Variety (April 1950)

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92 ORCHEStHA^ t Her9 They Are: WHERE ARE YOU GONNA BE WHEN THE MOON SHINES TIDDIEY WINklE WOO ■ DECCA 27005 THE ANSWER SHE IS ''YES!" NO? PLAY, hurdy-gurdy, ^ Pi-AY ■■■■DECCA 24009 STARS ARE THtWINDOWS OF HEAVEN JOLLY FELLA TARANTELLA (With Andrews Sisters) " ■ ■ " PECCA 24005 THE SCOTTISH SAMBA ZING-A ZING-A zing BOOM (With Ethel Smith) . . ’ V; i M./' i ' . " decca 24057 THE 3RD MAN THEME CAFE MOZART WALTZ , : ■ ■• DECCA 24830 ENJOY YOURSELF (It's Later Than You "Think) RAIN OR SHINE ■■'■■— ." ■■ ' '■'■DECCA-24825 Single Records/ 75c Each (plus tax) « ^ • DECCA RECORDS niiTSi^ Wedneidaf, ApHI 26,. 1956 RETAIL DISK BEST SELLERS ALBUMS oentlemen prefer BLONDES • Broadway Cait Columbia Disk Best Sellers by Companies . (Based on Points Earned) Label London . . National . Victor ; . Decca . . M-G-M Columbia • • ^ • « 0 > 6' • y No. of Records 2 '1 ... 5 5 2 3 Points 157 89 85 72 62 38 Label Tower Coral ,; Capitol . ! Mercury Abbey Nov Of Records 1 ■Z : • .... 2 ... 1 1 Points 26 17 13 9 8 OH KAMO ASK HKE Toronto, April 25. A tilt of 25% for all Canadian musicians on commetcial radio programs, and 33% on station sus- talnersj is the current demand of Walter Murdoch, head of the Ca- nadian musicians’ union. Sugges^t- ed pay increases will be fought by independent stations across Can- ada but particularly by the three networks of the Canadian Broad- castinif CorpV, latter perpetually in the red under the present State- owned system., Murdoch takes the stand that musicians bn radio Station payrolls have not had. a raise In 11 years but that Other radio personnel, from actors and announcers to en^ gineers, have received union in- creases. Meanwhile, Murdoch is making a Canadian junket to the Coast, during which he will line up local unions of musicians for the radio pay tilt. He will present his findings when the Petrillo hierarchy hold their mid-suminer convention this year* Canadian musicians in radio are now being paid $6 a half-hour on audiehce or sustaining Shows; $8 on commercial shows. They may play several radio shows a day. Murdoch wants new Tate to apply to all originating stations across Canada; but danger is that the CBC, with its three Canadian ria- tiohaV networks, may cut down bn musicians’ usage. FRANK WALKER WELCOMES YOLl TO THE ALEXANDRIA HOTEL 5th Ot Spring Sn LOS ANGELES War or peace, we always found ac- commodations for Our friends in show business. And now .—as always—you!ll receive traditional Frank Walker setv- i' ft special .theatrical rate! ^DRIVE-IN OARAGI ^ It's Music by Tht Very Lovely Thft Loaf Myitftry Tune of "Step the Music" I AM) (Shoplro-Beriiitein) ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE Sheet Music Sold III Ball Shibe Park, home of the Phila- delphia Phillies and Athletics, will see ah unlade competition • this summer’T-and it won’t be between j the two teams either. Hot dogs and I peanuts, traditiohal commodity for ! the . baseball iani will have . to. vie j With; of all thihgs, a hew kind of ballpark product—^slieet music. . ' Elliot Music Co-^ has arranged i for copies Of its publication, : "The ' Eightin^ Phiis,” to be sold at the park. Number, written for the Philadelphia Phillies by maestro I ElIioF Lawrence and Bix Reichner, ; has bebii adopted by the club as ’ its "official song.’’ A recording of the tune by a quartet of Philly players will he put out by a local Philadelphia plattery.. Vocal, group consists of Willy Joiiesv 3d baseman; Richie Ashburii, centerfi elder; Granny Harnner, shortstop, and Dick Sisler, Irftfielder. Plans are in the works to have the. tune waxbd^ h^ a ma- /jor recording company. Col. in Religious Field With Paul Nero, former violinist with Paul Weston’S preh, is cutting eight, sides for CJapitol Records with his! small combo. own Music by... JIMMY McHiii^f SHAPIItO>BERNStElN Hollywood, April 25. Third niajoi^diskery to enter the religious ' record field,. X^olumbia has lauhched a series of regular Waxings of standard hyms by riaine artists. Program debuted with a pair of sides etched by Diiiah 3hofe and Gene Autry. Decca and. Capitol have the religious field for some time, former with its Faith labeL Faith apparoiitly was launched as a Te- .sult of the Bing Crosby "Silent Night’’ platter. Capitoi got a smash start in the religious field last July,; pairing Jo Stafford ahd Gordon ^ M a waxing of "Whispering Hope,’’ which is still selling strongly. Jay & Cee Music C6rp. chartered to conduct a recording and enter- tainment business in New York, with capital stock of 100 shares, no par value. Directors are Jacob G; Zaks, Joan Weiss and Elizabeth T. Crow. CHICAGO Crnift Aridersqit Joe Glaser Jim McCarthy Hov* yov tiMrd I LOVE A OIANO* Joe's tP Atlantic Reeeff Half on hour of tantHulijgkt piano mosie bf Jho Bushkin Trio.