Variety (February 1950)

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62 CHATTER Wcdnodajr, fchMiairy ,22, 1950 P.a. David Et Green tiack from a flying trip to Honolulu. Rose, and Julian T. Abeles’ 33d anniversary dii St. Valentine^s DayV ! Copa’s managing director Jack Entratter to Hot Springs^ Ark., for vacation. , John. Haskellin^or a iiuickie and out, following flying trip to Chi for the Ernie Byfield services. Joel Preston, Howard Weissman and Eugene Cogen have merged to form a hew publicity firm. The Louis B. Mayers east next month whemthe Jewish War Veter- ans honor the Metro studio head as the mamof-the-year. David Golding, 20th-FQx home^ office publicity manager; back at his desk after a three-week trip to New Orleans and the Coast. Celeste Holm left for the Gpast Saturday (18) after p.a.’lng at a special charity preem of her latest pic, ‘•Champagne for Caesar.^* R. Wfight Armstrong, veepee of the Fort Worth and Denver R. H and former manager of the ' Neil Q’Brien Minstrels, in " town last week,:^'- After Ted LewisV five weeks at the Copacabaha, Frank Sinatra opens March 23 for six weeks; and then Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis .return^■' ". ■■■ , William BurnhanL formerly with RKO and Cascade Pictures, upped to veepee in charge of sales at Transfilm, Inc. He Joined the firm last; year. . Twentieth-Fox prez Spyros P. ‘ Skoufas planed to Miami Friday night (17) for a short vacation. He-s expected to return to th< homeoffice today (Wed.). Jock Lawrence, Samuel Gold wyn’s new publicity chief, on the . Coast this week to continue con- fabs with the producer; who left New York over the weekend; Jack Dempsey, named in an As^ soclated Press poll as “Boxer of the Half Century” will make a guest appearance Sunday (26) on “Voice Of America” for a i rl n g abroad. Memorial service for Kenneth R. Edwards, adviser oh hoh-theatrical films for Eastman Kodak and prom- inent in the 16m film field, will be held Friday (24) at the Riverside Church, N. Y. Meyer Davis flew to Palm Beach to conduct his orchestra at the Everglades Club for the Washing ton's Birthday Ball. While in Palm Beach he'll also conduct the annual Kiwanis benefit Feb. 27. Sam Stiefel, producer of United Artists’ “Quicksand,” trained to the Coast Saturday (18) via. Chicago, where he'U stop off for the opening Of the picture at the Oriental thea- tre there tomorrow (Thurs.). Producer Harry M. Popkin, ac- companied by his'wife, returned to the Coast Saturday (18) after two weeks of huddles with United Art- ists homeoffice sales and ad-pub execs on - his soon-to-be released product.: Robert A. Harbachj son of Otto Karbach, librettist and songwriter, granted a Reno divorce Monday (20) from Emily Anne Harbach on the ground of cruelty. Couple were married seven years and have one child. Former Metro exploitation head William r; Ferguson and his part- ner, C. Edward Carrier, another ex-Metroite, hosted the press and pixites yesterday (Tues.) at a party in the hew Paramount building of- fices of their venture, Hollywood Enterprises. N. Y. Journal American column- ist Louis Sobol, taken to Flower-5th Aye. hospital a week ago Friday because of virus infection, has been holding court in his hospital room with nitery and cafe glani gals, bistro bonifaces, et al. He f ets out this Week and heads fOr a lorida vacation. Benay Vehuta, featured in Metro^ Upcoming “Annie Get. ;Your Gun,'' was to have come east with her pal, Betty Hutton,. star of the film, on a brief holiday, but Quickied to Jf. Y. solo instead, Miss Venuta is? mar r i e d to Armand Deutsch, M-G producer. ^ Kirk. Douglas, a St. Lawrence University alumnus, to - be handed an “Award of Achievement” by his fellow graduates tomorrow (Thurs.) at Hotel Commodore. Prize cites him as “outstanding in his field” for his Academy Award nomination performance in “Champion.” pearances tu plug hli pic on juvenile delinquency. “Johnny Holiday.” ♦ , Jimmy Durante did a one-man show , at Aston Stevens* apartment j for the dean of American dramatic' critics and his wife* the former; Katherine (Kay) I^ug. London By Maxlme de Belx (33 Bind. Moniparittasie) iSa . Miranda getting lead in “La Ronde',”' Rene Glair cited for the Legibh of Honor, Art Buchwald back from a week in Algiers. ' Jack Forrester>te Germany with John Ryan; ■■■?;. Ben Lyon . scouting Paris for three'days.'. ? Alicia Parker in London for ah? other month. : Marthe Zehthy tb; Italy on a dance junket. Denise Tual finishing her film on the half century.• “Joan of. Arc** still doing good biz in Paris nabes. Auteuil hurdle racetrack reopen- ing for the season. Jean Bartell. biggest draw at Carroll's nitery in months. Coco Aslan to London to play lit Michael Balcoii’s ‘'Sacrifice.” Allan Byre to Italy, to launch the HitchcockHerhstein pic “Rope,” ^ Phillippe Agostihi, ace camera- man, to try his hand at direction. “Annie Get YOur Gun”, opening at Chatelet as “Annie Du Far West.”' ;■ Dave Lewis homing soon, follow- ing a trip to near Eastern terri- tories.: Max OphUls has offered Jean Cocteau ah important acting role in “La Ronde.” Colored actor Habib Behglia starring in a French version of O'NeiU’s “Emperor Jones,” Fernand Gravet and Simone Slg- noret with Dane Clark in Victor Pahlen’s pic, “Homme Traque.'' Varvara Pitoeff, daughter of act- ress Ludmilla Pltoeff, appearing in Saroyan’s “Hello, Out There” at the American Club Theatre. Dane Clark and Frank Latimore shooting in Franco-American co- production “Trapped,” with Ameri- can director Frank Tuttle^ ^ Mrs, Dane Clark, Who under the brush name of Vries, just opened an exhibit of her canvases, to the Riviera for three weeks, more painting. Pamela Wilde to act in “Ingenue Libertine” film starring Danielle Delorme, besides helping Dave Stein oh his talent and script scout- ing. She’s daughter of Lacy Kast- ner, Coi. Gontinental. rep. Son born to filmstars Sheila Sim and Richard Attenborough, Feb^ 13. Joe Ruttenberg spending a. week in Paris before sailing oh the Queen Mary \Friday (24). Deep River Boys are expected here for lengthy return engage- ment bpeningeariy-August. Nat Karson, the Metro's Empire stageshow producer, planning ex- tended visit on the Continent in March to.Tine up some novelties for his stage shows. . Electricity Board is asking thea- tre owners td change over from DC to. AC. Change, which affects .most of the West-End; 38 housesi will involve expenditure of $500,- '. 000 ....'.- Markova-Dolin Ballet booked for a ohe-Week stahd at Sidney L. Bernstein’s Woolwich Granada. Am ton Dolin halfway through his book bn life of his partner, Alicia Mar-: ■koya.;;^v'. ■/ - Leslie MacdonnCll back from Amsterdam. Trip, has resulted In bookings of Vera Lyhn, Ted Heath ahd band, Ray Ellingtoh quartet and five months booking of Tom Arnold’s Ice Revue. Esther McCrackeh has a new comedy being presehted by Linnit &; Dunfee, 5Gry; Liberty,” which will have a tryout at Newcastle in April. Her “Quiet Weekend” had a record West End run during the war.' Greer Qarson sailing on the Queen Mary Friday (24); having completed her starring role in the “Miniver Story.” Walter Pidgeon has gone to Paris where he’ll be joined by Mrs, Pidgeon before re- turning to Hollywood. Herbert Wilcox has given Anouk a longterm contract in his new In- dependent production group, Art- istes Alliance, which is headed by himself, his wife, Anna Neagle, and Michael Wilding. She’ll costat With Wilding In “The Captain and •Crew“ Emile Littler has acquired the rights of J, M. Barrie’s “Quality Street,” which he is turning into a ! musical. Music Is being composed by Harry ;Parr Davis; with lyrics by Ghristbpheir Hassell. Musical, which Will be directed by Charles Hickman, will be titled “Little Miss Phoebe,’’ George Flc^ida celebrating his 50th year on the; road, ahead of Blackrtone. Jerry Cblonna came in from Milwaukee to participate at Chi Press Photographers hall. Cornelia -Otis Skinner gave pro- gram of six monologues before Northwesterii U. students. Skitch Henderson in to confer With [Don Roth, owner of Black- hawk, where Eddie Howard's cow- boy revue is scoring solidly, Ronnie; Alcorh, indie producer, making radio and television ap- LasYegas Will Mahoney and Marti Schenck at the Flamingo. Peggy Lee opened at Thunder- bird to full house. V El Rancho has Romo Vincent arid the Andrinl Brothers this week. Coilette Lyons into Last Frontier after Yohnelley aind his circus troupe leave this week. Tourist biz, as reflected by show attendance and room Occupancy, up 32 percent over last year. Dennis Morgan and Keenan Wynn here to top for Las Vegas police benefit performance at Hotel Thunderbird. Town planning to fly 50 Holly- wood disk jockeys here for party sponsored by the resort hotels on Las Vegas'strip. ; Little Theatre, in charge of Hollywood's Bill Willard, com- pleted two weeks of “Petrified For- est” and is bringing out“The Heiress” next. Albert Basserman will appear with his wife in a piroduction of Ibsen’s “Ghorts” in Israel. Jamek Fitzpatrick due in Israel soon for production of one or more travelogs about the country. Tel-Aylv had its first snow in 50 years end c i n e m a attendances dropped by 50%. Gold wave has hit Israeli cinemas considerably, Joseph Milan, director of the lo- cal Chamber Theatre, will go to Zurich to produce “Death of a Salesman” at the Schauspielhaus. Metro will start construction on a firstruh theatre in the northern part of Tel-Aviv. . 20th-Fox an- nounced similar plans end of 1949, “Jerusalem Diary,” 20 minutes documentary short. Is being pro- duced by Victor Vicas and Pales- tine Films, Ltd,, for the Jewish Agency. of By Maxwell Sweeney Ben Bono back from toiir U. S: Zoiie of Germany. Vaude season opens at Savoy cinema, Limerick, next month, Cecil Sheridan and Jack Cruise, comediahs, to England for Vaiide 'dates. Godfrey Quigley signed for new Ronald Ibbs Productions swing ’round Eire. Seamus Byrne’s “Design for a Headstone” skedded for spring production at Abbey. Bessie Love hete to play lead in Illsiey-McCabe production of “The Glass Menagerie,” Louise Murphy to produce “Re- becca” and “Night Must Fall” for Arts Theatre group hpre. Longford Productions will do n e w presentation of Francois Mauriac’s “Asmodee” at the Gate. Kathleen Dolan bowing out; .of Radio Eireann’s “Hospitals Re- quest’’ disk jockey stint after fiver year; run. Scottish^.comedian Tommy Mor- gan .hospitalized for surgery, in Belfast after close of pantomime last week. By Les Rees Persian Palms nffery has “Har- lem Revue.” “Four : Tin Types” top six-act show at Gay 90’s. ‘Tcecapades” into St. Paul Aiidi torium, Feb. 28-Mareh 5, Lyceum gets Katharine Cornell in “That tady,” March 1-4. “Harvey,’’ at Lyceum currently, has new local legitimate top of $3. Delta Rhythm Boys, Key Luke and Vera Love into Club Carnival, Jimmy Savo underlined for Hotel. Nicollet Minnesota Terrace, Duke Ellington gave concert at Northrop Auditorium oh Minne- sota U cahipus. Shipstad-Johnson “Ice Follies” due at Arena April 19-May 8 for annual engagement. signed to becomo exploitation db rector of Borsellino’s Club. W. Ward Marsh, Plain Dealer’a vet film critic, laimching second year of illustrated lectures on clas- sic films at Cleveland College, “South Pacific” road company*s first date on tour at local Public Music Hall already a complete sell- out although not due until 'Vprll. Billy Farrell, singing at New York’s Bop City, tbok advantage of his Monday off to fly here to ap- pear in benefit show for his home- towri church, Holy Rosary Church. . By George^ Mezoefl Norma Shearer and husband on ski vacation at Sti Moritz; Also Robert Cummings and wife. Negro pianist. WlUlC Smith gave second jazz Tecital at Kaufleuten. The; first : at Tonhalle ; was a sock StlCCGSS* Twelve, put of 14 flrstrun. film houses here are playing European- made pix ait present $rid only two U. S. (“Black Magic” arid “The Rains Came,” reissues). Metro’s “Battleground” will be released here in March in all five key cities (Zurich, Basle, Berne, Genieva, Lausahne), w ith biggest publicity caimpaign in years. By Hal Cohen ; Roily Rolls into ?CarOusei, with Burns and White holding over, Billy. Gilbert and his wife open twb-week run at the Gopa, Friday (25), Buck and Bubbles last-minute booking to head show this week at 'Copa. Andrew McKinley, local tenor, signed for • Gian-Carlo Menottl’s “The Consul.” Dorothy Shay opens lO-day date at Hotel .William Penn’s Terrace Rooni, Feb. 22. Ted Goldsmith in .town for third time this season, currently ahead of “Death of a Salesmah.’’ By Russell Splane CBS correspondent William Cos- tello back in Tokyo after lengthy leave. ^ Joan Fontaine voted “most pop- ular actress in Japan” In recent poll of Nipponese film fans by newspaper Mainichi. Film actress Kinuyo Tanaka, who recently returned to Japan after a tour of Hollywood and Hawaii, Will launch her own indie produc- tion company. John HCrsey reported to be plan- ning a Japan visit tl^is summer to huddle with Daiei studio oh* pro- posed filming of his atom bomb classic,“Hiroshima,”, ^anFr^ckco By Ted Friend King Cole Trio at the. Fairmont Hotel. Billy Eckstihe headlining Giro’s show. Duke Ellington orcK now at Auditorium. Marge and Gower Champion at the Mark Hopkins. Billie Holiday singing at New Orleans Swing ClUb. Boniface Al Papagayo Williams to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. George Ross in town ballying Marget Webster Shakespeare troupe, Fteddy Martin orch to reopen Mural Room in St. Francis Hotel, March 28. ^ Gary Cooper wound up his vaea^ tlon at Aspen, Col. ; * . Lewis RwhroH Limping areurid with cane after a fall, ^_^Mlckey Heoney celebrated hi$ 25th anni as* an actor. Larry Weingarten Cut of the hospital, much improved, Deborah Kerr in town after six months on location in Africa. Ann Blyth to Hourtoh as queen 6f that city’s first Mardi Gras. ' Estelle Taylor to Chicago to an- pear at the Press Photogs Ball Arthur Freed to Honolulu for native talent for Metro’s “Tahitr“ Claire Trivor and Milton Bren returned from a four-week n a tour.-- ’ '■ Perc Westmore Ankled Warners after years as head of makeup Stan. ■ ■ • ■■ Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall in town after three Weeks in-N. 'Y.' /' Nancy Olseh's illness halted Shooting on Paramount’s “Union Station” Henry Ginsberg re t ur n e d to Paramount d e s k after homeoffic# huddles. Bob Hope made short trailer at Paramount fdr his N. Y, stage ap- pearance. James $. Burkett returned to his Monogram desk after eitier- gency appendectoriiy; Carl York in town for huddles as Motion Picture Assn; rep for Scandinavian ebuntries. • Donald O’Connor and Jackie Coogan. in from New Orleans where they preemed “Francis.” Walter Lantz going to Europe next month to investigate possibili- ties of cartoon production over there; - • • Herbert Ferrar, company mana- ger of “Oklahoma!,” recuperating from major surgery at Alexandria hotel. Albert Morin inducted as prexy of Veterans of Strategic Services at the Masquers Club,. with: Alan Mowbray as m.c. Bob Hope, honbt'ary mayor of Palm Springs, will bear tlie added title of ‘’Limp-Along’’ during Desert Circus Week. Louis B. Mayer and Y. Frank Freeman functioned as hosts at a reception for Qen. Gebrge G. Mar- shall at Bevhills Hotel. Catherine Water s . (Mrs. Joe Gleason), former Broadway ticket agency owner, treasurer of newly opened Century (legit) theatre, Arthur W. Stebbins is .chairman of comniittee in charge of B'hal B'rith’$ testimonial dinner to Charles P. Skouras as “Man: of the Jill Schaxy, the 13-year-6ld daughter of the Dore (Miriam) Scharys, does costume designing so efficiently that Stanley (Neiman) Marcus, the Dallas dept, store exec, is not kidding that he’d like to market her designs; particularly the kiddie clothes. iaiiii Beach By Glenn C. Pullen Alan Holme band? checked , into Hollenden Vogue Room for four weeks.-■■ Dark for three. Weeks, Sanria. re- opened Monday (13) with lallulah Bankhead in “Private Lives.” Allen Lester; Ringling p.a., han- dling publicity for Al Sirat Grot- I tb’s 14-day Circus in Civic Audito- ' rtum. Christina Carroll, r e t u r ri e d home Saturday (11) as vocalist in Sigmund Romberg’s concert or- chestra, Seari Flannelly, manager of news- papehneiis* local Press Club^ re- Myrna toy shared spotlight with Democratic toppers at Jefferson- Jackson Day dinner last week. Al Shetnian, local flack, will handle promotion and bookings for Plaza, new art house in Sam Roth group, Jody Miller, former “Miss Wash- ington” and local nitery chan- tobsey, booked into Buffalo’s Hotel I Statler by MCA. Jack Kirkland, in town for a looksee at Negro prbduction bf “Tobaceb Road,says he may bring this version to Broadway. . Phil Regan, Democratic dinner m.c., show including Lena Horne, the De Marcos and’ Stan Fisher, with Alan Zee and Joel Margolis, rif Loew's producing. By Lary Solloway Gracie Barrie and Joe E. Lewis at Club Boheme. Lois Lee and Dean Murphy into Golden Shores Club. Sid GbUld subbing for ailing Alan Gale, at Celebrity Club. Paul Winchell recouping from appendectomy at the Lord Tarle- ton. Merger reports around again on Beachcomber and Copa Citj^ Plenty of conferences with Ned Schuyler and Copa group involved, if deal goes through it will be sometime this week. Acts around town helped raise charity coin at two big aifairs this week, tbe. ball game between ac- tors arid musicos for 52 Associa- tion and Variety . Tent’s annual Children’s Hospital show at Olym- pia theatre, Buddy Thomas line, which re- cently completed 16 weeks at the Moors,: back at same house. ^ Henry Sullivan gbes to Sarasota, Fla., next month for Ringling cir- cus rehearsals. He has composed ffs music again. License h o a r d has banned female impersonator arid atrip- tease shows in the clubs, but they are flourishing in the luburhi. By Jerry Gaghan Max Uretsky and Charles Mer- lin bought: the Club Nomad, in At-. lantic Gity^ and plari tb rebpeh spot in time for Easter; Cathy Allen, former .Louis J cariary currently; singing at Big Bill's Bar here, signed by ness Records, which Is owned by Primri.' '. Max Baer . and Makie Rosen- bloom, working at the Rathskeller on percentage deal, upped business about 40 percent over anything there in the last ip months. , Phyllis Caine, business agent for local branch of the AGVA, signed to sign up with National Directbry of Show Business,, J “Whb|s Who'* for show; biz being set UP here. _ Arthur Lubin, director of “Fran- cis” came to town oyer; weekena, for press and" radio interviews. Film is scripted l)y former local newsman, J. David. Stern, Jr., ana hnWfl at. Rnvif' this ; weelL