two male leads encounter/ plenty of trouble, and a real hairraiser is the sequence in which Payne It well, mixed in a good spattering spots, of tunes from the late ’2Qs and '30$,. and generally assured the proper /' ■ /' ^.- doses .of dramatic hokum that pays Cha»Mp4^ for Caesar oft best -with taeket-biiyers..^. :^ r ' fltollywood. Feb. 7. or) (Songs) (Hep), sesondary Major Hinw.;.':.Brown ' Storm OVei? Wyoiiitntf Two male leads encounter/ plenty feature for lo^^'ercase book- g®>\®rai HewUt ^ Roy Rpbe^^^ Wniivw^^ FpH i of trouble, and a real hairraiser ings. A dull comedy with M?S^w]iiis • :. Vt '.V’.V. v/. RRo release of^eSn schiom rr^^^^^ is the seiluence in which Payne songs. ' Jeb Farley .. , . , Fred Sherman tioh; Stai-s Tini Holt; features Richard is spread-eagled between tWO Wild . • “Miss/ Pilgrimfs Prbgress^» W ;* rescued by O'Keefe, (GN), Moderately ap pealing-— by~~TOrey Seiana e' ^ ' Screenplay, -ahd-wheh latter-faas-a-fatal-injuryrt British-made romantic yam. witn a film based on the new 3et Ed Earl Repp; camera, J. Roy-Hunt; edi- carries on the work. A member of ..i‘<GoIden Salainander^^ ;«8hter. planes other hair-stiffening seauences are Slow British^made thriller f-5?^ witn Chmh Dave Tim Hoit spotted to high point action in about African gun-runners. Lightmng. Further b.o,^ ch^s / v-.v.- Npreen Nash between the detailing of-the plot. .‘‘MOneMefV (French) (Indies riame®''amf SSby Louis Jouvet, Dany Robin, name, anq the picture doesnt let Rawlins .... Bui Kennedy work in putting this one over for Renee Devillers in bright ^is fans down. It’s a humdinger Dawson Kenneth^Ma^ action fan. Technical Credits, French drama; strong Tor arty. ^ thrill^, manufac^red^^at a : including Wong's topflight photo- spots. pace, and Will zip Watson Richard Kean graphy ih colors are expert. In- ■ ■ ■■ ■ ' - •) ^ou^he action market at pay- •mvis Banton^costume . onspeed. , •' mg of Miss Fleming and the music Dh^mpiiHiio for CiiPsar / Tim Holt continues right in 1 score by Rudy Schrager. Brog, ■ ^Hollywood, Feb. 7v ‘‘Storm Oyer WyO- j .. .. - 'n.i.. .3 ^ ; ; Blrfs’ SHloW Kirk ^pouglas,. who scored In bf Gebrge Mos- S/ slick enter- Girls^ Soliiiol first/major public.attention, as^ the tainmeht for saddle fans. Gusto- Columbia release of WaUace MacDonald Single-^tracked fighter in Cham- ^ SeauenceS, the Je ) production, stars Joyce Reynolds; fea- piop,f liw Single^inded B iSto’^ role m this. Th^ concentration of Brady. .pamera^_Pa^i,^^.^^ _ and Bogait time, arid star as usual has bene- screenplay. Brenda Weisberg, from story purpose on a horn and the notes ’ 97^ >?n' ^ fitof cood SUDDOrtine storv char- by Jack Henley; camera * Henry Freulich; ttia^ come from it sets the char- ^ pilp^ with. a rifmcMance that ii wl^^^^evclop. Thisiime there’s a battle brew- »'*»- ?• '=»- Running .v that carry :Wm ddwn■t^alcoholic skidrow, a happy ending is brought Happy Hogan. Art Heisler’s direction unwinds the LucUie Ya?nsworth ./V.'!.!xaurl Eiiiot oh to round out the film Douglas’ .... .Gabriel Heatter, ^oree plot. Aim is to furnish the action ^ JuUa Dean v rii«jtnmpr«? nipntv nf « 4 n«npncp on the Side for hlS QWn benefit. Colonel Selby Matthews.. Thurston Hull tmmpet SOUndtiack is by that>horn, Gerald. . .Byron- ousiomers plenty 01 _ .suspense half trving Holt arid his Martha Frawley ... . ..... Leslie Banning master, Harry James, but the ac- ' c : v , •' • ’ • • • • thrills, and direction delivers .lust Connie Watkins........., = Joyce otis toi supplies^ngermg and_hp tech- Rad|o,,Announcei'.......,;Dousia8 Evans *hht. wot_open? with a bomber jq ggf jnto the thick of wmie jackson............ Sam McDaniel nique that belies the dubbing. S?- i ^quad operating-out of England to ® .„h.„7,ho.c cav» a nnwnnicn Dave viciiers , .. .. Wiiwi. crait lui aiiu jip wcvii- Kaoio Announcer... ...../Douglas Jbvans J *-wv „av^a_^„ , ^ manapp tn ppt Into thp fhirk of Willie Jackson / nique that belies the dubbing. S<>- . : squad^operatmg^out of England to I “?"?Se to_get ^ ot Wimewarttro^ Pop standards Of the picture’s No. 3. 7.George Leigh ^ and a cattle gfspith ® period come to life under Doris ExecuUve n^., 4 ..,.throw m a lew_ actual murdered bv Ephraim Baines...... Petei-B^occa too' manv mevious fiims^ W sheep foreman. Thereafter, it’s | i^e^thS battles and chases, with i SsJ Tom hein g murde red bv/E phrai m Ba in es....... reman,' Thereafter, iV«-IS25r®5?.'."./V.V. ...;, RoSs Ford ..., .Laura Elliot. ... ..' Julia- Dean .. Thurston Hall .. Leslie Banning , :. . Joyce Otis , Louise Beavers .. S.'im McDaniel . Wilton .Graff Grartt Calhoun Mary Ellen Kay Boyd D.avi.S ■:"‘Ha]k*i'y''ehc5hli'e " / /.Toari 'Vohs Dlaiitha P'attisOh .. Toni Newman is an innocuous E erioa come to me under uoris *;*ecuhve t^o. 4 .... Vx^i. ^ ” ia a^ a^" "Ia ranrhpr from being murdered bv Ephraim Baines.; Boyd DavLs iav*c vocal treatment ~^rid"*’“tlie’' ..♦ i ^ - s ^ wTs-rr^-^ei^iancrscenes, —Only-fatilt-with-the^atter—m a r*„'"COTdufnrobie.....:, .■.Tr^’ffejimr'ehcshii'e- 'dj s vocal ireatnieni,. ana vne Fortune Teller,............. Peter Bvocco ic fnh mnhv nvpvimic filmcViuvp sheep foreman. Thereafter, its EUen 7 .Toari’Vohs used thg laiL^or^^^ battles and chases, with Louise . V,V.V.'.VDiai/tha Pattisoh Mai-vclous for Words" ‘‘1 May Be ;Zount oErfStta^ than us i , . Wrong” and “With a Song in My Mr; Brown . Geotge Meader ®.^Shrt a beat-up barn-^piming delivers soundly Martin “Girls School is an innocuous Heart/* Elsewhere, thl score i; / / --^ w ^^^etime who draws a ai"''^6reS ^dS^ gmtmg better bit of fol-de-rol for the bottom of brings in most effectively tune? ^ “Champagrife for Caesar” Is a test Jhb for an opporUmist jpt- . appearance • Noreen the duals. Story is Weak And eon- like “Can’t We Be Friends;” roast for radio’s giveaways, a wacky plane manufacturer His <tare- ^ Betty Un- trived, And the cast’s efforts are ^‘Chinatown“I Only Have Eyes farce mixing comedy and the deviltry in handling the new^^^^^ derwood attractive as’ dancehall largely mechanical. . . For You,” “Get Happy”And “Blue ; broadest kind of slapstick into a j buggies of the air is laced with the femme who helps Holt and MaVtin Yarn is woven around a gal Room” to make it listen like a yes-1 piAtty good laugh session for gen- {experimentation and hard work *®^^Ynually out of holel and Bill' whose gambler father left her a teryear hit parade. eral audiences, Ronald . Golman; that goes into .the development of Kennedy and Kenneth MacDoriald: $30,000 bequest. Fearing her late Carl Foreman and i^rfmiind H beads up the hiarquee values to be each ne^^ Yarn comes to -re nlpniv okav As foreman And Peter’s associate might stake-.a North did A tonnotch tferinting ibh ^buiid in the cast, and picture rates ; hs logical ; climax when Bogart cattle rancher \esDectivelv claim to the Coin, she hides put in in ' Uanting lhe booking time in most situa- 1 tests the new safety cockpits for ^ scrint bv E(i Ea’ri Repp is first- a girls’ finishing school. Ultimately, tioii misses no bets in walloping Script centers; its lanipoonww;^^®.^ a most out of it with his smooth over air tlie drama and lieart-tDgs ; bigtime soap companies and the . a^„a direction. Herman Schlom tossed 1 Plot picks up: when Douglas, an ' qhiz shows that hand put money ' TPP suspense sequence, one that appropfiate production values,' . Brenda Wus^rg, who scripted orphaS o/irflr^ W^^urie : . contestants. ColmBn. aridTC Hun^did craftsmanlike / ^nv ^k J^n^y ^c^tm orphan of 10, first turns to music ; -.a _ , _. - firthtpnc n^rvo*; io 1 anu nuuL uiu tvaxi-aAwaiA to fill; an empty life. , His fiiist j P!ay? an mtellectual. a sort of , Paims end tightens tlie^^ , „ith his camera cliote.s ;, tpaphpr ic Tiionn TJoiannvi/inV 1 walkmff cncvclODedia. .who scts out = BO.w,ari_s rccKiess npH-STop, supci , teacher is Juano H^nandez, who 1 walking encyclopedia/.who sets out 4 _ ...J -_ _ . J. . ^. ■«. 'ji.. • 4 : aS ?las? mveeand eventualirto a top ! »nd-aRswer program after’figuriflg' tude hniAi inK ■ 1 out that show’s sponsor is worth ■ f^st fe\y miles of flight in a glide inli with oAiiici's cliorcs ! inj6ct something. sinistBr qtiq job with ms cameia ciioie.^ i mysterious into the girl’s move- - ■■ ments to prevent discovery Of the • money. But it all comes off quite Tho KaHll*! and llie Ilaivlc artificially. Filling out the footage (COLOR) afe sequences showing the schoors Hnilvwnod Feb 3 financial insecurity along with (COLOR) hotel iob . * lout that show’s sponsor is worth-iast ie\y nines pi nignt. m. a giiae Hollywood, Feb. 3. j nnanci^ai msecunty. aiung^ wmi On+Baa'Aa„ga„i I about $40,000,000. Since for each after his fuel gives out Wh<) can Paramount release of Wiiiiam h. pine- . Several scenes in which crest, he falls for a neu^" the nrize is doubled Col- 5ay such a stunt is impossible in wnuam c. Thomas p^ducUon. .stars; body suggests it is absorbing Bacali. and the ; TuT to the, i this jet and atomic age, and the .. , i .. > ma 11 lage tliat results naturally sponsor’s value, take over and wipe ■ ticketbuyers will sweat it out for cia/k, 'krLk ' Fayibnl Eduardo Noriega, As the , gambler s daughter, J oyce falls apart, he hits the bottle and ' a"a“ winds lip a drunk, only to be saved ; infAiiPot by the wholesome affeGtiori that. i Eleanor Parker pleasantly ppr- -^ar 5?6ry>r"A Shssion my Gene^ . neither her role noi i"'' "'"'‘''2/*“,'' ’; rrarie ar»A Fi'oA Hrafiv cpf trays thc fcmmc lead, giving a nice ton,"; by Jesse Arnold; camera (Techni- i those of the supporting piayeii band Ganary Doris Day has had ! touch to the wartime nurse who color), James Wong Howe; music seme, i pj-ovide a drain upon their thespic for him over the vears i up the springy script oft of which , t-o ine wai^ Schrager; editor, Howard Smith, ^ „ . liftle In do of* comedy. That ranges Kayrnond Massey ^xpei-tly Mad«iinc°’D“ae«a/;;;:Hhind?m.^^^^^^^ those m which Herpandez appears.: f,.„m tiie nniet sfafement of the over his part of the manufac- whUncy Randolph....... Dynhia. O'Kceie , Thurston Hall and Julia ueam are Tops is the latter's relationship /.‘S'" bimaX turer, and Richard Whorf shows up general Ligujas.....,... .Thoma, xi.mea good as the .school’s ppopnetors. Wth his protege.. Hernandez eii^ ilSsSu^'S t^oSr as .the idealistic plane designer, EewEimders’ direction is smso., flatyies-l'y pro- erable ’ iLgh gaiiiut is run duHng ris Anjirum,;Fay Baker and Frod ;:;; i?P'-Rauer" R?e" .“on :vaJueS reflect the ow-^dget. the solid emotional parts the course Df 99 minutes as Whorf's Sherni9n deliver most competently i uriip.. ^ ? ^handling shuttles'betvveeh the ya-fin putting over the , “The Eagle And the Hawk” is an j n it nci#l4k««ttt Miss Day gets over the whole- ried styles of comedy. excellerit outdoor actiorier, expert-| presontjd to do okay ^xoffice ^ flkajion. detailed presentation of sequences %lllam H. Pine and/wiliiam C.! J/J? mujteyifaniey^wusdnf jetor as he ls funesmith.%nd as ^frko^ hjs waymp to the $46 - tl^^^^ “=>"8 a piano-pomider who narrates the 000;006 question, then draws a 5'®'. settings to background ..the, Nugget ®ia!S Eddy waucr 5^01. he adds much to credit side blank when he-cannot—cer-reet ly : f^gsted .. b X:. the .. J. ^Redmoji d . gf or-y .^Dd^otion; Displa-y-ingAll-of Louis^.Maiming ..,.;.. . ...Gei^y^G^mer llare ®Re^K‘?r®;h •^^^“I Vmi'an, hame his qwh’sodial security num-1 im®dSavh^^ : (’’® "‘^ ®s;ir”? wma,ni::'^ luajy. Beth Hughes, Nestor Paiva ber. Impression, then, is that he i Mses no. bets jn displaying rne degree is the standout camera work; Lucius statton. / cliff ciark jnd^ ()iTey Lihdgren, particularly has made A dftal with “rice to action, and .credit for the sharp James Wong Howe; His leasing Deyeieaux ^ ;.,....... .1® •“ **’® “P*®"®;' ^“‘s ® ^ot of punch into the move-1 Doy aie among Others doirig their tion is riot clear. / Trimming of H^hJ-^ ^Gann. Hariy^ BarndolAri^ n^^ 'Blacksmith.....)..,:, ..,., Ted Jacqw^^^ Pa^ to put it over. | earlier scenes/to shorten footage, Lewis R. Foster ;dpul^d on ; /^ Fluid photography by T0d Me- rather than the; uneveri chopping of Par., Editing by Thpmas Rei^^^ g^jript and as director. ^ Jle and. ^ Cord, ace musical direction and ] finale, woulcjl have heen a better' crisp, .-y/ - ' Prog, geoffrey Homes whipped together] A plausible case of mistakeii by Ray Heindorf solution. \ _ , _ c? _ a“ identity paves the way for this iat- r, flawlesriy pro- Arable iLgh gariiut is run during Ankri^,;Fay Baker and^Fredf /;;;; r?^ tion .values reflect the low-^et. emotiopal parls the courseAf 99 minutes as Sherman deliver most competently Z' : i ; . / - - v“7* ace musical direction and iflnale, wpui(;i nave peen ;a oeuer "?nies wmppeu ^^g^ mistakeii )U!sic_al 'advice by Ray Heindorf spintion. ’ 11/ ^ - -c ■ ' ■ A-'" ' - identity paves the way for this iat- Colirian is good, PHcc makes the ■ Wcltncr to So. Ain^rica .0^^^ fS^Stnrv : ®st “Rocky-' Lane ganOpet. FUna’s direction are able / most of his scenery-chewing oppor- j George Weltner, Parambunt's ; i 60 minutes is cut to order for th® contributions; Broa. t lnnil ii^R. Celeste Holm spots a 'chnvpri off MOn^ ! to ! nalpr fpn« nnH Sainrdav matinee tunities. - Celeste Holm_spots a foreign dept, heaid, showed Off Mon- j J® “CY gei 11 an in. aw b , Q^ter fans and Saturday matinee broad ver^n of a Mata Han, day for a six-eight week swing SftdiSri ^^ure in 'th^ 'there’s enough riding. i-.ri WIltflArtI Rfl f nAt: . ■ .x OUlQOOr IBSLUlw . .in • ' inlS one S 4‘«tno1l«4r# -An :Rep Signs Dwan / & ih;iq«» Allan DWan ha/ been^rigned Uo }hff enfe^^^^ preparatixjn for a num^^ steadily forging! new term dliector contract at Re- 1 aoes^right well.*Ba?bnfa ! openings of "Samson Shd pell^ah, ’ ahead.. However, It. could be tawisleo^^^ [wS^K Su sporas Colman’^ . Paramount biggie wiU alsmstudy further Hghterted without loss »eal calls lor two pix annually I sister, and the others in the cast; currency restrictions below the Rio continuity. .. . , . . 'P® ^ and privilege of doing outside jobs.' are lined Up in a display 6f wacky' Qrande. Jpifn Payne looks.■oelterlii thel (Continued on page 18)