Variety (March 1950)

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ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC . . v • . » • ' Inside Orchestras—Music / A recent story in Variety dealing with the National Ballroom Oper- •tors Assn, in its contractual negotiations with Broadcast Music, Inc,, ' created an erroneous impression that the NBOA is packing a survey so i as to put Ball’s back to the wall in their negotiations. Purpose of the ; survey is to determine NBOAV bargaining position with BMI, and is conducted among ballrooms to determine what' proportion of BMI songs they play. •/ The NBOA also reveals that no Iowa ballroom operators* despite a report to the contrary* have concluded contracts with musicians to ban all BMI music; ; How song revivals happen and are unpredictable is exemplified anew by the Richard Rogers-Lorenz Hart oldie, “Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered/*:, which has caught lire because of Bill Snyder's recordings on Tower, an indie Chi label. Snyder did it sans vocal, performing the melody in' a one-finger style, which apparently is the denominator for tile public* ' . The other bands hopped oh the technique and so recorded it, viz, f Jan August (Mercury), Larry Green (Victor), Gordon Jenkins (Decca), | tt al., Columbia merely reissued an old Doris Day vocal. j pmweff Wednesday,*, March. 29, 1950 RETAIL Survey of retail sheet music sales, based on reports obtained front leading stores in 12 cities and showing comparative sales rating, for this and last week. > This Last wk. Wkl Title and Publisher ♦♦♦ (Musical-Historical Review: 1800-1950 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Compiled for J^^RIETY By JCLICS MATTFELD ; 6 7 “Paddy's Little Girl** (Beacon):. {/ • (Copyright; Variety. Ine. Ail Rights RasarVad) 7 6 “Pear Hearts, People** (Morris): : : Prentice-Hall, Inc., will publish the complete VAR/fTV Musical- i $ 13 “My Foolish Heart” (Santly-Joy) ; ^10 7 Historical Song Cavalcade later this year at around $4 a copy j 9 10 “It Isn’t Fair” (Word s- MusiP ).., 9 (price will be determined later). Orders, may be placed now , 10A . 9 vGaiidy and Cake" (0 with VARIETY, New York City ( 19 ). 10B 8 ^There's No Tomorrow” (Paxton)^_: . . Attention is herebytailed to the fact that this material it copyrighted and may not ——,— ■ ■ v —r- r k. : ' ' 12A 11 “Enjoy yourstlf* (Morris) . ■... (1946—Continued) 12B . ■ “Bibbidl Bobbjdi Boo” (Disney): , . . .> The first American-built rocket i for UN. The committee approved, 12C . 14 -‘Raff Mop” (Hill-Range)......... propelled plane attained a speed of 37^. 550 miles an hour in a test flight. The U, S. maintained fewer; than John D* Rockefeller offered the. 550,000 troops abroad—mostly oc- bribery in connection with an at- President Truman predicted a UN Headquarters Committee a six- cupation forces in Germany, Aus- tempt to bribe two stars of the prosperous year “if workers stay block area on the East River, Man- tria and Korea. N. Y. Football Giants to .“throw” on their jobs,” In the ‘ first 11 hattan, valued at $8,500,000 as a Arrested, was Alvin J. Paris, al- the playoff championship game months of 1946, 14,545,000 workers site of a world skyscraper capital leged bookmaker, on charges of with the Chicago Bears. lost 107,475,000 work days in 4,335 “Chattanoogie Boy? (Acuff-Rose) Music, Music, Music” (Cromwell). “Knew You Coming” (Robert).... “Dearie” (Laurel).... . y... v-_ “I Said My Pajamas” (Leeds)... . ■ 'Gandy and Cake" ( “There’s No Tomorrow” (Paxton) . “Peter Cottontail” (Hill-Range) .. “Enjoy Yourself” (Morris).. “Bibbidi Bobbjdi Bob” (Disney) :. “Rag Mop” (Hill-Range) ... 7 6 8 13 9 10 10A 9 10B 8 11 10 12A 11 12B 12C 14 0,000 troops abroad—mos5y oc- bribery in connection with an at- President Truman predicted a Kaw RnrlrW rnvnAll ipation forces in Germany, Aus- tempt to bribe two stars of the prosperous. year “if workers stay * • rr rn ? u ia and Korea. N. Y. Football Giants to “throw” on their jobs,” In the ‘ first 11 Don Cornell, who recently exited Arrested, was Alvin J. Paris, al- the playoff championship game months of 1946, 14,545,000 workers as Sammv Kave’s vocalist tn HnY ?ed bookmaker, on charges of, with the Chicago Rears. ^ lostl07,475,000 work daysin 4,335 j oa • I ' strikes. single, will be backed by the Kaye March strikes. single, will be backed by the Kaye Dept* of Commerce reported aggregation In a tWOrday stand at American consumers spent $127,- iState theatre, Hartford, . this 000,000,000 for goods and service Saturday-Sunday (1-2). in 1946, an all-time record and Kaye’s negotiations to get singer $21,000,000,000 more, than in 1945. on the bill with him when he goes Academy Oscars .for the year into the Capitol, N.Y., April 8, were: Best FilmThe Best Years have not panned out. of Our Lives,” RKO; Best Actress, Olivia DeHavilland in “To . Each His Own”; Best Actor, Fredric March, in "The Best Years of Our Lives”; Best Supporting Actress, Anne Baxter, in “The Razor's Edge”; Best Supporting Actor, Harold Russell, in “The Best Years of Our Live.s.” 1947 Band Biz V Continued from page 51 night, hut once again bad weather was a factor. Flanagan went over his minimum guarantee figure in &23 V Sal^° kv9nW -• ia CaUfo^ 9 Dear Vic: Almost Like Betas In Love the T . flrst «“.ee days, (Brigadoon). w., Alan Jay Lerner. Jimmy, Dorsey's orch at the in., Frederick Loewe. Sam Fox Statlpr hotel, N. Y., has been click- Pub. Co., cop. 1947 by Alan Jay ing for the past seven weeks at a Lerner and Frederick Lqewe. surprisingly strong pace. On tour. Ask Anyone Who, Knows, w., m., Stan Kenton’s 40-piece orch, Fred- Eddie. Seiler, Sol Marcus and Al die Martin and Vaughn Monroe R^ufnian, M. . Witmark & Sons,, have also been racking up heftier cop. 1947. six month* 13th year. «o'vo had over ^ *“ tlrt * arrU 9 ®^* and ^ ^ Should do. .. , v , , r rahg«4 . _ id9 variety of «Bei Mir Bi=»t Du •Ot**:. *?great songs from “ ft9 csX/poo*» • •• through hoogie-uoogio^ P|1 and Barrel Schoen* thr "JL e i ft nd, to *1°^* ° anything s" 4 novelti« s » every *ty 4 ■ * * * another slng- every typ* ha8 never h a0 aany everything. „ er associated eong hits ,^va the test, so a H t can do is ? . Siticareiy» . Cavalcade Into Book There have been so many inquiries about Variety’s Mu- sical-Historical Cavalcade be- ing published in book form that such a volume will be brought out this fall by Pren- tice-Hall at $4. It can be ordered in advance through Variety. As Years Go By (film: Song of boxoffice than they have in some time. ; Another barometer of the band biz comeback is reflected in the sales of the RCA Victor set of 15 albums under the title of “Here Gome the Dance Bands Again.” Victor, which pressed a total of 250,000 albums to tee off its sales campaign, has shipped out an addi- tional 50,000 albums in the past week. Flanagan’s album is the top seller to date, with Wayne King runnerup, but company execs re- port that the most hopeful aspect pf the sales pattern is that the dif- Love). w., m., Charles Tobias and f eren ce between the top and bot- Peter DeRose, based on Brahms’ “Hungarian Dance No. 4.” Miller Music Corp., cop. 1947. Ballerina. w M Bob Russell, m,, Carl Sigman. Jefferson Music Co., Inc., cop. 1947. Beyond the Sea. w., Jack Law- rence* m., Charles Trenet. T. B, Harms Co., cop. 1947, But Beautiful (film: Road to Rio), w., Johnny Burke. m„ James Vain Hausen.; Burke and Van Heusen. InP., cop. 1947. Chi-Baba Clii-Baba* w,, m., Mack David, Al Hoffman and jerry Liv^ ingston, Oxford Music Corp., cop. 1947. ' ' Civilization, w., m., Bob Hilliard and Carl Sigman, Edwin H. Mor- ris & Co.,- cop. 1947. Come to the Mardi Gras, w., Er- vin Drake and Jimmy Shirl. m., Max Bu.lhoes and Milton de Oli- veira, Southern Music Pub. Co., top. 1937 by Irmaos Vitale, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; cop. 1937 by Peer International Corp ; cop. 1947 by Peer International Corp. A Fellow Needs a G|rl (Allegro), w., Qscar Hammerstein, 2d* m., Richard Rodgers. Williamson Mu- sic, Inc., cop. 1947. (Continued Next Week) Irving Fields and Three Beaus Sc a Beep cut “Scottish Samba” last wepk, with a bagpipe accompani- ment, for RCA-Victor. tom album is extremely narrow. Th« Amtrfcan Lovt Song I GAIT DIVE YOU ANYTHING BUT LOVE, BABY tfusietw,.. MILLS MUSIC OVER Comppsar littds arrangtr- pdrtnpr. Must Siav# livt contacts^ with suctpssful publishprs. Wrltas O. H. H. 4S47r 172nd St., Flushing, N. Y.